Using base of embedded types in Go - go

I'm new to Go and working with a set of types generated by gowsdl based on the NetSuite SuiteTalk web service definition. It has created the following types:
type BaseRef struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" BaseRef"`
Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type RecordRef struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RecordRef"`
InternalId string `xml:"internalId,attr,omitempty"`
ExternalId string `xml:"externalId,attr,omitempty"`
Type *RecordType `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
type GetRequest struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" GetRequest"`
BaseRef *BaseRef `xml:"baseRef,omitempty"`
As I try to use these types it is unhappy in my ability to use the specific type of reference record in a GetRequest structure which is looking for a BaseRef which is what RecordRef is based on.
var partnerRecordType RecordType
partnerRecordType = RecordTypePartner
recordRef := RecordRef{
var getRequest GetRequest
getRequest.BaseRef = &recordRef
The error I get is on the last line is:
cannot use &recordRef (type *RecordRef) as type *BaseRef in assignment
Any thoughts on how to proceed?

Go does not support polymorphism in this way, neither does it support inheritance in way that say C# or Java does. Embedded structs are quite literally just embedded, they do not create a classical inheritance hierarchy. They simply give the wrapping struct all of the exposed methods and fields of the embedded struct (with some subtle caveats - check out the spec)
That said, in your example RecordRef is not related to BaseRef in terms of its type, instead it could be considered to "contain" a pointer to a BaseRef. In order for your program to compile, you will have explicitly assign the embedded BaseRef like so:
getRequest.BaseRef = &recordRef.BaseRef
As this code you are referencing has been auto generated from a WSDL, it may be a little cumbersome to update the GetRequest to provide a BaseRef like data structure in a more polymorphic, flexible fashion, but in order to do so you will need to use Go interfaces.
You could update the GetRequest to have a method with accepts in interface type, say XmlRef which would expose getters that can derive the data you need to assign to the GetRequest
For example
type XmlRef interface {
Name() string
InternalID() string
ExternalID() string
func (r *GetRequest) SetRef(ref XmlRef) {
r.BaseRef.Name = ref.Name()
// etc...
Then simply implement the interface for RecordRef and any other structs that would need to be used in this context.

If I understand you right, you are looking for a method to access a struct's embbed field. You can simply use recordRef.BaseRef for that purpose.
Further reading:

It is possible to connect to netsuite with the output of go2wsdl but many tweaks are required. A full proof of concept is available here:
But here are some examples of some of the tweaks required:
sed -i 's/urn:.* //' netsuite.go
Tweaking BaseRef and GetRequest:
type BaseRef struct {
Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
InternalId string `xml:"internalId,attr,omitempty" json:"internalId,omitempty"`
ExternalId string `xml:"externalId,attr,omitempty" json:"externalId,omitempty"`
Type *RecordType `xml:"type,attr,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"`
XsiType string `xml:"xsi:type,attr,omitempty"`
type GetRequest struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"get"`
XmlNSXSI string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
XmlNSPC string `xml:"xmlns:platformCore,attr"`
BaseRef *BaseRef `xml:"baseRef,omitempty" json:"baseRef,omitempty"`
Then this code produced an successful xml response from the soap server:
recordType := netsuite.RecordTypePartner
baseRef :=netsuite.BaseRef{
request := netsuite.GetRequest{
XmlNSXSI: "",
getResponse, err := service.Get(&request)
Which made the raw request:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<get xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:platformCore="">
<baseRef internalId="1234" type="partner" xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef"></baseRef>
Sources used:


Marshal struct field to JSON without field name

I need to marshal into this JSON format:
Problem is matching the handshakeType. My struct is
type MessageProtocolHandshake struct {
HandshakeType HandshakeType `json:"handshakeType"`
Version []Version `json:"version"`
type HandshakeType struct {
HandshakeType string
Marshaling can be done using slice of interface:
func (h MessageProtocolHandshake) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
res := make([]interface{}, 3)
res[0] = struct {
HandshakeType string `json:"handshakeType"`
res[1] = struct {
Version []Version `json:"version"`
return json.Marshal(res)
Using a simple marshaler/unmarshaler takes away the surrounding curly brackets from the handshakeType, so that doesn't work:
Seems as if Go applies some heuristic in that case on the retuned byte array (undocumented?).
Is there a more elegant way of omitting the structs outer field name?
UPDATE To summarise the answers: key is to think about different structs for marshalling and unmarshalling if nothing else works, potentially a using a 3rd presentation for working internally with the data.
When custom (Un)Marshalers come into play remember that promoted fields inherit their methods and hence influence parent structs.
The JSON that you specified has a different model from that of your struct.
There are a few approaches to aligning these: Change the specification of the JSON data to match your structs, change the structs to match the specification of the JSON, or create a new struct that is only used for marshaling.
I omit the last example, because it's very similar to the second method.
Changing the specification of the JSON
The following model stays the same:
type MessageProtocolHandshake struct {
HandshakeType HandshakeType `json:"handshakeType"`
Version []Version `json:"version"`
type HandshakeType struct {
HandshakeType string
The JSON for this would be:
You did not specify the Version type so I don't know how one would change the JSON for that.
Changing the structs
The following JSON stays the same:
The structs for this would be:
type Model struct {
MessageProtocolHandshake []interface{} `json:"messageProtocolHandshake"`
type HandshakeType struct {
HandshakeType string `json:"handshakeType"`
type Versions struct {
Version []Version `json:"version"`
type Version struct {
Major *int `json:"major,omitempty"`
Minor *int `json:"minor,omitempty"`
Unmarshaling would not be trivial.
As is obvious from the results, the models you are using are not good. If there's a way to change all of this, I would recommend starting from scratch, using the data that is necessary and creating the JSON specification from the structs.
I recommend reading up on JSON:
Also, I recommend this introduction to Go and JSON:

Mapping one type to another

Let's say I have the following types.
type Contract struct {
Id string `json:"id" gorm:"column:uuid"`
Name string `json:"name" gorm:"column:name"`
Description string `json:"descr" gorm:"column:descr"`
ContractTypeId int `json:"contract_type_id" gorm:"column:contract_type_id"`
type ContractModel struct {
Id string `json:"id" gorm:"column:uuid"`
Name string `json:"name" gorm:"column:name"`
Description string `json:"descr" gorm:"column:descr"`
I have a SQL query using gorm to scan results into a contract object.
How can I map the values from the contract object into contractModel object?
I tried using the package go-automapper as such:
automapper.Map(contract, ContractModel{})
I want to drop the ContractTypeId.
Can I do this for multiple types in a list?
var contractModels []ContractModel
automapper.Map(contracts, &contractModels)
You can do either:
models := []ContractModel{}
automapper.Map(contracts, &models)
Or call automapper.Map in a loop:
models := make([]ContractModel, len(contracts))
for i := range contracts {
automapper.Map(contracts[i], &models[i])
You should be aware that automapper uses reflection behind the scenes and thus is much slower than straight forward non-polymorphic copying like #ThinkGoodly suggests. It's a totally fine solution if performance isn't top priority though.

Go struct separation best practices

I am trying to figure out a decent approach toward dealing with multiple uses for a struct. Let me explain the scenario.
I have a struct that represents the Model in gorm. In the current implementation, I have validation bound to this struct so when a request hits the endpoint I would validate against the model's struct. This works fine for most cases. But then there are some instances where I want to have more control over the request and the response.
This is possible by introducing a few additional internal structs that will parse the request and response. And I can decouple the validation from the model into the request specific struct. I am trying to figure out what the best practice is around these patterns. Pretty sure a lot of peeps would have faced a similar situation.
// Transaction holds the transaction details.
type Transaction struct {
Program Program
ProgramID uuid.UUID
Type string
Value float64
Reference string
// TransactionRequest for the endpoint.
type TransactionRequest struct {
ProgramKey string `json:"program_key" validator:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validator:"required,oneof=credit debit"`
Value float64 `json:"value" validator:"required,numeric"`
Reference string `json:"reference" validator:"required"`
I managed to find a balance by introducing additional tags for update requests, I wrote about how I achieved it here
I faced similar problem and for solving that, defined a method for validating and didn't use tags. I had to, because I follow DDD and we should validate in service layer not API layer.
here is a sample of my apporach:
type Station struct {
CompanyID types.RowID `gorm:"not null;unique" json:"company_id,omitempty"`
CompanyName string `gorm:"not null;unique" json:"company_name,omitempty"`
NodeCode uint64 `json:"node_code,omitempty"`
NodeName string `json:"node_name,omitempty"`
Key string `gorm:"type:text" json:"key,omitempty"`
MachineID string `json:"machine_id,omitempty"`
Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"`
Error error `sql:"-" json:"user_error,omitempty"`
Extra map[string]interface{} `sql:"-" json:"extra_station,omitempty"`
// Validate check the type of
func (p *Station) Validate(act action.Action) error {
fieldError := core.NewFieldError(term.Error_in_companys_form)
switch act {
case action.Save:
if p.CompanyName == "" {
fieldError.Add(term.V_is_required, "Company Name", "company_name")
if p.CompanyID == 0 {
fieldError.Add(term.V_is_required, "Company ID", "company_id")
if fieldError.HasError() {
return fieldError
return nil
file's address:

How to write dynamically typed data to field within a struct

I have the following response struct that I want to use as a base wrapper for responding to API calls users send to me.
type Response struct {
Data ??? `json:"data,omitempty"`
Time int64 `json:"time,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
The type of the Data field is varying and could be a map[string]*CustomStruct1 map[string*CustomStruct2 or an []CustomStruct3.
What is the best way to attack this kind of problem?
One option is to simply treat "Data" as the interface{} (any) type, instead of using your custom structs, and handle the resulting values based on inspection of what actually got unmarshaled. Of course, once you've inspected the data to determine what type it should be you could convert it into the appropriate strong type after the fact.
type Response struct {
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
Time int64 `json:"time,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Another option is to embed the "Response" struct into specialized structs that look for your custom types and unmarshal into the appropriate one, assuming you know which one you've got ahead of time:
type BaseResponse struct {
Time int64 `json:"time,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
type Response1 struct {
Data map[string]*CustomStruct1 `json:"data"`
type Response2 struct {
Data map[string]*CustomStruct2 `json:"data"`
// etc...
Ultimately, the unmarshaler cannot pick a varying type based on the document that gets unmarshaled, it only deserializes JSON values into structures either defined explicitly by you or into generic ones.
You could try to use reflection, but it wouldn't be very idiomatic.

Subtypes Supertypes in go

Coming from OOP paradigms and porting a code from an OOP language, I come across a problem now which is solved in OOP via abstraction so I'm wondering how can I approach the following problem in Go which follows composition instead of inheritance.
In this scenario my ValueObjects (DTO, POJO etc.) are composed of other ValueObjects. I'm populating them through web service calls that returns json so basically my functions/method calls are common for all types and subtypes.
My super type EntityVO
type EntityVO struct {
EntityName string
EntityType string
PublicationId string
Version string
A subtype 1 composed with EntityVO
type ArticleVO struct {
ContentSize string
Created string
subtype 2 composed with EntityVO with it's own unique set of fields
type CollectionVO struct {
ProductId string
Position string
I'm calling web services to retrieve data and populate these VOs.
Earlier I had one function to call the web service and populate the data but now I'm duplicating the code for each VO.
type Article struct{}
func (a *Article) RequestList(articleVO *valueObject.ArticleVO) (*valueObject.ArticleVO, error) {
// some code
Duplicating the same code but changing the signature.
type Collection struct{}
func (c * Collection) RequestList(collectionVO *valueObject.CollectionVO) (*valueObject.ArticleVO, error) {
// some code - duplicate same as above except method signature
and I've several entities and just because my VO's are different I'm forced to duplicate the code and cater to each type of VO I've. In OOP sub types can be passed to a function accepting super types but not in go, so wondering how it should be done so I don't end up duplicated code that's different in signature only?
Any advice for a better approach in this kind of scenario?
This is where golang interfaces can shine.
It's worth noting, however, that it's difficult to write subclass/inheritance code in golang. We'd prefer thinking of it as composition.
type EntityVO interface {
GetName() string
SetName(string) error
GetType() string
type EntityVOImpl struct {
EntityName string
EntityType string
PublicationId string
Version string
func (e EntityVOImpl) GetName() string {
return e.EntityName
type ArticleVOImpl struct {
ContentSize string
Created string
type CollectionVOImpl struct {
ProductId string
Position string
func (e *Entity) RequestList(entityVO valueObject.EntityVO) (valueObject.EntityVO, error) {
// some code
In addition, as long as your interface files are shared, I don't think there should by any problem sending/marshalling/unmarshalling the structs over the wire.
The second parameter of json.Unmarshal is a "universal" interface{} type. I think similar approach is applicable to your case.
Define data type for storing web service properties which may differ for each entity, e.g.
type ServiceDescriptor struct {
URI string
//other field/properties...
Function for populating the entity may look like
func RequestList(desc *ServiceDescriptor, v interface{}) error {
//Retrieve json data from web service
//some code
return json.Unmarshal(data, v)
You can call the function to populate different type of entities, e.g.
desc := &ServiceDescriptor{}
article := ArticleVO{}
desc.URI = "article.uri"
//You must pass pointer to entity for 2nd param
RequestList(desc, &article)
collection := CollectionVO{}
desc.URI = "collection.uri"
//You must pass pointer to entity for 2nd param
RequestList(desc, &collection)
