How to adapt text and/or elements size while designing to smaller screens? - user-interface

I have a personal project designed for the desktop that I previously created in Adobe XD, and now I would like to put it on Behance. To do so, I need to adapt the layout, designed for the desktop, to mobile.
I don't usually design for smaller screens, so I am wondering how much I need to decrease text and element sizes? For example, if I have a text with a font size of 40px, what calculations should I use to decrease the size for mobile? Is there a default percentage to reduce desktop values? Alternatively, are there visual rules that other designers follow?
I always design for Bootstrap, but I'm not sure if I am thinking about mobile the right way.
I've also posted this on the User Experience Stack Exchange forum, but I'm not sure which one is the best for my question.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and advice.
I have designed mostly for desktops as a traditional web designer, and now I'm trying to migrate to UI/UX.

Modern devices do most of the scale conversion work for you by adequately scaling the viewport to compensate for the smaller screens and often higher resolutions. Depending on the type of application you are designing, the technology is different, but the result is very similar.
For example, if you were implementing the design for the Web, you would likely need to use browser features like media queries to manage your content.
However, because you are focusing on the design of the site, you should not need to worry about the 'how', so you can focus on what to do.
Here are some tips:
Elements and text appear roughly the same size on desktop and mobile if you hold the device at a casual but comfortable distance and compare it to the size it appears on your desktop's screen at an average viewing distance. You can try this by going to a website built for mobile like Apple's.
Because of the similar size but reduced screen dimensions, you need to simplify your design, avoid multiple columns (especially for phones).
Because you see a smaller portion of your design at once on mobile, there is less need for significant visual hierarchy. For example, if you have multiple heading levels with a significant visual size difference on the desktop, you can probably get away with making them closer in size on mobile.
If you want to see what your design looks like on mobile, try emailing the design to your phone, save it to your pictures, and load the image full screen. You may need to zoom the image in a bit so that the left and right of the design are touching the sides of your phone's screen. If your text looks too small or your elements are too large, adjust the design and load it on your phone again. Keep doing this until you get it right.
With a little practice and effort, you will get the hang of Mobile design. And, if you want to take it to the next level, try researching mobile first design. Here is just one of many articles on the subject.


How do GUI developers deal with variable pixel densities?

Todays displays have a quite huge range in size and resolution. For example, my 34.5cm × 19.5cm display (resulting in a diagonal of 39.6cm or 15.6") has 1366 × 768 pixels, whereas the MacBook Pro (3rd generation) with a 15" diagonal has 2880×1800 pixels.
Multiple people complained that everything is too small with such high resolution displays (see example). That is simple to explain when developers use pixels to define their GUI. For "traditional displays", this is not a big problem as the pixels might have about the same size on most monitors. But on the new monitors with much higher pixel density the pixels are simply smaller.
So how can / should user interface developers deal with that problem? Is it possible to get the physical size of the screen? Is it possible to set physical sizes instead of pixel-based ones? Is that still a problem (it's been a while since I last read about it) or was that fixed meanwhile?
(While css seems to support cm, when I try here it, it is not the set size).
how can / should user interface developers deal with that problem?
Use a toolkit or framework that support resolution independence. WPF is built from the ground up to be resolution-independent, but even old framework like Windows Forms can learn new tricks. OSX/iOS and Windows (or browser if we're talking about web) itself may try to take care the problem by automatic scaling, but if there's bitmap graphic involved, developers might need to provide different bitmaps such in Android (which face most varying resolution and densities compared to other OS)
Is it possible to get the physical size of the screen?
No, and developers shouldn't care about it. Developers should only care about the class of the device (say, different UI for tablet and smartphone), and perhaps the DPI to decide which bitmap resource to use. Vector resource and font should be scaled by the framework.
Is that still a problem (it's been a while since I last read about it) or was that fixed meanwhile?
Depend on when you last read about it. Windows support is still spotty, even for the internal apps itself, and while anyone developing in WPF or UWP have it easy, don't expect major third party apps to join soon. OSX display scaling seems to work a bit better, while modern mobile OS are either running on limited range of resolution (iOS and Windows Phone) or handle every resolution imaginable quite nicely (Android)
There are a few ways to deal with different screen sizes, for example when I make mobile apps in java, I either use DIP(Density Independent Pixels; They stay at a fixed size) or make objects occupy a percentage of the screen with simple math. As for web development, you can use VW and VH (Viewport Width and Viewport Height), by adding these to the end of a value instead of px, the objects take up a percentage of the viewport. For example 100vh takes 100% of the viewport height. Then what I think is the best way to do it, but time consuming, is to use a library like Bootstrap that automatically resizes elements, even when the window is resized. W3Schools has a good tutorial on bootstrap and more detailed explainations on any of these options can be looked up with an easy google search.
The design of the GUI in today display diversity era is real challenge. I would suggest several hints, mainly about the GUI applications design:
Never set or expect constant pixel size of the text - the user can change it from the system settings of the OS. Use some real-world measures for the text and check its pixel size when drawing. Provide some way to put the random size text in the boundaries of the window.
Never set or expect constant pixel size of the GUI widgets. Try to position them on the window in some adaptive way - according to the size of the window. Most GUI widget toolkits today have such instruments.
Never set or expect constant pixel size dialog windows. Let the OS to choose the size for you and then use what you get (X). Or, if you need to set some size and position (Windows), define it as a percent of the screen size.
If possible use scalable image formats for the icons. SVG is great for icons actually. Using sets of bitmap icons with different sizes is acceptable, but highly non-optimal as memory use and still will not provide perfect scaling in most cases.

Changing how windows displays using Win API?

While I have some experience with the WinAPI I do not have a ton, so I have a question for people who do have much experience in it. My question concerns what the limit of our power is. Can we change how windows fundamentally displays?
For example, can I cause windows to render a screen size bigger than the display and pan across it, kind of like workspaces but without separation? Can I apply distortion to the top and bottom of the screen? If distortion is not possible can I have an application mirror what windows is displaying with very little delay?
The biggest question I have is the first one, because if I can make windows render virtual workspaces and pan seamlessly between them then I figure it is possible to make a separate application which handles the distortion on a mirrored image of the desktop. Again, apologies for the vague questions, but I really want to know if we are able to do this stuff, at least in theory, before I dive deep into learning more on the API. If the WinAPI does not allow it is there another way to do this kind of stuff in Windows?
EDIT: Some clarification. What I want to do is basically extend the desktop to a very large size (not sure on exact size yet), both vertically and horizontally. Section the large desktop into workspaces of a specific size which can seamlessly be transitioned across and windows moved across. It would transition workspaces based on a head tracking device and/or mouse movement. Note that when I say workspaces this could be achieved by zomming in and then panning the zoom as well. I also need to be able to distort the screen, such as curving the edges, and render the screen twice. That is the bare minimum of what I am wanting to do.
Yes, you can. The most feasible way I come up with is using a virtual graphics driver (like what Windows Remote Desktop does, which creates a virtual graphics card and a virtual display). Sadly you will lose the ability to run some programs needing advanced graphics API (such as 3D games, 3D modelling tools or so).
There're some examples:
And remember Windows has a limit on display resolution (for each and for altogether). I don't remember the exact number but it should be less than 32768*32768.

Performance gains from an image-less web design

As browsers are finally starting to agree on CSS3, many web developers are rubbing their hands in excitement over their new, image-less web designs. They're clean. They're scaleable. They're powerful.
With border-radii, box-shadows, font-faces and the like, now we can convert our designer's beautiful design into lines of code, instead of packing our pages with img tags.
Two related questions:
Is there a point when the stylesheet(s) get so large that they actually [negatively] affect performance to a noticeable degree?
In a web application with lots of icons (in the range of 16px to 48px size), how noticeable would the performance boost be by using an icon font?
Is there a point when the stylesheet(s) get so large that they actually [negatively] affect performance to a noticeable degree?
It's just common sense really. If your stylesheet(s) become quite large then that will have just as negative an effect as having lots of images. In general terms a stylesheet (with lots of CSS3 and fancy bits) will be faster to download than a load of images.
I'd recommend taking it case-by-case and deciding whether CSS or images provides the better solution taking into account download speeds, browser support requirements, desktop vs mobile and so on.
In a web application with lots of icons (in the range of 16px to 48px size), how noticeable would the performance boost be by using an icon font?
Unless you were talking about hundreds/thousands of icons then there really isn't going to be a hugely noticeable difference in performance. Remember with icon fonts you're also probably having the user download some custom fonts.
Again it's really a case of using what is best for the current project.
I don't think there is a definitive answer to your question but hopefully what I've said clears it up a little for you.
I don't think there is a "point", and performance is not related so much to the size as it's related to the style rules themselves. The main issues I've seen are related to CSS gradients (especially radial gradients). This was a year or so back, but I remember testing some mobile devices with some mixture of gradients and on (webkit) mobile devices, the web page's display was notably lagging. Removing the gradients and adding images removed the lag. Now, for all I know, most devices now may have newer webkit display engines which might fix that issue, but I do think it's still a valid point to consider.
The size of the CSS files does affect performance in a few cases. If the CSS is especially large, it will cause some issues. But as someone else mentioned, it is text, so its probably pretty small file. But if that CSS is split across many files, that becomes a bigger issue. I have seen some sites with 10-20 css files, all located on a single server. Depending on the browser, it can only open 2-6 (maybe 8) connections at a time to each server. If you have 10 css files, plus another 10 js, plus 100 other assets, thats going to take a relatively long time to open and close the various connections. One way to solve this is to concatenate the CSS files as part of your development process. Some tools that do this that I like are Yeoman or Codekit. Those tools will also automatically minify the CSS as well making the one file they generate that much smaller.
Using an icon font is good because they are scalable and use a single file. As you zoom in on a page, the icons continue to look great, while the pngs you might use look terrible. The icon font is also one file, so for the same reason as above, its one file versus 10s-100s. If you do need to use PNG files for some parts that are not icons, look into using sprites, often referred to as CSS Sprites. This is a technique for combining several images into a single png file, which can then be used on the site with some creative CSS.
The whole point of CSS is that the styles cascade upon one another. Extremely large style sheets would lead me to believe the CSS is not written properly and therefore not cascading down. That being said, I suppose its possible have large properly cascading style sheets in which case I would recommend using a minifier to eliminate white space and compress your code to make the load time faster.
As for the icons are concerned, you could possible create a sprite (a collection of multiple images) and then use CSS positioning to only show the icon you needed. In this way the server would fetch only one large image instead of a lot of smaller images. Granted it, the one image is larger than the others, but nothing kills load time and slows a page's performance than a ton of fetch requests by a server for images.

Similar web UI experience as we see on Windows Phone 7

I like Windows Phone 7's interface experience. I find it very innovative compared to other interfaces (be it mobile, desktop or web). Yet it's still no less usable. All in all a very good shift from the usual in the right direction.
Some of the effects could be used in web interfaces to enhance the experience without sacrificing usability and intuitiveness.
Effects I'm talking about:
perspective animation when you click on a particular hub on the home screen)
elements executing animation in different times (hub being clicked moves last)
horizontal slide with different slide amounts (titles and background images move less than screen width which gives it a feeling of depth dimension)
2 questions
Do you know of any public website that uses at least one of the aforementioned effects and does that without the use of plugins (like Flash or Silverlight)?
Is there any JavaScript library that would provide such effects (at least the different delay and different amount sliding technique)?
Extremely simplified example
I've taken some time to put up a simplified example of transition effect that could be adopted on mobile devices and simulates at least a bit of the fine Windows Phone 7.x transitions.
Just click on any tile and see others zoom out and slide to left.
Let me know what you think about this example.
Something came out just these days
Take a look at this HTML demo written by Microsoft (or one of its partners). Blew my mind away as being the closest to WP7 experience! Amazing!
The delay and sliding should be easily handled by jQuery, but I am not aware of someone who has alredy bundled up something to directly emulate the WP7 interface. Sounds like a fun project.

what is the best screen resolution to develop web pages?

I m, on a daily basis creating web pages. My preferred development screen resolution is: 1600x1200 but what is yours?
And do you use any other plug-ins?
I use window re sizer 1.0 for Firefox. But are there better options?
In my opinion, if you're using a window resizer, you're already on top of the game. I try to aim for pages that work well on a 1024x768 screen, accounting for scrollbars and toolbars and whatnot. It may be worth resizing your screen to 1024x768 (or whatever the minimum is that you support) every once in a while just to fully understand that user experience, but in general the window resizer keeps you aware enough.
I disagree - fixed size layouts are just fine. In fact, uses a fixed size layout, as do a great many professional sites out there. The reason? Predictability.
A few things:
Never have horizontal scroll bars
Try to avoid vertical scroll bars when it's reasonable to do so
Remember, AJAX and other newer technologies can help you save space on your page with popups and other niceties.
My 2 cents,
It shouldn't matter - design your web pages to be flexible and fluid such that they degrade gracefully on any reasonable screen resolution. Cater for mobile devices with very minimal screen space and massive displays.
I develop with a 2x1440x900 setup, but I leave Firefox as a window at 1024x768 using Web Developer Toolbar.
The dual monitor setup is really useful when you have the code on one screen and Firefox on the other.
I wouldn't go over 800x600. However, ideally your layout is not fixed to a screen size, and can resize and still look right.
I stick with 1024x768. It's usually big enough for what you need to display, and not everyone is quite to 1600x1200 yet. Maybe in a few years. I'd stick with a smaller display...that way it may force you to be more design conscience.
Two screens are invaluable regardless of screen size. One screen to run your editor, and one screen to run your browser. It's amazing how much smoother development becomes.
With my stats showing 1024x768 as my users' dominant resolution, I certainly wouldn't go below that. Beyond that, I agree with, apparently, everyone else here that fixed size layouts are just a bad idea, and your design should adapt to render context.
For the love of Pete don't use pixel sized fonts. Use em or pt sizing instead.
It all really depends on what kind of page you are designing. I would try to design with the ability for the page to scale in mind. There is nothing I hate more than having to zoom in a page that was designed for 800x600 on a 1920x1200 display.
I think the best advice given here is just to try it at different resolutions instead of your native one, and try to make it look good at a variety of sizes.
