Execute symfony command in bash script - bash

I can't get to execute symfony command in bash script when I run it in cron.
When I execute the .sh script by hand everything is working fine.
in my bash file the command is executed like this:
/usr/bin/php -q /var/www/pww24/bin/console pww24:import asari $office > /dev/null
I run the scripts from root, the cron is set to root as well. For the test i set files permissions to 777 and added +x for execution.
the bash script executes fine. It acts like it's skipping the command but from logs i can see that the code is executed

It turned out that symfony system variables that I have stored on server are not enough. When you start to execute the command from command line its fine, but when using Cron you need them in .env file. Turned out that in the proces of countinous integrations I only got .env.dist file and I've to make the .env file anyways.
Additionaly I've added two lines to cron:
and run my command like this from the bash file:
sudo /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/pww24/bin/console pww24:import asari $office > /dev/null


Some commands not working in the script running from the crontab -e

I'm running a script from crontab in which I want to set the symbolic link for npx. It does some other things which are dependent on the npx command itself. Its running the script as expected on the giving time interval, but its giving me no result for command which npx or whereis npx. When I try to run the script from terminal directly these commands does generate the correct path.
Note that, crontab I'm using is under the root user privilege, i.e set with sudo crontab -e and verified with echoing whoami inside the script which generate 'root')
By default, crontab will run your cron jobs using sh which might be the reason you are getting no results.
Try to explicitly change the shell to your default shell by adjusting the crontab entry:
*/30 * * * * /bin/bash -c "/my_script.sh"
In this case I changed it to bash, you can change it to your desired shell.

`notify-send` works when invoking script manually, but not from a crontab

I wanted my cron job to report to me on desktop when it executes, through notify-send command on Ubuntu. I've read through the common problems that stated a shell script didn't have access to a display, which is solved by adding this before calling notify-send:
export DISPLAY=:0.0
So i am okay in that regard.
The place where i am right now, is that my script works and notifies me on desktop if i invoke it from terminal manually, but not from the crontab.
The situation is as follows:
The script that executes is a PHP file. The PHP command to invoke the shell command, is:
`export DISPLAY=:0.0 && command -v notify-send && notify-send "Hello world"`;
(backticks in PHP mean execute in shell)
In both cases i am running it as root
When testing from terminal, i run:
sudo -u root /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/cron.php &> /dev/null
This works, and i get a desktop notification
To edit my crontab for the root user, i use:
sudo -u root crontab -e
In my crontab file, my line is this:
* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/cron.php &> /dev/null
This one does not produce a desktop notification, even though the script 100% executes (i have the successful result in log files).
What goes wrong here, and why wouldn't i get the desktop notification?
you must set the PATH within the script or export it from crontab!

Linux shell command source execute only with . call

On my ubuntu 18 server i create an .sh file like this one:
source "/home/ubuntu/.venv36/bin/activate"
nohup python manage.py runserver &
well, i save it as startup.sh in my /var/www/web/core directory.
At this point if in console I put my working directory like this:
cd /var/www/web/core
and execute
. startup.sh
all work fine, virtualenv get created and nohup start runserver.
the problem is if from root i call directly my script like this:
command source does not run, but nohup yes, and finnaly my app does not work.
How can I execute directly my sh file? I need to execute it at server startup, now I use in crontab the command:
#reboot /var/www/web/core/startup.sh
but it does not work like I explain above.

pbrun rm command not working in shell script

I am new to scripting part. I have a cron job running which trigger a shell script file. Inside the file I have below command to remove the file
pbrun rm -f {some file location}
I have to use pbrun because file is having the required permission for root (which I don't have) and for pbrun. Manually running the same command deletes the desired file but running it through script it is not working.

Bash script failing when run by cron - mktemp outputting nothing

I have a shell script, that works when I run it manually, but silently fails when run via cron. I've trimmed it down to a very minimal example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "HERE:"
echo $(mktemp tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
If I run that from the command line, it outputs HERE: and a new temporary filename.
But if I run it from a cron file like this, I only get HERE: followed by an empty line:
0 5 * * * /home/phil/test.sh > /home/phil/cron.log
What's the difference? I've also tried using /bin/mktemp, but no change.
The problem is that the script tries to create the temporary file in root directory when it is started from cron and it has no permission to do that.
The cron configuration file contains HOME=/. The current directory is / when the script starts. And the template passed to mktemp contains file name only so mktemp tries to create the temporary file in current directory and it is /.
$ HOME=/
$ cd
$ mktemp tmp.XXXXXXXXXX
mktemp: failed to create file via template ‘tmp.XXXXXXXXXX’: Permission denied
