CUDA critical sections, thread/warp execution model and NVCC compiler decisions - compilation

Recently I posted this question, about a critical section. Here is a similar question. In those questions the given answer says, that is up to the compiler if the code "works" or not, because the order of the various paths of execution is up to the compiler.
To elaborate the rest of the question I need the following excerpts from The CUDA programming guide:
... Individual threads composing a warp start together at the same program address, but they have their own instruction address counter and register state and are therefore free to branch and execute independently....
A warp executes one common instruction at a time, so full efficiency is realized when all 32 threads of a warp agree on their execution path. If threads of a warp diverge via a data-dependent conditional branch, the warp serially executes each branch path taken, disabling threads that are not on that path, and when all paths complete, the threads converge back to the same execution path....
The execution context (program counters, registers, etc.) for each warp processed by a multiprocessor is maintained on-chip during the entire lifetime of the warp. Therefore, switching from one execution context to another has no cost, and at every instruction issue time, a warp scheduler selects a warp that has threads ready to execute its next instruction (the active threads of the warp) and issues the instruction to those threads.
What I understand from this three excerpts is that, threads can diverge freely from the rest, all the branch possibilities will be serialized if there is divergence between threads, and if a branch is taken it will execute till completion. And that is why the questions mentioned above ends on deadlock, because the ordering of the execution paths imposed by the compiler, results in the taking of a branch that doesn't get the lock.
Now the question is: the compiler shouldn't always put the branches in the order written by the user?, is there a high level way to enforce the order? I know, the compiler can optimize, do a reordering of the instructions, etc, but it should not fundamentally change the logic of the code (yes there are exceptions like some memory access without the volatile keyword, but that is why the keyword exists, to give control to the user).
The main point of this question is not about critical sections, is about the compiler, for example in the first link, a compilation flag change drastically the logic of the code. One "working", and the other doesn't. What bothers me, is that in all the reference, it only says be careful, nothing about undefined behaviour from the nvcc compiler.

I believe the order of execution is not set, nor guaranteed, by the CUDA compiler. It's the hardware that sets it - as far as I can recall.
the compiler shouldn't always put the branches in the order written by the user?
It doesn't control execution order anyway
is there a high level way to enforce the order?
Just the synchronization instructions like __syncthreads().
The compiler... should not fundamentally change the logic of the code
The semantics of CUDA code is not the same as for C++ code... sequential execution of if branches is not part of the semantics.
I realize this answer may not be satisfying to you, but that's how things stand, for better or for worse.


How debuggers deal with out-of-order execution and branch prediction

I know that modern CPUs do OoO execution and got advanced branch predictors that may fail, how does the debugger deal with that? So, if the cpu fails in predicting a branch how does the debugger know that? I don't know if debuggers execute instructions in a simulated environment or something.
Debuggers don't have to deal with it; those effects aren't architecturally visible, so everything (including debug breakpoints triggering) happens as-if instructions had executed one at a time, in program order. Anything else would break single-threaded code; they don't just arbitrary shuffle your program!
CPUs support precise exceptions so they can always recover the correct consistent state whenever they hit a breakpoint or unintended fault.
See also Modern Microprocessors A 90-Minute Guide!
If you want to know how often the CPU mispredicted branches, you need to use its own hardware performance counters that can see and record the internals of execution. (Software programs these counters, and can later read back the count, or have it record an event or fire an interrupt when the counter overflows.) e.g. Linux perf stat counts branches and branch-misses by default.
(On Skylake for example, that generic event probably maps to br_misp_retired.all_branches which counts how many branch instructions eventually retired that were at one point mispredicted. So it doesn't count when the CPU detected mis-prediction of a branch that was itself only reached in the shadow of some other misprediction, either of a branch or a fault. Because such a branch wouldn't make it to retirement. Events like int_misc.clear_resteer_cycles or int_misc.recovery_cycles can count lost cycles for the front-end due to such things.)
For more about OoO exec, see
Out-of-order execution vs. speculative execution (including in the context of the Meltdown vulnerability, which suddenly made a lot more people care about the details of OoO exec). A modern OoO exec CPU treats everything as speculative until it reached retirement (which happens in program order to support precise exceptions.)
Difference between In-oder and Out-of-order execution in ARM architecture
Why memory reordering is not a problem on single core/processor machines? OoO exec preserves the illusion (for the local core) of instructions running in program order.

Program counter, fences and processor re-ordering

I understand that instructions can be re-ordered by the processor in addition to compilers.
I have a few questions that I can not get my head around.
Say we have three instructions:
Program order
After re-ordering by the processor, order becomes (for whatever reason):
So when the processor executes S1 (in the program order), what woul be the value of the Program Counter?
If windows (or another OS), context switches the thread out and schedules it in another processor, how would the other processor know which instruction to execute next? (Is it guaranteed to make the same re-orderings?)
Is a memory fence (for example, a full fence created by an atomic compare and swap instruction) on one processor valid after the thread is scheduled on another thread?
Any ideas on this is highly appreciated.
There is an instruction pointer associated with each instruction.
Although instructions may be executed out of order, they always complete in order. When an interrupt or fault occurs, all instructions preceding the saved IP address have been completed. The results of any subsequent instructions are discarded. When execution resumes, it starts at the saved address.
The steps taken by the OS to schedule a thread on another processor include fencing operations on both processors, so when the thread resumes on the new processor, all preceding operations are fully fenced (whether or not any explicit fences exist in the code of the thread).
Unlike static compile-time ordering, out-of-order exec preserves the illusion of running instructions in program order. Including the situation seen by an interrupt handler. Current CPUs don't rename the privilege level, so they generally roll back to a consistent state as part of taking an exception or interrupt, not keeping un-executed instructions in flight. When an interrupt occurs, what happens to instructions in the pipeline?
This also means that interrupts are delivered strictly between instructions, not in the middle of one. Interrupting an assembly instruction while it is operating (except for "interruptible" instructions like rep movsb that logically work as multiple instructions, or vpgatherdd that has documented semantics for a page fault in one of the gather operands.)
Memory ordering as observed by other cores is another matter, and can differ from program order even on an in-order CPU. (Can a speculatively executed CPU branch contain opcodes that access RAM?)
The kernel code for a context switch needs to include a strong enough barrier for a thread to see its own stores in program order when it resumes on another core. Generally just release/acquire sync is sufficient (and you already need something like that for the kernel on the other core to restore register values). Maybe also an sfence to make that apply even for NT stores on x86.

Why cannot a kernel be launched with the reason of too many register use when there is a register spilling mechanism?

1) When does a kernel start to spill registers to local memory?
2) When there is not enough registers, how does the CUDA runtime decide to not launch a kernel and throws too many resources requested error? How many registers are enough to launch a kernel?
3) Since there is a register spilling mechanism, shouldn't all CUDA kernels be launched even if there are not enough registers?
1) When does a kernel start to spill registers to local memory?
This is entirely under control of the compiler. It is not performed by the runtime, and there are no dynamic runtime decisions about it. When your code reaches the point of a spill, it means that the compiler has inserted an instruction like:
STL [R0], R1
In this case, R1 is being stored to local memory, the local memory address given in R0. This would be a spill store. (After that instruction, R1 could be used for/loaded with something else.) The compiler knows when it has done this, of course, and so it can report the number of spill loads and spill stores it has chosen to use/make. You can get this information (along with register usage, and other information) using the -Xptxas=-v compiler switch.
The compiler (unless you restrict it, see below) makes decisions about register usage primarily focused on performance, paying otherwise less attention to how many registers are actually used. The first priority is performance.
2) When there is not enough registers, how does the CUDA runtime decide to not launch a kernel and throws too many resources requested error? How many registers are enough to launch a kernel?
At compile-time, when your kernel code is being compiled, the compiler has no idea how it will be launched. It has no idea what your launch configuration will be like (number of blocks, number of threads per block, amount of dynamically allocated shared memory, etc) In fact the compilation process mostly proceeds as if the thing being compiled is a single thread.
During compilation, the compiler makes a bunch of static decisions about register assignments (how and where registers will be used). CUDA has binary utilities that can help with understanding this. Register assignments don't change at runtime, are not in any way dynamic, and therefore are entirely determined at compile time. Therefore, at the completion of compilation for a given device code function, it is generally possible to determine how many registers are needed. The compiler includes this information in the binary compiled object.
At runtime, at the point of kernel launch, the CUDA runtime now knows:
How many registers (per thread) are needed for a given kernel
What device we are running on, and therefore what the aggregate limits are
What the launch configuration is (blocks, threads)
Assembling these 3 pieces of information means the runtime can immediately know if there is or will be enough "register space" for the launch. Roughly speaking, the pass/fail arithmetic is if the launch would satisfy this inequality:
registers_per_thread*threads_per_block <= max_registers_per_multiprocessor
There is granularity to be considered in this equation as well. Registers are often allocated in groups of 2 or 4 at runtime, i.e. the registers_per_thread quantity may need to be rounded up to the next whole-number multiple of something like 2 or 4, before the inequality test is applied. The registers_per_thread quantity is ascertained by the compiler as already described. The threads_per_block quantity comes from your kernel launch configuration. The max_registers_per_multiprocessor quantity is machine-readable (i.e. it is a function of the GPU you are running on). You can see how to retrieve that quantity yourself if you wish by studying the deviceQuery CUDA sample code.
3) Since there is a register spilling mechanism, shouldn't all CUDA kernels be launched even if there are not enough registers?
I reiterate that the register assignment (and register spill decisions) is/are entirely a static compile-time process. No runtime decisions or alterations are made. The register assignment is entirely inspectable from the compiled code. Therefore, since no adjustments can be made at runtime, no changes could be made to allow an arbitrary launch. Any such change would require recompilation of the code. While this might be theoretically possible, it is not currently implemented in CUDA. Furthermore, it has the possibility to lead to both variable and perhaps unpredictable behavior (in performance) so there might be reasons not to do it.
Its possible to make all kernels "launchable" (with respect to register limitations) by suitably restricting the compiler's choices about register assignment. __launch_bounds__ and the compiler switch -maxrregcount are a couple ways to achieve this. CUDA provides both an occupancy calculator as well as an occupancy API to help with this process.

Which std::sync::atomic::Ordering to use?

All the methods of std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool take a memory ordering (Relaxed, Release, Acquire, AcqRel, and SeqCst), which I have not used before. Under what circumstances should these values be used? The documentation uses confusing “load” and “store” terms which I don’t really understand. For example:
A producer thread mutates some state held by a Mutex, then calls AtomicBool::compare_and_swap(false, true, ordering) (to coalesce invalidations), and if it swapped, posts an “invalidate” message to a concurrent queue (e.g. mpsc or a winapi PostMessage). A consumer thread resets the AtomicBool, reads from the queue, and reads the state held by the Mutex. Can the producer use Relaxed ordering because it is preceded by a mutex, or must it use Release? Can the consumer use store(false, Relaxed), or must it use compare_and_swap(true, false, Acquire) to receive the changes from the mutex?
What if the producer and consumer share a RefCell instead of a Mutex?
I'm not an expert on this, and it's really complicated, so please feel free to critique my post. As pointed out by mdh.heydari, has much better documentation of orderings than Rust (C++ has an almost identical API).
For your question
You'd need to use "release" ordering in your producer and "acquire" ordering in your consumer. This ensures that the data mutation occurs before the AtomicBool is set to true.
If your queue is asynchronous, then the consumer will need to keep trying to read from it in a loop, since the producer could get interrupted between setting the AtomicBool and putting something in the queue.
If the producer code might run multiple times before client runs, then you can't use RefCell because they could mutate the data while the client is reading it. Otherwise it's fine.
There are other better and simpler ways to implement this pattern, but I assume you were just giving it as an example.
What are orderings?
The different orderings have to do with what another thread sees happen when an atomic operation occurs. Compilers and CPUs are normally both allowed to reorder instructions in order to optimize code, and the orderings effect how much they're allowed to reorder instructions.
You could just always use SeqCst, which basically guarantees everyone will see that instruction as having occurred wherever you put it relative to other instructions, but in some cases if you specify a less restrictive ordering then LLVM and the CPU can better optimize your code.
You should think of these orderings as applying to a memory location (instead of applying to an instruction).
Ordering Types
Relaxed Ordering
There are no constraints besides any modification to the memory location being atomic (so it either happens completely or not at all). This is fine for something like a counter if the values retrieved by/set by individual threads don't matter as long as they're atomic.
Acquire Ordering
This constraint says that any variable reads that occur in your code after "acquire" is applied can't be reordered to occur before it. So, say in your code you read some shared memory location and get value X, which was stored in that memory location at time T, and then you apply the "acquire" constraint. Any memory locations that you read from after applying the constraint will have the value they had at time T or later.
This is probably what most people would expect to happen intuitively, but because a CPU and optimizer are allowed to reorder instructions as long as they don't change the result, it isn't guaranteed.
In order for "acquire" to be useful, it has to be paired with "release", because otherwise there's no guarantee that the other thread didn't reorder its write instructions that were supposed to occur at time T to an earlier time.
Acquire-reading the flag value you're looking for means you won't see a stale value somewhere else that was actually changed by a write before the release-store to the flag.
Release Ordering
This constraint says that any variable writes that occur in your code before "release" is applied can't be reordered to occur after it. So, say in your code you write to a few shared memory locations and then set some memory location t at time T, and then you apply the "release" constraint. Any writes that appear in your code before "release" is applied are guaranteed to have occurred before it.
Again, this is what most people would expect to happen intuitively, but it isn't guaranteed without constraints.
If the other thread trying to read value X doesn't use "acquire", then it isn't guaranteed to see the new value with respect to changes in other variable values. So it could get the new value, but it might not see new values for any other shared variables. Also keep in mind that testing is hard. Some hardware won't in practice show re-ordering with some unsafe code, so problems can go undetected.
Jeff Preshing wrote a nice explanation of acquire and release semantics, so read that if this isn't clear.
AcqRel Ordering
This does both Acquire and Release ordering (ie. both restrictions apply). I'm not sure when this is necessary - it might be helpful in situations with 3 or more threads if some Release, some Acquire, and some do both, but I'm not really sure.
SeqCst Ordering
This is most restrictive and, therefore, slowest option. It forces memory accesses to appear to occur in one, identical order to every thread. This requires an MFENCE instruction on x86 on all writes to atomic variables (full memory barrier, including StoreLoad), while the weaker orderings don't. (SeqCst loads don't require a barrier on x86, as you can see in this C++ compiler output.)
Read-Modify-Write accesses, like atomic increment, or compare-and-swap, are done on x86 with locked instructions, which are already full memory barriers. If you care at all about compiling to efficient code on non-x86 targets, it makes sense to avoid SeqCst when you can, even for atomic read-modify-write ops. There are cases where it's needed, though.
For more examples of how atomic semantics turn into ASM, see this larger set of simple functions on C++ atomic variables. I know this is a Rust question, but it's supposed to have basically the same API as C++. godbolt can target x86, ARM, ARM64, and PowerPC. Interestingly, ARM64 has load-acquire (ldar) and store-release (stlr) instructions, so it doesn't always have to use separate barrier instructions.
By the way, x86 CPUs are always "strongly ordered" by default, which means they always act as if at least AcqRel mode was set. So for x86 "ordering" only affects how LLVM's optimizer behaves. ARM, on the other hand, is weakly ordered. Relaxed is set by default, to allow the compiler full freedom to reorder things, and to not require extra barrier instructions on weakly-ordered CPUs.

How to compare two implementations of the same algorithm? (by examine their Assembly code)

Assume I have two implementations of the same algorithm in assembly. I would like to know by examining the two snippets codes which one is faster.
The parameters I thought one might take into account are: number of op-codes, number of branches, number of function frames.
My questions are:
Can I assume each opcode execution is one cycle ?
What is the overhead of branch which break the pipeline ?
What are the effects and overhead of calling a function ?
Is there a difference in the analysis between ARM and x86 ?
The question is theoretical since I have two implementations; one 130 instructions long and one is 184 instructions long.
And I would like to know if it is definitely true to say the 130 instructions long snippet is faster than the 184 instructions long implementation?
Without wanting to be flippant, the answers are
that depends on your hardware
that depends on your hardware
You would really need to test things on your target hardware, or have a simulator that understands your hardware fully, in order to answer your question the way you meant to...
For the last part of your question, you need to define "better"…better.
Since you asked about a Cortex A9, the data sheet has instruction cycle counts in appendix B. These counts generally assume that the memory bus is fast enough to keep the CPU busy. In reality this is rarely the case. Many video/audio algorithms will have a big win in how they access memory.
One cycle per op
Of course you can't assume this if you want an exact count. However, if you are deciding which algorithm to choose, you can get a feel for the best algorithm by looking at the instructions in the inner loop. Here, your cache should allow the code to execute as per the instruction counts in the data sheet. If the counts are close, then you probably need to look at each instruction. Load/stores are more expensive and usually multiples, etc. Some algorithms, especially crytographic, will have big wins by using assembler that doesn't map well to C. For example, clz, ror, using the carry for multi-word arithmetic, etc.
Branch overhead
Look in Appendix B, or whatever data sheet has cycle counts for your processor. For an ARM926 it is about 3 cycles. The compiler only generates two conditional opcodes in a row to avoid branching, otherwise, it branches. If the algorithm is large, the branch may disrupt the cache. A hard answer depends on your CPU, cache, and memory. According to the Cortex A9 datasheet (B.5), there is only one cycle overhead to a fixed branch.
Function overhead
This is much the same as the branch overhead. However, the compiler will also have an influence. noted by Jim Does it cache align functions. Does the compiler perform leaf function optimizations, etc. With modern gcc versions, if all the functions are static, the compiler will generally in-line when it is advantageous. If the algorithms are particularly large, a register spill may be advantageous. However, with your example of 130/184 instructions, this seems unlikely. The compiler options will obviously effect the overhead. You can use objdump -S to examine the prologue/epilogue and then determine the number of cycles for your hardware.
ARM verus x86
Of course there is a technical difference in the cycle counts. The CISC x86 also has variable instruction size. This complicates the analysis. It is slightly easier on the ARM.
Normally, you want to ball park things and then actually run them with a profiler. The estimates can help guide development of the algorithms. Loop/memory tuning, etc for your hardware. Something like instruction emulation, page or alignment faults, etc may be dominant and make all the cycle count analysis meaningless. If the algorithm is in user space, per-emption, may negate cache wins from run to run. It is possible that one algorithm will work better in a little loaded system and the other will work better under a higher load.
A note on cycle counts
See the post-process objdump for some complications in getting cycle counts. Basically a typical CPU is several phases (a pipe line) and different conditions can cause stalls. As CPU's become more complex, the pipe line typically gets longer, meaning there are more conditions or phases which can stall. However, cycle count estimates can be helpful in guiding development of an algorithm and evaluating them. Things like memory timing or branch prediction can be just as important, depending on the algorithm. Ie, cycle counts are not completely useless, but they are not complete either. Profiling should confirm actual algorithm times. If they diverge, instruction re-ordering, pre-fetching and other techniques may bring them closer. The fact that cycle counts and active profiling diverge can be helpful in itself.
It is definitely not true to say that the 130 instruction code is faster than the 184 instruction code. it is very easy to have 1000 instructions run faster than 100 and vice versa on either of these platforms.
1 Can I assume each opcode execution is one cycle ?
Start by looking at the advertised mips/mhz, although a marketing number it gives a rough idea of what is possible. If the number is greater than one then more than one instruction per clock is possible.
2 What is the overhead of branch which break the pipeline ?
Anywhere from absolutely no affect to a very dramatic affect, on either system. one clock to hundreds are the potential penalty.
3 What are the effects and overhead of calling a function ?
Depends heavily on the function, and the function calling the function. Depending on the calling convention you might have to save registers to the stack, or rearrange the contents of registers to prepare for the parameters for the function to be called. If passing a struct by value a copy of the struct may need to be made on the stack, the bigger the struct passed the bigger the copy. once in the function a stack frame may need to be prepared, etc, etc. There are many factors involved. This question and answer are also independent of platform.
4 Is there a difference in the analysis between ARM and x86 ?
yes and no, both systems use all the modern tricks of pipelining, branch prediction, etc to keep the mips/mhz up. ARM is going to give a better mips per mhz than x86, x86 being variable instruction length might give more instructions per unit cache. How you analyze the cache, and memory and peripheral systems in the systems side of the analysis is roughly the same. The comparison of the instructions and core are similar and different depending on what aspects you are analyzing. The arm is not microcoded, the x86 likely is so you dont really see how many registers there really are, things like that. at the same time the x86 you can get a better look at the memory system with the arm, since they are generally not system on a chip. Depending on what ARM chip you buy you may lose a lot of the visibility in the boundaries of the chip, might not see all the memory and peripheral busses, for example. (x86 is changing that by putting pcie on chip now for example) in the case of something in the cortex-a class you mentioned you would have similar edge of chip visibility as those would use larger/cheaper dram based memory off chip rather than microcontroller like on chip resources.
Bottom line your final question:
"And I would like to know if it is definitely true to say the 130 instructions long snippet is faster than the 184 instructions long implementation?"
It is definitely NOT TRUE to say the 130 instruction snippet is faster than the 184 instruction snippet. It might be faster it might be slower and it might be about the same. With a lot more information we might be able to make a pretty good statement or it may still be non-deterministic. it is easy to choose 100 instructions that execute faster than 1000 instructions and likewise easy to choose 1000 instructions that execute faster than 100 instructions (even if I were to add no branching and no loops, just linear execution)
Your question is almost entirely meaningless: It probably depends on your input.
Most CPUs have something resembling a branch misprediction penalty (e.g. traditional ARM which throws away an instruction fetch/decode on any taken branch, IIRC). ARM and x86 also allow conditional execution, which can be faster than branching. If either of these are dependent on input data, then different inputs will follow different code paths.
Perhaps one version heavily uses conditional execution, which is wasteful when the condition is false. Perhaps another was compiled using some profiling information that performs no branches (except the return at the end) for a specific case. There are many, many reason why a compiler can take the same source and produce an "optimized" output which is faster for one input and slower for another.
Many optimizations have this characteristic — for example, aligning the start of a loop to 16 bytes helps on some processors, but not when the loop is only executed once.
Some text book answer to this question from Cortex
-A Series Programmer’s Guide, chapter 17.
Although cycle timing information can be found in the Technical Reference Manual (TRM) for the processor that you are using, it is very difficult to work out how many cycles even a trivial piece of code will take to execute. The movement of instructions through the pipeline is dependent on the progress of the surrounding instructions and can be significantly affected by memory system
activity. Pending loads or instruction fetches which miss in the cache can stall code for tens of cycles. Standard data processing instructions (logical and arithmetic) will take only one or two cycles to execute, but this does not give the full picture. Instead, we must use profiling tools, or the system performance monitor built-in to the processor, to extract useful information about performance.
Also read under 17.4 Cortex-A9 micro-architecture optimizations which answers your question very very much.
