cppcheck configuration to check for freeing memory that is not owned - static-analysis

Is it possible to configure cppcheck to catch the following condition in C code:
void test1() {
char *strp = "my string";
flist *flistp = create_flist();
flist_put(flistp, strp);
What flist_put does is takes strp and transfer memory ownership to flistp (destroy_flist later takes care of freeing up that memory). In the code above, the problem is that flist_put can not be used, since memory is owned within test1() scope. flist_set must be used instead, which makes a copy of strp instead.
Notes - all of the following are closed-source functions:
create_flist allocates memory for flist structure
destroy_flist deallocates flist structure memory
flist_put transfers memory ownership of memory pointed by passed in pointer to flist structure
flist_set makes a copy of passed in value and adds it to flist, allocating memory for it (that flist owns)


In node* newNode=new node() , whose address is exactly getting returned by new here?

node* newNode=new node();
Here node is a typical linked list node class and newNode is the pointer used to dynamically create a new node containing int data and node* next attributes. Please tell exactly which address gets returned by the new keyword and getting stored in the newNode here?
For instance in int* p = arr[n]; , the address of arr or arr[0] is stored specifically.
There is lot of behind the scenes are happening when you are specifying new keyword. The context of "which address gets returned by the new keyword" is not the primary thing to focus, rather you need to know how a program (more specifically a process) deals with memory via Operating System.
what is process?
a process is more than a program code, which sometimes referred as text section; it also includes current activity as represented by the value of program counter and contents of the processor's registers.
a process generally includes:
the process stack, which contains temporary data such as function parameters, return addresses and local variables.
the data section, which contains global variables.
a process also include a heap area (which is important for your question), which is memory that is dynamically allocated during process runtime.
How memory allocated dynamically?
The new operator creates the object using that memory, and then returns a pointer containing the address of the memory that has been allocated.
new int; // dynamically allocate an integer.
Most often, we’ll assign the return value to our own pointer variable so we can access the allocated memory later.
int *ptr{ new int };
We can then perform indirection through the pointer to access the memory:
*ptr = 7;
Also some points to mention:
when you are requesting some memory by new keyword, the Operating System first search for free memory needed to fulfill your requirement from heap area (as mentioned above), if OS finds the memory, it is allocated to your variable/s.
when you are done with your process, the process itself return the memory back to the OS, so that it can be used by another program's process.

can memory for a golang variable be used outside its declaration scope

I am trying to understand memory management in go. can i safely use the memory allocated inside a scope.
type BigConfigurationData struct {
subject1config *Subject1Config
subject2config *Subject2Config
var p BigConfigurationData
if aFlag {
var subject1config = Subject1Config {
foo: bar
p.subject1config = &subject1config
// can i use p.subject1config here and expect the memory has not been cleaned up?
Go looks simple, but in fact it does a lot to help the programmer.
In Go all variables are effectively references. The compiler tracks if any memory "escapes" a scope, and then automatically allocates is on the heap (shared memory pool). If the memory does not escape the scope, compiler allocates it on the stack which is much faster.
In your case, when you assign the p.subject1config = &subject1config, this tells the compiler that the value or the memory will leave the scope. Compiler will allocte the memory from heap and thus via the reference p.subject1config you can access the memory in the outer scope.
Go garbage collector regularly checks if the memory blocks still have any refences pointing to it, and frees up the memory when no references remain.
In short, you are confusing "variable" and "memory", probably because Go automatically manages memory for you.
EDIT: This answer might be too simplisic. Please read comments below for more info. See these links for more information:

gsoap memory leak C applications

We are using gsoap for C client and server webservices implemented for blackfin running Linux.
We don't use any malloc in the application. But we see memory usage climbs over time. We are using soap_end to do a cleanup at the end of the call. But when the calls are invoked repeatedly memory usage slowly increasing, may be because of memory fragmentation. This is also impacting performance of the system
What's the preferred usage of gsoap where soap_malloc is not used much. For eg: If we use static arrays etc will it help?
I would not recommend using static data, there is no need for that.
To debug memory use, compile all your sources files with -DDEBUG. When you run your application you will see three files:
SENT.log the messages sent
RECV.log the messages received
TEST.log the debug log
The TEST.log is useful to check on messaging issues.
The other valuable information produced at runtime are error messages related to memory leaks or heap memory that is damaged (e.g. overruns) in your code. It is unlikely these will happen in the gSOAP engine, but better check.
To ensure proper allocation and deallocation of managed data:
I am using the auto-generated functions to allocate managed data:
SomeClass *obj = soap_new_SomeClass(soap);
and sporadically use soap_malloc for raw managed allocation, or to allocate an array of pointers, or a C string:
const char *s = soap_malloc(soap, 100);
but better is to allocate strings with:
std::string *s = soap_new_std__string(soap);
and arrays can be allocated with the second parameter, e.g. an array of 10 strings:
std::string *s = soap_new_std__string(soap, 10);
All managed allocations are deleted with soap_destroy() followed by soap_end(). After that, you can start allocating again and delete again, etc.
If you want to preserve data that otherwise gets deleted with these calls, use:
soap_unlink(soap, obj);
Now obj can be removed later with delete obj. But be aware that all pointer members in obj that point to managed data have become invalid after soap_destroy() and soap_end(). So you may have to invoke soap_unlink() on these members or risk dangling pointers.
A new cool feature of gSOAP is to generate deep copy and delete function for any data structures automatically, which saves a HUGE amount of coding time:
SomeClass *otherobj = soap_dup_SomeClass(NULL, obj);
This duplicates obj to unmanaged heap space. This is a deep copy that checks for cycles in the object graph and removes such cycles to avoid deletion issues. You can also duplicate the whole (cyclic) managed object to another context by using soap instead of NULL for the first argument of soap_dup_SomeClass.
To deep delete:
This deletes obj but also the data pointed to by its members, and so on.
To use the soap_dup_X and soap_del_X functions use soapcpp2 with options -Ec and -Ed, respectively.
In principle, static and stack-allocated data can be serialized just as well. But consider using the managed heap instead.
Hope this helps.

Why does the memory mapped file ever need to be flushed when access is RDWR?

I was reading through one of golang's implementation of memory mapped files, https://github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go/. First he describes the several access modes:
// RDONLY maps the memory read-only.
// Attempts to write to the MMap object will result in undefined behavior.
// RDWR maps the memory as read-write. Writes to the MMap object will update the
// underlying file.
RDWR = 1 << iota
// COPY maps the memory as copy-on-write. Writes to the MMap object will affect
// memory, but the underlying file will remain unchanged.
But in gommap test file I see this:
func TestReadWrite(t *testing.T) {
mmap, err := Map(f, RDWR, 0)
... omitted for brevity...
mmap[9] = 'X'
So why does he need to call Flush to make sure the contents are written to the file if the access mode is RDWR?
Or is the OS managing this so it only writes when it thinks it should?
If the last option, could you please explain it in a little more detail - what i read is that when the OS is low in memory it writes to the file and frees up memory. Is this correct and does it apply only to RDWR or only to COPY?
The program maps a region of memory using mmap. It then modifies the mapped region. The system isn't required to write those modifications back to the underlying file immediately, so a read call on that file (in ioutil.ReadAll) could return the prior contents of the file.
The system will write the changes to the file at some point after you make the changes.
It is allowed to write the changes to the file any time after the changes are made, but by default makes no guarantees about when it writes those changes. All you know is that (unless the system crashes), the changes will be written at some point in the future.
If you need to guarantee that the changes have been written to the file at some point in time, then you must call msync.
The mmap.Flush function calls msync with the MS_SYNC flag. When that system call returns, the system has written the modifications to the underlying file, so that any subsequent call to read will read the modified file.
The COPY option sets the mapping to MAP_PRIVATE, so your changes will never be written back to the file, even if you using msync (via the Flush function).
Read the POSIX documentation about mmap and msync for full details.

Usage of CoTaskMemAlloc?

When is it appropriate to use CoTaskMemAlloc? Can someone give an example?
Use CoTaskMemAlloc when returning a char* from a native C++ library to .NET as a string.
[DllImport("test.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
extern static string Foo();
char* Foo()
std::string response("response");
int len = response.length() + 1;
char* buff = (char*) CoTaskMemAlloc(len);
strcpy_s(buff, len, response.c_str());
return buff;
Since .NET uses CoTaskMemFree, you have to allocate the string like this, you can't allocate it on the stack or the heap using malloc / new.
Gosh, I had to think for a while for this one -- I've done a fair amount of small-scale COM programming with ATL and rarely have had to use it.
There is one situation though that comes to mind: Windows Shell extensions. If you are dealing with a set of filesystem objects you might have to deal with PIDLs (pointer to an ID list). These are bizarre little filesystem object abstractions and they need to be explicitly allocated/deallocated using a COM-aware allocator such as CoTaskMemAlloc. There is also an alternative, the IMalloc interface pointer obtained from SHGetMalloc (deprecated) or CoGetMalloc -- it's just an abstraction layer to use, so that your code isn't tied to a specific memory allocator and can use any appropriate one.
The point of using CoTaskMemAlloc or IMalloc rather than malloc() is that the memory allocation/deallocation needs to be something that is "COM-aware" so that its allocation and deallocation are performed consistently at run-time, even if the allocation and deallocation are done by completely unrelated code (e.g. Windows allocates memory, transfers it to your C++ code which later deallocates, or your C++ code allocates, transfers it to someone else's VB code which later deallocates). Neither malloc() nor new are capable of interoperating with the system's run-time heap so you can't use them to allocate memory to transfer to other COM objects, or to receive memory from other COM objects and deallocate.
This MSDN article compares a few of the various allocators exposed by Win32, including CoTaskMemAlloc. It's mainly used in COM programming--most specifically when the implementation of a COM server needs to allocate memory to return back to a client. If you aren't writing a COM server, then you probably don't need to use it.
(However, if you call code that allocates memory using CoTaskMemAlloc and returns it back to you, you'll need to free the returned allocation(s) using CoTaskMemFree.)
there is not really much which can go wrong as the following calls all end up with the same allocation:
CoTaskMemAlloc/SHAlloc -> IMalloc.Alloc -> GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED)
only if you use non-windows (compiler-library) calls like malloc() things will go wrong.
Officially one should use CoTaskMemAlloc for COM calls (like allocating a FORMATETC.ptd field)
That CoTaskMemAlloc equals GlobalAlloc() will stay this way 'till eternity is seen at the clipboard api versus com STGMEDIUM. The STGMEDIUM uses the clipboard structures and method and while STGMEDIUM is com and thus CoTaskMemAlloc, the clipboard apis prescribe GlobalAlloc()
CoTaskMemAlloc is same as malloc except that former is used to allocate memory which is used across process boundaries.
i.e., if we have two processes, process1 and process2, assume that process1 is a COM server, and process2 is a COM Client which uses the interfaces exposed by process1.
If process1 has to send some data, then he can allocate memory using CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate the memory and copies the data.
That memory location can be accessed by process2.
COM library automatically does the marshalling and unmarshalling.
