Sonarlint not working in visual studio code - sonarlint-vs

I have installed sonarlint plugin in visual studio code but I am getting this error
I have set the java environment variable and created a sample java file which is working fine. I can't figure out where is the issue.
Kindly help me to sort out this issue. Thank you in advance.


Getting error "<name>.dll is not a Win32 application" when launching application from IDE

I'm running Visual Studio 2015 on a 64-bit Windows 7 installation. I am trying to launch code from the IDE.
When I run the code I get the error that shapeAPI.dll is not a win32 application. In the project >properties > configuration manager I have both the active solution platform, and the project solution platform set to win32. I don't have a ton of experience with Visual Studio or such errors, and most of the threads I looked through didn't seem to have solutions that worked.
What is causing the error and how can I resolve it?
I eventually found the issue. I had a visual studios project designed to create a dll. I was trying to run it as a standalone application. Hence the errors I was recieving. By switching the visual studios project to a windows application then compiled it and ran the basic test sequence in the code without spitting out errors. Thanks for your responses it helped point me in the direction to find the solution.

Trouble passing TFS build number to MSBuild

I'm trying to get TFS to pass the build number to MSBuild but it looks like the environmental variables are not being parsed and I'm getting the following error:
'$(TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER)' is not a valid version string.
The argument I'm using is:
I've also tried using the build id but that doesn't get parsed either. If I type the same version number into the argument then the build completes successfully.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and TFS on Visual Studio Online. Please let me know if there any settings I can try change to resolve this.
Thanks very much
That would be correct for the XAML build system. If you're using the newer build system instead, it would be $(Build.BuildNumber).
After many hours I've solved this by changing the build process template to TfvcTemplate.12.xaml.
Old thread I know, but for anyone who has stumbled across this running TFS "15" RC2 or later, using tasks in vNext, the property I found that worked is $(BUILD_BUILDNUMBER) and can be utilised in the .proj files. InstallShield was causing me issues when trying to pass the build number into the ProductVersion...
Adding this line fixed my problem..

VS 2013 does not see angular typescript typings

Visual Studio cannot resolve interface ng.IScope (and others from ng module).
I have added reference to angular.d.ts but it doesn't help.
What's interesting a rectangular typings are working fine - even without adding the reference.
I am using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 with TypeScript 1.4. Anyone can help? I tried everything.
I am using visual studio 2013 update 4 with TypeScript 1.4. Anyone can help? I tried everything :/
Suspect its just an issue of an old version lingering around. Try where tsc and make sure you only see C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\1.4\.
I have added reference to angular.d.ts but it doesn't help. What's interesting a restangular typings are working fine - even without adding the reference.
Make sure you have it added to the visual studio project.
Any luck ?
I have the same problem, however, if you use the older version
angularjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped version=0.9.6
(Nuget -> Install-Package angularjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped -Version 0.9.6)
everything works fine and it understands the ng.IScope definition.
I don't see any structural difference between 3.1.3 and 0.9.6, so I don't understand why the older version works.

Error building cordova windows8

When i build current project for wp8 , everything works fine. When i build for windows8 i get following error :
: error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files
was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is
correct, an d that the file exists on disk.
I have spend a couple of hours searching for solution on the internet but to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas ???
I have been troubleshooting the same issue, but I am building for Windows 7. However, when I searched, I found this, which is specific to Windows 8, and may be the key to your answer.
Found at
On that page under Visual Studio it states: "You will also need to install a version of Microsoft Visual Studio ... that supports Windows Store Javascript app creation.."
its Visual Studio Express for Windows 8. I had installed Visual Studio Express for Desktop which is not suitable.
In my case, the problem was that the project had VS 12.0 coded as a variable into the jsproj file while I was using VS 14.0 (VS2015). Changing the "12.0" to "14.0" fixed it for me, once I saved changes, closed and reopened the project

Installation of SAP crystal reports in VS2010

The problem is i have installed sap run time engine for crystal reports in VS2010, yet i could not open the crystal report file in VS 2010. I Have no clue what the problem is. Is there any other file which i need to install except the run-time engine if so please notify and give me the link for it.
Thank you.
Usually you need to reference the following DLLs when working wth CR in .NET:
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
You need to install SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio and not just the runtime engine.
