Limit disk usage on Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

Sorry if this is a simple question - I'm new to ELK and have it all running with data coming through ok. My issue is that I'm concerned about storage growth given the number of records that will be coming through.
Having a search on the google I've seen that on GrayLog there is a setting to limit the amount of data to retain ( Graylog2- how to config logs retention to 1 week ) and I'd like to do the same in ELK but I can't find the correct setting.

There is no easy way to do this in GUI (yet). What you need is the Curator that can delete or rollup indices based on time (delete indices older than 7 days) or amount of documents in an index.
In a future Version there will be an inbuilt tool for that in Kibana, but it´s not in the current release (6.5). It will probably release with Elastic 6.6 (as a beta), but you may even have to wait for 7.X


Setting up a daily partitioned index

I'm looking to setup my index such that it is partitioned into daily sub-indices that I can adjust the individual settings of depending on the age of that index, i.e. >= 30 days old should be moved to slower hardware etc. I am aware I can do this with a lifecycle policy.
What I'm unable to join-the-dots on is how to setup the original index to be partitioned by day. When adding data/querying, do I need to specify the individual daily indicies or is there something in Elasticsearch that will do this for me? If the later, how does it work with adding/querying (assuming they are different?) does it determine the partitions that are relevant for the query/partition to add a document to? (I'm assuming there is a timestamp field - but I can't see from the docs how its all linked together)
I'm using the base Elasticsearch OSS v7.7.1 without any plugins installed.
there's no such thing as sub indices or partitions in Elasticsearch. if you want to use ilm, which you should, then you are using aliases and multiple indices
you will need to upgrade from 7.7 - which is EOL - and use the default distribution to get access to ilm as well
getting back to your conceptual questions, and the following few chapters dive into it. but to your questions;
the major assumption of using ilm is that data being ingested is current, so on a rough level, data from today will end up in an index from today
if you are indexing historic data then you may want to put that into "traditional" index names, eg logs-2021.08.09 and then attach them to the ilm policy as per
when querying, Elasticsearch will handle accessing all the indices it needs based on the request it receives. it does this via

How to check the index is used for searching or indexing

I've a lot of elasticsearch clusters which hold the historical indices(more than 10 years old), some of these indices are created newly with latest settings and fields, but old ones are not deleted.
Now I need to delete the old indices which are not receiving any search and index requests.
I've already gone to elasticsearch curator but it would not work with older version of ES.
Is there is any API which can just gives the last time of index and search request in ES, that would serve my purpose very well.
EDIT:- I've also check but this also doesn't give the last time when indexing or search request came. all it gave is the number of these requests from last restart.

Search/Filter/Sort on constantly changing 1 million documents

My use-case is I have max 1 Million documents and documents getting updated constantly (once every 5 mins). Each document has almost 40 columns and I have sort/filter/search requirements on almost every column.
Since the documents are changing constantly, the doc value 5 minutes earlier is not valid anymore. I am thinking that an ideal DB component will need to be running in memory. For the other use-cases in the application (where documents do not change constantly), I am using ElasticSearch cluster. So to be consistent with the search elsewhere in the application, I want to explore if I can run a separate ES node/cluster purely in memory for my use-case above. I could not find any examples or precursors for running ElasticSearch in production in a pure in-memory configuration.
If not ES, can I run Apache Solr in memory? I can try out any technology which allows me to run in a pure in-memory mode, and provide functionality similar to ES (free text search at a per-column level).
What would you recommend for this use-case?

Elastic search API Vs Spring data Vs logstash

I am planing to use elastic search for our dashboard using spring boot based rest services. After research i see top 3 options
Option A:
Use Elastic Search Java API ( from comment looks like going to go away)
Use Elastic Search Java Rest Client
Use spring-data-elasticsearch ( planing to use es 5.6 but challenging for latest es 6 as I don't see it's supports right now)
Option B:
Or shall I use logstash approach to
Sync data between postgressql and elastic search using logstash ?
Which one among them will be long term approach to get near real time data from ES in high load scenario ??
Usecase: I need to save some data from postgresql table to elastic search for my dashboard (near real time )
Update is frequent for both tables and es
to maintain current state
Load is going to increase in couple of week
The options you listed, in essence, are: should you go with a ready to use solution (logstash) or should you implement your own.
Try logstash first to see if it works for you - it'll take less time than implementing your own solution, and you can get working solution in minutes (if it's not hundreds of tables)
If you want near-real time, then you need to figure out if it allows you to:
handle incremental updates, i.e. if its 'tracking_column' configuration will work for your data structure and it will only load updated records in each run, not the whole table.
run it at the desired frequency
and in general, satisfies your latency requirements
If you decide to go with your own solution, keep in mind that spring-data-elasticsearch is a higher level wrapper for underlying elasticsearch client. If there are latency goals, then working on the lower level (elasticsearch clients) may give you better control and more options to tune the pipeline.
Otherwise, the client choice will not matter that much as data feed features (volume/update frequency) and db/es cluster configuration.

Docker Elasticsearch Bulk index timeout

I am running Elasticsearch 2.3 using the docker official builds. I am trying to bulk index a fairly large dataset. The dataset in question is abotu 700mb and on a non dockerized setup takes around 30 minutes. Around 24 hours ago I started the bulk index operation on the docker elasticsearch container. As of yet it still hasn't completed, worse there is no load on the server which indicates it's not even attempting to index.
I know the bulk indexing works because I can index a smaller dataset and it works without a problem.
Is there any specific settings that I need to be aware of when indexing data over a certain size? or any way to check why it errored?
Thanks in advance.
For any future people reading this, firstly Hello from the past!
Secondly, elasticsearch has a default bulk maximum size of 100mb so make sure you're requests (including posted files) are below that
