Power of a power in bash with bc - bash

I want to calculate this:
0x0404cb * 2**(8*(0x1b - 3))
which in decimal is:
using | bc.
I tried with
echo 263371*2^^(8*(27-3)) | bc
expr 263371*2^^(8*(27-3)) | bc
zsh: no matches found: 263371*2^^(8*(27-3))
or try to resolve this
238348 * 2^176^
Can I resolve in one shot?

The bc "power of" operator is ^. You also have to quote everything to prevent the shell from trying to do things like history substitution and pathname expansion or interpreting parentheses as subhells:
$ bc <<< '263371*2^(8*(27-3))'
If you want to process your initial expression from scratch, you can use the ibase special variable to set input to hexadecimal and do some extra processing:
eqn='0x0404cb * 2**(8*(0x1b - 3))'
# Replace "**" with "^"
# Remove all "0x" prefixes
# Set ibase to 16 and uppercase the equation
bc <<< "ibase = 16; ${eqn^^}"
or, instead of with parameter expansion, more compact and less legible with (GNU) sed:
sed 's/\*\*/^/g;s/0x//g;s/.*/\U&/;s/^/ibase = 16; /' <<< "$eqn" | bc


How to convert a semantic version shell variable to a shifted integer?

Given a shell variable whose value is a semantic version, how can I create another shell variable whose value is (tuple 1 × 1000000) + (tuple 2 × 1000) + (tuple 3) ?
$ FOO=1.2.3
$ BAR=#shell magic that, given ${FOO} returns `1002003`
# Shell-native string-manipulation? sed? ...?
I'm unclear about how POSIX-compliance vs. shell-specific syntax comes into play here, but I think a solution not bash-specific is preferred.
Update: To clarify: this isn't as straightforward as replacing "." with zero(es), which was my initial thought.
E.g. The desired output for 1.12.30 is 1012030, not 100120030, which is what a .-replacement approach might provide.
Bonus if the answer can be a one-liner variable-assignment.
A perl one-liner:
echo $FOO | perl -pne 's/\.(\d+)/sprintf "%03d", $1/eg'
How it works:
perl -pne does a REPL with the supplied program
The program contains a replacement function s///
The search string is the regex \.(\d+) which matches a string beginning with dot and ends with digits and capture those digits
The e modifier of the s/// function evaluates the right-hand side of the s/// replacement as an expression. Since we captured the digits, they'll be converted into int and formatted into leading zeros with sprintf
The g modifier replaces all instances of the regex in the input string
Split on dots, then loop and multiply/add:
# Split on dots instead of spaces from now on
# Loop over each number and accumulate
for n in $version
int=$((int*1000 + n))
echo "$version is $int"
Be aware that this treats 1.2 and 0.1.2 the same. If you want to always treat the first number as major/million, consider padding/truncating beforehand.
This should do it
echo $foo | sed 's/\./00/g'
How about this?
$ ver=1.12.30
$ foo=$(bar=($(echo $ver|sed 's/\./ /g')); expr ${bar[0]} \* 1000000 + ${bar[1]} \* 1000 + ${bar[2]})
$ echo $foo

Split a string to print first two characters delimited by "-" In Bash

I am listing the AWS region names.
I want to split the string to print specific first characters delimited by - i.e. 'two characters'-'one character'-'one character'. So us-east-1 should be printed as use1 and ap-southeast-1 should be printed as aps1
I have tried this and it's giving me expected results. I was thinking if there is a shorter way to achieve this.
regionlen=$(echo -n $region | wc -m)
echo $region | sed 's/-//' | cut -c 1-3,expr $regionlen - 2-expr $regionlen - 1
How about using sed:
echo "$region" | sed -E 's/^(.[^-]?)[^-]*-(.)[^-]*-(.).*$/\1\2\3/'
Explanation: the s/pattern/replacement/ command picks out the relevant parts of the region name, replacing the entire name with just the relevant bits. The pattern is:
^ - the beginning of the string
(.[^-]?) - the first character, and another (if it's not a dash)
[^-]* - any more things up to a dash
- - a dash (the first one)
(.) - The first character of the second word
[^-]*- - the rest of the second word, then the dash
(.) - The first character of the third word
.*$ - Anything remaining through the end
The bits in parentheses get captured, so \1\2\3 pulls them out and replaces the whole thing with just those.
IFS influencing field splitting step of parameter expansion:
$ str=us-east-2
$ IFS=- eval 'set -- $str'
$ echo $#
$ echo $1
$ echo $2
$ echo $3
No external utilities; just processing in the language.
This is how smartly written build configuration scripts parse version numbers like 1.13.4 and architecture strings like i386-gnu-linux.
The eval can be avoided, if we save and restore IFS.
$ save_ifs=$IFS; set -- $str; IFS=$save_ifs
Using bash, and assuming that you need to distinguish between things like southwest and southeast:
case "$b" in
south*) bb+=s ;;&
north*) bb+=n ;;&
*east*) bb+=e ;;
*west*) bb+=w ;;
echo "$a$bb$c"
How about:
echo "$region" | (IFS=- read -r a b c; echo "$a${b:0:1}${c:0:1}")
A simple sed -
$: printf "us-east-1\nap-southeast-1\n" |
sed -E 's/-(.)[^-]*/\1/g'
To keep noncardinal specifications like southeast distinct from south at the cost of adding an optional additional character -
$: printf "us-east-1\nap-southeast-1\n" |
sed -E '
If you could have south-southwest, add g to those directional reductions.
if you MUST have exactly 4 characters of output, I recommend mapping the eight or 16 map directions to specific characters, so that north is N, northeast is maybe O and northwest M... that sort of thing.

Set string with special character in unix variable

I need to store in a unix variable a string that can contain special characters.
In my case I am decrypting a text that returns to me Her$p7 that I need to store. Obviously that result can be any string (example i*Fi+K'7).
Would they know how I can save that result that I throw in a variable and use it like this
echo var
by example?
I use this for retrieve the string
echo "`${FDL_HOME}/bin/cypher2 DEC ${CF_KEYPFX} ${CF_KEYLEN} ${CF_PASS}== | grep "decrypt text" | gawk -F': ' '{print $2}'`"|perl -e print
The syntax is correct, if not robust, and the issue is in understanding string interpolation. In the standard string context, the dollar sign signifies to the shell that it's about to interpret a variable. Generally, this means to replace the variable with the value of the variable. Consider:
$ t1=Her$p7
$ t2="Her$p7"
$ t3='Her$p7'
$ t4="$(echo 'Her$p7')"
$ echo "t1: $t1; t2: $t2; t3: $t3, t4: $t4"
t1: Her; t2: Her; t3: Her$p7; t4: Her$p7
Note that while setting t1 (the first line) and t2, $p7 was interpreted as a variable (which you had not set), and thus was consequently replaced with it's value (empty/nothing). So, t1 and t2 were set to the value Her<nothing> -> Her.
In the third case, we used single quotes to tell the shell "no interpolation please; I mean strictly what I say". So, t3 is set to exactly the string you typed.
In the last case, we use the subshell operator ($( ... )) to set the variable t4 to the output of subshell command. In this case, we use double quotes to make sure we capture the entire output, but because we aren't typing the variable $p7, the shell won't interpolate the output of the command.
So, you should be good to go with something like:
$ yourVar=$(echo "`${FDL_HOME}/bin/cypher2 DEC ${CF_KEYPFX} ${CF_KEYLEN} ${CF_PASS}== | grep "decrypt text" | gawk -F': ' '{print $2}'`" | perl -e print)
Moving into the last decade, we could clean that up slightly by not using backticks for subshell operations:
$ yourVar=$(echo "$(${FDL_HOME}/bin/cypher2 DEC ${CF_KEYPFX} ${CF_KEYLEN} ${CF_PASS}== | grep "decrypt text" | gawk -F': ' '{print $2}')" | perl -e print)

I want to extract the strings from file name

I need five in A variable
I need four in B variable
And remaining in C variable
Should read from the last character
Note after 2 underscore from the last. There could be many underscores but should take has C variable.
Is it possible?
For example using parameter expansion
a=${base##*_}; base=${base%_$a}
b=${base##*_}; base=${base%_$b}
echo "$a - $b - $c"
source <(sed -r 's/(.*)_([^_]*)_([^_]*)[.].*/C="\1"; B="\2";A="\3"/' <<< "${s}")
# Result:
echo "A=$A, B=$B, C=$C"
A=five, B=four, C=one_two_three
sed -r No need for escaping backslashes
(.*)_ Matches largest string until underscore with the condition that there are underscores left for matching the remaining string
([^_]*) String without underscore
[.] A dot without special meaning
"\1" First remembered string
<<< "${s}" Input for sed is like echo "${s}" | sed ...
<(..) Simulates a file, so sourcing these will execute the commands.

how to chop last n bytes of a string in bash string choping?

for example qa_sharutils-2009-04-22-15-20-39, want chop last 20 bytes, and get 'qa_sharutils'.
I know how to do it in sed, but why $A=${A/.\{20\}$/} does not work?
If your string is stored in a variable called $str, then this will get you give you the substring without the last 20 digits in bash
${str:0:${#str} - 20}
basically, string slicing can be done using
and the length of a string is
solution using sed that works on files:
sed 's/.\{20\}$//' < inputFile
similar to substr('abcdefg', 2-1, 3) in php:
echo 'abcdefg'|tail -c +2|head -c 3
using awk:
echo $str | awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-20)}'
or using strings manipulation - echo ${string:position:length}:
echo ${str:0:$((${#str}-20))}
In the ${parameter/pattern/string} syntax in bash, pattern is a path wildcard-style pattern, not a regular expression. In wildcard syntax a dot . is just a literal dot and curly braces are used to match a choice of options (like the pipe | in regular expressions), so that line will simply erase the literal string ".20".
There are several ways to accomplish the basic task.
$ str="qa_sharutils-2009-04-22-15-20-39"
If you want to strip the last 20 characters. This substring selection is zero based:
$ echo ${str::${#str}-20}
The "%" and "%%" to strip from the right hand side of the string. For instance, if you want the basename, minus anything that follows the first "-":
$ echo ${str%%-*}
only if your last 20 bytes is always date.
$ str="qa_sharutils-2009-04-22-15-20-39"
$ IFS="-"
$ set -- $str
$ echo $1
$ unset IFS
or when first dash and beyond are not needed.
$ echo ${str%%-*}
