Using modules, newly installed package cannot be referenced within project - go

go version go1.11.4 darwin/amd64
GOPATH has been unset but was previously set to $HOME/Development/go
Project path is under $HOME/code/
I’m able to successfully (no errors at least) install the go-sql-driver/mysql package using the command
go get
When I include a reference to that package in an import statement
_ "")
in my code I see the error
could not import (can’t find import:
I have run go mod init in my project root and it creates a go.mod file. When I run the go get command I see a require statement added to that file for the package. But it seems the files for the package get installed in the default $HOME/go directory (since I've unset GOPATH).
Should I be doing things differently so that my import statement can find the newly installed package? Using modules shouldn't all the packages be installed in the project path somewhere?

Should I be doing things differently so that my import statement can find the newly installed package?
No. With modules there is no need to install the packages upfront at all.
Using modules shouldn't all the packages be installed in the project path somewhere?
No. They get downloaded somewhere in some format and used from that location but they are not "installed" like in the old GOPATH variant of go get.
Show output of go env and what go mod vendor produces.

I'm pretty sure I was doing things wrong. I was able to resolve this after referencing the following closely the steps documented at golang modules wiki. The summary is that there is no need to "install" a package via 'go get'. Instead simply make sure your project is initialized to use modules using the 'go mod init' command and then include the package name in an import statement. The next build event will pull down the package and all its dependencies.


how to resolve definition(GoDef) with gopls when I don't have go.mod file

I have a project, which doesn't use go.mod, and not follow the structure that project is under $GOPATH/src/.... It uses bazel and WORKSPACE file to manage depedencies.
I use gopls in neovim, and it could not resolve imports like import, so I am thinking to install the package one by one. However, go get needs to be with a go.mod file, and go install only works when installing a binary.
What option I have here? Thanks!

Use go library that does not have go.mod

I am new to go and have trouble using a library that does not have a go.mod file. The library is and I tried installing it according to the instructions given in the go docs. Since I cannot make a request for the version on the repo, I used the #latest flag, so in order to install, I executed
go install
This however fails and says
package is not a main package
Is there a proper way to install libraries like that? I assume my way of proceeding to just copy the files into a directory within my project is not very clean.
As #JimB said: instead of attempting to install it,
Import the package in your code where applicable.
Run go get — which will download the module (to the local cache) and update your module's go.mod file.
The steps 1 and 2 can be swapped, but then the generated go.mod entry will have the // indirect comment which will disappear next time you run go mod tidy.

Trouble with using gorilla/mux package in mac

I am trying to learn how to build a webserver using go and mux. I am importing mux to the main.go file as import However, when I am trying to run the code. I get the following error
no required module provides package go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'
My GOPATH is /Users/michiokaku/Study/go
The overall structure of my directories is
Inside pkg, I found a directory named mux#v1.8.0 in the path pkg/mod/ I think this is what I downloaded using go get -u But when the code is running, I am getting errors.
What is the issue here? How do I solve this?
PS: I am using mac.
Read through Tutorial: Getting Started with Go, if you haven't seen it already. It matches your situation pretty closely.
In short:
Run go mod init, replacing the last argument with the name for your module. This will create a go.mod file in the current directory that will track your dependencies. Your module's name will be a prefix for all packages within your module.
Run go mod tidy or go get to add as a dependency.
You mentioned you saw a directory pkg/mod/ earlier. This is part of Go's module cache, shared by all projects.

Is it possible to update local packages without running go install?

I am trying to import a local file into my main.go file and this tutorial (and other similar tutorials) says to run go install <path> in order to import that path as a package. This seems like a slow way to develop local packages because you would have to run go install <path> every time you want to see the changes in your local package.
Is there a faster way to import/update local packages? I am using gomon to auto-reload my code after updating it, so ideally, my code would auto-reload after updating a local package.
You should use go modules. The tutorial you mentioned appears to be older than the modules feature. In short: you can import a package, run go build, and any imported external package will automatically be downloaded for you as needed, no need to do a go get. Start here:

Cannot install docker pkg dependency in Go

I'm trying to use the docker package in one of my Go applications. I'm importing the package as import "" in my script. But when trying to build the dependencies, that is, when I run go get in my project directory, it says:
foo.go:9:2: no buildable Go source files in /home/neville/gocode/src/
Here, my GOPATH is set to /home/neville/gocode, so when doing go get, the package should get downloaded to /home/neville/gocode/pkg, instead of /home/neville/gocode/src. What am I missing here? isn't a Go package, and that's why there are no source files in that directory.
Import the package you want directly, like so for the registry package:
import ""
Also, go get does download into $GOPATH/src. The installed object files go in $GOPATH/pkg.
