Will the Crawler reindex the records after deleted - elasticsearch

Working on Storm Crawler 1.12.1 and Elastic Search 6.5.2. I need to increase the efficiency of my search engine. I deleted some of the documents for security reasons after indexing documents into the elastic search. So my question is that the storm crawler will re grab the deleted urls and re-index again? I don't want to re-crawl the deleted records,How can I achieve this?

I assume you deleted the documents from the content index. They are probably still in the status index and even if they are not, they might be rediscovered and added back.
The best thing to do would be to add new entries to whichever flavour of URLfilters you are using so that these URLs are covered, this way they won't be added back if rediscovered then delete them from the status index.


Copy documents in another index on creation in Elasticsearch

We want to keep track of all the changes of a document, so we want to store all the document versions in separate index.
Is there a way when a new document is added or changes to send the entire document in another index? Maybe there is a processor for this use case?
As far as I know, Elasticsearch as such supports only version numbers but there is no way to trace back to previous version.
You could maintain version history in a seperate elastic index
Whenever you update main_index ensure that you update main_index as well
POST main_index/_doc/doc_id
POST main_index/_doc/doc_id_version
May be you can configure logstash to do this...not sure

ElasticSearch updating all the documents

I am using elasticsearch to implement autocomplete feature. I have an api from which I get a list of all the values for autocomplete and I put those as documents in elastic search. The problem I am having is, those values could change, not very often but once a week.
I am thinking of deleting the all the documents and updating those again once a week, same as ttl of a cache. Is there any better way to achieve this?
Thank you in advance.
Maybe there are a bit more elegant than deleting and updating, you could create a new index xxxx_V2, putting new docs into xxxx_v2, and use the alias to make your app code link to the new index, then delete old index.
ideas is from https://www.elastic.co/blog/changing-mapping-with-zero-downtime.

elasticsearch:update the doc if exists in all the shards of an index

I googled on update the docs in ES across all the shards of index if exists. I found a way (/_bulk api), but it requires we need to specify the routing values. I was not able to find the solution to my problem. If does anybody aware of the below things please update me.
Is there any way to update the doc in all the shards of an index if exists using a single update query?.
If not, is there any way to generate routing values such that we should be able to hit all shards with update query?
Ideally for bulk update, ES recommends get the documents by query which needs to get updated using scan and scroll, update the document and index them again. Internally also, ES never updates a document although it provides an Update API through scripting. It always reindexes the new document with updated field/value and deletes the older document.
Is there any way to update the doc in all the shards of an index if exists using a single update query?.
You can check the update API if its suits your purpose. Also there are plugins which can provide you update by query. Check this.
Now comes the routing part and updating all shards. If you have specified a routing value while indexing the document for very first time, then whenever you update your document, you need to set the original routing value. Otherwise ES would never know which shard did the document resided and it can send it to any shard(algo based).
If you don't use routing value, then based on the ID of the document, ES uses an algo to decide the shard it needs to go. Hence when you update a document through a bulk API and keeps the same ID without the routing, the document will be saved in the same shard as it was previous and you would see the update.

reindexing elastic search or updating indexes?

I am now on elastic search, I cant figure out how to update elastic search index,type or document without deleting and reindexing? or is it the best way to achieve it?
So if I have products in my sql product table, should I better delete product type and reindex it or even entire DB as index on elasticsearc. what is the best use case and how can I achieve it?
I would like to do it with Nest preferably but if it is easier, ElasticSearch works for me as well.
This can be a real challenge! Historic records in elasticsearch will need to be reindexed when the template changes. New records will automatically be formatted according to the template you specify.
Using this link has helped us a lot:
You'll want to be sure to have the logstash filter set up to match the fields in your template.

Couchbase XDCR Elasticsearch speed and deletions

We are thinking about implementing some sort of message cache which would hold onto the messages we send to our search index so we could persist while the index was down for an extended period of time (for example a complete re-index) then 're-apply' the messages. These messages are creations or updates of the documents we index. If space were cheap enough, with something as scalable as Couchbase we may even be able to hold all messages but I haven't done any sort of estimations of message size and quantity yet. Anyway, I suggested Couchbase + XDCR + Elasticsearch for this task as most of the work would be done automatically however there are 4 questions I have remaining:
If we were implementing this as a cache, I would not want Elasticsearch to remove any documents that were not in Couchbase, is this possible to do (perhaps it is even the default behaviour)?
Is it possible to apply some sort of versioning so that a document in the index is not over-written by an older version coming from Couchbase?
If I were to add a new field to the index, I might need to re-index from the actual document datasource then re-apply all the messages stored in Couchbase. I may have 100 million documents in Elasticsearch and say 500,000 documents in Couchbase that I want to re-apply to Elasticsearch? What would the speed be like.
Would I be able to apply any sort of logic in-between Couchbase and Elasticsearch?
So we store documents in an RDBMS as we need instant access to inserted docs plus some other stuff. We send limited versions of the document to a search engine via messages. If we want to add a field to the index we need to re-index the system from the RDBMS somehow. If we have this Couchbase message cache we could add the field to messages first, then switch off the indexing of old messages and re-index from the RDBMS. We could then switch back on the indexing of the messages and the entire 'queue' of messages would be indexed without having lost anything.
This system (if it worked) would remove the need for an MQ server, a message listener and make sure no documents were missing from the index.
The versioning would be necessary as we don't want to apply an 'update' to the index which actually contains a more recent document (not sure if this would ever happen now I think about it).
I appreciate it's probably not too great a job to implement points 1 and 4 by changing the Elasticsearch plugin code but I would like to confirm that the idea is reasonable first!
The Couchbase-Elasticsearch integration today should be seen as an indexing engine for Couchbase. This means the index is "managed/controlled" by the data that are in Couchbase.
The XDCR is used to sent "all the events" to Elasticsearch. This means the index is update/delete every time a document (stored in Couchbase) is created, modified or deleted.
So "all the documents" stored into a Couchbase bucket are indexed into Elasticsearch.
Let's answer your questions one by one, based on the current implementation of the Couchbase-Elasticsearch.
When a document is removed from Couchbase, the Elasticsearch index is update (entry removed).
Not sure to understand the question. How an "older" version could come from Couchbase? Anyway once again everytime the document that is stored into Couchbase is modified, the index in Elasticsearch is updated.
Not sure to understand where you want to add a new field? If this is into a document that is stored into Couchbase, when the document will be sent to Elasticsearch the index will be updated. But based on what I have said before : all document "stored" into Couchbase will be present in Elasticsearch index.
Not with the plugin as it is today, but as you know it is an open source project so you can either add some logic to it or even contribute your ideas to the project ( https://github.com/couchbaselabs/elasticsearch-transport-couchbase )
So let me ask you more questions:
- how do you inser the document into you application? (and where Couchbase? Elasticsearch?)
- what are the types of documents?
- what do you want to cache into Couchbase?
