Overriding "root" object value of GraphQL Union/Interface type - graphql

I have an Apollo GraphQL service that delegates to an internal gRPC service. This service has an endpoint which returns a message that contains a oneof, which I'm mapping to a Union in GraphQL.
This is straightforward, but there's a fair degree of boilerplate involved when implementing the resolvers. Suppose I have the following protobuf message definition:
message MyUnionMessage {
oneof value {
UnionType1 type1 = 1;
UnionType1 type2 = 3;
UnionType1 type3 = 4;
message UnionType1 {<type 1 props>}
message UnionType2 {<type 2 props>}
message UnionType3 {<type 3 props>}
My corresponding GraphQL schema looks something like this:
union MyUnionType = UnionType1 | UnionType2 | UnionType3
type UnionType1 {<type 1 props>}
type UnionType1 {<type 2 props>}
type UnionType1 {<type 3 props>}
In the javascript binding for gRPC, a MyUnionMessage object will have two properties: value which is a string indicating which type of value is contained, and a property named for the type. So, if I had a MyUnionMessage containing a UnionType2, for example, the object would look like this:
value: 'type2',
type2: {...}
This is nice for implementing __resolveType, since I can do a simple switch on the value in value, but I then have to write a resolver for all of the fields of all of the concrete types.
What I'm looking for is to be able to so something like this:
resolvers = {
MyUnionType: {
__resolveType(obj) {
switch(obj.value) {
case 'type1': return 'UnionType1';
case 'type2': return 'UnionType2';
case 'type3': return 'UnionType3';
default: return null;
__resolveValue(obj) {
return obj[obj.value];
Basically, I want to write a "resolver" at the level of the generic union (or interface) type that transforms the object before it's passed to the concrete resolver.
Is such a thing possible?

I'd wager that this sort of scenario is typically solved by transforming the data before it hits the __resolveType logic. For example, say you had a Query field that returned a list of MyUnionType. Your resolver for that field might look something like:
function resolve (arr) {
return arr.map(obj => {
return {
type: obj.value // or whatever field name that won't cause a collision
You then switch on type inside of __resolveType and you're good to go. Of course, that means if you have multiple fields that return a MyUnionType, you'll want to extract that logic into a utility function that can be used by each resolver.
I don't think there's not really a way to do what you're trying to do with the existing API. You could, of course, do something like this:
const getUnionType(obj) {
switch(obj.value) {
case 'type1': return 'UnionType1';
case 'type2': return 'UnionType2';
case 'type3': return 'UnionType3';
default: {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized type ${obj.value}`)
const resolvers = {
MyUnionType: {
__resolveType(obj) {
const type = getUnionType(obj)
Object.assign(obj, obj[obj.value])
return type
This works, but keep in mind it is a bit fragile since it assumes resolveType will always get the same root value as the resolve function, which could hypothetically change in the future.


Cannot get property because an index signature declaring the expected key / value type is missing in null or undefined [1]

I am testing PermissionDetail component which has graphql fragment, that is the data of node of PermissionTable component. I am getting a flow type error in this line when getting mock data from query const permissionDetail = data.viewPermissionScheme?.grantGroups[0].grantHolders?.edges[0].node.permission;.
Component hierarchy:
App -> PermissionTable (Paginated component fragment) -> PermissionDetail (fragment)
const TestRenderer = () => {
const data = useLazyLoadQuery<examplesPermissionQuery>(
query examplesPermissionQuery #relay_test_operation {
viewPermission(id: "test-scheme-id") {
... on PermissionView {
groups {
holders(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
permission {
// Getting Flowtype Error here: Cannot get `data.viewPermission?.groups[0]` because an index signature declaring the expected key / value type is missing in null or undefined [1]
const permissionDetail =
return permissionDetail ? (<PermissionDetails permissionDetail={permissionDetail}/>) : null;
What is the correct way to test such components? I am new to flow and graphql and relay. So need to understand the best way to test this.
I think the error is simply that data.viewPermission?.groups can be null or undefined. Therefore you are not allowed to access an(y) index on this property. One way to fix this is by using data.viewPermission?.groups?[0] to access the property.
You could also make groups non-nullable in your GraphQL schema. Some people like a lot of nullable fields because that allows the server to return as much partial data as possible in the case of an error. But for the developer this means that every field has to be checked for null.

GraphQL register new Type wiring with argument to data fetcher

Having a GraphQL schema:
type TypeA {
id: ID,
name: String,
other: TypeC
type TypeB {
id: ID,
name: String,
other: TypeC
How should I implement TypeC wiring independently from source object type? I know I can do:
.dataFetcher("other", dataFetcher_typeC.get())
.dataFetcher("other", dataFetcher_typeC.get())
but then the data fetcher is dependant on a source object type:
DataFetcher<CompletableFuture<Collection<TypeC>>> get() {
return dataFetchingEnvironment -> {
<??> sourceObj = dataFetchingEnvironment.getSource();
return getObject(sourceObj.someProperty);
Given both POJOs (TypeA and TypeB) have reference field to TypeC, how to resolve TypeC field by given reference, not source object?
I have actually figured out two possible solutions to the problem:
When defining new wiring, get source object and from it the field. Call dataFetcher method with parameter, like regular java method:
Inside data fetcher get field name from DataFetcherEnvironment. Use reflection to get field from source object
Example #1:
.dataFetcher("other", environment -> {
TypeA sourceObj = environment.getSource();
return dataFetcher_typeC.get(sourceObj.other)})
TypeB sourceObj = environment.getSource();
return dataFetcher_typeC.get(sourceObj.other)})
Example #2:
DataFetcher<CompletableFuture<Collection<TypeC>>> get() {
return dataFetchingEnvironment -> {
Field declaredField = dataFetchingEnvironment.getSource().getClass()
String value = (String) declaredField.get(dataFetchingEnvironment.getSource());
return getObject(sourceObj.someProperty);
Second option looks better but still unsure if this is correct approach.
From the documentation here
the dataFetchingEnvironment provides getExecutionStepInfo() method which returns the ExecutionStepInfo object. From there, you can get the parent information.
ExecutionStepInfo executionStepInfo = environment.getExecutionStepInfo();
ExecutionStepInfo parentInfo = executionStepInfo.getParent();
GraphQLObjectType parentType = (GraphQLObjectType) parentInfo.getUnwrappedNonNullType();
// parentType.getName() returns you "TypeA" or "TypeB"

How resolve the right type in GraphQL when using interface and inline fragments

I'm facing a problem where I need to reference a resolved field on the parent from inside the __resolveType. Unfortunately the field I need to reference did not come as part of the original api response for the parent, but from another field resolver, which I would not have though mattered, but indeed it does, so it is undefined.
But I need these fields (in this example the; obj.barCount and obj.bazCount) to be able to make the following query, so I've hit a dead end. I need them to be available in the resolveType function so that I can use them to determine what type to resolve in case this field is defined.
Here's an example:
The graphql query I wish to be able to make:
somethings {
... on HasBarCount {
... on HasBazCount {
type ExampleWithBarCount implements Something & HasBarCount & Node {
hello: String!
barCount: Int
type ExampleWithBazCount implements Something & HasBazCount & Node {
hello: String!
bazCount: Int
interface Something {
hello: String!
interface HasBarCount {
barCount: Int
interface HasBazCount {
bazCount: Int
ExampleWithBarCount: {
barCount: (obj) => {
return myApi.getBars(obj.id).length || 0
ExampleWithBazCount {
bazCount: (obj) => {
return myApi.getBazs(obj.id).length || 0
Something: {
__resolveType(obj) {
console.log(obj.barCount) // Problem: this is always undefined
console.log(obj.bazCount) // Problem: this is always undefined
if (obj.barCount) {
return 'ExampleWithBarCount';
if (obj.bazCount) {
return 'ExampleWithBazCount';
return null;
Any ideas of alternative solutions or what am I missing?
Here's a little more about the use case.
In the database we have a table "entity". This table is very simple and only really important columns are id, parent_id, name. type, and then you can of course attach some additional metadata to it.
Like with "entity", types are created dynamically from within the backend management system, and aftewards you can assign a type to your concrete entity.
The primary purpose of "entity" is to establish a hierarchy / tree of nested entities by parent_id and with different "types" (in the type column of entity). There will be some different meta data, but let's not focus on that.
Note: entity can be named anything, and the type can be anything.
In the API we then have an endpoint where we can get all entities with a specific type (sidenote: and in addition to the single type on an entitiy we also have an endpoint to get all entities by their taxonomy/term).
In the first implementation I modeled the schema by adding all the "known" types I had in my specification from the UX'er during development. The tree of entities could be like eg.
Company (or Organization, ..., Corporation... etc)
Branch (or Region, ..., etc)
Factory (or Building, facility, ..., etc)
Zone (or Room, ..., etc)
But this hierarchy is just one way it could be done. The naming of each might be totally different, and you might move some of them a level up or down or not have them at all, depending on the use case.
Only thing that is set in stone is that they share the same database table, will have the type column/field defined and they may or may not have children. The bottom layer in the hierarchy will not have children, but machines instead. The rest of just diffent metadata, which I think we should ignore for to not complicate this further.
As you can see the hierarchy needs to be very flexible and dynamic, so I realized it wasn't a great solution I had begun on.
At the lowest level "Zone" in this case, there will need to be a "machines" field, which should return a list of machines (they are in a "machines" table in the db, and not part of the hierarchy, but simply related with an "entity_id" on the "machines" table.
I had schema types and resolvers for all in the above hierarchy: Organization, Branch, Factory, Zone etc, but I was for the most part just repeating myself, so I thought I could turn to interfaces to try to generalize this more.
So instead of doing
branches {
buildings {
zones {
machines {
And having to add schema/resolvers for all the different namings of the entities, I thought this would work:
entities(type: "companies") {
... on HasEntityCount {
branchCount: entityCount(type: "branch")
buildingCount: entityCount(type: "building")
zoneCount: entityCount(type: "zone")
... on HasSubEntities {
entities(type: "branch") {
... on HasEntityCount {
buildingCount: entityCount(type: "building")
zoneCount: entityCount(type: "zone")
... on HasMachineCount {
... on HasSubEntities {
entities(type: "building") {
... on HasEntityCount {
zoneCount: entityCount(type: "zone")
... on HasMachineCount {
... on HasSubEntities {
entities(type: "zone") {
... on HasMachines {
With the interfaces being:
interface HasMachineCount {
machineCount: Int
interface HasEntityCount {
entitiyCount(type: String): Int
interface HasSubEntities {
type: String
): [Entity!]
interface HasMachines {
machines: [Machine!]
interface Entity {
id: ID!
name: String!
type: String!
The below works, but I really want to avoid a single type with lots of optional / null fields:
type Entity {
id: ID!
name: String!
type: String!
# Below is what I want to avoid, by using interfaces
# Imagine how this would grow
In my own logic I don't care what the entities are called, only what fields expected. I'd like to avoid a single Entity type with alot of nullable fields on it, so I thought interfaces or unions would be helpful for keeping things separated so I ended up with HasSubEntities, HasEntityCount, HasMachineCount and HasMachines since the bottom entity will not have entities below, and only the bottom entity will have machines. But in the real code there would be much more than the 2, and it could end up with a lot of optional fields, if not utilizing interfaces or unions in some way I think.
There's two separate problems here.
One, GraphQL resolves fields in a top down fashion. Parent fields are always resolved before any children fields. So it's never possible to access the value that a field resolved to from the parent field's resolver (or a "sibling" field's resolver). In the case of fields with an abstract type, this applies to type resolvers as well. A field type will be resolved before any children resolvers are called. The only way to get around this issue is to move the relevant logic from the child resolver to inside the parent resolver.
Two, assuming the somethings field has the type Something (or [Something], etc.), the query you're trying to run will never work because HasBarCount and HasBazCount are not subtypes of Something. When you tell GraphQL that a field has an abstract type (an interface or a union), you're saying that what's returned by the field could be one of several object types that will be narrowed down to exactly one object type at runtime. The possible types are either the types that make up the union, or types that implement the interface.
A union may only be made up of object types, not interfaces or other unions. Similarly, only an object type may implement an interface -- other interfaces or unions may not implement interfaces. Therefore, when using inline fragments with a field that returns an abstract type, the on condition for those inline fragments will always be an object type and must be one of the possible types for the abstract type in question.
Because this is pseudocode, it's not really clear what business rules or use case you're trying to model with this sort of schema. But I can say that there's generally no need to create an interface and have a type implement it unless you're planning on adding a field in your schema that will have that interface as its type.
Edit: At a high level, it sounds like you probably just want to do something like this:
type Query {
entities(type: String!): [Entity!]!
interface Entity {
type: String!
# other shared entity fields
type EntityWithChildren implements Entity {
type: String!
children: [Entity!]!
type EntityWithModels implements Entity {
type: String!
models: [Model!]!
The type resolver needs to check for whether we have models, so you'll want to make sure you fetch the related models when you fetch the entity (as opposed to fetching them inside the models resolver). Alternatively, you may be able to add some kind of column to your db that identifies an entity as the "lowest" in the hierarchy, in which case you can just use this property instead.
function resolveType (obj) {
return obj.models ? 'EntityWithModels' : 'EntityWithChildren'
Now your query looks like this:
entities {
... on EntityWithModels {
models { ... }
... on EntityWithChildren {
children {
... on EntityWithModels {
models { ... }
... on EntityWithChildren {
# etc.
The counts are a bit trickier because of the variability in the entity names and the variability in the depth of the hierarchy. I would suggest just letting the client figure out the counts once it gets the whole graph from the server. If you really want to add count fields, you'd have to have fields like childrenCount, grandchildrenCount, etc. Then the only way to populate those fields correctly would be to fetch the whole graph at the root.

check for missing resolvers

How would you scan schema for missing resolver for queries and non-scalar fields ?
I'm trying to work with a dynamic schema so I need to be able to test this programmatically. I've been browsing graphql tools for few hours to find a way to do this, but I'm getting nowhere...
checkForResolveTypeResolver - this only apply to interface and union resolveType resolver
I can't find a way to know when a defaultFieldResolver is applied
I tried working with custom directives to add #requiredResolver, to help identify those fields, but custom resolver are far from being fully supported:
introspection & directives
no graphql-js directives handler (can workaround this with graphql-tools tho)
any help is appreciated !
Given an instance of GraphQLSchema (i.e. what's returned by makeExecutableSchema) and your resolvers object, you can just check it yourself. Something like this should work:
const { isObjectType, isWrappingType, isLeafType } = require('graphql')
assertAllResolversDefined (schema, resolvers) {
// Loop through all the types in the schema
const typeMap = schema.getTypeMap()
for (const typeName in typeMap) {
const type = schema.getType(typeName)
// We only care about ObjectTypes
// Note: this will include Query, Mutation and Subscription
if (isObjectType(type) && !typeName.startsWith('__')) {
// Now loop through all the fields in the object
const fieldMap = type.getFields()
for (const fieldName in fieldMap) {
const field = fieldMap[fieldName]
let fieldType = field.type
// "Unwrap" the type in case it's a list or non-null
while (isWrappingType(fieldType)) {
fieldType = fieldType.ofType
// Only check fields that don't return scalars or enums
// If you want to check *only* non-scalars, use isScalarType
if (!isLeafType(fieldType)) {
if (!resolvers[typeName]) {
throw new Error(
`Type ${typeName} in schema but not in resolvers map.`
if (!resolvers[typeName][fieldName]) {
throw new Error(
`Field ${fieldName} of type ${typeName} in schema but not in resolvers map.`

What and How does Relay and GraphQL interfaces work?

we define a type in GraphQL like this:
const GraphQLTodo = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Todo',
fields: {
id: globalIdField('Todo'),
text: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (obj) => obj.text,
complete: {
type: GraphQLBoolean,
resolve: (obj) => obj.complete,
interfaces: [nodeInterface], // what is this?
and I've read there is GraphQLInterfaceType - is more suitable when the types are basically the same but some of the fields are different(is this something like a foreign key?)
and in Relay we get the nodefield and nodeInterface with nodeDefinitions:
const {nodeInterface, nodeField} = nodeDefinitions(
(globalId) => {
const {type, id} = fromGlobalId(globalId);
if (type === 'Todo') {
return getTodo(id);
} else if (type === 'User') {
return getUser(id);
return null;
(obj) => {
if (obj instanceof Todo) {
return GraphQLTodo;
} else if (obj instanceof User) {
return GraphQLUser;
return null;
The docs and samples only used one on interfaces: [] //it's an array. but when do I need to use many interfaces? I am just confused on what it is, I've read a lot about it(don't know if my understanding is correct), just can't seem to wrap it in my head
A GraphQLInterfaceType is one way GraphQL achieves polymorphism, i.e. types that consist of multiple object types. For example, suppose you have two base object types, Post and Comment. Suppose you want a field that could get a list of both comments and posts. Conveniently, both these types have an id, text, and author field. This is the perfect use case for an interface type. An interface type is a group of shared fields, and it can be implemented by any object type which possesses those fields. So we create an Authored interface and say the Comment and Post implement this interface. By placing this Authored type on a GraphQL field, that field can resolve either posts or comments (or a heterogeneous list of both types).
But wait, Post and Comment accept an array of interfaces. I could pass multiple interfaces here. Why? Since the requirement for implementing an interface is possession of all the fields in that interface, there is no reason why any object type can't implement multiple interfaces. To draw from your example, the Node interface in Relay only needs id. Since our Post and Comment have id, they could implement both Node and Authored. But many other types will likely implement Node, ones that aren't part of Authored.
This makes your object types much more re-usable. If you assign interfaces to your field instead of object types, you can easily add new possible types to the fields in your schema as long as you stick to these agreed-upon interfaces.
