sending different output using same logstash file - elasticsearch

I need my logstash conf file to send a message to a kafka topic to indicate that the document processed has been sent to elasticsearch. I have my logstash file ready to structure the data to send to the ElasticSearch but I need to post 'yes' or 'no' message to a kafka topic through the same logstash file.

You can use mutiple outputs like
#output to console
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
#output to elasticsearch
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "" ]
#output to kafka
kafka {
codec => json
topic_id => "mytopic"

First you need to have the yes/no value in a field, let's call it value.
Then add a kafka output, with the plain codec using the format option to add the yes/no value:
output {
#rest of your output configuration
kafka {
codec => plain {format => "%{[value]}"}


Logstash dynamic elasticsearch hosts output

I have configured my logstash file like this
input {
kafka {
topics => [
bootstrap_servers => "${KAFKA_URL}"
codec => "json"
filter {
output {
elasticsearch {
index => "logstash-%{organizationId}"
hosts => ["${ELASTICSEARCH_URL}"]
codec => "json"
stdout { codec => json }
the elasticsearch output url is coming from the environment variable.
I want to improve the behavior of logstash and change dynamically the output server url based on the some info that came in the kafka message
It is possible to do it?
thanks in advance

how i can create index to elastic search using tcp input protocol?

i have configured logstash 5.5 to use tcp protocol for give the json message.
input {
tcp {
port => 9001
codec => json
type => "test-tcp-1"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "logstash-%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
json { source => "message" }
The message has been received from logstash with successfully but elasticsearch not create a index ! Why ?
If use the same configuration with stdin input plugin work fine.
Many thanks.

Logstash data showing up as "message" field in elasticsearch

I am trying to send some raw data to elasticsearch through logstash. I am trying to do this through the udp plugin but for now I dont think this is relevant.
Basically, I with to send key/value pairs, and I wish for this to show up as:
"key_1": "value_1"
instead of:
"message": "{\"key1\": \"value1\"}"
Is there any way for logstash to somehow "decode" the message as json and insert them as top level keys?
I just needed to use a "json" codec on the input like so:
input {
udp {
port => 3425
codec => "json"
Thanks to Val for pointing this out

Losgstah configuration issue

I begin with logstash and ElasticSearch and I would like to index .pdf or .doc file type in ElasticSearch via logstash.
I configured logstash using the codec multiline to get my file in a single message in ElasticSearch. Below is my configuration file:
input {
file {
path => "D:/BaseCV/*"
codec => multiline {
# Grok pattern names are valid! :)
pattern => ""
what => "previous"
output {
stdout {
codec => "rubydebug"
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost"
index => "cvindex"
document_type => "file"
At the start of logstash the first file I add, I recovered in ElasticSearch in one message, but the following are spread over several messages. I wish I had the correspondence : 1 file = 1 message.
Is this possible ? What should I change my setup to solve the problem ?
Thank you for your feedback.

data from rabbitmq not being read into kibana dashboard

I just altered my logstash-elasticearch setup to include rabbitmq rather since I wasn't able to get messages into logstash fast enough with tcp connection. Now it is blazing fast as logstash reads from the queue but I do not see the messages coming through into kibana. One error shows the timestamp field missing. I used the plugin/head to view the data and it is odd:
_index _type _id ▼_score #version #timestamp
pt-index logs Bv4Kp7tbSuy8YyNi7NEEdg 1 1 2014-03-27T12:37:29.641Z
this is what my conf file looks like now and below what it did look like:
input {
rabbitmq {
queue => "logstash_queueII"
host => ""
exchange => "logstash.dataII"
vhost => "/myhost"
output {
host => ""
index => "pt-index"
codec => "json_lines"
this is what it was before rabbitmq:
input {
tcp {
codec => "json_lines"
port => "1516"
output {
elasticsearch {
embedded => "true"
Now the only change I made was to create a specific index in elasticsearch and have the data indexed there but now it seems the format of the message has changed. It is still json messages with 2/3 fields but not sure what logstash is reading or changing from rabbitmq. I can see data flowing into the histogram but the fields are gone.
"2014-03-18T14:32:02" "2014-03-18T14:36:24" "166" "google"
these are the fields I would expect. Like I said all this worked before I made the change.
I have seen examples of a similar configurations, but they do not use the output codec of "json_lines" going into Elasticsearch. The output codec would adjust the formatting of the data as it leaves logstash which I do not believe is nessisary. Try deleting the codec and see what logstash is outputting by adding a file output to a log, be sure this is only short sample...
