Nginx Docker Web Server behind Corporate proxy - laravel

I've gone through the various questions here and I can't seem to get this working.
I have a ubuntu server running docker.
I have laradock which has a lot of options on running a web server, sql server, php, etc.
This ubuntu server is behind a corporate network.
The nginx, php-fpm and mysql containers are hosting a laravel app.
When the nginx docker container needs to access the internet, I need it to go through the corporate proxy server.
Can someone please point me in the right direction where to configure this? On the Docker Host, on the Containers themselves, on all the containers?

See, section Configure the Docker client.
Note: You will need to restart your containers after updating the ~/.docker/config.json file.


Configure Laravel with Nginx on Ubuntu Desktop and make it a server using NAT modem

I'm self-deploying a Laravel test project on Nginx with Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop, and for the purpose of knowing my computer becomes the server through configuring the modem's NAT. But until now, I still can't configure the path with the free domain. Please help me if you have any relevant information or documents. Thank you

SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT when accessing api platform

API Platform V.2.6.5 with docker-compose downloaded from the official website
Problem : I can't send requests to the API, or access the UI from my browser. I'm facing a SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT
This is a brand new project I did not edit any file.
Note that i'm using Docker Toolbox for Windows and my docker is running on, not localhost.
I tried on anoter PC where the domain for docker is localhost and it works.
However, the containers start well. I can even create entities and update my database.
Do you have an idea why this error is happening and how to resolve this ?
Most likely it's a caddy thing not having a valid SSL certificate, check at
docker-compose logs caddy
Here is an issue at caddy community:

Can docker containers be run on live web servers?

I read that heroku uses what they call cedar containers in their infrastructure which allows developers to use containerisation in their apps hosted on heroku. If I'm not mistaken that is, I'm new to all this.
Is is possible to run docker containers on web servers and integrate them as part of your website? Or at least, come up with a method of converting docker containers into Cedar containers or something similar which are compatible with the web server?
On your own private server I see no reason why you couldn't do this, but when it comes to commercial web hosting services, where does this stand?
You are not running "docker on web server", but running "docker with web server".
I mean, you supposed to package your app into the docker with some kind of web server.
After it, you can call your app in this container as regular web site. Also, you can host this container in some docker host (for example, docker cloud,,...)
As for heroku, may be you'll find this helpful

How to deploy application on JoNaS in a Docker container

I am using Docker (Unix system) in order to make containers where I can deploy some web applications (made in Java). I installed and configured properly JoNaS in one of this container but I am missing something about the networking.
In fact, the thing is that I use a Jenkins job which call some Maven (maven-cargo-plugin more precisely) in order to deploy in the container (rmi:// protocol).
I guess they cannot discuss properly because the containers aren't on the same network. I am actually not allowed to change anything of the network settings so I search a solution which bypass bridges or something like that.
If they aren't any, does you guys have an idea for my problem ? I made a little draw about my configuration if you guys think I was not clear enough (
Although, sorry for my English mistakes.
It sounds like you want to expose the Cargo port from the Docker container so that Jenkins can connect to the Docker host IP on that port to get into the container. See for usage. For example, if the Cargo port was 6767, you might run the container with -p 6767:6767 which would allow Jenkins to connect to port 6767 on the Docker host IP (same network).

setup tomcat personal webserver

i hosted an apache server by changing few details in the httpd.conf file, used this tutorial. i also did port forwarding so that the server is able to respond behind the wireless router (firewall), it worked completely fine ( i checked by typing the ip and port number from some other host outside the network). now i am trying to run servlets for which i need tomcat server. i have installed tomcat but i am unable to access the server from another host that is not on the same network. could somebody please guide as to how can i achieve this.
I guess I would go with The Apache-Tomcat Connector and use it to connect your new tomcat instance to your Apache.
I did the same thing just as I for apache server, except that I changed the listening port to something else. added that entry in the router. incorporated tomcat in eclipse and then started the sample project. using, i got the ip address. i could access my webserver from elsewhere...
