How to run maven from the project - maven

I am trying to start the maven from the root folder (where the file pom.xml is located) of the project via the command line, but I get an error that the command "mvn install" was not found. If I run a maven through the directory where it is installed, then it cannot find the project. How to run maven from the project?
<glassfish.executables.suffix />

You need to add the maven bin directory to the PATH. Then you can call it from the project directory.


Maven Inherit Parent profile property as classifier in child

I have multi hierarchy pom maven project.
Parent POM: This contains two profiles with different dependencies and property value (env-type) which is used for classifiers.
deploy_mav/pom_multi_cloud.xml ::
<name>Master POM Multi Cloud</name>
In 1st Level Child pom.xml,
In 2nd level child module shared-service-engine,
<name>Service Engine</name>
In 3rd level service-plan,
<name>Service Plan</name>
Issue is the vaue for env-type ise received till 2nd level.
2nd level has dependency call to 3rd level to which the 2nd level has to pass the classifier value set by the active profile.
The value is not passed to 3rd level and instead dependency searches for -${env-type}.jar
On debuging, getting logs like
[DEBUG] org.jooq:jooq:jar:3.11.9:compile (version managed from 3.11.9)
[DEBUG] javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:jar:2.2.12:compile
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project service-engine: Could not resolve dependencies for project Could not find artifact
-query-api:jar:${env-type}:ver-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in nexus ( -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project service-engine: Could not resolve dependencies for project Coul
d not find artifact${env-type}:ver-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in nexus (
Caused by: org.apache.maven.project.DependencyResolutionException: Could not resolve dependencies for project Could not find artifact
d-query-api:jar:${env-type}:ver-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in nexus (
Solved it by creating a profile in the child project pom.xml and activating it with command line argument value.
mvn -DskipTests -X -P build_aws -Denv-type=aws clean install

Maven release: Developer information missing

Getting this error on mvn release:perform
[ERROR] Repository "comconvertapi-1002" failures
[ERROR] Rule "pom-staging" failures
[ERROR] * Invalid POM: /com/convertapi/client/convertapi/1.7/convertapi-1.7.pom: Developer information missing
Releasing from branch: (could this error be related with that?)
This is POM file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>ConvertAPI Java Client</name>
The ConvertAPI helps converting various file formats.
Creating PDF and Images from various sources like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, images, web pages or raw HTML codes.
Merge, Encrypt, Split, Repair and Decrypt PDF files.
And many others files manipulations.
In just few minutes you can integrate it into your application and use it easily.
The ConvertAPI client library makes it easier to use the Convert API from your Java 8 projects without having to
build your own API calls.
<name>The MIT License</name>
<name>Jonas Jasas</name>
<!-- GPG Signature on release -->
It's seem ok, but sometime maven plugins use cache for some info.
Try to clear cache by this sequence of commands:
mvn clean
mvn release:prepare -Dresume=false
mvn release:perform
If it not helped, try to simplify developer section (excluding sequentially properties, timezone and so on)
Publish Requirement
Please check you have fulfill all your publish requirement.
Supply Javadoc and Sources⚓︎
Sign Files with GPG/PGP
Sufficient Metadata
Correct Coordinates
Project Name, Description and URL
License Information
Developer Information
SCM Information

Maven module order changes on the same profile

I have project which has 3 pom files, and 2 maven profiles :prod and dev. The problems is that when I run my dev profile with cmd
mvn clean install -Pdev
it builds project with order :
When I build project with prod profile, it builds project with order :
Which is the way i want. But when I run cmd
mvn clean install
It needs to build project with dev profile, and it does it but in this order : 1.frontend, 2.backend.
and this is the problem, it changes module order. Here is the main pom.xml
<description>Main Parent Project</description>
here is backend pom.xml
<description>Backend Project</description>
and here is frontend pom.xml
<description>Frontend Project</description>
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm rebuild node-sass</id>
<arguments>rebuild node-sass</arguments>
<id>bower install</id>
Can you help me and tell why is this happening?
Normally this kind of thing is resolved because your frontend would be dependent upon the jar produced by your backend.
So, even if it does not have a compile time dependency you can still add one at provided scope:
This will tell the maven reactor that it must always build the backend first, without changing the resulting artifact that is built.
First remove <activation> tag from backend/pom.xml. I hoping that you need keep only one profile active at a time by default and which should be dev
Remove the dependency mentioned in backend/pom.xml from prod profile. Your fronend project should be depend on backend.
Add the backend dependency in frontend/pom.xml as below (not in any specific profile)
Now try below commands
mvn clean // (default profile `dev`)
mvn clean --activate-profiles prod // (with override profile `prod`)

Pass JVM args to maven surefire, conditional on build Java version?

Is there a way that I can pass this argLine configuration to the maven-surefire plugin ONLY when <jdk.version>1.7</jdk.version> is configured for Java 1.7 but NOT when a user changes the pom.xml to be configured for java 1.8?
The reason being that Java 1.8 doesn't have permgen space.
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
You can use Maven profile activation based on properties value, in this case the property will be jdk.version and its value the different configuration of JDK. The profile will then change the Maven Surefire Plugin configuration accordingly.
Hence, your pom may look like the following:
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
Note the profiles section at the end. Two profiles are defined:
surefire-java7: it will be activated by the value 1.7 for the jdk.version variable and set the argLine for the Maven Surefire Plugin with the desired value
surefire-java8: it will be activated by the value 1.8 for the jdk.version variable and set a different argLine for the Maven Surefire Plugin.
Also note that with this configuration you can even switch JDK version (and as such Surefire configuration) at demand from the command line, as following:
mvn clean test -Djdk.version=1.8
The associated profile will be automatically activated as part of the build.
Important note about cross-compilation (you may already be aware of it, but just in case) I would suggest to carefully read this question/answer.
Rather than a property, you should use the JDK based activation.
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
Cf maven documentation.

In maven - how to rename the output .war file based on the name of the profile in use

I have three profiles in my pom.xml for our application...
dev (for use on a developer's)
qa (for use on our internal qa server)
prod (production).
When we run our maven build all three profiles ouput a war file with the same name. I would like to output $profilename-somearbitraryname.war
Any ideas?
You've answered yourself correctly:
but there is a simpler way to redefine WAR name:
<!-- ... -->
No maven-war-plugin is needed.
The answer was simple...
Define a property in each profile like this...
Then add this to your plugins...
In maven you must use <bundleFileName> in the <module>
You should follow this link to ensure your modules are rewritted:
