How to add a class with new styles css to v-dialog, vuetify? - vuetify.js

Good day. I am working with vuetify, using the following v-dialog in a component:
<v-dialog class="vdialognew" v-model="mostrarIndicator" persistent>
<v-container fluid fill-height>
<v-layout align-center justify-center>
<cube-shadow class="spinnerRotate"></cube-shadow>
<style scoped>
.vdialognew {
box-shadow: none !important;
max-width: 610px !important;
As you will see in v-dialog I have added the vdialognew class, to apply those new styles, but when loading the content by checking in the browser console, I see that the vdialognew class does not apply to it, only. Similarly, if I use the style property inside the v-dialog tag, it does not work for me. How can I make such a change?
I am doing this modification to eliminate the box that is seen behind the green square:
Thank you very much in advance. Blessings

Passing "class" to the v-dialog won't work.
Use "content-class" instead. In your case
<v-dialog content-class="vdialognew" v-model="mostrarIndicator" persistent>
should work.
Have a look at the v-dialog docs

Use "content-class" is the correct answer as mentioned by #mxmass, but if you're trying to add the class in scoped level, it won't work.
Add the style in the beginning, so let's say if you're using nuxt, create a main styling file such as main.scss, then in nuxt.config.js, add that file in css section. That way, your styling class is available when you're using "content-class". Hope this helps.

you can add multiple names to class
<v-dialog class="vdialognew dialogCss"></v-dialog>
.dialogCss {
background: #8e5ba6;


Get rid of empty space in v-select

I use Vuetify and have a question about access to styles of v-select input.
Actual result:
The desired result is to get rid of space between dots and arrow.
I went through the official docs, but it didn't help.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid>
<v-row align="center">
<v-col cols="1">
The full code example
You need to override the existing style of one of the nested elements.
Add this to the style (example from your codepen):
.v-select__selection.v-select__selection--comma {
max-width: 100% !important;
margin-right: 0 !important;
I'd recommend adding a specific class (e.g. wide-text-area or something) to the v-select element and specify it in the CSS so the style doesn't apply to all elements without intention.

Dynamically changing class in v-text-field in default slot

I am trying to dynamically change font-size in v-text-field default slot based on the length of the text. However, it seems that v-text-field ignores any specification I specify in the section.
Here is the code
label="Core Attribute"
<div :class="attrNameStyle[0]">
{{ }}
I have verified that attrNameStyle[0] is gets set correctly, however that style never gets applied to the default slot. I can change the way input slot looks via this CSS class .v-text-field__slot input { ... } however, I can't update that CSS dynamically.
Thanks for help!
Edit: Adding more context.
.core-select {
width: 180px;
.short-core-select {
font-size: 12px;
attrNameStyle[0] is set to either '', or 'short-core-select'.
Since v-text-field__slot is working, you could edit that CSS from a higher level.
label="Core Attribute"
{{ }}
.short-core-select .v-text-field__slot {
font-size: 12px;

Scout Eclipse Neon margin on fields

Is it possible to set a margin around fields.
For example in image :
If I want to set lower (separated) checkBox in line with above once, is there a way to do it?
Start by inspecting the HTML code (with Chrome).
The code corresponding to the Checkbox Field is something like that:
<div class="form-field check-box-field"
style="left: 0px; top: 14px; width: 1598px; height: 30px;"
<div class="field has-inner-alignment halign-left valign-top" style=
"left: 148px; top: 0px; width: 1420px; height: 30px;">
<div class="check-box" tabindex="0"></div>
<div class="label">
With CSS you can do anything possible:
.check-box-field {
background-color: red;
Now because you do not want to add some custom CSS style for all CheckBox Fields, you can define a custom Css-Class in your CheckBox:
public class UnknownCheckBox extends AbstractBooleanField {
protected String getConfiguredCssClass() {
return "checkbox-under-listbox";
// ... Some Code ...
And now you add this CSS code:
.checkbox-under-listbox {
margin-left: 20px;
I have realized this example with the Widgets Demo Application ( repository, releases/5.2.x branch). I added my css code in this file: org.eclipse.scout.widgets.ui.html/src/main/js/widgets/main.css (It is probably not the best approach to have everything in main.css).
You can deduce from this example how you can add an additional CSS/LESS module and macro to your application. This post: Inclusion of additional icons from font-awesome might also be usefull. You will have a main.css instead of a font.css.
WARNING: this is not state of the art.
At the end this is normal HTML development (single page application of course), so you can do what you want...
If you do not want to use the LESS compiler and the File preprocessor, you can simpelly add a normal CSS file in the folder:
Let say:
Do not forget to include your CSS File between the <head> and </head> tags in the HTML index file:
Something like:
<!-- some code -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="my_custom.css">
<scout:stylesheet src="res/scout-module.css" />
<!-- some code -->
You can always use custom CSS: Let your field implement IStyleable and use setCssClass() to apply an appropriate CSS class. I'd try to avoid using such pixel pushing approaches as much as possible.

Hover link to change opacity of image

I am trying to get the effect shown here
Where you hover over the "learn more" link to get the opacity of the image to also change.
Right now I have
for HTML
<img src="/images/pill.png" alt="description" id ="image" />
<p> Daily Essentials </p>
<a id ="button" href="#">Learn More</a>
For jquery
It doesn't seem to work so far
I have the following code recently updated but the hover on effect doesn't work for me. Heres a link to the thing I'm trying to get to work
<div class ="product-content">
<img class="imgClass" src="/images/pill.png" alt="description" />
<p> Daily Essentials </p>
<a id ="button" href="#">Learn More</a>
$("a#button, img").hover(function(){
opacity: 0.6
#button {
padding: 10px 24px;
border: medium none;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
font-weight: bold;
You should be able to do this using jQuery with the following code:
$('#id of link you want to use to change opacity').hover(function() { $('#id of image that you want to change opacity of').css({ 'opacity' : 0.25 }); });
Combine JQuery and CSS3's opacity features to wire up an "OnHover" event to the images that changes the opacity of the said image.
Unless you want to see through those images and show background pattern, there is no need to deal with opacity.
Even though you can prepare semitransparent version of image and change src attribute in onMouseOver event.
But you can achieve the same effect by simply putting a div with 1-pixel semitransparent background above selected image.
Using CSS opacity will cut off older browsers.
Hi You can easily do this by css, with somethings like this:
.img {opacity:0.4; /*some more css*/ } /* (opacity:) is now supported by all browsers */
.img:hover {opacity:0.98; /* Some more css be creative... */ }
That's all!
Here's some html, css, jquery that shows how to do it:
<div></div><a>Hover On Me</a>
opacity: 0.6
height:20px; border-radius:5px;
It looks like in the specific example you cite, they've used CSS3 transitions. See here for a tutorial:
In a nutshell using these you can do all kind of funky effects without any javascript. CSS3 is supported by modern browsers (but is pretty cutting edge as web technologies go) and isn't yet a W3C standard.
This code should do what you wanted to do (I tested it against your HTML):
$(document).ready(function() {
Okay, I just checked out your page. Firstly, it looks like jQuery is not working through the $ on your site, so you'll need to either troubleshoot that, or use it by jQuery instead. I pasted this code in on the JavaScript console on your site and it works:
jQuery("a#button, img").hover(function(){
edit: Looks like you got it working as I was typing up this response

Module padding in Joomla 1.5

I want to put "5px padding" for my banner in a module. I have made a template with artisteer. Simply I have added a module calling "top" in my index.php file like this:
<div class="logo_custom">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="logo" />
It appears the banner with "padding:0 0;". How can I put a 5px padding for my banner? I have tried with div, calling a class with css file. But doesn't work. If anyone has any idea please share it with me.
Thanks in advance. Sorry for my poor English.
.logo_custom { padding: 5px; }
