Grand total in oracle interactive report below last row - oracle-apex-5.1

I created an interactive report and I want to show the report total value. Is it possible to classic and tabular form. Is it possible in interactive report like classic report compute sum of column value.
Please help someone.

Is it possible? Yes, it is. In a simple manner. It is an interactive report, after all.
run the report
click the "Actions" button
Navigate to "Data"
Click "Aggregate"
Aggregation: New aggregation
Function: Sum
Columns: select a column name you want to aggregate
Click "Apply"
If you want to save that report:
"Actions" (again)
"Save report"
pick whether you want to name it, or save as a default report


Edit button gone in Interactive Report Oracle APEX

so im trying to create an interactive report using apex. Usually, it will automatically create CRUD operation in the report. But somehow, the edit button (pencil and paper icon) in my interactive report is gone and i don't know how to fix nor adding them manually. Before it was gone, I changed my IR to Classical report since after i upload the table, APEX doesn't show all the columns (only 8 out of 9 column showed). And after that, I return the table into IR since all the column showed, but this is where the problem started.
Any thoughts?
go to report's Attributes properties tab (on the right hand side of the Page Designer screen)
set the Link property to "Link to Custom target"
target will be "page in this application"
choose it from list of values (or type it manually, if you know its number)
as you'll want to pass item(s) value(s) from the report to form page, set items
That's all.

Pass detail items from a SSRS Matrix report

In a SSRS matrix report there is a need to click a data value and go to another report to display the details of that aggregate data.
Here is the table:
student_id course School
1 English A
2 Math A
3 English B
4 English A
The corresponding SSRS report is as following:
School English Math
A 2 1
B 1 0
requirement is: click 2 (school A with English) it will go to another report as below:
Student_id School
1 A
4 A
You need to create a sub report that takes the required parameters. It's hard to read the question as the formatting of your data sample needs cleaning up but let's assume your subreport will take parameters aclled pSchool and pSubject with values such as 'School A' and 'English'.
Create a new report and name it (e.g. mySubReport) that accepts the required parameters (e.g. pSchool and pSubject). Add whatever you need to this report so it shows the correct results and and test it as normal. This is the report that will get called when you click on the data value.
Once this is working, got back to your original report, right-click the matrix cell you want to be able to click on and click "Textbox properties".
Click the "Action" tab and choose "Go to report".
Select the subreport you created earlier (mySubReport).
In the area below the report selection, add your parameters (e.g. pSchool and pSubject) and set the values from the dropdown list. The dropdown list will show you dataset fields that your matrix is based on.
That's it!
Now when you run the man report and lick on a value, it will pass the fields you from the cell you selected to the subreport and display the results.
If this does not help, edit you question so the structure of your data is clear and I will give a full example.

How to apply Calculation In Interactive Grid Between 2 Columns

I want to apply Calculation on two Columns in Interactive Grid that calculated value want to store in third non database column
In the Below Image I want apply calculation on "QTY" and "Rate" and the Value store in Amount that is Non-Database..
Click on the Actions Button - Format - Compute, which will bring up a dialog to edit the calculation (note column names are referenced by the alias letters listed in the dialog). After you get the calculation the way you like it, you can save it for next time with Actions - Save Report. If you are logged in with developer access you can choose to save as "Default Report Settings" so that everyone gets your update as the default report. Otherwise you can save to a named report that you just see on your login.

PowerDesigner 16 - generate a list of tables and column definitions

Does anyone know how to generate a simple report showing all tables in a model, and their columns (name and a few attributes including NOT NULL)? I worked through the Report Wizard and got totally confused.
I didn't find the previous answer to be very clear.
Select the model from the object browser.
Select Report -> List Report Wizard from the main menu.
Select "EntityAttribute" (logical model) or "Column" (physical model) in the Object Type field of the dialog box and click Next.
Select the columns to include in the report (example) and click Next.
Select the filter and/or sort columns, if any, and click Next.
Enter a name for the List Report and check the "Generate the list report to an external file" (example) if you want the report written to a file, and then click the Finish.

Pass a parameter from Main Report to a Subreport

Apologies for these recent newbie questions, but I'm obviously not asking the search engines the correct questions.
I have a report I'm trying to reconstruct after upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010 introduced errors into an existing Crystal Report. So, I have a semi-working report I'm trying to duplicate.
I have a report containing some subreports. The Main Report has some parameters in queries within "Database Fields" and I need to pass those fields to a particular Subreport's "Parameter Fields" so that it can then reference those parameters in its own queries.
So, my question is: How do I create the association between the query result on the Main Report and the parameter on the Subreport?
For Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 - That's the only one that works currently, isn't it?
When adding a sub-report [or changing the "Change Subreport Links" for an existing report] you can select the parameter on the subreport from the drop-down on the bottom left of the 'Links' tab (or Subreport Links dialog, if editing an existing subreport)
Once you've selected your field (or Parameter) on the left in the 'Available Fields:' list, click the > button to move it to the right and you'll see link options appear below. so this is the field from the main report you want to use as a parameter for you subreport
Underneath, on the right select the parameter (from you subreport) you wish to link it to. This is the parameter in your subreport that you want to use
does that make sense.
Maybe some images would help.
Depending on your version, the terminology might be slightly different, but you should be able to right-click on the subreport and select "Change Subreport Links".
From the Available Fields column, find your parameters and click the > button to move them over to the "Fields to Link" column. Click OK when you are done.
Now go to your subreport, and make sure that the parameters you linked are available as parameters; you should be able to use these parameters in your Record Selection for your subreport.
