Lazarus: stacking images, paint order - lazarus

I want to design a simple game (lazarus 1.8.4) with an image as playing field and some figures (transparent images) over it, created on runtime. So typically more than one images are at the same position. How can I make sure, that the figures are above the playing field?

TControl has a function called BringToFront which will move the Control to the first position in the Z-Axis (the opposing function would be SendToBack). As TImage is derived from TControl the function applies to TImage as well.


How to draw an NSImage, but fade out to the side (linear alpha gradient)?

I have an image that is generated as an NSImage, and then I draw it into my NSView subclass, using a custom draw() method.
I want to modify this custom view so that the image is drawn in the same place, but it fades out on the side. That is, it's drawn as a linear gradient, from alpha=1.0 to alpha=0.0.
My best guess is one of the draw() variants with NSCompositingOperation might help me do what I want, but I'm having trouble understanding how they could do this. I'm not a graphics expert, and the NSImage and NSCompositingOperation docs seem to be using different terminology.
The quick version: pretty much this question but on macOS instead of Android.
You're on the right track. You'll want to use NSCompositingOperationDestinationOut to achieve this. That will effectively punch out the destination based on the alpha of the source being drawn. So if you first draw your image and then draw a gradient from alpha 0.0 to 1.0 with the .destinationOut operation on top, you'll end up with your image with alpha 1.0 to 0.0
Because that punch out happens to whatever is already in the backing store where the gradient is being drawn to, you'll want to be careful where/how you use it.
If you want to do this all within the drawing of the view, you should do the drawing of your image and the punch out gradient within a transparency layer using CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer and CGContextEndTransparencyLayer to prevent punching out anything else.
You could also first create a new NSImage to represent this faded variant, either using the drawingHandler constructor or NSCustomImageRep and doing the same image & gradient drawing within there (without worrying about transparency layers). And then draw that image into your view, or simply use that image with an NSImageView.

How to apply animation to different objects

I have a cupboard with 9 boxes. On one of them I have animation, which open / close box. It is only change X coordinate of the box, but I can't apply this animation to another boxes, because animation will move it to the coordinate of the first box.
In the debug mode parameter Keep Original Position XZ are disabled. Can't understand, what is wrong.
Should I create 9 similar animations for 9 boxes?
I know that it is possible to animate stuffs using relative positions on the UI when using the anchors, but there does not seem to be any clean solution for 3D objects... This post offers what seem to be the "best" solution for now (it uses an empty parent transform to move the animated object correctly...)
You should be able to apply the animation to any object. I would recommend making a prefab of the "box" with the animation attached, then using the prefab for each. Honestly I don't have much experience with animations of 3D objects, but even my 2D animations are in a 3D space, and each object animates properly with the same animations individually regardless of their location.

Rendering Multiple Viewports using GLUT

Using OpenGL and GLUT, I want to render a scene from two different viewpoints. For the first viewpoint, it is a standard perspective projection using shaders. For the second viewpoint, it is a visualisation of the depth buffer. I want these two images to be contained within the same window, side-by-side.
So far, I have been using GLUT for display. For example, I use:
glutInitWindowSize(1000, 1000);
glutInitWindowPosition(500, 200);
glutCreateWindow("OpenGL Test");
This will draw my scene across the entire window for the one viewport which I have defined. But can I use GLUT to draw two different images from two different viewports, as described above? Or perhaps this is not so easy with just GLUT, and I will need to create a window natively in my operating system (I am using Ubuntu), and then define two different areas in that window which I should draw upon...
Thank you!
GLUT ultimately has nothing to do with it. It creates and manages a window. What you do within that window is entirely up to you.
What you need to do is use the viewport transform. Because the viewport happens after clipping, no primitives outside of the range of the viewport transform will be rendered to (by drawing commands. Buffer clearing will still clear the whole framebuffer). This effectively defines the region of the window that all vertices will lie within.
So you call glViewport, specifying half of the window. Then you render the stuff you want in that half. Then you call glViewport to specify the other half. Then you render the stuff you want there. And then you're done; just swap buffers.
However, this also means that the typical tactic of only calling glViewport in your GLUT resize callback will not work. You must store the window's current size, then use that in your display function.
Two ways you can do this:
You can create a new window with glutCreateWindow(). Note that this will have a different OpenGL context. Also note that it has a return value, an integer.
You can select part of the window using glViewport(), and then call glViewport() again to draw into a different part of the same window.
There is always the option of rendering your two views into a single texture, and then simply making a screen size quad and rendering that texture onto your quad.
I'm not sure its going to satisfy all your needs, but from a visual perspective this should give you the same result.

Does adding many game GameObjects in scene (not rendered) inefficient for performance? [Unity]

I'm using Unity 4.6 to develop a 2D game. I want to know if having a lot of GameObjects in the scene (out of the camera's sight) has a considerable influence on performance.
For example, is it efficient to make an scrollable list of names (like 1000 of them)? (each one is a GameObject and has a text, a button etc.)
I mask them in a specified area (for example 10 of them are visible at the same time).
Thanks in advance!
Depends on whether or not the objects have visible components. If they do, the engine will draw them even if they are 'off-camera'. A game object by itself has a pretty light load - a tile based game could have thousands in memory. You'll want to toggle the visibility of sprites if you plan on drawing a large number to the scene off-camera. This is where a SpriteManager comes in. It'll check to see if the sprite is in the camera's rectangle and disabled sprites that aren't. There is a semi-offical exmaple here that is good if a little complicated:

How to rotate/mirror a 3d animation?

I currently have a FBX animation model of a biped moving slightly forward (positive Z axis), turning around 180 degrees, and starting to run in the opposite direction (negative Z axis).
However, I would like to completely mirror such animation, in other words, start heading the negative Z axis, and the turning forward the positive Z axis. This, preferably through 3dsMax.
I know what you must be thinking, "Why the hell doesn't he just rotate the transform component/object of his animation character??". Well, unfortunately the current code I am working on depends that the characters movement should be independent of the actual animation, among other limitations.
Apparently, according to our 3d designer here, there is no trivial "Rotate Animation" option in 3dsMax (does that check?), so I am looking for possible scripts that could help me out. Anyone ever heard of such solution? Thanks in advance.
Create a dummy aligned to the root of your model.
Link the root of the model to that dummy.
With only the dummy selected, click the mirror button on the maintoolbar.
This will create a mirror image of the bones along with the animation on those bones. The only caveat is the names of the bones will also be mirrored. eg. the arm called 'right_arm' is now now on the left side.
If you need to preserve the animations to the original bones, look into using the animation mixer. This allows loading and saving animations onto characters. But it also has object mapping feature that allows objects of different names to load on saved animations.
So create a mapping. Save the mirrored animation. And load it back onto the original bones with that mapping.
