Is it considered as a good practice to connect to two different databases in on microservice? - microservices

Is it considered as a good practice to connect to two different databases in on microservice API Or I need to implement another microservice for working with the second database and call the new microservice API inside the first one?

The main thing is that you have only one microservice per database, but it is ok to have multiple databases per microservice if the business case requires it.
Your microservice can abstract multiple data sources, connect them, etc. and then just give consistent api to whoever is using it. And who's using it, doesn't care how many data sources there actually is.
It becomes an issue, if you have same database abstracted by multiple microservices. Then your microservice is no longer isolated and can break, because the data source you are using was changed by another team who's using the same data source.


spring boot multiple microservices with one database

I know there are many questions like this and almost all answers are No. And the reason is a single microservice should be independent of another one. And if there is a change in a table, all microservices using that table need to be changed.
But my question is, if my database structure is fixed (hardly there will be any change in the table structure) will it be a good idea of creating multiple microservices pointing to same database.
Okay... here is my project.
We are going to a migrate struts 1.3/EJB 2.0 project to Angular/microservices. This project has 5 different modules and each module is a huge one. And this project is there in production since past 13 years. So there is very little chance of changing the table structures.
The reason I want to make different microservices is, since each modules are huge and complicated, and we still get requirements to add/change the business logics. So in that case, I can deploy only one microservice.
Any suggestions please.
I suggest creating a new service that access that database and all other services communicate with this service instead of directly to the database.
If you don't want to create a new service, at least access the DB using some database
abstraction layer.
For example, in SQL server use views and store procedures instead of directly access the tables.

MicroService or Connecting to two databases?

Is it good to connect to two database from Spring boot properties or having separate two war or jar files connect to two different databases, similar to Microservice ?
One of best practices in MS architecture is single persistent database each micro-service.
If you need two databases, you need to check maybe you try to combine two micro-services in one.
I attach good diagram.
It doesn't have to be a problem. It depends among other things on quantity of code using each database. If you have 50 classes using database A and another 50 using database B, then maybe you want to divide your application to 2 separate applications. But if you use database A mainly and database B just with one service or something like that, then it is fine.
There is no rule that says that you have to have separate microservice for each database. You have to decide yourself or with your team if it is worth to have multiple microservices, because it comes with another challenges.

Should I use one or Multiple Databases across the same microservice?

So, I just started to learn about the microservices architecture so forgive me if this is an obvios question..
Let's say I have created 2 microservices User and Posts, each one has it's own DB and its decouple from one another trying to follow good practices, the architecture looks something like this:
Now, suddenly, I start to get a surge of calls to my Posts microservice and its too much for it to handle the requests so I want to scale it and create a new instance of it.
Now I have 1 instance of User
And I have 2 intances of Posts
Are these 2 instances of Posts sharing the same DB or
each instance has it's own DB and I have to find a way to sync both of them to maintain data consistency?
Are these 2 instances of Posts sharing the same DB
Yes they are sharing the same Database.
Regardless of the fact that you micro-service is deployed to multiple instances or one instance the deployment instances of your micro-service are accessing and using your one database which belongs to that micro-service.
All your instances of your micro-service should access the same database. This is the standard and most common use case. There are exceptions to this.
Here is an similar question where I explained it in detailed way.
All your Microservice (Posts) instances will be sharing single DB.
Generally it's a single Database against all of your particular micro service (Post in this case) instances. However in some cases we can have master copy of DB accompanied by read-only copy to divide the read and write traffic to different respective DBs. We now even have multi master configuration available where we could have even more than one master however that architecture require more thought and generally suitable for very high traffic sites.

Microservice architecture - is database shared across all instances of the service?

I understand that microservice architecture suggests that each service should have its own private database. But when such a service is scaled, then is it one db per service instance or one db shared by all service instances?
Your first statement may be misleading to some: "each service should have its own private database."
Your architecture should be careful about sharing a single set of tables across multiple services-- that sharing frequently leads to a shared schema dependency, which creates a tight coupling that makes it difficult to update the schema without updating many of the services that share that schema at the same time.
However, sharing a single database instance (or database cluster) doesn't mean your services are accessing the same tables or even the same schema within the database. And if they aren't accessing the same tables, they aren't coupled. (Relying on the same database instance isn't coupling any more than relying on the same network. Don't confuse coupling with shared infrastructure.)
Frequently, multiple instances of the same service share the same database. In my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with this, but there are some things to be aware of. If you go this route, you need to be very careful when making changes to the data schema. Because multiple versions of that service may be accessing the data at the same time during updates, any schema changes need to compatible to at least any two adjacent versions. If you add a column or table, that's fine. The older version won't attempt to use it, so there will be no problem. (Note too, that the older version won't populate it either.) Removing a column or table is another problem entirely and to make that kind of breaking change, you will likely need to do it in several smaller steps to ensure that the older version of the service isn't broken. It can be done, it's just tougher.
A general rule of microservice development is that each microservice
should manage its own data. In an ideal world, the data managed by
each service would be completely independent. There would be no need
to propagate data changes made in one service to other services.
In the real world, however, complete data independence is impossible.
There will always be overlaps between the data used in different
services, Consequently, as an architect, you need to think carefully about
sharing data and managing data consistency. You need to think about
the microservices as an interacting system rather than as individual
This means:
You should isolate data within each system service with as little
data sharing as possible.
If data sharing is mavoidable, you should design microservices so
that most sharing is read-only, with a minimal number of
services responsible for data updates.
If services are replicated in your system, you must include a
mechanism that can keep the database copies used by replica
services consistent.
Good question indeed. I would answer it like: "at least a database per microservice (not instance)"
A concern is the scalability of the databse itself, i.e. can service instances outscale the database?
If so, you could opt for e.g. an in-memory database or a sidecar for your microservice. The database would be ephemeral and you would need to populate it after the pod/container (re)starts. So the state not really lives in the database.
Apache Kafka is a tool that fits this spot, as it would allow you to populate the database after the service comes up and also provides the tooling to synchronize state for all currently running and future instances. But successfully implementing a Event-Sourcing with Kafka is not a trivial task, but you could come the conclusion that you don't need databases at all.
So the question remains, can service instances really outscale the database?
The answer would be "no" more often than not.
So by having a database instance per microservice (physically or logically) already gives you a lot in terms of "loose coupling and cohesive behaviour" as you don't share databases.
Another concern are breaking changes to the database between versions of the microservice. If things go wrong you could find yourself being unable to rollback. An ephemeral database could sync itself up in a compatible way.
Some say they change database technologies throughout the lifetime of a microservice, I never had the neccessity to do so, but an in-memory/sidecar approach would fit here very well.
I presume you share one database with all instances of one microservice. So that one update is available for every instance of the same microservice immediately. You may use one database instance per microservice instance to avoid the database as a single point of failure. But you would have to keep in sync every database which, it seems like an unnecesary overload for the database and application. I assume the database is able to keep a group of db instances in sync (every insert,update, delete is properly propagated).

How should I design my Spring Microservice?

I am trying to create a Microservice architecture for a hobby project and I am confused about some decisions. Can you please help me as I never worked using Microservice before?
One of my requirements is that my AngularJS GUI will need to show some drop-down or List of values (example: a list of countries). This can be fetched using a Microservice REST call, but where should the values come from? Can I fetch these from my Config Server? or should it come from Database? If the latter, then should each of the Microservice have their own Database for lookup value or can it be a common one?
How would server-side validation work in this case? I mean, there will certainly be a Microservice call the GUI will make for validation but should the validation service be a common Microservice for all Use Cases/Screens or should it be one per GUI page or should the CRUD Microservice be reused for validation as well?
How do I deal with a use-case where the back-end is not a Database but a Web-service call? Will I need some local DB still to maintain some state in between these calls (especially to take care of scenario where the Web-service call fails) and finally pass on the status to GUI?
First of all, there is no single way design micro-service , one has to choose according to the use case and project requirement.
Can I keep these in a Config Server? or should it come from Database?
Again, it depends upon the use case and requirement. However, because every MS should have their own DB then you can use DB if the countries have only names. But if they have some relationship with City/State then you should use DB only.
If DB should each of the Microservice have their own DB for lookup
value or can it be a common one?
No, IMO multiple MS should not depend on a single DB.Because if the DB fails then all the MS will fail, which should not be done. Each MS should work alone with depending on other DB or MS.
should the validation service be a common microservice for all
Same as point 2
How do I deal with a use-case where the backend is not a Database call
but another Web-service call? Will I need some local DB still to
maintain some state in between these calls and finally pass on the
status to GUI?
If you are using HTTP then you should not save the state of any request. If you want to redirect the request to another MS then you can use Feign client which provides a very good way to call rest-api and other important features like: Load balancing.
Microservice architecture is simple. Here we divide each task into separate services(like Spring-boot application).
Example in every application there will be login function,registration function so on..each of these will a separate services in micro-service architecture.
1.You can store that in database, since in feature if you want add more values it is easy to add.
You can maintain separate or single db. Single db with separate collections or table for each microservices.
Validation means you are asking about who can use which microservice(Role based access)???
3.I think you have to use local db.
Microservices is a collection loosely coupled services. For example, if you are creating an ecommerce application, user management can be a service, order management can be a service and refund & chargeback management can be another service. Now each of these services can be further divided into smaller units, lets call them API Endpoints. For example - user management can have login as an endpoint and signup as another endpoint.
If you want to leverage the power of Microservice architecture in its true sense, here is what I would suggest. For the above example, create 3 Springboot Applications for each service. First thing that you should do after this, is establish trust between those applications. I would prefer JWTs for trust establishment. After that everything is a piece of cake. Here are the answers you are looking for :
You should ideally use a database, as opposed to keeping the values in config server, for fetching a list of countries so that you need not recompile your code every time a new country is added.
You can easily restrict access using #PreAuthorize if Role based access is what you are referring to.
You can use OkHttp or any other HttpClient in this usecase. And you certainly need not maintain any local db. However, you can cache the output of the webservice call if that is a requirement.
P.S.: Establishing trust between microservices can be a complex task if you dont understand all the delicacies. In which case, I would recommend going ahead with a single Springboot application; which is a monolithic architecture. I would still recommend JWTs though.
