Oracle update statement using PowerShell - oracle

I'm trying to run a simple Oracle UPDATE statement using powershell and OracleDataAdapter.
I got stuck in the execution part..
please advise on how to proceed from here...
#configure path to installation path of oracle client:
$AssemblyFile = "D:\app\client\product\12.1.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll"
$ConnectionString = "User ID=$userName1;Password=$password1;Data Source=$Server1;Persist Security Info=True"
Write-Output "ConnectionString: $ConnectionString">> $LogFile
$CommandText = "UPDATE TEST SET id =333 WHERE ID = 3;"
Write-Output $CommandText
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($AssemblyFile) | Out-Null
$OracleConnection = New-Object -TypeName Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection
$OracleConnection.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString
$OracleCommand = New-Object -TypeName Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand
$OracleCommand1 = New-Object -TypeName Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand
$OracleCommand.CommandText = $CommandText
$OracleCommand.Connection = $OracleConnection
$OracleDataAdapter = New-Object -TypeName Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter
$OracleDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = $OracleCommand
# How do I execute?


Facing issue with a PowerShell script for scheduling SQL scripts on Oracle database

I am new to PowerShell and am a beginner level programmer. I have been trying to tweak a PowerShell script to schedule SQL queries on Oracle Database. However, while I run the below on the PowerShell ISE, I get an error:
Add-Type -Path C:\Oracle\Oracle_Home\product\11.2.0\client_1\\bin\2.x\Oracle.DataAccess.dll
$username = "username"
$password = "password"
$datasource = "HOST:PORT/Instance"
$connectionString = "User Id=$username;Password=$password;Data Source=$datasource"
$connection = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection("$connectionString")
$command = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand
$command.Connection = $connection
$command.CommandText = $query
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter($command)
return $ds.Tables[0] | SELECT FULL_NAME Export-CSV "C:\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Below is the error message that states there is an issue loading Oracle.DataAccess.dll (even though I do see the file on that directory):
Add-Type: Could not load file or assembly
'file:///C:\Oracle\Oracle_Home\product\11.2.0\client_1\\bin\2.x\Oracle.DataAccess.dll' or one of its dependencies. An
attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-Type -Path C:\Oracle\Oracle_Home\product\11.2.0\client_1\\ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-Type], BadImageFormatException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.BadImageFormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddTypeCommand
Here is a simpler alternative if you would like it. This requires that SQL*Plus be installed on the computer. In this case I am retrieving a list of server names from an Oracle database and putting the list into the powershell variable $dbServers. This might be useful if it fits within your development requirements:
$username = "username"
$password = "password"
$instance = ""
$sqlcmd="set serveroutput off
set linesize 160
set pagesize 0
set heading off
set feedback off
select server_name from tnsnames.tns_servers
where dbtype in ('ORA', 'SS') and version is not null
order by server_name;
$dbServers = $sqlcmd | sqlplus -s $username/$password#$instance

Set-Acl : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation while using Addaudit Rule

I am trying to run Powershell script to set Audit Rule on C:\Windows\security folder on my Windows 2008 box.
Below is the script:
$FileDirList = ("C:\Windows\security")
$AccountName = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("Everyone")
$FileSystemRight = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::FullControl
$AuditFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags]::Failure
$InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None
$PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None
#write-OSPBOSbuildLog "Applying Audit Setting"
foreach ($FileDirName in $FileDirList) {
#write-OSPBOSbuildLog ">>>>> Appying audit setting to $FileDirName"
$AuditRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule $AccountName, $FileSystemRight, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AuditFlag
$objACL = Get-ACL $FileDirname
Set-ACL $FileDirname $objACL
But I am getting error as shown below:
Set-Acl : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
At C:\IBM\File-Perm.ps1:22 char:12
+ Set-ACL <<<< $FileDirname $objACL
+ CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (C:\Windows:String) [Set-Acl], UnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAclCommand
Please help me understand what changes I need to do?
Thanks in Advance!!

which class or method to use from windows forms namespace to show the name of running script using powershell in a form class

I have a powershell script which calls for a progress bar in a form showing execution of some batch files. Which class or method should be used from windows forms namespace to show the name of running batch script using powershell in a form class.
In the code below, in installationScriptsHome folder there are bunch of batch and vbs files, while those scripts are being called i want to show the name of the running script over the progress bar to show which script is running or may be some customised name\message with each script.
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") | Out-Null
$ScriptsHome = Get-Item 'c:\installationScriptsHome\*'
# Init Form
$Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.width = 1000
$Form.height = 200
$Form.Text = "**OSP Installation in Progress**"
# Init ProgressBar
$ProgressBar = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
$ProgressBar.Maximum = $ScriptsHome.Count
$ProgressBar.Minimum = 0
$ProgressBar.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,70)
$ProgressBar.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(967,10)
# Add_Shown action
$ShownFormAction = {
foreach ($b in $ScriptsHome) {
Start-Process $b.FullName -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden
# Show Form
Thanks in advance.
Use the Label class (MSDN page).
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(140,20)
$Label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
# put this in the foreach ($b in $ScriptsHome) { loop
$Label.Text = "$($b.Name)"
Useful link: MSDN System.Windows.Forms NameSpace

How can I present the user with a list of printers to choose from in my PowerShell Script?

I'm making a script which assists the end user with printer problems. At one point, the user needs to be able to select from a list of printers on the network to decide which one needs maintenance. I'm trying to integrate this via a list box, but I haven't quite been able to get it to function. Here is the script as it stands (It currently uses read-host to allow the user to type in a printer name.)
net stop spooler
Remove-Item C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS\* -Force
net start spooler
$PrinterName = Read-Host 'Please Type In The Name Of The Printer Above That You Are Having Problems With'
$PrinterInstance = [wmi]"\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_Printer.DeviceID='$PrinterName'"
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("I found a problem that I was able to fix. Please try to print again.",0,"Printer Helper",0x1)
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("Printer Fixer can not solve your problem, please enter a new ticket.",0,"Printer Helper",0x1)
Here is the "list box" code that I want to implement.
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$objForm.Text = "Select a Computer"
$objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200)
$objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
$objForm.KeyPreview = $True
$objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter")
$objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")
$OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
$OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$OKButton.Text = "OK"
$CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
$CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
$objLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$objLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
$objLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
$objLabel.Text = "Please select a computer:"
$objListBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
$objListBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40)
$objListBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
$objListBox.Height = 80
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-001")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-002")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-003")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-004")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-005")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-006")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("atl-dc-007")
$objForm.Topmost = $True
[void] $objForm.ShowDialog()
I tried replacing the hard coded values with $objListBox.Items.Add(Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Printer | Select Name | ft -auto)
but wmi.object[] is all that appears in the list box. What am I doing wrong?
Using forms is very heavy-handed for something like this.
My recommendation is to use Out-GridView.
It provides a sortable, searchable, filterable list in a pop-up window. But it also lets the user select one or more items and those become the output of the cmdlet.
$printerSelection = $printerList | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single

Pass parameter to powershell from a windows form file browser

I am trying to pass a parmeter from a windows form dialogue serach box to another script, but cant seem to pull the parameter out from when a user chooses a file. the parameter should be the full file location of a font which a user would like to install. any help would be appreciated, the below script is the forma and the script the parameter needs to go throuh is at the bottom.
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
#Windows form settings
$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$objForm.Icon = $Icon
$objForm.Text = "Font Installer"
$objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(350,350)
$objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
$objForm.FormBorderStyle = "FixedDialog"
$objForm.BackgroundImage = $Image
$objForm.BackgroundImageLayout = "None"
#Browse for file
$d = New-Object Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$d.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
$d.filter = "All files (*.*)| *.*"
$d.ShowHelp = $true
$d.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
$d.Title = "Choose your Font"
$d.filter = " Font Files (*.ttf; *.fon; *.fnt; *.ttc; *.otf; *.mmm; *.pbf; *.pfm)| *.ttf; *.fon; *.fnt; *.ttc; *.otf; *.mmm; *.pbf; *.pfm"
#Browse Button
$button1 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$button1.Text = "Select Font"
$button1.Add_Click({$d.ShowDialog( )})
$button1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,120)
$button1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,23)
#Install Button
$run = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$run.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,170)
$run.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,100)
$run.Text = "Install"
$Font1 = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial Black",19, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::regular)
$run.Font = $Font1
$run.BackColor ="green"
#invoke expression - open install script and sent the parameter to it
Invoke-Expression "& `"c:\Users\Khussain\Desktop\Fonts\scripts\testparam.ps1`" $d.filename";
[void] $objForm.ShowDialog()
the script which should get the parameter is named testparam.ps1 and code is below:
[string] $path = ""
Write-Host "this is a test the parameter is $path"
Try changing the Add handler to:
$path = $d.filename
c:\Users\Khussain\Desktop\Fonts\scripts\testparam.ps1 "'$path'"
try just this:
$run.Add_Click({ c:\Users\Khussain\Desktop\Fonts\scripts\testparam.ps1 $($d.filename);})
