APEX can't access login page fresh windows fresh install - oracle

I am trying to install apex 18 on oracle database 18 on a fresh windows 10 the installation process goes with no errors and all set
and there is not other software that may result in port interfere
when I installed the oracle I did not create a container there is no orclpdb installed some tutorials mentioned that I should not create it in order to install the apex
when I run the command to check apex status it returns valid
I installed the apex using
sqlplus / as sysdba
#apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/
#apexldimg c:\software
please help this is my 18th try I have changed os changed oracle version and apex I know this is an already asked question but noun of the previous solutions helped me
when I try localhost:8081/apex/apex_admin I get a user name and password dialog:


Need help installing ODAC 122011x64 so I can connect ADW to Power BI

So I have successfully installed Oracle DB 19c and connected it to Oracle SQL Developer. I am able to create tables and run queries. Furthermore, I can connect to ADW with both python and SQL Developer and any changes that I commit are seen in all locations. I am trying to connect the ADW database to Power BI. I am running all this on a personal Windows 10 Pro laptop with plenty of SSD & RAM.
In a new window of Power BI I click Get Data and then Oracle Database followed by Connect. When I do this I get a pop up that says:
The recommended provider ('Oracle.DataAccess.Client') is not installed. You can continue with your current provider, however it has been deprecated and may not work correctly.
I clock OK. Enter my Server as the TNS Name that I have used for my python and SQL Developer instances. In my ADW database, I have a table called TEST. It's a simple table with 1 column with the years 2015 through 2020 in it. Been using this to test to see if things are working. So I click on the DirectQuery and run the SQL statement SELECT * FROM TEST under the Advanced options menu and select OK. A sign in window pops up and I select the Database table and enter my correct ADW username and password. The same one that I can use to access this table from SQL Developer and then select Connect. When I do, I get this error:
Details: "The provider being used is deprecated: 'System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.'. Please visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=272376 to install the official provider."
So I go to the website and download the ODAC122011_x64 file from Oracle and unzip it. When I double click the setup.exe file inside the directory I get a yes/no user control account menu and I select yes and then a command prompt window flashes very quickly and then nothing happens. I ran a super slow motion capture from my phone to capture what the command window showed and below is what I see:
Starting Oracle Universal Starter...
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 color Higher than 256 . Actual 4294967290 Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\Users\<my username>\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2020 09:20_09-04 {???}
Please wait .._
It does nothing after this I have tried running the oui.exe file under the install subdirectory and get nothing and I have tried running the install.exe file in Oracle Universal Installer that I acquired when installing Oracle DB 19c and I get the following error when I target the install.exe file for installation:
OUI-10118:C/Users/{my username}/Downloads/ODAC122011_x64/Setup.exe is either a directory or a corrupt file. Specify a valid filename.
This is a file that I just directly downloaded from Oracle's website and unzipped to a directory with no spaces in the directory location. I have the latest version of Java installed (JDK 15).
I am not sure the proper work around here. Why can't I get my Power BI to connect to my Oracle ADW table using the methods described in this article. Those are the instructions that I used. It appears that I need this ODAC application but I don't understand why it won't install.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue? Thanks!
Edit: I am using 64-bit on each application.
Update: Still having issues. I checked the log and this is what I am seeing:
Using paramFile:
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 4294967296 Passed
The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 0.
The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 0.
the client version need not match the server version, Removing all other versions, and making sure that I had the x64 version,
You need the latest ODP.net library to use Oracle. Please download it here:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/utilsoft-086879.html
I figured out the solution after reviewing this post. Apparently having over 2TB of free space on a hard drive causes this problem. You have to go into command prompt and create a temporary file to get your free space under 2TBs using something like this:
fsutil file createnew temp_1TB_file 1200000000000
Run the setup.exe again and then delete the temp file after.
Update: After doing all this I still was running into the same issues in Power BI. Then I read the troubleshooting notes from this page more closely and realized that I might have found the problem when it said:
If you downloaded Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, you might be unable to connect to Oracle databases because of an Oracle driver issue.
I uninstalled the PowerBI Desktop that I had installed from Microsoft Store and installed it from the download from its website and tried connecting to Oracle ADW again through PowerBI and IT WORKED!!! So much troubleshooting but it finally works!

Login window to create a new database connection on SQL Oracle Developer doesn't appear

I'm unable to create a new database connection on SQL Oracle Developer because the login window to enter the details do not appear. Only the login windows for "Oracle NoSQL Connections" and "Database Schema Service Connections" appear.
I've tried re-installing the developer but that doesn't seem to help. I'm using a mac and have JDK 8 installed. I'm fairly new to SQL and coding in general so any help would be appreciated.
Let's try this - it will usually do the trick.
Open and bash terminal, and cd to your home directory.
Then, cd to .sqldeveloper
You should see one or more system directories, appended with the version number of SQL Developer - these directories hold the settings, connections, etc for your copy of SQLDev.
Rename that directory. Then try starting SQL Developer.
Two additional things
i'm assuming you have Oracle JDK and not OpenJDK - OpenJDK isn't supported
i'm assuming you have a recent version of SQL Developer (20.2 is latest)

Error while installing Oracle Apex

I want to install Oracle Apex 5.1.1 in my Oracle 11g database. While installing it was not properly installed so I uninstalled it. I cross checked it with dba_registry table that there is no more Oracle Apex installed. But when I tried to install it again I am getting an error that already there is an Oracle Apex installed. I crossed checked again with db_registry table but there is no Oracle Apex installed.
I am getting the error:
'APEX_050100' already exists.
When I checked in the dba_segments table I found there is an owner 'APEX_050100'. I don't know if this is creating issue.
I have a database connections between local and production region which is in a different virtual machine. Both are having same username and password. The production one has Oracle Apex installed. I am trying to install the Oracle Apex in my local one.
You can try running the #apxremov.sql script before installation starts. This script is used to remove all currently installed versions of Oracle Apex from the database.
Oracle APEX will definitely work on Oracle 11. Just run #apxremov.sql as sysdba within APEX directory (on the server) and you'll be good to reinstall it.
First of all Apex 5 will not work on Oracle 11, it only works on 12. The problem you are having is due to existing schema, possibly a failed installation. See Apex docs for "failed installation" removal step.

How to upgrade from APEX 4.2.0 to APEX 5.0.3?

Currently I do have APEX 4.2.0 installed with some workspaces / projects I already started working on. Since APEX 5 is radically different from APEX 4, is there a way to upgrade and if so, how?
Are there going to be any compatibility issues while upgrading?
Download the newest APEX version and extract it
navigate to the apex folder and open CMD in there
type "sqlplus" and afterwards login as sysdba (sys as sysdba)
When you are logged in, type
#apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
- You now have to wait for a few minutes for the installation to finish
Afterwards, type
in SQLPLUS to change the admin credentials.
Update images via
#apex_epg_config.sql C:\rootdirectory\of\where\you\installed\apex
For compatiblitiy, yes, there might be some problems while upgrading, but you can always google the exact problems if you encounter them.
For reference: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/upgrade-apex-for-xe-154969.html

Not able to install Oracle developer suite 10g on window 7

I am try to install oracle developer suite 10g (32bit) on window 7.
Actually I want to install oracle form which is in complete option of Installation window.
I have already solved swap memory issue and compatibility issues.
oracle developer suite 10g Installer met all Requirement.
I have passed all requirement with is follow snap-shot:
After I got Installation window, I select Complete Installation option.
I am reached up to follow window but few second it get Automatically close :
Two-Three time I have tried to installation but every time installation get close before coming Oracle product installation list.
I am completely blank, why this ?
Please some body help me for solving this issue.
You can troubleshoot the installation based on installation log files which are available in
The form of timestamp in the file log name is
yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss[AM|PM] where:
yyyy is the current year, for example 2003
mm is the current month number, for example 07 for July
dd is the current day number, for example 15 for the fifteenth
hh, mm, and ss are the hour, minute, and second at which the installation started
[AM/PM] is either AM or PM, depending on when the installation started
the location of the oracle_inventory directory is specified
during the first installation of an Oracle product on your computer
(for example oracle client or oracle database etc)
In My system the location is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory\logs
Once you get the installation log you can trouble shoot the issue using search engine or post in oracle forums
I have got the solution for the above issue.
I have uninstalled the oracle 11g database.
installed the oracle 10g forms and report.
installed the oracle 11g DB.
Now it's working fine.
