Hapi Fhir DomainResource, What URL do you use? - hl7-fhir

this article discusses a DomainResource.
There are situations however when you might want to create an entirely
custom resource type. This feature should be used only if there is no
other option, since it means you are creating a resource type that
will not be interoperable with other FHIR implementations.
I've implemented the code verbatum. (I show the classes below (with no "guts" just for brevity) (full code at the url))
* This is an example of a custom resource that also uses a custom
* datatype.
* Note that we are extensing DomainResource for an STU3
* resource. For DSTU2 it would be BaseResource.
#ResourceDef(name = "CustomResource", profile = "http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/custom-resource")
public class CustomResource extends DomainResource {
* This is an example of a custom datatype.
* This is an STU3 example so it extends Type and implements ICompositeType. For
* DSTU2 it would extend BaseIdentifiableElement and implement ICompositeDatatype.
public class CustomDatatype extends Type implements ICompositeType {
And I've "registered it" in my code base:
if (null != this.fhirContext)
(~trying to follow the instructions from the URL above)
// Create a context. Note that we declare the custom types we'll be using
// on the context before actually using them
FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forDstu3();
// Now let's create an instance of our custom resource type
// and populate it with some data
CustomResource res = new CustomResource();
// Add some values, including our custom datatype
DateType value0 = new DateType("2015-01-01");
CustomDatatype value1 = new CustomDatatype();
value1.setDate(new DateTimeType(new Date()));
value1.setKittens(new StringType("FOO"));
res.setDogs(new StringType("Some Dogs"));
// Now let's serialize our instance
String output = ctx.newXmlParser().setPrettyPrint(true).encodeResourceToString(res);
But that looks like a console-app usage of two objects...not how to wire it into the fhir-server.
I've been trying for 3 hours now to figure out what URL to use.
some things I've tried:
to no avail...
What is the URL?
And how do I populate the values for it?

So the CustomResource still needs its own IResourceProvider. (thanks to daniels in the comments of the original question)
Here is a basic working example.
You'll do everything I listed in the original question AND you'll make and register an IResourceProvider for the new customresource.
new IResourceProvider
package mystuff.resourceproviders;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.DateType;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.IdType;
import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.annotation.IdParam;
import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.annotation.Read;
import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server.IResourceProvider;
import mystuff.CustomDatatype;
import mystuff.CustomResource;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.DateTimeType;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.StringType;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource;
import java.util.Date;
public class CustomResourceProvider implements IResourceProvider {
public Class<? extends IBaseResource> getResourceType() {
return CustomResource.class;
/* the IdType (datatype) will be different based on STU2 or STU3. STU3 version below */
public CustomResource getResourceById(#IdParam IdType theId) {
// Now let's create an instance of our custom resource type
// and populate it with some data
CustomResource res = new CustomResource();
// Add some values, including our custom datatype
DateType value0 = new DateType("2015-01-01");
CustomDatatype value1 = new CustomDatatype();
value1.setDate(new DateTimeType(new Date()));
value1.setKittens(new StringType("FOO"));
res.setDogs(new StringType("Some Dogs"));
return res;
then you'll register this (as documented here):
instead of this:
protected void initialize() throws ServletException {
* The servlet defines any number of resource providers, and
* configures itself to use them by calling
* setResourceProviders()
List<IResourceProvider> resourceProviders = new ArrayList<IResourceProvider>();
resourceProviders.add(new RestfulPatientResourceProvider());
resourceProviders.add(new RestfulObservationResourceProvider());
you'll have something like this
protected void initialize() throws ServletException {
* The servlet defines any number of resource providers, and
* configures itself to use them by calling
* setResourceProviders()
List<IResourceProvider> resourceProviders = new ArrayList<IResourceProvider>();
resourceProviders.add(new CustomResourceProvider());
URL for testing this (most probable local development url that is)
and you'll get back this JSON response.
"resourceType": "CustomResource",
"id": "12345",
"meta": {
"profile": [
"televisionDate": [
"televisionCustomDatatype": [
"date": "2019-01-14T11:49:44-05:00",
"kittens": "FOO"
"dogs": "Some Dogs"


Sorting does not work for the customized ProductListComponentService.(CustomProductListComponentService)

Spartacus lists 10 products in the pagination defualt on its product listing page. But I wanted it to be 12.
In my .ts file normally for PLP
protected productListComponentServiceDefault: ProductListComponentService,
I was using the structure.
but I created "CutomProductListComponentService" by customizing the "ProductListComponentService" file.
protected defaultPageSize = 12;
I did what I wanted by adding. Pagination artok 12 works.
But after this customization, the "SORTING" operation within the page does not work anymore.
Inside CutomProductListComponentService I added the following:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '#angular/router';
import {
} from '#spartacus/core';
import { combineLatest, Observable, using } from 'rxjs';
import {
} from 'rxjs/operators';
// #ts-ignore
import { ProductListRouteParams, SearchCriteria } from './product-list.model';
* The `ProductListComponentService` is used to search products. The service is used
* on the Product Listing Page, for listing products and the facet navigation.
* The service exposes the product search results based on the category and search
* route parameters. The route parameters are used to query products by the help of
* the `ProductSearchService`.
#Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class CustomProductListComponentService {
// TODO: make it configurable
protected defaultPageSize = 12;
protected readonly RELEVANCE_ALLCATEGORIES = ':relevance:allCategories:';
protected productSearchService: ProductSearchService,
protected routing: RoutingService,
protected activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
protected currencyService: CurrencyService,
protected languageService: LanguageService,
protected router: Router
) {}
* Emits the search results for the current search query.
* The `searchResults$` is _not_ concerned with querying, it only observes the
* `productSearchService.getResults()`
protected searchResults$: Observable<
> = this.productSearchService
.pipe(filter((searchResult) => Object.keys(searchResult).length > 0));
* Observes the route and performs a search on each route change.
* Context changes, such as language and currencies are also taken
* into account, so that the search is performed again.
protected searchByRouting$: Observable<
> = combineLatest([
distinctUntilChanged((x, y) => {
// router emits new value also when the anticipated `nextState` changes
// but we want to perform search only when current url changes
return x.state.url === y.state.url;
map(([routerState, ..._context]) => (routerState as RouterState).state),
tap((state: ActivatedRouterStateSnapshot) => {
const criteria = this.getCriteriaFromRoute(
* This stream is used for the Product Listing and Product Facets.
* It not only emits search results, but also performs a search on every change
* of the route (i.e. route params or query params).
* When a user leaves the PLP route, the PLP component unsubscribes from this stream
* so no longer the search is performed on route change.
readonly model$: Observable<ProductSearchPage> = using(
() => this.searchByRouting$.subscribe(),
() => this.searchResults$
).pipe(shareReplay({ bufferSize: 1, refCount: true }));
* Expose the `SearchCriteria`. The search criteria are driven by the route parameters.
* This search route configuration is not yet configurable
* (see https://github.com/SAP/spartacus/issues/7191).
protected getCriteriaFromRoute(
routeParams: ProductListRouteParams,
queryParams: SearchCriteria
): SearchCriteria {
return {
query: queryParams.query || this.getQueryFromRouteParams(routeParams),
pageSize: queryParams.pageSize || this.defaultPageSize,
currentPage: queryParams.currentPage,
sortCode: queryParams.sortCode,
* Resolves the search query from the given `ProductListRouteParams`.
protected getQueryFromRouteParams({
}: ProductListRouteParams) {
if (query) {
return query;
if (categoryCode) {
return this.RELEVANCE_ALLCATEGORIES + categoryCode;
// TODO: drop support for brands as they should be treated
// similarly as any category.
if (brandCode) {
return this.RELEVANCE_ALLCATEGORIES + brandCode;
* Performs a search based on the given search criteria.
* The search is delegated to the `ProductSearchService`.
protected search(criteria: SearchCriteria): void {
const currentPage = criteria.currentPage;
const pageSize = criteria.pageSize;
const sort = criteria.sortCode;
// TODO: consider dropping this complex passing of cleaned object
currentPage && { currentPage },
pageSize && { pageSize },
sort && { sort }
* Get items from a given page without using navigation
getPageItems(pageNumber: number): void {
.subscribe((route) => {
const routeCriteria = this.getCriteriaFromRoute(
const criteria = {
currentPage: pageNumber,
* Sort the search results by the given sort code.
sort(sortCode: string): void {
this.route({ sortCode });
* Routes to the next product listing page, using the given `queryParams`. The
* `queryParams` support sorting, pagination and querying.
* The `queryParams` are delegated to the Angular router `NavigationExtras`.
protected route(queryParams: SearchCriteria): void {
this.router.navigate([], {
queryParamsHandling: 'merge',
relativeTo: this.activatedRoute,
* The site context is used to update the search query in case of a
* changing context. The context will typically influence the search data.
* We keep this private for now, as we're likely refactoring this in the next
* major version.
private get siteContext(): Observable<string>[] {
// TODO: we should refactor this so that custom context will be taken
// into account automatically. Ideally, we drop the specific context
// from the constructor, and query a ContextService for all contexts.
return [this.languageService.getActive(), this.currencyService.getActive()];
I call the Sort function in plp.ts as follows.
protected productListComponentService: CustomProductListComponentService,
) {}
sortList(sortCode: string): void {
Sort process doesn't work. Can you help me? Thank you very much in advance.
You also need to replace "ProductListComponentService" to "CustomProductListComponentService" in "ProductFacetService".
The better way to do this is:
In providers of "ProductListModule", add:
provide: ProductListComponentService,
useClass: CustomProductListComponentService,

How to get the cursor of each entity in a App Engine datastore query without performance hit?

I have a Datastore query using cursor (Objectify v5) and I want to get the cursor after each item in the result list. Code looks like this:
public List<Puzzle> queryWithCursor(String cursor, String order, int limit) {
Query<Puzzle> query = ObjectifyService.ofy()
query = query.startAt(Cursor.fromWebSafeString(cursor));
List<Puzzle> puzzles = new ArrayList<>();
QueryResultIterator<Puzzle> iterator = query.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Puzzle puzzle = iterator.next();
return puzzles;
While the method works correctly, it triggers so many Datastore queries behind the scene. Basically, every time iterator.getCursor() runs, it triggers an additional query. I learnt from Stackdriver Trace that if limit is 20, the method triggers 19 queries in total (it seems that the last .getCursor() does not trigger additional query). So this method is even slower and more costly than the similar query using offset.
Is this really a bug? Is there a way to avoid the performance hit?
This is actually a fundamental behavior of the datastore, at least in the old sdk (as opposed to the new sdk that Objectify 6 uses, which may be the same maybe not). Calling getCursor() at non-batch boundaries restarts the query. You can try it with the low-level API.
There is a workaround: Make up your own Cursor class. It should consist of the low level Cursor and an offset. Explicitly set a chunk() size, then your cursor should consist of the Cursor at index 0 plus an offset into the chunk.
Then when you want to restart a query at that cursor, use .cursor(batchStartCursor).offset(offsetIntoBatch).
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Cursor;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreService;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreServiceFactory;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.FetchOptions;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.PreparedQuery;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query.SortDirection;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.QueryResultList;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
public class ListPeopleServlet extends HttpServlet {
static final int PAGE_SIZE = 15;
private final DatastoreService datastore;
public ListPeopleServlet() {
datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
FetchOptions fetchOptions = FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(PAGE_SIZE);
// If this servlet is passed a cursor parameter, let's use it.
String startCursor = req.getParameter("cursor");
if (startCursor != null) {
Query q = new Query("Person").addSort("name", SortDirection.ASCENDING);
PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q);
QueryResultList<Entity> results;
try {
results = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// IllegalArgumentException happens when an invalid cursor is used.
// A user could have manually entered a bad cursor in the URL or there
// may have been an internal implementation detail change in App Engine.
// Redirect to the page without the cursor parameter to show something
// rather than an error.
PrintWriter w = resp.getWriter();
w.println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
w.println("<meta charset=\"utf-8\">");
w.println("<title>Cloud Datastore Cursor Sample</title>");
for (Entity entity : results) {
w.println("<li>" + entity.getProperty("name") + "</li>");
String cursorString = results.getCursor().toWebSafeString();
// This servlet lives at '/people'.
w.println("<a href='/people?cursor=" + cursorString + "'>Next page</a>");

Angular2 and TypeScript enums - dos and don'ts

I have a bunch of enums in my Angular2 app and for each enum I've created a corresponding utils class that provides some additional functionality. This simply goes around the TypeScript limitation that I can't add functions to an enum the same way I can do it in Java.
Here's an example of my country enum and the corresponding utils class:
import {Injectable} from "#angular/core";
export enum Country {
// ...
// more countries skipped for brevity
// ...
export class CountryUtils {
private _emptyEntry: Array<string> = ["", "", ""];
private countryData: any = {
ANDORRA: ["Andorra", "AD", "AND"],
UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES: ["United Arab Emirates", "AE", "ARE"],
AFGHANISTAN: ["Afghanistan", "AF", "AFG"],
// ...
// more countries skipped for brevity
// ...
ZAMBIA: ["Zambia", "ZM", "ZMB"],
ZIMBABWE: ["Zimbabwe", "ZW", "ZWE"]
getData(country: Country): any {
if (!country) {
return this._emptyEntry;
return this.countryData[Country[country]];
getName(country: Country): any {
return this.getData(country)[0];
getCode2(country: Country): any {
return this.getData(country)[1];
getCode3(country: Country): any {
return this.getData(country)[2];
Now, as you can see I've marked the utils class as Injectable so that I can use it with DI where I need it.
The problem I'm facing is that these enums are also used in my core TS/JS model classes that are not Angular2 dependent so I can't use DI to inject an instance of my utils classes (like the one above) inside the core model classes.
The only work around that I see is to drop the Injectable() approach and to mark the methods in the utils classes as static. So this way I can just import each utils class together with the enum and use it anywhere I want.
My question is, how bad of a design decision would that be? Is it acceptable to do something like this in Angular2 or is using statics a complete no-no? I can't see anything particularly harmful other that it's like an eye sore compared to the regular DI approach.
Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I don't see a static class as a problem. Also, you can use Declaration Merging to add your util functionality to your enum. No need of extra class. Check below.
enum Country {
// ...
// more countries skipped for brevity
// ...
namespace Country {
const _emptyEntry: Array<string> = ["", "", ""];
const countryData: any = {
ANDORRA: ["Andorra", "AD", "AND"],
UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES: ["United Arab Emirates", "AE", "ARE"],
AFGHANISTAN: ["Afghanistan", "AF", "AFG"],
// ...
// more countries skipped for brevity
// ...
ZAMBIA: ["Zambia", "ZM", "ZMB"],
ZIMBABWE: ["Zimbabwe", "ZW", "ZWE"]
export function getData(country: Country): any {
if (!country) {
return this._emptyEntry;
return this.countryData[Country[country]];
export function getName(country: Country): any {
return this.getData(country)[0];
export function getCode2(country: Country): any {
return this.getData(country)[1];
export function getCode3(country: Country): any {
return this.getData(country)[2];

How to filter a TreeGrid?

I currently have a TreeGrid which shows nodes with names. The data is coming from a manually populated DataSource.
When setting the filter on the nodeName field, The filter is not done recursevily and thus I can only filter the Root node.
How can I tell the filter to search for matches in child nodes?
PS: in the code below, I have 3 nodes Root > Run > Child1. If i try the filter and type "R", I get Root and Run. But if i Type "C", I get "no results found"
package murex.otk.gwt.gui.client.ui.datasource;
import java.util.List;
import murex.otk.gwt.gui.client.ui.record.TreeRecord;
import com.smartgwt.client.data.DataSource;
import com.smartgwt.client.data.fields.DataSourceIntegerField;
import com.smartgwt.client.data.fields.DataSourceTextField;
public class ClassesDataSource extends DataSource {
private static ClassesDataSource instance = null;
public static ClassesDataSource getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ClassesDataSource("classesDataSource");
return instance;
private ClassesDataSource(String id) {
DataSourceTextField nodeNameField = new DataSourceTextField("nodeName");
DataSourceIntegerField nodeIdField = new DataSourceIntegerField("nodeId");
DataSourceIntegerField nodeParentField = new DataSourceIntegerField("nodeParent");
nodeParentField.setForeignKey(id + ".nodeId");
setFields(nodeIdField, nodeNameField, nodeParentField);
public void populateDataSource(List<String> classNames) {
TreeRecord root = new TreeRecord("Root", 0);
TreeRecord child1 = new TreeRecord("Child1", root.getNodeId());
TreeRecord child2 = new TreeRecord("Run", child1.getNodeId());
public void onModuleLoad() {
ClassesDataSource.getInstance().populateDataSource(new ArrayList<String>());
final TreeGrid employeeTree = new TreeGrid();
TreeGridField field = new TreeGridField("nodeName");
I solved this.
The problem was that the filter was calling the server to fetch data whereas my datasource was set to Client Only. To fix this, the employeeTree must have employeeTree.setLoadDataOnDemand(false);
You may also use employeeTree.setKeepParentsOnFilter(true)

How to set the default namespace or how to define the #key values when using google-api and using Atom serialization/parser

I'm having trouble with Atom parsing/serializing - clearly something related to the namespace and the default alias - but I can;t figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I have two methods - one that I'm trying to do a GET and see if an album is defined and what that tries to do a POST to create the album (if it does not exist).
The GET I managed to get working - although there too I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong because it is different from the PicasaAndroidSample. Specifically, if I define:
public class EDAlbum {
public String title;
public String summary;
public String access;
public EDCategory category = EDCategory.newKind("album");
Then the following code does indeed get all the albums:
PicasaUrl url = PicasaUrl.relativeToRoot("feed/api/user/default");
HttpRequest request = EDApplication.getRequest(url);
HttpResponse res = request.execute();
EDAlbumFeed feed = res.parseAs(EDAlbumFeed.class);
boolean hasEDAlbum = false;
for (EDAlbum album : feed.items) {
if (album.title.equals(EDApplication.ED_ALBUM_NAME)) {
hasEDAlbum = true;
But - if instead I have:
public class EDAlbum {
public String title;
public String summary;
public String access;
public EDCategory category = EDCategory.newKind("album");
Then the feed has an empty collection - i.e. the parser does not know that this is Atom (my guess).
I can live with the android:title in my classes - I don;t get it, but it works.
The problem is that I can't get the POST to wok (to create the album). This code is:
EDAlbum a = new EDAlbum();
a.access = "public";
a.title = EDApplication.ED_ALBUM_NAME;
a.summary = c.getString(R.string.ed_album_summary);
AtomContent content = new AtomContent();
content.entry = a;
content.namespaceDictionary = EDApplication.getNamespaceDictionary();
PicasaUrl url = PicasaUrl.relativeToRoot("feed/api/user/default");
HttpRequest request = EDApplication.postRequest(url, content);
HttpResponse res = request.execute();
The transport and namespace are:
private static final HttpTransport transport = new ApacheHttpTransport(); // my libraries don;t include GoogleTransport.
private static HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory(final HttpTransport transport) {
return transport.createRequestFactory(new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) {
AtomParser parser = new AtomParser();
parser.namespaceDictionary = getNamespaceDictionary();
public static XmlNamespaceDictionary getNamespaceDictionary() {
if (nsDictionary == null) {
nsDictionary = new XmlNamespaceDictionary();
nsDictionary.set("", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
nsDictionary.set("atom", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
nsDictionary.set("exif", "http://schemas.google.com/photos/exif/2007");
nsDictionary.set("gd", "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005");
nsDictionary.set("geo", "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#");
nsDictionary.set("georss", "http://www.georss.org/georss");
nsDictionary.set("gml", "http://www.opengis.net/gml");
nsDictionary.set("gphoto", "http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007");
nsDictionary.set("media", "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/");
nsDictionary.set("openSearch", "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/");
nsDictionary.set("xml", "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace");
return nsDictionary;
If I use
public String title;
then I get an exception that it does not have a default namespace:
W/System.err( 1957): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unrecognized alias: (default)
W/System.err( 1957): at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument(Preconditions.java:115)
W/System.err( 1957): at com.google.api.client.xml.XmlNamespaceDictionary.getNamespaceUriForAliasHandlingUnknown(XmlNamespaceDictionary.java:288)
W/System.err( 1957): at com.google.api.client.xml.XmlNamespaceDictionary.startDoc(XmlNamespaceDictionary.java:224)
and if I use
public String title;
then it does serialize but each element has the atom: prefix and the call fails - when I to a tcpdump on it I see something like
.`....<? xml vers
ion='1.0 ' encodi
ng='UTF- 8' ?><at
om:entry xmlns:a
tom="htt p://www.
w3.org/2 005/Atom
"><atom: category
scheme= "http://
schemas. google.c
om/g/200 5#kind"
term="ht tp://sch
emas.goo gle.com/
photos/2 007#albu
m" /><at om:gphot
o:access >public<
/atom:gp hoto:acc
What do I need to do different in order to use
public String title;
and have both the GET and the POST manage the namespace?
It looks you are adding either duplicate dictonary keys or keys that are not understood by the serializer.
Use the following instead.
static final XmlNamespaceDictionary DICTIONARY = new XmlNamespaceDictionary()
.set("", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")
.set("activity", "http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/")
.set("georss", "http://www.georss.org/georss")
.set("media", "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/")
.set("thr", "http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0");
Removing the explicit set for the "atom" item namespace solved this issue for me.
