GNU Make: Ensure existence of prerequisite and disable implicit rule search - makefile

How can I disable implicit rule searches on a prerequisite while still ensuring that the prerequisite actually exists?
Consider the following initial Makefile:
b: a
#echo MAKING B
cp a b
a is a file which is required in order to make b. If the file a exists, make b runs successfully. If it doesn't exist, we obtain the following error:
make: *** No rule to make target `a', needed by `b'. Stop.`
This is exactly what we expected, however on inspecting the output of make --debug=a b, we see that even when a exists, make is searching through pre-defined implicit rules fitting a in order to see whether it can be re-made. For example, if the file a.c happened to exist, then make would try to compile a.c to produce the file a. To prevent this, we define an explicit rule for a with an empty recipe. This gives us the updated Makefile:
a: ;
b: a
#echo MAKING B
cp a b
The problem now is that the recipe for make b runs even if a does not exist, which results in a failure. Is there any other way to indicate that a should exist, while not searching for implicit rules to build a? I would like to do this without giving a recipe for a which checks its existence.

I'll try to sum up state of our discussion so far. Perhaps someone still pop's up with another/better insight.
Besides the option also mentioned in the question itself (see bellow for explainer on latest iteration for this approach):
$(error missing file "$#")
b: a
#echo MAKING B
cp a b
In theory it should be possible to disable implicit pattern rule altogether or for specific (set) of target(s) by either defining a no recipe target rule (% : %.c) or defining a static pattern rule (a: % : %.c). Nonetheless the resulting behavior, in case there is an a.c file, seems to be the same as with an empty rule for a:. I.e. make b just proceeds without file a being present (and we'd later fail trying to access it).
Since at least some of the implicit rule seem to be implemented as suffix rules, it's possible to disable consideration of inputs like a.c by purging list of default suffices:
Or inhibit use of implicit built-in rules altogether by invoking make with -r (or --no-builtin-rules) option. These however are rather heavy handed as they impact processing of all the rules across the Makefile.
To work the comment in:
as mentioned disabling couple of the built in rules for C compilation would appear to yield the desired result, namely:
% : %.c
% : %.o
Would result with a.c present and no a in make: *** No rule to make target 'a', needed by 'b'. Stop.
However (like -r) it's rather intrusive as in all other targets relying on the implicit rule would be impacted. While at the same time it's not as very far reaching, because it does not cover other cases like a.C, a.cpp, a,v,...
Static rule should be able to replace pattern rules where applicable (a more specific rule being applied over the more generic one when matching). But indeed limiting its to a single target does basically put it on par with just a specific a: rule.
I am actually not sure what the rest of the tree looks like and what all possible build steps could occur. With current understanding I would still gravitate to explicit target with file existence check should files with colliding names be a possibility and concern.
Explanation for the latest version of simple failing rule:
As #Stein followed up on the topic, he actually very helpfully pointed out: Simple (always) failing rule for "building" a is perfectly sufficient. If a file of that name (a) exists, the rule for target a never gets to run its recipe. For the case the file is not there, we can just have a recipe that fails with an error message.


Target dependency: Makefile no rule to make target error

Here is the make file that I am running,
.PHONY: build
build: pre_build_script $(OUTPUTDIR)/%.cpp
$(OUTPUTDIR)/%.cpp: $(INTXTDIR)/%.txt
.PHONY: pre_build_script
pythonscript.exe $(PREBUILDDIR)
This is the output that I get:
$ make build
pythonscript.exe $(SAMPLEDIR)
make: *** No rule to make target '../obj/CPP/%.cpp', needed by 'build'. Stop.
Looks like I'm missing on some sytanx as I get this error inspite of declaring the target dependency. Any suggestions?
This means make cannot find a file named $(OUTPUTDIR)/%.cpp, a prerequisite for the first rule.
You cannot use % as a wildcard anywhere in a rules like this:
build: pre_build_script $(OUTPUTDIR)/%.cpp
it needs to be a part of pattern rule or a static pattern rule.
You can use $(wildcard $(OUTPUTDIR)/*.cpp) to get a complete list of files, but it's an anti-pattern (pun intended). You are supposed to either exactly know what files are used in what rules, or (know it even better and) create a generic pattern rule.
The second pattern rule (one using is supposed to work on a single source-target file pair, $(INTXTDIR)/%.txt -> $(OUTPUTDIR)/%.cpp. The command seems to process all the files in the directory, which is not incremental: it will redo all the work even if only one file was updated.

Implict rule cancellation in Makefile

I have come across the following line in U-boot Makefile ( ) with comment "Cancel implicit rules on top Makefile".
Can you help me to understand the following line, how/what will happen while executing the following line by make utility.
$(CURDIR)/Makefile Makefile: ;
See How Makefiles Are Remade:
If you know that one or more of your makefiles cannot be remade and you want to keep make from performing an implicit rule search on them, perhaps for efficiency reasons, you can use any normal method of preventing implicit rule look-up to do so. For example, you can write an explicit rule with the makefile as the target, and an empty recipe.
And that is exactly what $(CURDIR)/Makefile Makefile: ; rule does - it has an empty recipe.

Recipe that produces multiple targets

In our makefile, we have one recipe that links together all our object and library files to make an executable (an .elf file). As a side effect, this step also produces a map-file and an Intel .hex file:
$(ELF_FILE) : <list of dependencies here>
<linker command line>
Until now, since we never actually had a $(MAP_FILE) or a $(HEX_FILE) target, when ever another target depended on one of the $(ELF_FILE)'s side products, we simply declared it to be dependent on $(ELF_FILE), even if the recipe of that target didn't want to access the $(ELF_FILE) itself at all. For instance:
# Target that needs map-file, which is a side product of the $(ELF_FILE) target.
# Target that needs hex-file, which is also a side product of the $(ELF_FILE) target.
We have recently found out that a recipe can be used for more than one target, like so:
$(MAP_FILE) $(HEX_FILE) $(ELF_FILE) : <list of dependencies here>
<linker command line>
With this new-found knowledge, we figured we could get rid of the above "hack" and just directly state each target's direct dependencies:
Having implemented these changes, we now observe an odd effect that makes us suspect that we've either misunderstood this multiple-targets-one-recipe feature of make, or we're not using it correctly. The odd effect is that the recipe that produces the .elf, .map and .hex files now appears to run twice. This doesn't seem to have caused any immediate problems, but it does seem to indicate that something is fishy here. So my question, can our new approach work at all, or should we stick to the hack I described above?
EDIT: We're running our make in a multi-threaded manner (i.e. with -j).
It might be that when make is trying to update a target (whether it is $(MAP_FILE), $(HEX_FILE) or $(ELF_FILE), it does not know that its recipe will also update another target, therefore it starts a recipe for that one too, even if it's the same.
Of course, that would only happen when using the -j option. (Did you had the possibility to try without ?)
To illustrate :
<update target>
Here make will try to update $(ELF_FILE) and $(MAP_FILE) and fire the recipe twice. (That should also applies if the dependencies are on different target, as long as the targets are updated by a one execution of make and that there is no bottlenecks between them.
I'm not completely sure about that, though, make might be able to know that this is the same recipe.
This answer might be of use to you.
Specifically :
However, if your output files and your input file share a common base,
you CAN write a pattern rule like this: %.baz : %.boz ; $(BUILDIT)
Strangely, for implicit rules with multiple targets GNU make assumes
that a single invocation of the recipe WILL build all the targets, and it will behave exactly as you want.
It refers to that part of the make manual :
Pattern rules may have more than one target. Unlike normal rules, this
does not act as many different rules with the same prerequisites and
recipe. If a pattern rule has multiple targets, make knows that the
rule’s recipe is responsible for making all of the targets. The recipe
is executed only once to make all the targets. When searching for a
pattern rule to match a target, the target patterns of a rule other
than the one that matches the target in need of a rule are incidental:
make worries only about giving a recipe and prerequisites to the file
presently in question. However, when this file’s recipe is run, the
other targets are marked as having been updated themselves.
Gnu Make has now gained a feature that would support this usecase (in version 4.3) : grouped explicit targets. It allows make to be aware that one recipe generate several targets, and it used like this (from the gnu make manual) :
foo bar biz &: baz boz
echo $^ > foo
echo $^ > bar
echo $^ > biz
foo, bar, and biz are generated by this rule (note the use of &: instead of :.
Full documentation : ("Rules with Grouped Targets")

GNU Make -- Pattern-Matched Dependencies

Let the file "prefix-hi.c" being present in the current directory ("> touch prefix-hi.c"). Then, create the following Makefile:
prefix-%.o: prefix-%.c prefix-%-generated.c
#echo Specific Rule
%.o: %.c
#echo General Rule
touch prefix-$*-generated.c
Making in two steps gives the sequence
> make prefix-hi-generated.c
touch prefix-hi-generated.c
> make prefix-hi.o
Specific Rule
Deleting the generated file and trying to build in one step results in
> rm -f prefix-hi-generated.c
> make prefix-hi.o
General Rule
That is, GNU Make does not recognize the opportunity to build "prefix-hi-generated.c" from the last rule. Adding an explicit rule
touch prefix-hi-generated.c
changes everything. Now the one-step sequence results in
> rm -f prefix-hi-generated.c
> make prefix-hi.o
touch prefix-hi-generated.c
Specific Rule
From my angle, this behavior seems quirky.
Is there a rational explanation for things being the way they are?
How could one force GNU Make to apply the 'Specific Rule' for files starting with "prefix-" without using explicit rules?
This is explained fully in the GNU make manual
Note however, that a rule whose prerequisites actually exist or are mentioned always takes priority over a rule with prerequisites that must be made by chaining other implicit rules.
This is an explicit exception to the general rule that the most narrowly matching (shortest stemmed) rule will always be caused to match. The reason your last example works how you like, is because it isn't a pattern matching based rule at all so is checked before pattern matching is resolved.

Get error for "make: Nothing to be done for 'target'"

Let me illustrate it with an example.
mkdir test
cd test
touch target
make target
This will result in: make: Nothing to be done for 'target'.
So make tells me there is nothing to do. This is because make did not find a rule to make target, but because the target already exists make tells me there is nothing to do.
Now, I don't want that. I want make to give me an error when it cannot find a rule for target, even though the target already exists.
I have tried the following:
echo '.DEFAULT:
echo make: *** No rule to make target `$#'. Stop.
false'> Makefile
But this does not stop the make when making multiple targets.
The problem is, that make assumes the target name is also a file which will be build by the given commands.
But sometimes this is not true (e.g. think of "clean").
To tell make that some targets don't build this file, you need to make them "phony". Put the following line into your Makefile:
.PHONY: target
If you think about it, you would end up with a chicken-and-egg situation (or infinite regress). Suppose you managed to have a rule that said 'You must have a rule to create target before it is legitimate', then you'd have a rule that says 'target depends on X' for some other file X. That's written:
target: X
command to build target from X
But then you'd be back to the starting point: you'd also want a rule to create X. How can you do that? You might have a rule that depends on nothing and magically creates the file X when it is needed:
command to build X from nothing
Without a rule like that, you have an infinite regress.
So, make is designed to ensure that files exist and are up to date. If a file exists and there are no rules - implicit or explicit - to specify how it is made, then the file is up to date. What you are seeking to do is not possible.
Actually this sounds like a perfectly reasonable (if misguided ;-)) request. You will have to explicitly list every source file with a rule with an empty recipe though.
Here you go:
Makefile: ;
.PHONY: dodgy
dodgy%: dodgy; $(error You must provide a rule for $*)
%: dodgy% ;
The proof of the pudding:
$ rm aa
$ make aa
Makefile:4: *** You must provide a rule for aa. Stop.
$ touch aa
$ make aa
Makefile:4: *** You must provide a rule for aa. Stop.
Note that the line Makefile: ; is necessary. After all, the first thing make tries to do is rebuild the Makefile.
Note also that the catch-all pattern rule is non-terminal. This can be a massive performance hit. As the manual says about match anything rules "They are very useful, but it can take a lot of time for make to think about them."
