Can I find similar named files ignoring case, dashes, spaces or other characters? - bash

lets say I have 2 directories one contains:
/dir1/Test File Name.txt
/dir1/This is anotherfile.txt
/dir1/And-Another File.txt
Directory 2 looks like:
/dir2/test file_Name.txt
/dir2/This Is another file.txt
/dir2/And another_file.txt
How can I find (or match) files that are named similar, in this example file 1 from dir1 would match with file 1 and 2 on dir2 and so on
Trying to do this in bash. Say I have a file named "Test File 1.txt" I want to find any file that is named similar like:
test-file 1.txt
test file 1.txt
etc etc
I can ignore case with find ./files/ -maxdepth 1 -iname $FILE but don't know how to ignore all the other characters.
Is there a way I can do this in bash?
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I need to iterate on all files, the file name is not always the same, I just used an example.
so it could be named "Test File 1.txt" or it could also be named something completely different "Something Else.txt"
So I want to look for all similar named files using a complete file name as base, but this file name can be different, hope I make more sense.

If Perl is your option, please try the following:
perl -e '
#files1 = glob "dir1/*";
#files2 = glob "dir2/*";
foreach (#files2) {
$f2 = $_;
s#.*/##; # remove directory name
# s#\..*?$##; # remove extension (wrong)
s#\.[^.]*$##; # remove extension (corrected)
s#[\W_]#[\\W_]?#g; # replace non-alphanumric chars
$pat = $_ . "\\.\\w+\$";
# print $pat, "\n"; # uncomment to see the regex pattern
foreach $f1 (#files1) {
if ($f1 =~ m#/$pat#i) {
print "$f1 <=> $f2\n";
dir1/And-Another File.txt <=> dir2/And another_file.txt
dir1/Test File Name.txt <=> dir2/test file_Name.txt
dir1/Test File Name.txt <=> dir2/test-File_Name.txt
dir1/This is anotherfile.txt <=> dir2/This Is another file.txt
The concept is to generate a regex pattern on the fly from a filename
in one directory and match it with the files in the other directory.
File extension is replaced with a pattern which matches it.
Non-alphanumeric character and underscore are replaced with a pattern
which matches them including the case the character is missing so that
anotherfile and another file match.
i option added to the pattern enables case-insensitive match.
You can see the generated regex by uncommenting the noted line.
The possible problem is we can not generate a pattern which matches with
another file from the filename anotherfile. In other words, the
matching is one-directional. A possible workaround is to neglect non-alphanumeric characters and underscores at all in matching. It may result in unexpected overmatching depending on the word and punctuation. We will need to specifically define the similarity to step further.
In order to get the result back to bash variables, please try:
while read -r -d "" line; do
# do something with the bash variable "line"
echo "$line"
done < <(
perl -e '
#files1 = glob "dir1/*";
#files2 = glob "dir2/*";
foreach (#files2) {
$f2 = $_;
s#.*/##; # remove directory name
# s#\..*?$##; # remove extension (wrong)
s#\.[^.]*$##; # remove extension (corrected)
s#[\W_]#[\\W_]?#g; # replace non-alphanumric chars
$pat = $_ . "\\.\\w+\$";
# print $pat, "\n"; # uncomment to see the regex pattern
foreach $f1 (#files1) {
if ($f1 =~ m#/$pat#i) {
push(#result, "$f1 <=> $f2");
# if you want just the list of filenames, comment out the line above
# and uncomment the line below
#push(#result, $f1, $f2);
print join("\0", #result) . "\0";
The results is stored in the bash variable line in line by line.
If you want to tweak the output format, please modify the line push(#result, ...).
Modified to work with the following filename pairs:
"Sample Filename.txt" <=> "Sample Filename (100).txt"
"Sample.Filename.txt" <=> "Sample Filename.txt"
Here's the updated code:
while read -r -d "" line; do
# do something with the bash variable "line"
echo $line
done < <(
perl -e '
#files1 = glob "dir1/*";
#files2 = glob "dir2/*";
foreach (#files2) {
$f2 = $_;
s#.*/##; # remove directory name
s#\.[^.]*$##; # remove extension
s#\s*\(.*?\)##; # remove parenthesis if any
s#\s*\[.*?\]##; # remove square bracket if any
s#[\W_]#[\\W_]?#g; # replace non-alphanumric chars
$pat = $_ . "\\s?((\\(.*?\\))|(\\[.*?\\]))?" . "\\.\\w+\$";
#print $pat . "\n"; # uncomment to see the regex pattern
foreach $f1 (#files1) {
if ($f1 =~ m#/$pat#i) {
push(#result, "$f1 <=> $f2");
# if you want just the list of filenames, comment out the line above
# and uncomment the line below
#push(#result, $f1, $f2);
print join("\0", #result) . "\0";


Rename multiple datetime files in Unix by inserting - and _ characters

I have many files in a directory that I want to rename so that they are recognizable according to a certain convention:
How can I rename them in UNIX to be as follows?
A bash shell loop using mv and parameter expansion could do it:
for file in *:[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]
mv -- "${file}" "${prefix}:${suffix:0:4}-${suffix:4:2}-${suffix:6:2}_${suffix:8:2}"
This loop picks up every file that matches the pattern:
* -- anything
: -- a colon
[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]] -- 10 digits
... and then renames it by inserting dashes and and underscore in the desired locations.
I've chosen the wildcard for the loop carefully so that it tries to match the "input" files and not the renamed files. Adjust the pattern as needed if your actual filenames have edge cases that cause the wildcard to fail (and thus rename the files a second time).
strindex() {
# get position of character in string
[[ "$x" = "$1" ]] && echo -1 || echo "${#x}"
get_new_filename() {
# change filenames like: SURFACE_OBS:2019062218
# into filenames like: SURFACE_OBS:2019-06-22_18
# add last underscore 2 characters from end of string
# get position of colon in string
colon_pos=$(strindex "${src_str}" ":")
# get dash locations relative to colon position
# now add dashes in date
echo "${src_str}"
# accept path as argument or default to /tmp/baz/data
while read -r line ; do
# since file renaming depends on position of colon extract
# base filename without path in case path has colons
filename_to_change=$(basename "${line}")
echo "mv ${line} ${base_dir}/$(get_new_filename "${filename_to_change}")"
# find cmd attempts to exclude files that have already been renamed
done < <(find "${target_dir}" -name 'SURFACE*' -a ! -name '*_[0-9]\{2\}$')

Get only file name in variable in a for loop

I have a for loop that writes text in a file :
echo ' input.'$f '{'
echo ' copy = ${source.copy}"'$f'.CPY"'
echo ' data = ${}"'$f'.CSV"'
echo ' }'
But the "f" variable here looks like this :
What i want to get is only the name of the file, not the full path and its extension:
By the way i tried to change my f variable like this so i dont get the extension but it did not work :
You need two lines; chained operators aren't allowed.
f=${f##*/} # Strip the directory
f=${f%%.*} # Strip the extensions
Or, you can use the basename command to strip the directory and one extension (assuming you know what it is) in one line.
f=$(basename "$f" .txt)

How i should use sed for delete specific strings and allow duplicate with more characters?

i had generate a list of file, and this had 17417 lines like :
The thing is i want to delete the lines like :
and the "." at the start, for the result must be like :
This is possible using sed ? or is more practical using another tool
With your list in the filename list, you could do:
sed -n 's/^[.]//;/\/.*[._].*$/p' list
sed -n suppresses printing of pattern-space; then
s/^[.]// is the substitution form that simply removes the first character '.' from each line; then
/\/.*[._].*$/p matches line that contain a '.' or '_' (optional) after the last '/' with p causing that line to be printed.
Example Use/Output
$ sed -n 's/^[.]//;/\/.*[._].*$/p' list
Note, without GNU sed that allows chaining of expressions with ';' you would need:
sed -n -e 's/^[.]//' -e '/\/.*[._].*$/p' list
Assuming you want to delete the line(s) which is included other
pathname(s), would you please try:
sort -r list.txt | awk ' # sort the list in the reverse order
sub("^\\.", "") # remove leading dot
s = prev; sub("/[^/]+$", "", s) # remove the rightmost slash and following characters
if (s != $0) print # if s != $0, it means $0 is not a substring of the previous line
prev = $0 # keep $0 for the next line

Remove multiple lines where string occurs and concatenate

I'm new to Bash/Perl and trying to remove multiple lines in a text file where a string occurs. To remove a single line so far I have:
perl -ne '/somestring/ or print' /usr/file.txt > /usr/file1.tmp
To replace a second line I use:
perl -ne '/anotherstring/ or print' /usr/file.txt > /usr/file2.tmp
How can I concatenate file and file2.tmp?
Or how can I modify the command to remove multiple lines where somestring and anotherstring occur?
How can I concatenate file and file2.tmp?
That could be done with
cat file file2.tmp >> file3.tmp
Or if by file you mean file1.tmp,
cat file1.tmp file2.tmp >> file3.tmp
However, that is different from what you're describing in the rest of your question (i.e. removing any line where any of two patterns appears). That could be done by chaining your commands:
perl -ne '/somestring/ or print' /usr/file.txt > /usr/file1.tmp
perl -ne '/anotherstring/ or print' /usr/file1.tmp > /usr/file2.tmp
You can use a pipe to get rid of the intermediate file file1.tmp:
perl -ne '/somestring/ or print' /usr/file.txt | perl -ne '/anotherstring/ or print' > /usr/file2.tmp
This can also be done by using grep (assuming your strings don't make use of any Perl-specific regex features):
grep -v somestring /usr/file.txt | grep -v anotherstring > /usr/file2.tmp
Finally, you can combine the filtering into one command/regex:
perl -ne '/somestring|anotherstring/ or print' /usr/file.txt > /usr/file2.tmp
Or using grep:
grep -v 'somestring\|anotherstring' /usr/file.txt > /usr/file2.tmp
I had some fun with your program, and wrote a highly dynamic Perl program
to print the matches or non-matches for words in each line of any user defined file, and then right the requested lines which match or do not match the file to the screen and to a new user-defined outfile.
We will be parsing this file: iris_dataset.csv:
It's a comma separated value file with columns separated by commas.
You could see each column of items more nicely if you were looking at this file in a spreadsheet. What we will be looking for is Species of the file, so the possible items to match are "setosa", "versicolor", and "virginica".
My program first asks for the file that you want to read from..
In this case, it's iris_dataset.csv, though it could be any file. Then you write the name of a file that you would want to write to. I call it new_iris.csv, but you can call it anything.
Then we tell the program how many items we are looking for, so if there's 3 items I can type: setosa, versicolor, virginica in any order. If there are two I can type only two items, and if there is one, then I can only type only setosa or versicolor or virginica in this example file.
Then we are asked if we want to KEEP the lines which match our items,
or if we want to REMOVE the lines of the file which match our files. If we keep the matches, we get the lines which match those items printed to the screen and to our outfile. If we select remove, we get the lines which do not match those items printed to the screen and to our file. If we select neither KEEP nor REMOVE, then we get an error message and our new empty outfile is deleted since it contains nothing.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Program:
use strict; # Means that we have to explicitly declare our variables with "my", "our" or "local" as we want their scope defined.
use warnings; # We want to know if and if where errors are showing up in our program.
use feature 'say'; # Like print, but with automatic ending newline.
use feature 'switch'; # Perl given:when switch statement.
no warnings 'experimental'; # Perl has something against switch.
########### This block of code right here is basically equivalent to a unit ls command ##############
opendir(DIR, "."); # Opens the current working directory
my #files = readdir(DIR); # Reads all files in the current working directory into an array #files.
closedir(DIR); # Now that we have the array of files, we can close our current working directory.
say "Here are the list of files in your current working directory";
foreach(#files){print "$_\t";} # $_ is the default variable for each item in an array.
########### It is not critical to run the program ####################
say "\nGive me your filename to read from, extensions and all ..."; # It would be a good idea to have your filename in yoru working directory.
chomp(my $file_read = <STDIN>); # This makes the filename dynamic from user input.
say "Give me your filename to write to, extensions and all ...";
chomp(my $file_write = <STDIN>); # results will be printed to this file, and standard output. # chomp removes newlines from standard input.
# ' < ' to read from, and '>', to write to ...
# Opening your file to read from:
open(my $filehandle_read, '<', $file_read) or die "Problem reading file $_ because $!";
# Open your file to write to.
open(my $filehandle_write, '>', $file_write) or die "Problem reading file $_ because $!";
say "How many matches are you going to give me?";
my $match_num = <STDIN>;
say "Okay give me the matches now, pressing Enter key between each match.";
my $i = 1; # This is our incrementer between matches.
my $matches; # This is each match presented line by line.
my #match_list; # This is our array (list) of $matches
while($i <= $match_num)
$matches = <STDIN>; # One match at a time from standard input.
push #match_list, $matches; # Pushes all individual $matches into a list #match_list
$i = $i + 1; # Increase the incrementor by one so this loop don't last forever.
undef($matches); # I am clearing each match, so that I can redefine this variable.
$matches = join('|', #match_list); # " | " is part of a regular expression which means "or" for each item in this scalar matches.
say "This is what your redefined matches variable looks like: $matches";
say "Now you get a choice for your matches";
say "KEEP or REMOVE?"; # if you type Keep (case insensitive) you print only the matches to the new file. If you type Remove (case insensitive) you print only the lines to the newfile which do not contain the matches.
chomp(my $choice = <STDIN>);
my #lines_all = <$filehandle_read>; # The filehandle contains everything in the file, so we can pull all lines of the file to read into an array, where each item in the array is each line of the file opened for reading.
close $filehandle_read; # we can now close the filehandle for the file for reading since we just pulled all the information from it.
# We grep for the matching " =~ " lines of our file to read.
my #lines_matching = grep{$_ =~ m/$matches/} #lines_all;
# We grep for the non-matching " !~ " lines of our file to read.
# Note: $_ is a default variable for every item in the array.
my #lines_not_matching = grep{$_ !~ m/$matches/} #lines_all;
# This is a Perl style switch statement.
# Note: A given::when::when::default switch statement.
# is basically equivalent to ...
# while::if::elsif::else statement.
# In this switch statement only one choice is performed,
# which one depends on if you said "Keep" or "Remove" in your choice.
when($choice =~ m/Keep/i) # "i" is for case-insensitive, so Keep, KEEP, kEeP, etc are valid.
say #lines_matching; # Print the matching lines to the screen.
print $filehandle_write #lines_matching; # Print the matching lines to the file.
close $filehandle_write; # Close the file now that we are done with it.
when($choice =~ m/Remove/i)
say #lines_not_matching; # Print the lines that match to the screen.
print $filehandle_write #lines_not_matching; # Print the lines that do not match to the screen.
close $filehandle_write; # Close the file now that we are done with it.
say "You must have selected a choice other than Keep or Remove. Don't do that!";
close $filehandle_write; # Close the file now that we are done with it.
unlink($file_write) or warn "Could not unlink file $file_write"; # If you selected neither keep nor remove, we delete the new file to write to as it contains nothing.
Here is the script in action:
I ask to Remove the lines which contain versicolor and setosa, so only the lines which contain virginica will be printed to the screen and to my outfile which I called new_iris.csv. Again, I asked for 2 items. Note: As in my program, you can type the words Keep or Remove in any case insensitive manner.
Here are the list of files in your current working directory
. .. iris_dataset.csv
Give me your filename to read from, extensions and all ...
Give me your filename to write to, extensions and all ...
How many matches are you going to give me?
Okay give me the matches now, pressing Enter key between each match.
This is what your redefined matches variable looks like: setosa|versicolor
Now you get a choice for your matches
So only those lines which do not contain the words setosa and versicolor are printed to our file: new_iris.csv:
I completely enjoy playing with standard input in Perl.
You can use my script to only print the lines of the file which contain
setosa. (You only ask for 1 match.)

Comment out line, only if previous line contains matching string

Looking for a solution for a bash script using sed or awk to comment out a line, only if the previous line contains a matching string.
For example, a file containing:
if [ $V1 -gt 100 ]; then
some specific commands
some other specific commands
I'd like to comment out the line containing else but ONLY if the previous line contains specific.
I've attempted piping multiple sed commands along with grep commands to no avail.
sed -E '/specific/{n;s/^([[:blank:]]*)else$/\1#else/}'
if [ $V1 -gt 100 ]; then
some specific commands
some other commands
A retrospection
/specific/ look for the line containing the pattern specific
n add the next line to the pattern space. n auto prints the current pattern space.
Check if the next line is (one_or_more_spaces)else,if yes, substitute the line with a (one_or_more_spaces_found_previously)#else. Remember () is for pattern reuse and \1 is the previously matched pattern reused.
-E enable extended regex
-i is for inplace edit of the actual file
You can use this awk solution:
awk '/specific/{p=NR} NR==p+1{p=0; if (/^[[:blank:]]*else/) $0 = "#" $0} 1' file
if [ $V1 -gt 100 ]; then
some specific commands
some other commands
In this block /specific/p=NR we find specific and store current line # in p
Next block is executed for very next line due to p == NR+1 condition
We rest p=0 and if that line has else at start with optional whitespaces before we just comment it out.
