Watchkit interfaceController for interfaceControllerID:random Not Found - interface-builder

Developing a new stand-alone WatchKit 5 app in Xcode 10.1
I am just cleaning up now that features added and bugs squashed, and the App runs fine with no crashes etc. However, I get two debugger alert when running on Sim or hardware:
2019-01-15 12:10:56.907672-0500
App WatchKit Extension[7263:261438]
[default] -[SPRemoteInterface _interfaceControllerWithID:]:2087:
ComF: interfaceController for interfaceControllerID:1C5F0002 not found
Prior SO discussion of this error does not seem to apply since
Occurs before applicationDidFinishLaunching()
All scenes in storyboard have names, storyboardID's and correct modules (all inherit from Target). All except Static Notification view which does not allow for module entry
I am not using anything that need handling in didDeactivate like MMWormHole
The app is strictly Page-based Nav. There are no pushController calls.
I never explicitly call reloadRootControllersWithNames.
Looking at storyboard source shows all controllers have appropriate "customModule"
Never renamed WatchKit Target
Trying to check out the calling arguments inside watchkit (po $arg1 etc.) fails with an $arg1 not declared
WatchKit`-[SPRemoteInterface _interfaceControllerWithID:]:
-> 0x225977 <+0>: pushl %ebp
0x225978 <+1>: movl %esp, %ebp
0x22597a <+3>: pushl %ebx
So, this issue occurs in WatchKit code long before my code starts running, but it could be a problem with loading the storyboard, in which case I should try to find and fix it. Otherwise it could be another Xcode bug. The prior Radar'd reports seem to be different circumstances. Is this another harmless Xcode report?


Xcode 9 cannot go to method definition (Cocoa pods, Rxswift)

I'm running into an issues with Xcode 9.
I have a new project setup with RxSwift 4.0 installed through CocoaPods.
The issues is I cannot go to method definition using command + click command
Xcode always display this error
Anyone know what is the error about and how we can resolve it in order to view the method definition (I believe it will be inside RxSwift Or RxCocoa pods).
I believe it is Xcode 9.0.1 bug, and has nothing to do with a particular framework, because in my case, it often happens even when Cmd+clicking on classes defined within the same project.
As for solution: just click on another file and then go back, popover will disappear. Then try again, sometimes it just works.
Also, keep an eye on Activity Monitor: after a while SourceKitService (part of Xcode 9) eats up a lot of memory (like 10+ Gb), in this case just Force Quit that SourceKitService process.

ngCordova HealthKit plugin ARC warning and app crash

I'm having trouble with a ngCordova plugin, HealthKit 0.3.3, when used with my Ionic Cordova app.
The app is just a skeleton, there's almost no code except to set up the app and to include $cordovaHealthKit in the contoller.
After building the app and loading it in Xcode, I see an ARC warning in XCode, pointing to the improper use of self in the plugin source code
[self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:result callbackId:command.callbackId];
The warning is: ARC Retain Cycle: Capturing 'self' strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle
I have the HealthKit entitlement enabled in XCode, but when I run the app in XCode it crashes.
0x196717bd0 <+16>: ldp x10, x11, [x9, #16] WebThread (8): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x14b4fbeb8)
I'm unsure if I'm doing something wrong, or if this is an issue I should report at the HealthKit plugin Github page
Any thoughts gratefully received.

XCODE iOS 8 iAD Load Error

I have a universal app that has been in use for several years with iAD Banner working. This was first implemented in iOS4, so it does not use ".canDisplayBanner" and does use the delegate. This has worked in all iOS versions.
With XCODE 6, it still works on simulator and device, iPhone and iPad, in development, when running on iOS7 target (aka, developer ad loads most of the time). If I run the same build on an iOS8 target, everything is the same, but ad Load ALWAYS gets error (3) ads not available, and NEVER become available.
As I understand it, iAd Banner should always return ads in development - regardless of iTunesConnect or provisioning. I have changed iOS Settings->Developer->(iAd Stuff), but no effect. Unfortunately, the Apple AdViewBanner and iAD docs appear to have only had formatting changes for iOS8, and are still essentially iOS6 docs. Searching the net, I can not find any one else with an iOS8 issue with iAd.
I can not determine is this is a coding issue/change for iOS8, or some type of Apple iAD service issue. Suggestions?

pushviewcontroller crashes on distribution build but not debug

I have encountered a strange situation where one of my apps has stopped working in iOS6. The actual code is simple and is ARC enabled. I have a table with a navigation controller and when a row in the table is tapped it pushes a view controller. The code works fine in the simulator and in debug build when I switch to distribution build the code crashes after pushing the view controller.
I set some nslog outputs and can see that it gets as far as view will appear before crashing.
I've tried setting the distribution build with compiler optimization -Oo without any luck.
i've resolved this. somehow ARC was disabled on the distribution build setting.

ios Zombie detection

I'm having (in my opinion) a very difficult problem in my code. It crashes randomly at different places in the code. The project is a ARC project.
So my program crashes occaisonally with this messages:
malloc: *** error for object 0xd2dd8b0: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
I already set a breakpoint for malloc_error_break but I don't get any information out of it. When the code crashes ,XCode shows me the place in the code where it happens. But as I already said the crashes are randomly and do not occur always. But it seems as if the crashes are concentrated at on particular line in the code.
Now, I wanted to debug it using the instruments that come with xcode. After a bit of googling i found the following stuff on stackoverflow: How do I set up NSZombieEnabled in Xcode 4? and Xcode malloc error.
So the first link describes how to start zombie detection out of xcode itself by clicking the run button in xcode and choose "Profile". The problem I have is, that I cannot find "Zombies" when choosing the template for the trace document in my version of xcode (4.2). But if I start Instruments outside xcode (e.g. from finder) I can choose zombies.
Okay, here is what I did:
1) Start Instruments from finder and choose Profile "Zombies".
2) Start iphone app from xcode in the iphone simulator (normal run (not profile or debug)).
3) In Instruments "Choose Target"->"Attach to process"->"iPhone Simulator (57529)".
4) Instruments begins to recod something (I cannot figure out what it does).
5) Start playing around with the app until it crashes.
Eventually the app crashes and here is a screenshot of instruments after crashing the app:
My questions:
1) Is Zombies adequate for my problem or should I use another analyizes tool?
2) What tells me instruments in it's output after crashing?
Judging by your description of the problem, your crash is caused by something besides accessing a zombie object. If your app accesses a deallocated (zombie) object, Instruments shows a message like the following when using the Zombies template:
