Kafka listener receiving List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>>, is it possible to consume? - spring

I am super new in Kafka and I frankly have no idea about this type of consumer (as far as I understood is like that due is batch ready), so I am struggling to figure out how to basically consume the list of these events.
I have something like this:
#KafkaListener(topics = "#{'${kafka.listener.list-of-topics}'.split(',')}")
public void readMessage(List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records,
final Acknowledgment acknowledgment) {
try {
I know when I receive an event (at least a single one) is of type "MyObject" so I can do it fine when I get a single message.
I believe there must be a way to read/cast this List<ConsumerRecords<String,String> but I cannot figure out how..
any ideas?

See the reference manual: Batch Listeners.
Starting with version 1.1, #KafkaListener methods can be configured to receive the entire batch of consumer records received from the consumer poll. To configure the listener container factory to create batch listeners, set the batchListener property:
public KafkaListenerContainerFactory<?> batchFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Integer, String> factory =
new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
factory.setBatchListener(true); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
return factory;
You can also receive a list of ConsumerRecord<?, ?> objects but it must be the only parameter (aside from optional Acknowledgment, when using manual commits, and/or Consumer<?, ?> parameters) defined on the method:
When using Spring Boot, set the property spring.kafka.listener.type=batch.


Spring Batch Parallel processing with JMS

I implemented a spring batch project that reads from a weblogic Jms queue (Custom Item Reader not message driven), then pass the Jms message data to an item writer (chunk = 1) where i call some APIs and write in DataBase.
However, i am trying to implement parallel Jms processing, reading in parallel Jms messages and passing them to the writer without waiting for the previous processes to complete.
I’ve used a DefaultMessageListenerContainer in a previous project and it offers a parallel consuming of jms messages, but in this project i have to use the spring batch framework.
I tried using the easiest solution (multi-threaded step) but it
didn’t work , JmsException : "invalid blocking receive when another
receive is in progress" which means probably that my reader is
I thought about using remote partitioning but then i have to read all
messages and put the data into step execution contexts before calling
the slave steps, which isn't really efficient if dealing with a large
number of messages.
I looked a little bit into remote chunking, i understand that it passes data via queue channels, but i can't seem to find the utility in reading from a Jms and putting messages in a local queue for slave workers.
How can I approach this?
My code:
Step step1() {
return steps.get("step1").<Message, DetectionIncoherenceLiqJmsOut>chunk(1)
Job job(#Qualifier("step1") Step step1) {
return jobs.get("job").start(step1).build();
Jms Code :
public void initQueueConnection() throws NamingException, JMSException {
Hashtable<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, env.getProperty(WebLogicConstant.JNDI_FACTORY));
properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, env.getProperty(WebLogicConstant.JMS_WEBLOGIC_URL_RECEIVE));
InitialContext vInitialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
QueueConnectionFactory vQueueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) vInitialContext
vQueueConnection = vQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
vQueueSession = vQueueConnection.createQueueSession(false, 0);
Queue vQueue = (Queue) vInitialContext.lookup(env.getProperty(WebLogicConstant.JMS_QUEUE_RECEIVE));
consumer = vQueueSession.createConsumer(vQueue, "JMSCorrelationID IS NOT NULL");
public Message receiveMessages() throws NamingException, JMSException {
return consumer.receive(20000);
Item reader :
public Message read() throws Exception {
return jmsServiceReceiver.receiveMessages();
Thanks ! i'll appreciate the help :)
There's a BatchMessageListenerContainer in the spring-batch-infrastructure-tests sub project.
Message listener container adapted for intercepting the message reception with advice provided through configuration.
To enable batching of messages in a single transaction, use the TransactionInterceptor and the RepeatOperationsInterceptor in the advice chain (with or without a transaction manager set in the base class). Instead of receiving a single message and processing it, the container will then use a RepeatOperations to receive multiple messages in the same thread. Use with a RepeatOperations and a transaction interceptor. If the transaction interceptor uses XA then use an XA connection factory, or else the TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy to synchronize the JMS session with the ongoing transaction (opening up the possibility of duplicate messages after a failure). In the latter case you will not need to provide a transaction manager in the base class - it only gets on the way and prevents the JMS session from synchronizing with the database transaction.
Perhaps you could adapt it for your use case.
I was able to do so with a multithreaded step :
// Jobs et Steps
Step stepDetectionIncoherencesLiq(#Autowired StepBuilderFactory steps) {
int threadSize = Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty(PropertyConstant.THREAD_POOL_SIZE));
return steps.get("stepDetectionIncoherencesLiq").<Message, DetectionIncoherenceLiqJmsOut>chunk(1)
And a jmsItemReader with jmsTemplate instead of creating session and connections explicitly, it manages connections so i dont have the jms exception anymore:( JmsException : "invalid blocking receive when another receive is in progress" )
public JmsItemReader<Message> reader() {
JmsItemReader<Message> itemReader = new JmsItemReader<>();
return itemReader;

Spring kafka Batch Listener- commit offsets manually in Batch

I am implementing spring kafka batch listener, which reads list of messages from Kafka topic and posts the data to a REST service.
I would like to understand the offset management in case of the REST service goes down, the offsets for the batch should not be committed and the messages should be processed for the next poll. I have read spring kafka documentation but there is confusion in understanding the difference between Listener Error Handler and Seek to current container error handlers in batch. I am using spring-boot-2.0.0.M7 version and below is my code.
Listener Config:
KafkaListenerContainerFactory<ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer<String, String>> kafkaListenerContainerFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
// factory.getContainerProperties().setPollTimeout(3000);
return factory;
public Map<String, Object> consumerConfigs() {
Map<String, Object> propsMap = new HashMap<>();
propsMap.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, env.getProperty("spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers"));
propsMap.put(ConsumerConfig.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, env.getProperty("spring.kafka.session.timeout"));
propsMap.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
propsMap.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
propsMap.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, env.getProperty("spring.kafka.consumer.group-id"));
return propsMap;
Listener Class:
#KafkaListener(topics = "${spring.kafka.consumer.topic}", containerFactory = "kafkaListenerContainerFactory")
public void listen(List<String> payloadList) throws Exception {
if (payloadList.size() > 0)
//Post to the service
Kafka Error Handler:
public class KafkaErrorHandler implements BatchErrorHandler {
private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaErrorHandler.class);
public void handle(Exception thrownException, ConsumerRecords<?, ?> data) {
LOGGER.info("Exception occured while processing::" + thrownException.getMessage());
How to handle Kafka listener so that if something happens during processing batch of records, I wouldn't loose data.
With Apache Kafka we never lose the data. There is indeed an offset in partition logs to seek to any arbitrary position.
On the other hand, when we consume records from a partition there is no requirement to commit their offsets - the current consumer holds the state in the memory. We need to commit only for other, new consumers in the same group when the current one is dead. Independently of the error, the current consumer always moves on to poll new data behind its current in-memory offset.
So, to reprocess the same data in the same consumer we definitely have to use seek operation to move the consumer back to the desired position. That's why Spring Kafka introduces SeekToCurrentErrorHandler:
This allows implementations to seek all unprocessed topic/partitions so the current record (and the others remaining) will be retrieved by the next poll. The SeekToCurrentErrorHandler does exactly this.

Springboot JMS LIstener ActiveMQ is very slow

Im having a SpringBoot application which consume my custom serializable message from ActiveMQ Queue. So far it is worked, however, the consume rate is very poor, only 1 - 20 msg/sec.
#JmsListener(destination = "${channel.consumer.destination}", concurrency="${channel.consumer.maxConcurrency}")
public void receive(IMessage message) {
The above is my channel consumer class's snippet, it has a processor instance (injected, autowired and inside it i have #Async service, so i can assume the main thread will be released as soon as message entering #Async method) and also it uses springboot activemq default conn factory which i set from application properties
# ACTIVEMQ (ActiveMQProperties)
spring.activemq.broker-url= tcp://localhost:61616?keepAlive=true
Few things worth to inform:
1. I run everything (Eclipse, ActiveMQ, MYSQL) in my local laptop
2. Before this, i also tried using custom connection factory (default AMQ, pooling, and caching) equipped with custom threadpool task executor, but still getting same result. Below is a snapshot performance capture which i took and updating every 1 sec
3. I also notive in JVM Monitor that the used heap keep incrementing
I want to know:
1. Is there something wrong/missing from my steps?I can't even touch hundreds in my message rate
2. Annotated #JmsListener method will execute process async or sync?
3. If possible and supported, how to use traditional sync receive() with SpringBoot properly and ellegantly?
Thank You
I'm just checking something similar. I have defined DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory in my JMSConfiguration class (Spring configuration) like this:
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory(CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
// settings made based on https://bsnyderblog.blogspot.sk/2010/05/tuning-jms-message-consumption-in.html
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory(){
protected void initializeContainer(DefaultMessageListenerContainer container) {
factory.setDestinationResolver(new BeanFactoryDestinationResolver(beanFactory));
return factory;
As you can see, I took those values from https://bsnyderblog.blogspot.sk/2010/05/tuning-jms-message-consumption-in.html. It's from 2010 but I could not find anything newer / better so far.
I have also defined Spring's CachingConnectionFactory Bean as a ConnectionFactory:
public CachingConnectionFactory buildCachingConnectionFactory(#Value("${activemq.url}") String brokerUrl) {
// settings based on https://bsnyderblog.blogspot.sk/2010/02/using-spring-jmstemplate-to-send-jms.html
ActiveMQConnectionFactory activeMQConnectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory();
CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory(activeMQConnectionFactory);
return cachingConnectionFactory;
This setting will help JmsTemplate with sending.
So my answer to you is set the values of your connection pool like described in the link. Also I guess you can delete spring.activemq.in-memory=true because (based on documentation) in case you specify custom broker URL, "in-memory" property is ignored.
Let me know if this helped.

Spring handling RabbitMQ messages concurrently

I am fairly new to message-handling with Spring, so bear with me.
I would like my RabbitMQ message-handler to handle messages concurrently in several threads.
public class ConsumerService {
#RabbitListener(queues = {"q"})
public void messageHandler(#Payload M msg) {
#Import({MessageConverterConfiguration.class, ConsumerService.class})
public class ConsumerConfiguration {
private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public List<Declarable> declarations() {
return Arrays.asList(
new DirectExchange("e", true, false),
new Queue("q", true, false, false),
new Binding("q", Binding.DestinationType.QUEUE, "e", "q", null)
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory(MessageConverter contentTypeConverter, SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
In my small test there are 4 messages on queue "q". I get to process them all. That is fine. But I get to process them one by one. If I set a breakpoint in "ConsumerService.messageHandler" (essentially delaying the completion of handling a message) I would like to end up having 4 threads in that breakpoint. But I never have more than one thread. As soon as I let it run to complete handling of a message, the next message gets to be handled. What do I need to do to handle the messages concurrently?
There are two ways of achieving this
Either use a threadpool to handle messae processing at your consumer.
Or, create multiple consumer.
I saw you are using concurrentConsumers property to automatically handling of creating multiple consumers by Spring AMQP. Try setting the PrefetchCount to 1 and set MaxConcurrentConsumers also.
Most probably you already have four messages in queues and as default value of Prefetch Count is large only one consumer is consuming all the messages present on queue.
Sorry, I forgot to write that I got it working. Essentially what I have now is:
I do believe with concurrentConsumers alone it will actually eventually (under enough load) handle messages in parallel. Problem was that I had only 4 messages in my little test, and it will never bother to activate more than one consumer(-thread) for that. Setting consecutiveActiveTrigger to 1 helps here. Guess prefetchCount also has something to say. Anyway, case closed.

How to set a Message Handler programmatically in Spring Cloud AWS SQS?

maybe someone has an idea to my following problem:
I am currently on a project, where i want to use the AWS SQS with Spring Cloud integration. For the receiver part i want to provide a API, where a user can register a "message handler" on a queue, which is an interface and will contain the user's business logic, e.g.
MyAwsSqsReceiver receiver = new MyAwsSqsReceiver();
receiver.register("a-queue-name", new MessageHandler(){
public void handle(String message){
//... business logic for the received message
I found examples, e.g.
and read the docu
But the only thing i found there to "connect" a functionality for processing a incoming message is a annotation on a method, e.g. #SqsListener or #MessageMapping.
These annotations are fixed to a certain queue-name, though. So now i am at a loss, how to dynamically "connect" my provided "MessageHandler" (from my API) to the incoming message for the specified queuename.
In the Config the example there is a SimpleMessageListenerContainer, which gets a QueueMessageHandler set, but this QueueMessageHandler does not seem
to be the right place to set my handler or to override its methods and provide my own subclass of QueueMessageHandler.
I already did something like this with the Spring Amqp integration and RabbitMq and thought, that it would be also similar here with AWS SQS.
Does anyone have an idea, how to accomplish this?
thx + bye,
I found, that Spring JMS could actually do that, e.g. www.javacodegeeks.com/2016/02/aws-sqs-spring-jms-integration.html. Does anybody know, what consequences using JMS protocol has here, good or bad?
I am facing the same issue.
I am trying to go in an unusual way where I set up an Aws client bean at build time and then instead of using sqslistener annotation to consume from the specific queue I use the scheduled annotation which I can programmatically pool (each 10 secs in my case) from which queue I want to consume.
I did the example that iterates over queues defined in properties and then consumes from each one.
Client Bean:
public AmazonSQSAsync awsSqsClient() {
return AmazonSQSAsyncClientBuilder
// injected in the constructor
private final AmazonSQSAsync awsSqsClient;
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10000)
public void pool() {
.forEach(queue -> {
val receiveMessageRequest = new ReceiveMessageRequest(queue)
// reading the messages
val result = awsSqsClient.receiveMessage(receiveMessageRequest);
val sqsMessages = result.getMessages();
log.info("Received Message on queue {}: message = {}", queue, sqsMessages.toString());
// deleting the messages
sqsMessages.forEach(message -> {
val deleteMessageRequest = new DeleteMessageRequest(queue, message.getReceiptHandle());
Just to clarify, in my case, I need multiple queues, one for each tenant, with the queue URL for each one passed in a property file. Of course, in your case, you could get the queue names from another source, maybe a ThreadLocal which has the queues you have created in runtime.
If you wish, you can also try the JMS approach where you create message consumers and add a listener to each one you wish (See the doc Aws Jms documentation).
When we do Spring and SQS we use the spring-cloud-starter-aws-messaging.
Then just create a Listener class
public class MyListener {
public void listen(MyMessageType message) {
//process the message
