Nativescript + Angular. Content under StatusBar - nativescript

In newly created NativeScript + Angular app I have an issue on iOS that content of root StackLayout spans behind the StatusBar. Is there any property that would adjust app's content to some sort of frame with StatusBar excluded? So that app content starts after StatusBar.


Xamarin Forms Shell toolbar Height

I am new to Xamarin and was working on a few scenarios with Xamarin Forms Shell in Navigation bar. My requirement is to set Image to Navigation bar in shell. I am able to update the image in Navigation bar using Shell Custom Renderers for both android and ios. In Android, I was able to increase the height of the navigation bar/toolbar
In iOS, Image is not shown fully. I am currently facing an issue with setting the height of the navigation bar in iOS. Can someone help me with how to increase the height of toolbar (navigation bar) using shell custom renderers?
Welcome to SO!
Unfortunately , we can't modify the height of NavigationBar in iOS . We only can custom a toolbar view in iOS to do that . If using the default NavigationBar , Aplle not allows us to modify .
Have a look at this discussion : iOS11 customize navigation bar height

Add fixed bottom menu on Xamarin Forms with Prism MasterDetail

I'm using Xamarin Forms with Prism and I need to create a layout with a sidebar menu and a fixed bar at the bottom of the screen with quick actions like instagram app for iOS and Android.
I was thinking in use MasterDetail but how can I add that fixed bar at bottom of the Detail controller and keep it when detail page changes?
And the second thing is that I have a specific page that has form sections separated by tabs, so how can I render tabs at the top of the page for iOS (like Android)?
Something like this:

Xamarin Forms - Camera and Image Picker doesnt work when using Modal Popup

I have a Xamarin forms app, that loads a camera and image selector, when I use it in a page they both work fine, however when I am in a page and then use a modal popup to display the same page the links to the camera / image selector does nothing.
I get this error in the Output window in Visual Studio
Warning: Attempt to present <UIImagePickerController: 0x1276b2400> on
<Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_PlatformRenderer: 0x128678400> whose view is
not in the window hierarchy!
I am updated to Xamarin and Xamarin.iOS
Anyone have any ideas to get around this in Xamarin Forms ?
I notice a post regarding iOS iOS 8 SDK: modal UIWebView and camera/image picker but this is not for Zamarin ?
I recall having come across a similar issue before and filed a bug report:
Bug 44500 - A WebView that has a file picker control fails to show photo picker when page is pushed modally.
A ContentPage with WebView that has a file picker control fails to show photo picker when ContentPage is pushed modally. This warning is displayed when the WebView tries to open the UIImagePickerController:
Warning: Attempt to present <UIImagePickerController: 0x7ba68800> on <Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_ModalWrapper: 0x7e379c90> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
Works as expected when page with WebView is pushed non-modally.

iOS like navigation drawer in android

Is there any way to create ios like navigation drawer in android using xamarin
Master and Detail page should slide from left to right and should not overlap detail page
Master page should occupy full height (either after notification bar or including notificationbar)

Create custom Tabbar in Xamarin Forms using NaviagtionPages & Buttons added inside a ContentPage

I want to create custom Tabbar in Xamarin Forms using NaviagtionPages & Buttons added inside a ContentPage.
I cannot use the default Tabbed Page because the UI shows up differently for Android and iOS with it (tabbar at top on android vs tabbar at bottom for iOS).
Hence, I was creating a common component using Xamarin forms.
I have created a similar custom tabbar in iOS (by adding Navigation controllers as child controllers along with buttons in a View controller).
So far I have added Buttons and ContentPages(by ContentPage.Content) inside a ContentPage. I toggle the visibility of the content pages on tapped events of the buttons.
But I want to replace the ContentPages by NavigationPages so that each tab(button) can have its own stack of ContentPages.
Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to add NavigationPage inside a content view to make this work.
