Nativescript launch screen logo tiny - nativescript

I used the new Nativescript Sidekick feature to create my launch screens, but the logo appears tiny on the screen. To fix it to make it look more like the stock nativescript logo size, I manually modified and replaced the logo in App Resources files generated to more closely match those images, but regardless my logo continues to look very small on the launch screen. Where is that sizing controlled? If I look in splash_screen.xml I don't see anything that controls the size for android.


How can I set SpashScreen in UWP with appropriate image ratio in Xamarin Forms?

I have Xamarin Application which is on Xamarin Forms based. I am facing issue in case of Windows Splash screen. I can see splash screen but image looks very smaller. I don't know where to set this image.
Currently I have set at following place with specific size:
The default UWP splash screen will always appear unless you make it optional, in which case it will appear only when the OS takes too long to initialize the app. I have described how to make splash screen optional on my blog.
The overall procedure is to open Package.appxmanifest in text editor, add the following namespace:
And then add optional attribute to the SplashScreen element:
<uap:SplashScreen ... uap5:Optional="true" />
In this manner, if the app launches fast enough, the splash screen may not display to the user and you can provide your own custom splash screen as a full-fledged Xamarin.Forms page for example. However, note that this does not mean you should not care about how the default UWP splash screen looks, because it is quite likely it will display anyway while the runtime is initializing, especially on low-end hardware, in which case you still should provide a user friendly graphic instead of the default image for example.

No option for Landscape in iPhone Launch Images

Is landscape splash screen supported in iPhone? I don't see the option like I do with iPad, as such:
That's Visual Studio?
Because I am able to see the iPhone Landscape option in Xamarin Studio.
Try switching on and off the "Assets Catalog" dropdown to see if that helps.
Also if that doesn't work you could change at anytime from Launch image to Launch screen and there you can configure your Storyboard for all different sizes and orientations.
Note: will check later in VS.
You could add them to your assets. I don't think image assets are rendered properly in VS. It doesn't show specialized image for iPhone, iPad, watch etc. Only the generic one.
Another thing you might want to consider is using launch story board and not launch images. That's the new way of doing it or the suggested way by Apple. You have far more control on it.
Customizing launch images - Manual approach
Open LaunchImage.launchimage and change the default launch images with your own using the proper resolution for each image (e.g., Default-568h#2x.png should be 640px x 1136px). If your images have different file names then open Contents.json and change the key filename for each image.
Xcode WYSIWYG approach
Drag and drop your Assets.xcassets into Xcode (7.1 or newer version). In the opened window choose LaunchImage and add the proper image for each iOS version and device. Close Xcode and rebuild your Xamarin app to use the new launch images.
Further info : Human guidelines reference

UWP doesn't use best scaled Splash Screen

I have all necessary scales in my project:
However, when I start my app, it doesn't seem to pick the best scaled Splash Screen. I'm starting in Release x86. It's always using the scale-100 splashscreen.
I used the right names for the SplashScreens and they are in the folder "Assets" in my project:
Do I have to 'activate' an option to enable the usage of variable Splash Screens? Or why does it always pick a Splash Screen that's too small?
The reason Windows is using the scale-100 asset in your case is because your desktop environment is set to 100% scaling. There's no need for it to use a higher-resolution asset because of this. But that's not the reason why your asset isn't stretching to fill the window.
Splash screens in Windows Store apps (including UWP apps) are unlike most conventional splash screens in that their images aren't full screen images. Usually, what you put in a splash screen image for a UWP app is the app icon or logo, which is then centered on the variable-sized window and superimposed over an optional background color, rather than itself stretched (since windows can be of arbitrary size, whereas your splash screen image may require a specific aspect ratio to display correctly). From Guidelines for splash screens:
Putting an image and background color together to form the splash screen helps the splash screen look good regardless of the form factor of the device your app is installed on. When the splash screen is displayed, only the size of the background changes to compensate for a variety of screen sizes. Your image always remains intact.
If you really need to display a full-screen image instead of the small splash screen, you can fully omit these images and use an extended splash screen.

Xamarin - how to center a launch screen image (iOS)?

I'm using Xamarin for Visual Studio, and am getting frustrated trying to do what I would think should be a very simple thing: creating a launch (splash) screen for iOS, that has a single image that is centered on the screen (vertically and horizontally centered).
I'm creating it the recommended way, using a storyboard (other methods, like using an assets catalog, are considered deprecated as of iOS 9). In the storyboard, I have a View Controller, which contains a View, which contains an Image View. In the Properties pane, I've tried messing with the Mode (in Widget tab), and I've tried playing around with contstraints - which I think might be the key, but it is difficult to understand how it all works together.
You need to add the Splash screen in the applications properties (Launch Images). You need to create the image and upload it via that section. I couldn't find anything saying that the use of Asset catalogues are depreciated.

Splash screen load progress animation in windows phone 7

I have written a windows phone application. When the application starts up it shows the splash screen which is cool and i can change the image. But is there a way to add a loading animation like those dots moving across the screen.
It would be nice if i can add one of those animation in the splash screen. Can it be done. if yes please add in your answers.
As of right now there is no way to replace the loading image that shows up with an animation. Although there are workarounds:
Remove the image all together. Might want to be careful though because Microsoft requires that the application show some kind of feedback to the user within a few seconds of launching the app. Use this only if your app loads really fast.
Display a snap shot of the loading screen as an image so when the app does load you can show an animation with the same background image and it appears that its the same loading screen.
In your case I would recommend using a popup control with a loading animation inside (Option 2). To learn how to create a popup go here. Or if you want a well documented popup I know telerik has there own version as well.
Next place the loading message in a textblock or put your own image and animation inside of the popup. Obviously the easiest animation would be to use the Performance Progress Bar in the silverlight toolkit.
Now what you'll want to do is set the popup opened by default. Whenever your processing is done all you have to do is set the popup visibility to hidden in your C# code.
Some examples of how this is implemented can be found here:
Creating a Splash Screen
Creating an Animated Splash Screen
All About Splash Screens
And here's an example for an XNA game:
Creating a Splash Screen for your XNA game
