What does error 500 after laravel login mean? - laravel

I am sorry to bother everyone today with this. I have inherited a Laravel based website and came across an issue this morning. The public facing front end seems to be fine. But when I go into the admin backend I am getting an error 500. I am not so efficient with Composer and Artisan so I don't want to do to much without some guidance. I don't know what information you will need from me. I am running Laravel 5.2 on Ubunto 16.04.
I tried generating a new key and clearing caches. The staging site that is setup seems to be running fine. It is just out of date since we are updating the data weekly.
I have checked the logs. The latest entry is:
The MAC is invalid.
(View: /var/www/d3multisport.com/resources/views/layouts/admin.blade.php)
(View: /var/www/d3multisport.com/resources/views/layouts/admin.blade.php) in /var/www/d3multisport.com/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Encryption/BaseEncrypter.php:48
Stack trace: #0 /var/www/d3multisport.com/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php(44): Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->handleViewException(Object(ErrorException), 1)
#72 /var/www/d3multisport.com/public/index.php(52): Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request))
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.


Vinelab/NeoEloquent Error While Integrating in Laravel

I went to GitHub and tried to integrate Neo4J in Laravel but the problem is i get error while integrating in laravel. First problem is while adding in service provider:-
I think it is missing ::class and further while i prefer migration it says error while running composee dump autoload:
Please tell me how can i fix this! Please please please help me!

Can't clear cache Symfony in production

Despite of all my attempts to understand the problem, I still can't figure out what is happening.
I developped a website with Symfony 2.7 which perfectly works in dev mode. When I tested it in production mode, an error 500 is returned.
The exception is :
Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException:
"Error: Call to a member function getCacheFactory() on a non-object" at
/home/admdev-php/public_html/sfSUAPS/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php line 3039
{"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException(code: 0):
Error: Call to a member function getCacheFactory() on a non-object at
/home/admdev-php/public_html/sfSUAPS/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php:3039)"} []
So I've tried to clear the cache and I had the same message :
Compile Error: require(): Failed opening required
I've tried to clear doctrine's cache but this doesn't solve the problem.
There are severals roles : One for students, one for teachers and one for admins. I only get this error when my role is student. So I looked closer to methods which are concerned and I commented everything related to studies and it worked. So I think the error is linked with my Entity Repository since "findBy" and "findAll" are failing.
I've took a look into Symfony's code but the error seems to be on my side. I really don't know what is going on, thank you if you can help me.
Problem solved
Turns out someone used an entity directly from cache...
Turns out someone used an entity directly from cache...
use Proxies\__CG__\AppBundle\Entity\Place;

Strange error showing up in laravel logs

I have a site built with Laravel 5.2, and everything is running smoothly, but I keep seeing this in my logs:
'ErrorException' with message 'Route [baldeaglecontracting.home] not
The way I have my routes configure, this means someone is trying to hit a baldeaglecontracting subdomain on my site like baldeaglecontracting.mydomain.com
What I can't figure out is, why would someone be trying to hit this same subdomian on my site over and over again?

Laravel caching old controllers MAMP

I have a Laravel application that refuses to acknowledge controller changes even if the controller doesn't exist anymore!
Using MAMP PRO 5.5.3 and Laravel 4.1
I have followed these instructions
Stop caching for PHP 5.5.3 in MAMP
I have deleted the view storage in Laravel.
There was mention of adding - opcache_reset(); in my bootstrap/autoload.php
But not sure how and where you do you do that, I tried but just got an error
Call to undefined function opcache_reset()
The caching still continues!
Despite the controller having been deleted 2 hours ago (to prove controller not being called), it is still showing the page with an imaginary controller.
It's driving me insane.
Any help really appreciated.
Further to this the route file is refusing to accept UserController
Route::get('register', 'UserController#getRegister');
Giving this error
.....controllers/UserControllerb.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
UserControllerb.php doesn't exist and was not asked for ?! but the route is wrongly looking for it
When I try this
Route::get('register', 'UserControllerb#getRegister');
Rightly give this error
Class UserControllerb does not exist
So the route has been cached (a previous back-up removed days ago)
I have tried to use composer which decides it doesn't want to work and no-one seems to know the solution for either problem.
Laravel composer signal "11" error symfony osx
Huge kudos to anyone who can solve this.

Magento export to CSV File shows "Error 503"

Good morning.
I've been having this issue for some days and have been lokking for a solution, but I haven't found one yet.
The problem is, I have this Magento store and some grids can be exported to CSV files, while others shows:
Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:
XID: 853411302
Varnish cache server
The Magento version I'm using is 1.6.2. I guess the problem is not about PHP code, since the error shown is this generic error, instead of a PHP one (I even found the code used for exporting files and it seems to be ok).
I would like to know why is this error being showed to me.
This is a Varnish Cache related error, I would suggest following the guide below on how to identify what the XID is returning for more insight on how to fix the issue:
