Simple trilateration algorithm in simulated 3D space - algorithm

Context: I am working on implementing a navigation system for the mobile computers added by OpenComputers, a Minecraft mod. For those not familiar with the mod, it basically adds a variety of Lua-programmable, upgradable computers, including mobile ones - namely, robots, drones, and tablets. One of the many challenges often arising when trying to program robots and drones to carry out an autonomous task is to ensure they know their coordinates at all times.
The simplest solution would be to use Navigation upgrade, which does exactly that - provides the computer with its exact coordinates relative to the center of the map it was crafted with. It has two major downsides, however - it takes up a Tier II upgrade slot, which is no small thing, and is limited to the area of the map. The latter is more or less acceptable, but still makes this navigation method unavailable for some usage cases.
Another solution would be to make computers memorise their coordinates once and then keep track of their movements, but this has a number of potential caveats, too - you have to control all movement through custom subroutines or use hacks to intercept component calls, you can't move a computer without having to manually enter the coordinates each time, there are some precision errors for the drones and this won't work at all for the tablets.
A third method - the one I'm working on - is similar to the real life GPS. It's based on the fact that computers can be upgraded with wireless network cards to be able to send messages to each other within a quite large distance of 400 blocks, and along with the message itself they receive an exact distance (floating point number, in blocks) between the sender and the receiver. If we designate some fixed computers as "satellites" which constantly broadcast their position, we can make a mobile computer able to trilaterate its exact position using information from 4+ satellites.
This approach is scalable (you can just keep adding more satellites to the network to expand its coverage), does not take up an extra upgrade slot for navigation purposes only (since many mobile computers are upgraded with wireless network cards already) and precise, which gives it a clear advantage over two other methods. However, it requires some surprisingly complicated calculations, and this is where I'm getting stuck.
Problem: I need to find a trilateration algorithm (ideally coming with a code example) which would allow any mobile computer to calculate its position (within a margin of error of ~0.25 blocks) knowing the coordinates of the designated "satellites" and the distances to them. We assume that all computers and satellites are equipped with Tier II wireless cards (i.e. that they can send messages to each other within the total range of 400 blocks and know the distance between a sender and itself with the precision allowed by float32 numbers). The solution will be coded in pure Lua without accessing any third-party services, so packets like Mathematica are a no-go. Currently I'm betting on some sort of a fitting method, though I don't know how to implement one and how well it could be adapted to the possibility of some satellites in range broadcasting a wrong position.
On the most basic level, we can assume there are 4 satellites which constantly and correctly broadcast their position, are set apart from each other at a moderate distance and do not lie on a single 2D plane. There are some optional conditions which the algorithm should ideally be able to adapt to - see section below.
Bonus points for:
Making the algorithm small enough to fit into the 2KB memory of the drone (assuming UTF8 encoding). It should take well less space than that, though, so that a main program could fit too. The smaller, the better.
Making an algorithm which allows the satellites to be very close to each other and to have non-integer coordinates (to allow for replacing several fixed satellites with one constantly moving robot or drone, or for making the mobile computer itself move as it takes measurements from a single satellite).
Making an algorithm which allows for less than 4 satellites to be present, assuming the position can be determined already - for instance, if the mobile computer in question is a robot and all but one possible positions are below or above the allowed height range for blocks (y<0 or y>255). Such setup is possible if there are three satellites positioned at the height of, say, y=255.
Making an algorithm which is resistant to some satellites broadcasting slightly wrong position (a minor mistake in the setup). Given the presense of enough correct measurements, the algorithm should deduce the correct position or flatly out throw an error. Ideally, it can also log the location of the "off" satellite.
Making an algorithm which is resistant to a simultaneous presence of two or more groups of satellites correctly broadcasting their positions in different systems of coordinates (a major mistake in the setup). Each network has a (supposedly unique) identificator that allows to distinguish between different networks independently set up by different players (or, well, just one). If, however, they didn't bother to properly set the identificators, different signals can mix up, confusing the mobile computer. The resistant algorithm should therefore be able to detect this situation and either flatly out throw an error or distinguish between different networks (then it could be fine-tuned to suit the purposes of a specific application - i.e. refuse to load, choose the closest network, choose the biggest network, prompt user or controlling server, etc.).
What I tried: Besides trying to solve the problem by myself, I've also tried to look up a fitting solution on the internet. However, none of the solutions I could find were fit for this task.
Most of the stuff I've found by googling up "trilateration algorithms" was dealing with the real-life GPS systems - that is, using just 2 coordinates, strongly accounting for errors and not giving enough precision in general.
Some, on the opposite, were purely mathematical, suggesting building series of equations to find the intersection points of the spheres. Sadly, as far as my weak mathematical background allows me to understand, this approach does not account for precision errors of floating numbers - circles do not quite intersect, points are not quite in the same locations, and so the equations do not have solutions.
Some seemed to explain the solution, but involved a lot of complicated math I couldn't understand and did not include an exact algorithm or at least a code example.
At least one used external packets like Mathematica, which, again, are not available in this case.
If I left some important points unclear, please leave a comment so that I could improve the question. Thanks in advance!

Such a trilateration system was already developed for a different mod, named ComputerCraft. Since its propably not compatible for your specific problem, you will have to modify and adapt its logic but the algorithm itself should work.
Here is the Source Code
local function trilaterate( A, B, C )
local a2b = B.vPosition - A.vPosition
local a2c = C.vPosition - A.vPosition
if math.abs( a2b:normalize():dot( a2c:normalize() ) ) > 0.999 then
return nil
local d = a2b:length()
local ex = a2b:normalize( )
local i = ex:dot( a2c )
local ey = (a2c - (ex * i)):normalize()
local j = ey:dot( a2c )
local ez = ex:cross( ey )
local r1 = A.nDistance
local r2 = B.nDistance
local r3 = C.nDistance
local x = (r1*r1 - r2*r2 + d*d) / (2*d)
local y = (r1*r1 - r3*r3 - x*x + (x-i)*(x-i) + j*j) / (2*j)
local result = A.vPosition + (ex * x) + (ey * y)
local zSquared = r1*r1 - x*x - y*y
if zSquared > 0 then
local z = math.sqrt( zSquared )
local result1 = result + (ez * z)
local result2 = result - (ez * z)
local rounded1, rounded2 = result1:round( 0.01 ), result2:round( 0.01 )
if rounded1.x ~= rounded2.x or rounded1.y ~= rounded2.y or rounded1.z ~= rounded2.z then
return rounded1, rounded2
return rounded1
return result:round( 0.01 )
local function narrow( p1, p2, fix )
local dist1 = math.abs( (p1 - fix.vPosition):length() - fix.nDistance )
local dist2 = math.abs( (p2 - fix.vPosition):length() - fix.nDistance )
if math.abs(dist1 - dist2) < 0.01 then
return p1, p2
elseif dist1 < dist2 then
return p1:round( 0.01 )
return p2:round( 0.01 )
function locate( _nTimeout, _bDebug )
-- Let command computers use their magic fourth-wall-breaking special abilities
if commands then
return commands.getBlockPosition()
-- Find a modem
local sModemSide = nil
for n,sSide in ipairs( rs.getSides() ) do
if peripheral.getType( sSide ) == "modem" and sSide, "isWireless" ) then
sModemSide = sSide
if sModemSide == nil then
if _bDebug then
print( "No wireless modem attached" )
return nil
if _bDebug then
print( "Finding position..." )
-- Open a channel
local modem = peripheral.wrap( sModemSide )
local bCloseChannel = false
if not modem.isOpen( os.getComputerID() ) then os.getComputerID() )
bCloseChannel = true
-- Send a ping to listening GPS hosts
modem.transmit( CHANNEL_GPS, os.getComputerID(), "PING" )
-- Wait for the responses
local tFixes = {}
local pos1, pos2 = nil, nil
local timeout = os.startTimer( _nTimeout or 2 )
while true do
local e, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = os.pullEvent()
if e == "modem_message" then
-- We received a reply from a modem
local sSide, sChannel, sReplyChannel, tMessage, nDistance = p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
if sSide == sModemSide and sChannel == os.getComputerID() and sReplyChannel == CHANNEL_GPS and nDistance then
-- Received the correct message from the correct modem: use it to determine position
if type(tMessage) == "table" and #tMessage == 3 then
local tFix = { vPosition = tMessage[1], tMessage[2], tMessage[3] ), nDistance = nDistance }
if _bDebug then
print( tFix.nDistance.." metres from "..tostring( tFix.vPosition ) )
if tFix.nDistance == 0 then
pos1, pos2 = tFix.vPosition, nil
table.insert( tFixes, tFix )
if #tFixes >= 3 then
if not pos1 then
pos1, pos2 = trilaterate( tFixes[1], tFixes[2], tFixes[#tFixes] )
pos1, pos2 = narrow( pos1, pos2, tFixes[#tFixes] )
if pos1 and not pos2 then
elseif e == "timer" then
-- We received a timeout
local timer = p1
if timer == timeout then
-- Close the channel, if we opened one
if bCloseChannel then
modem.close( os.getComputerID() )
-- Return the response
if pos1 and pos2 then
if _bDebug then
print( "Ambiguous position" )
print( "Could be "..pos1.x..","..pos1.y..","..pos1.z.." or "..pos2.x..","..pos2.y..","..pos2.z )
return nil
elseif pos1 then
if _bDebug then
print( "Position is "..pos1.x..","..pos1.y..","..pos1.z )
return pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z
if _bDebug then
print( "Could not determine position" )
return nil
Ask if you have any specific questions about the source code.

Function trilateration expects list of satellites (their coordinates and distances from mobile computer) and previous coordinates of the mobile computer.
Gather only satellites from your own group, exclude satellites from all other groups.
Some of your satellites might send incorrect data, it's OK.
If there is not enough satellites accessible, the function returns nil as it can't determine the current position.
Otherwise, the function returns current coordinates of the mobile computer and list of indices of satellites been blamed as incorrect.
In case of ambiguity the new position is selected as nearest one to the previous position of the mobile computer.
The output coordinates are integer, Y coordinate is limited to the range 0..255
The following conditions should be satisfied for proper trilateration:
(number_of_correct_satellites) must be >= 3
(number_of_correct_satellites) must be >= 4 if at least one incorrect satellite exists
(number_of_correct_satellites) must be > (number_of_incorrect_satellites)
Recognizing an incorrect satellite is costly CPU operation.
Once a satellite is recognized as incorrect, please store it in some blacklist and exclude it from all future calculations.
local floor, exp, max, min, abs, table_insert = math.floor, math.exp, math.max, math.min, math.abs, table.insert
local function try_this_subset_of_sat(satellites, is_sat_incorrect, X, Y, Z)
local last_max_err, max_err = math.huge
for k = 1, math.huge do
local oldX, oldY, oldZ = X, Y, Z
local DX, DY, DZ = 0, 0, 0
max_err = 0
for j = 1, #satellites do
if not is_sat_incorrect[j] then
local sat = satellites[j]
local dx, dy, dz = X - sat.x, Y - sat.y, Z - sat.z
local d = (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)^0.5
local err = sat.distance - d
local e = exp(err+err)
e = (e-1)/(e+1)/(d+1)
DX = DX + dx*e
DY = DY + dy*e
DZ = DZ + dz*e
max_err = max(max_err, abs(err))
if k % 16 == 0 then
if max_err >= last_max_err then
last_max_err = max_err
local e = 1/(1+(DX*DX+DY*DY+DZ*DZ)^0.5/max_err)
X = X + DX*e
Y = max(0, min(255, Y + DY*e))
Z = Z + DZ*e
if abs(oldX - X) + abs(oldY - Y) + abs(oldZ - Z) <= 1e-4 then
return max_err, floor(X + 0.5), floor(Y + 0.5), floor(Z + 0.5)
local function init_set(is_sat_incorrect, len, ctr)
for j = 1, len do
is_sat_incorrect[j] = (j <= ctr)
local function last_combination(is_sat_incorrect)
local first = 1
while not is_sat_incorrect[first] do
first = first + 1
local last = first + 1
while is_sat_incorrect[last] do
last = last + 1
if is_sat_incorrect[last] == nil then
return true
is_sat_incorrect[last] = true
init_set(is_sat_incorrect, last - 1, last - first - 1)
function trilateration(list_of_satellites, previous_X, previous_Y, previous_Z)
local N = #list_of_satellites
if N >= 3 then
local is_sat_incorrect = {}
init_set(is_sat_incorrect, N, 0)
local err, X, Y, Z = try_this_subset_of_sat(list_of_satellites, is_sat_incorrect, previous_X, previous_Y, previous_Z)
local incorrect_sat_indices = {}
if err < 0.1 then
return X, Y, Z, incorrect_sat_indices
for incorrect_ctr = 1, min(floor((N - 1) / 2), N - 4) do
init_set(is_sat_incorrect, N, incorrect_ctr)
err, X, Y, Z = try_this_subset_of_sat(list_of_satellites, is_sat_incorrect, previous_X, previous_Y, previous_Z)
if err < 0.1 then
for j = 1, N do
if is_sat_incorrect[j] then
table_insert(incorrect_sat_indices, j)
return X, Y, Z, incorrect_sat_indices
until last_combination(is_sat_incorrect)
Usage example:
-- assuming your mobile computer previous coordinates were 99 120 100
local previous_X, previous_Y, previous_Z = 99, 120, 100
-- assuming your mobile computer current coordinates are 111 112 113
local list_of_satellites = {
{x=22, y=55, z=77, distance=((111-22)^2+(112-55)^2+(113-77)^2)^0.5}, -- correct satellite
{x=35, y=99, z=42, distance=((111-35)^2+(112-99)^2+(113-42)^2)^0.5}, -- correct satellite
{x=44, y=44, z=44, distance=((111-94)^2+(112-94)^2+(113-94)^2)^0.5}, -- incorrect satellite
{x=10, y=88, z=70, distance=((111-10)^2+(112-88)^2+(113-70)^2)^0.5}, -- correct satellite
{x=54, y=54, z=54, distance=((111-64)^2+(112-64)^2+(113-64)^2)^0.5}, -- incorrect satellite
{x=91, y=33, z=15, distance=((111-91)^2+(112-33)^2+(113-15)^2)^0.5}, -- correct satellite
local X, Y, Z, list_of_incorrect_sat_indices = trilateration(list_of_satellites, previous_X, previous_Y, previous_Z)
if X then
print(X, Y, Z)
if #list_of_incorrect_sat_indices > 0 then
print("Satellites at the following indices are incorrect: "..table.concat(list_of_incorrect_sat_indices, ","))
print"Not enough satellites"
111 112 113
Satellites at the following indices are incorrect: 3,5


Generate initial guess for any function?

Here is the Newton's method code from Wikipedia page:
x0 = 1 # The initial guess
f(x) = x^2 - 2 # The function whose root we are trying to find
fprime(x) = 2x # The derivative of the function
tolerance = 1e-7 # 7 digit accuracy is desired
epsilon = 1e-14 # Do not divide by a number smaller than this
maxIterations = 20 # Do not allow the iterations to continue indefinitely
solutionFound = false # Have not converged to a solution yet
for i = 1:maxIterations
y = f(x0)
yprime = fprime(x0)
if abs(yprime) < epsilon # Stop if the denominator is too small
global x1 = x0 - y/yprime # Do Newton's computation
if abs(x1 - x0) <= tolerance # Stop when the result is within the desired tolerance
global solutionFound = true
global x0 = x1 # Update x0 to start the process again
if solutionFound
println("Solution: ", x1) # x1 is a solution within tolerance and maximum number of iterations
println("Did not converge") # Newton's method did not converge
When I implement this I see that there are cases I need to apply new initial guess:
When functions (i.e: f, fPrime) give Infinity or NaN result (e.g in C#, this happens when result = 1/x when x=0, result = √x when x=-1,...)
When abs(yprime) < epsilon
When x0 is too large for y/yprime (e.g x0 = 1e99 but y/yprime = 1e25, this will make x1 = x0 while it's mathematically wrong, this will make the algorithm leads to nowhere).
My app allows user to input the math function and the initial guess, (e.g: Initial guess for x can be 1e308, function can be 9=√(-81+x), 45=InverseSin(x), 3=√(x-1e99),... ).
So when the initial guess is bad, my app will automatically apply the new initial guess with hope that it can give the result.
My current solution: the initial guess is the array of values:
double[] arrInitialGuess =
[User's initial guess], 0, 1, -1, 2, -2,... (you know, Factorial n!)..., 7.257416E+306, -7.257416E+306,
I have the following questions:
Is the big number (e.g 7.257416E+306) even needed? because I see that in x1 = x0 - y/yprime, if the initial guess x0 is too big compare to y/yprime, it programmatically leads to nowhere. If the big number is pointless, what is the cap for initial guess (e.g 1e17?)
2. What is better for the array of initial guess: the factorial n! {+-1, +-2, +-6,...}, or 2^x {+-2^0, +-2^1, +-2^2,...}, or 10^x {+-1e0, +-1e1, +-1e2,...},...
If my predefined-array-initial-guess method is not good, is there any better way to get new initial guess for Newton's method? (e.g an algorithm to get next initial-guess?)
Change of thought, the pre-defined array of initial guess doesn't work.
For example, I have the formula: 8=3/x => y=8-3/x which gives this graph
In this case, I can find the solution when initial guess is in the range [ 0.1 ; 0.7 ], so if I have the pre-defined initial guess arrray = {0, 1, 2,..., Inf}, it won't do me any good but wasting my precious resource.
So my new thought now is: steering the next initial guess base on the graph. The idea is: applying the last guess and compare with current guess to see that the value of y is heading toward 0 or not, so that I can determine to increase or decrease the next initial guess to steer the y toward 0. But I still consider the pre-defined initial guess idea in case the guesses all give Infinity value.
Update 2:
New thought: pick the new initial guess in the range [ x0; x1 ] where
there is no error between x0 and x1 (e.g there is no error divide by zero when apply a value in the range [ x0; x1 ]). So I can form the line AB: A(x0, y0) and B(x1, y1).
y0 and y1 have different sign: (y0 > 0 && y1 < 0) || (y0 < 0 && y1 > 0). So that the line AB can cut the x axis (which cause a big possibility there is an y = 0 somewhere between y0 and y1, if the graph isn't too weird).
Try to narrow the range [ x0; x1 ] as small as possible, then run a few initial guesses between the range.

Is there a binary function f(x,y) where x,y are integers and result is 0 or 1, and result 1 in 2d plane are "continous" and "irregular" enough

That is, if f(x,y)=1, then f(x-1,y),f(x+1,y),f(x,y-1),f(x,y+1) at least one results 1.
I'm thinking about a technology to define game map, neither predefined nor random generated each time, but bind to 2d binary function, so the map data will never be saved to disk and each time entering game, the map keeps the same.
If 1 means land and 0 means ocean, I want the lands keep continous, all are reachable, no islands, and of course, the map must be enough irregular.
I'm not good at maths, is it possible? thanks.
What I need is only a simple function, no recursions, eg. once xy is given, the result is out, which has nothing to do with other values, only xy.
Guaranteeing connectivity with local considerations only is a very strong constraint on what we can do. I agree with the comments that suggest traditional map generation from a fixed seed.
Nevertheless, to answer the question as framed, my first thought would be star-shaped land. This idea requires a continuous function f(θ) > 0 with period 2π. We take every point (x, y) such that hypot(x, y) < f(atan2(y, x)).
This works great if x and y are real numbers -- every (x, y) in the land is connected by a straight line segment back to the origin (0, 0), hence "star-shaped". Over the integers, we have to put an extra condition on f: the function log(f(θ)) should be Lipschitz continuous (can't wiggle too much).
(You can skip this paragraph.) Assume without loss of generality that x > 0 and y > 0 are integers. If (x, y) is land, then we need (x-1, y) or (x, y-1) to be land. On one hand, one of these squares is closer, which is good since we're using a threshold: min(hypot(y, x-1), hypot(y-1, x)) <= hypot(y, x) - (sqrt(2) - 1), which is tight for (x, y) = (1, 1). On the other hand, the angle changes. We've deviated from the line segment by distance at most 1/sqrt(2). Let r = hypot(x, y). The change in angle is at most 1/sqrt(2) / (r - 1/sqrt(2)), which since r >= sqrt(2) is at most 1/sqrt(2) / (r - r/2) == sqrt(2) / r. Therefore a Lipschitz constant of (sqrt(2) - 1) / sqrt(2) = 1 - 1/sqrt(2) should suffice (probably this can be tightened).
So far this is very abstract. The classic way to get a periodic function that doesn't wiggle too much is by adding sine waves (with varying phases). I've provided a Python implementation and sample output below. The land is not 100% guaranteed to be connected, but it should be extremely unlikely.
import math
import os
import random
def make_parameters(n=20):
return [
(random.random() / (i + 1), 2 * math.pi * random.random()) for i in range(n)
width = 100
def is_land(parameters, x, y):
if (x, y) == (0, 0):
return True
theta = math.atan2(y, x)
return math.hypot(x, y) < 0.1 * width * math.exp(
amp * math.sin((i + 1) * theta + phase)
for i, (amp, phase) in enumerate(parameters)
def main():
dir = "lands"
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
with open(os.path.join(dir, "%02d_%02d.pbm" % (i, j)), "w") as f:
parameters = make_parameters()
x0 = y0 = width // 2
print("P1", file=f)
print(width, width, file=f)
for y in range(width):
int(is_land(parameters, x - x0, y - y0))
for x in range(width)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Logitech Gaming Software lua script code for pure random numbers

I've been trying for days to try find a way to make random numbers in the logitech gaming software (LGS) scripts. I know there is the
but the thing is i need a changing value for the seed and the solutions from others are to add a os.time or tick() or GetRunningTime stuff which is NOT supported in the LGS scripts.
I was hoping some kind soul could help me by showing me a piece of code that makes pure random numbers. Because i don't want the pseudo random numbers because they are only random once. I need it to be random every time It runs the command. Like if i loop the math.randomI() one hundred times it will show a different number every time.
Thanks in advance!
Having a different seed won't guaratee you having a different number every time.
It will only ensure that you don't have the same random sequence every time you run your code.
A simple and most likely sufficient solution would be to use the mouse position as a random seed.
On a 4K screen that's over 8 Million different possible random seeds and it very unlikely that you hit the same coordinates within a reasonable time. Unless your game demands to click the same position over and over while you run that script.
This RNG receives entropy from all events.
Initial RNG state will be different on every run.
Just use random instead of math.random in your code.
local mix
local K53 = 0
local byte, tostring, GetMousePosition, GetRunningTime = string.byte, tostring, GetMousePosition, GetRunningTime
function mix(data1, data2)
local x, y = GetMousePosition()
local tm = GetRunningTime()
local s = tostring(data1)..tostring(data2)..tostring(tm)..tostring(x * 2^16 + y).."#"
for j = 2, #s, 2 do
local A8, B8 = byte(s, j - 1, j)
local L36 = K53 % 2^36
local H17 = (K53 - L36) / 2^36
K53 = L36 * 126611 + H17 * 505231 + A8 + B8 * 3083
return K53
local function random(m, n) -- replacement for math.random
local h = mix()
if m then
if not n then
m, n = 1, m
return m + h % (n - m + 1)
return h * 2^-53
function OnEvent(event, arg)
mix(event, arg) -- this line adds entropy to RNG
-- insert your code here:
-- if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 3 then
-- local k = random(5, 10)
-- ....
-- end

Retracing a simulated-annealing's optimization steps

I'm using simulated annealing to help solve a problem such as the travelling salesman problem. I get a solution, which I'm happy with, but I would now like to know the path, within the solution space (that is, the steps taken by the algorithm to reach the solution), the algorithm took to go from a random, far from optimal itinerary, to pretty optimal one.
In other words, in the case of the traveling salesman problem:
Start with a random itinerary between cities
Step 1: path between city A-C and E-F were swapped
Step 2: path between city G-U and S-Q were swapped
End up with a pretty optimal itinerary between cities
Is there a way, using simulated annealing, to save each steps of the optimization process so that I can retrace, one by one, each change made to the system which eventually led to that particular solution? Or this goes against how a simulated annealing works?
Here is a great simulated annealing algorithm, by #perrygeo, very slightly modified from using the travelling salesman example:
(All my changes are followed by a one-line comment preceded by """)
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import copy
import math
import sys
import time
import random
def round_figures(x, n):
"""Returns x rounded to n significant figures."""
return round(x, int(n - math.ceil(math.log10(abs(x)))))
def time_string(seconds):
"""Returns time in seconds as a string formatted HHHH:MM:SS."""
s = int(round(seconds)) # round to nearest second
h, s = divmod(s, 3600) # get hours and remainder
m, s = divmod(s, 60) # split remainder into minutes and seconds
return '%4i:%02i:%02i' % (h, m, s)
class Annealer(object):
"""Performs simulated annealing by calling functions to calculate
energy and make moves on a state. The temperature schedule for
annealing may be provided manually or estimated automatically.
Tmax = 25000.0
Tmin = 2.5
steps = 50000
updates = 100
copy_strategy = 'deepcopy'
def __init__(self, initial_state):
self.initial_state = initial_state
self.state = self.copy_state(initial_state)
def set_schedule(self, schedule):
"""Takes the output from `auto` and sets the attributes
self.Tmax = schedule['tmax']
self.Tmin = schedule['tmin']
self.steps = int(schedule['steps'])
def copy_state(self, state):
"""Returns an exact copy of the provided state
Implemented according to self.copy_strategy, one of
* deepcopy : use copy.deepcopy (slow but reliable)
* slice: use list slices (faster but only works if state is list-like)
* method: use the state's copy() method
if self.copy_strategy == 'deepcopy':
return copy.deepcopy(state)
elif self.copy_strategy == 'slice':
return state[:]
elif self.copy_strategy == 'method':
return state.copy()
def update(self, step, T, E, acceptance, improvement):
"""Prints the current temperature, energy, acceptance rate,
improvement rate, elapsed time, and remaining time.
The acceptance rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last
update that were accepted by the Metropolis algorithm. It includes
moves that decreased the energy, moves that left the energy
unchanged, and moves that increased the energy yet were reached by
thermal excitation.
The improvement rate indicates the percentage of moves since the
last update that strictly decreased the energy. At high
temperatures it will include both moves that improved the overall
state and moves that simply undid previously accepted moves that
increased the energy by thermal excititation. At low temperatures
it will tend toward zero as the moves that can decrease the energy
are exhausted and moves that would increase the energy are no longer
thermally accessible."""
elapsed = time.time() - self.start
if step == 0:
print(' Temperature Energy Accept Improve Elapsed Remaining')
print('%12.2f %12.2f %s ' % \
(T, E, time_string(elapsed)))
remain = (self.steps - step) * (elapsed / step)
print('%12.2f %12.2f %7.2f%% %7.2f%% %s %s' % \
(T, E, 100.0 * acceptance, 100.0 * improvement,
time_string(elapsed), time_string(remain)))
def anneal(self):
"""Minimizes the energy of a system by simulated annealing.
state : an initial arrangement of the system
(state, energy): the best state and energy found.
step = 0
self.start = time.time()
steps = [] ### initialise a list to save the steps taken by the algorithm to find a good solution
# Precompute factor for exponential cooling from Tmax to Tmin
if self.Tmin <= 0.0:
raise Exception('Exponential cooling requires a minimum "\
"temperature greater than zero.')
Tfactor = -math.log(self.Tmax / self.Tmin)
# Note initial state
T = self.Tmax
E =
prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
prevEnergy = E
bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
bestEnergy = E
trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
if self.updates > 0:
updateWavelength = self.steps / self.updates
self.update(step, T, E, None, None)
# Attempt moves to new states
while step < self.steps:
step += 1
T = self.Tmax * math.exp(Tfactor * step / self.steps)
a,b = self.move()
E =
dE = E - prevEnergy
trials += 1
if dE > 0.0 and math.exp(-dE / T) < random.random():
# Restore previous state
self.state = self.copy_state(prevState)
E = prevEnergy
# Accept new state and compare to best state
accepts += 1
if dE < 0.0:
improves += 1
prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
prevEnergy = E
steps.append([a,b]) ### append the "good move" to the list of steps
if E < bestEnergy:
bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
bestEnergy = E
if self.updates > 1:
if step // updateWavelength > (step - 1) // updateWavelength:
step, T, E, accepts / trials, improves / trials)
trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
# Return best state and energy
return bestState, bestEnergy, steps ### added steps to what should be returned
def distance(a, b):
"""Calculates distance between two latitude-longitude coordinates."""
R = 3963 # radius of Earth (miles)
lat1, lon1 = math.radians(a[0]), math.radians(a[1])
lat2, lon2 = math.radians(b[0]), math.radians(b[1])
return math.acos(math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) +
math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(lon1 - lon2)) * R
class TravellingSalesmanProblem(Annealer):
"""Test annealer with a travelling salesman problem.
# pass extra data (the distance matrix) into the constructor
def __init__(self, state, distance_matrix):
self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix
super(TravellingSalesmanProblem, self).__init__(state) # important!
def move(self):
"""Swaps two cities in the route."""
a = random.randint(0, len(self.state) - 1)
b = random.randint(0, len(self.state) - 1)
self.state[a], self.state[b] = self.state[b], self.state[a]
return a,b ### return the change made
def energy(self):
"""Calculates the length of the route."""
e = 0
for i in range(len(self.state)):
e += self.distance_matrix[self.state[i-1]][self.state[i]]
return e
if __name__ == '__main__':
# latitude and longitude for the twenty largest U.S. cities
cities = {
'New York City': (40.72, 74.00),
'Los Angeles': (34.05, 118.25),
'Chicago': (41.88, 87.63),
'Houston': (29.77, 95.38),
'Phoenix': (33.45, 112.07),
'Philadelphia': (39.95, 75.17),
'San Antonio': (29.53, 98.47),
'Dallas': (32.78, 96.80),
'San Diego': (32.78, 117.15),
'San Jose': (37.30, 121.87),
'Detroit': (42.33, 83.05),
'San Francisco': (37.78, 122.42),
'Jacksonville': (30.32, 81.70),
'Indianapolis': (39.78, 86.15),
'Austin': (30.27, 97.77),
'Columbus': (39.98, 82.98),
'Fort Worth': (32.75, 97.33),
'Charlotte': (35.23, 80.85),
'Memphis': (35.12, 89.97),
'Baltimore': (39.28, 76.62)
# initial state, a randomly-ordered itinerary
init_state = list(cities.keys())
reconstructed_state = init_state
# create a distance matrix
distance_matrix = {}
for ka, va in cities.items():
distance_matrix[ka] = {}
for kb, vb in cities.items():
if kb == ka:
distance_matrix[ka][kb] = 0.0
distance_matrix[ka][kb] = distance(va, vb)
tsp = TravellingSalesmanProblem(init_state, distance_matrix)
# since our state is just a list, slice is the fastest way to copy
tsp.copy_strategy = "slice"
state, e, steps = tsp.anneal()
while state[0] != 'New York City':
state = state[1:] + state[:1] # rotate NYC to start
for city in state:
print("\t", city)
### recontructed the annealing process
print("nbr. of steps:",len(steps))
print("Reconstructed results:")
for s in steps:
reconstructed_state[s[0]], reconstructed_state[s[1]] = reconstructed_state[s[1]], reconstructed_state[s[0]]
while reconstructed_state[0] != 'New York City':
reconstructed_state = reconstructed_state[1:] + reconstructed_state[:1] # rotate NYC to start
for city in reconstructed_state:
print("\t", city)
Saving every time a move is made builds a huge list of steps that are indeed retraceable. However it obviously mimics how the algorithm explores and jumps around many different positions in the solution space, especially at high temperatures.
To get more straightly converging steps, I could move step-saving line:
steps.append([a,b]) ### append the "good move" to the list of steps
if E < bestEnergy:
Where only the steps actually improving upon the best found solution so far are saved. However, the final list of steps does not help reconstruct the itinerary anymore (steps are missing).
Is this problem hopeless and inherent to how simulated annealing works, or is there hope to being able to construct a converging step-list from random to quasi-optimal?
Saving the steps along the way does not depend on the algorithm, i.e. simulated annealing, but on your implementation or software you use. If it is your own implementation, it should be no problem at all to save these steps. If you use an event-listener approach, you can add arbitrary no. of listeners/clients to process your events. But you can also just write out your data to one client, e.g. file. If you do not use your own implementation, it depends on the software. If you use proprietary software, you are dependent on its API. If you use open source software and you do not find ways to retrieve such information in its API, you are usually allowed to modify the software for your own needs.
Ultimately the move itself is not important except in the context of rest of the system state. Instead of trying to track the move or change in state that resulted in each low energy solution (which, as you point out, loses all the information about previous moves that were accepted), you could just track the state itself every time you encountered a new lowest score:
if E < bestEnergy:
Given any randomized algorithm, if you use a pseudorandom generator, then you can save the generator's seed (random but short) and replay the execution by seeding the generator the same way.
I have started with the Ingber ASA code for a more conventional SA problem involving estimating about 72 error variables to give a best fit to measured data.
In my case, there are a limited number of trials that result in a reduced cost. Of several million trials, typically less than 40 are accepted. If I wanted to keep track of them, I would add a step in the code that accepts a new position to log the difference between the then-current and the now-new position.
Replaying these differences would give you the path.

Fastest way to sort vectors by angle without actually computing that angle

Many algorithms (e.g. Graham scan) require points or vectors to be sorted by their angle (perhaps as seen from some other point, i.e. using difference vectors). This order is inherently cyclic, and where this cycle is broken to compute linear values often doesn't matter that much. But the real angle value doesn't matter much either, as long as cyclic order is maintained. So doing an atan2 call for every point might be wasteful. What faster methods are there to compute a value which is strictly monotonic in the angle, the way atan2 is? Such functions apparently have been called “pseudoangle” by some.
I started to play around with this and realised that the spec is kind of incomplete. atan2 has a discontinuity, because as dx and dy are varied, there's a point where atan2 will jump between -pi and +pi. The graph below shows the two formulas suggested by #MvG, and in fact they both have the discontinuity in a different place compared to atan2. (NB: I added 3 to the first formula and 4 to the alternative so that the lines don't overlap on the graph). If I added atan2 to that graph then it would be the straight line y=x. So it seems to me that there could be various answers, depending on where one wants to put the discontinuity. If one really wants to replicate atan2, the answer (in this genre) would be
# Input: dx, dy: coordinates of a (difference) vector.
# Output: a number from the range [-2 .. 2] which is monotonic
# in the angle this vector makes against the x axis.
# and with the same discontinuity as atan2
def pseudoangle(dx, dy):
p = dx/(abs(dx)+abs(dy)) # -1 .. 1 increasing with x
if dy < 0: return p - 1 # -2 .. 0 increasing with x
else: return 1 - p # 0 .. 2 decreasing with x
This means that if the language that you're using has a sign function, you could avoid branching by returning sign(dy)(1-p), which has the effect of putting an answer of 0 at the discontinuity between returning -2 and +2. And the same trick would work with #MvG's original methodology, one could return sign(dx)(p-1).
Update In a comment below, #MvG suggests a one-line C implementation of this, namely
pseudoangle = copysign(1. - dx/(fabs(dx)+fabs(dy)),dy)
#MvG says it works well, and it looks good to me :-).
I know one possible such function, which I will describe here.
# Input: dx, dy: coordinates of a (difference) vector.
# Output: a number from the range [-1 .. 3] (or [0 .. 4] with the comment enabled)
# which is monotonic in the angle this vector makes against the x axis.
def pseudoangle(dx, dy):
ax = abs(dx)
ay = abs(dy)
p = dy/(ax+ay)
if dx < 0: p = 2 - p
# elif dy < 0: p = 4 + p
return p
So why does this work? One thing to note is that scaling all input lengths will not affect the ouput. So the length of the vector (dx, dy) is irrelevant, only its direction matters. Concentrating on the first quadrant, we may for the moment assume dx == 1. Then dy/(1+dy) grows monotonically from zero for dy == 0 to one for infinite dy (i.e. for dx == 0). Now the other quadrants have to be handled as well. If dy is negative, then so is the initial p. So for positive dx we already have a range -1 <= p <= 1 monotonic in the angle. For dx < 0 we change the sign and add two. That gives a range 1 <= p <= 3 for dx < 0, and a range of -1 <= p <= 3 on the whole. If negative numbers are for some reason undesirable, the elif comment line can be included, which will shift the 4th quadrant from -1…0 to 3…4.
I don't know if the above function has an established name, and who might have published it first. I've gotten it quite a while ago and copied it from one project to the next. I have however found occurrences of this on the web, so I'd consider this snipped public enough for re-use.
There is a way to obtain the range [0 … 4] (for real angles [0 … 2π]) without introducing a further case distinction:
# Input: dx, dy: coordinates of a (difference) vector.
# Output: a number from the range [0 .. 4] which is monotonic
# in the angle this vector makes against the x axis.
def pseudoangle(dx, dy):
p = dx/(abs(dx)+abs(dy)) # -1 .. 1 increasing with x
if dy < 0: return 3 + p # 2 .. 4 increasing with x
else: return 1 - p # 0 .. 2 decreasing with x
I kinda like trigonometry, so I know the best way of mapping an angle to some values we usually have is a tangent. Of course, if we want a finite number in order to not have the hassle of comparing {sign(x),y/x}, it gets a bit more confusing.
But there is a function that maps [1,+inf[ to [1,0[ known as inverse, that will allow us to have a finite range to which we will map angles. The inverse of the tangent is the well known cotangent, thus x/y (yes, it's as simple as that).
A little illustration, showing the values of tangent and cotangent on a unit circle :
You see the values are the same when |x| = |y|, and you see also that if we color the parts that output a value between [-1,1] on both circles, we manage to color a full circle. To have this mapping of values be continuous and monotonous, we can do two this :
use the opposite of the cotangent to have the same monotony as tangent
add 2 to -cotan, to have the values coincide where tan=1
add 4 to one half of the circle (say, below the x=-y diagonal) to have values fit on the one of the discontinuities.
That gives the following piecewise function, which is a continuous and monotonous function of the angles, with only one discontinuity (which is the minimum) :
double pseudoangle(double dx, double dy)
// 1 for above, 0 for below the diagonal/anti-diagonal
int diag = dx > dy;
int adiag = dx > -dy;
double r = !adiag ? 4 : 0;
if (dy == 0)
return r;
if (diag ^ adiag)
r += 2 - dx / dy;
r += dy / dx;
return r;
Note that this is very close to Fowler angles, with the same properties. Formally, pseudoangle(dx,dy) + 1 % 8 == Fowler(dx,dy)
To talk performance, it's much less branchy than Fowler's code (and generally less complicated imo). Compiled with -O3 on gcc 6.1.1, the above function generates an assembly code with 4 branches, where two of them come from dy == 0 (one checking if the both operands are "unordered", thus if dy was NaN, and the other checking if they are equal).
I would argue this version is more precise than others, since it only uses mantissa preserving operations, until shifting the result to the right interval. This should be especially visible when |x| << |y| or |y| >> |x|, then the operation |x| + |y| looses quite some precision.
As you can see on the graph the angle-pseudoangle relation is also nicely close to linear.
Looking where branches come from, we can make the following remarks:
My code doesn't rely on abs nor copysign, which makes it look more self-contained. However playing with sign bits on floating point values is actually rather trivial, since it's just flipping a separate bit (no branch!), so this is more of a disadvantage.
Furthermore other solutions proposed here do not check whether abs(dx) + abs(dy) == 0 before dividing by it, but this version would fail as soon as only one component (dy) is 0 -- so that throws in a branch (or 2 in my case).
If we choose to get roughly the same result (up to rounding errors) but without branches, we could abuse copsign and write:
double pseudoangle(double dx, double dy)
double s = dx + dy;
double d = dx - dy;
double r = 2 * (1.0 - copysign(1.0, s));
double xor_sign = copysign(1.0, d) * copysign(1.0, s);
r += (1.0 - xor_sign);
r += (s - xor_sign * d) / (d + xor_sign * s);
return r;
Bigger errors may happen than with the previous implementation, due to cancellation in either d or s if dx and dy are close in absolute value. There is no check for division by zero to be comparable with the other implementations presented, and because this only happens when both dx and dy are 0.
If you can feed the original vectors instead of angles into a comparison function when sorting, you can make it work with:
Just a single branch.
Only floating point comparisons and multiplications.
Avoiding addition and subtraction makes it numerically much more robust. A double can actually always exactly represent the product of two floats, but not necessarily their sum. This means for single precision input you can guarantee a perfect flawless result with little effort.
This is basically Cimbali's solution repeated for both vectors, with branches eliminated and divisions multiplied away. It returns an integer, with sign matching the comparison result (positive, negative or zero):
signed int compare(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
unsigned int d1 = x1 > y1;
unsigned int d2 = x2 > y2;
unsigned int a1 = x1 > -y1;
unsigned int a2 = x2 > -y2;
// Quotients of both angles.
unsigned int qa = d1 * 2 + a1;
unsigned int qb = d2 * 2 + a2;
if(qa != qb) return((0x6c >> qa * 2 & 6) - (0x6c >> qb * 2 & 6));
d1 ^= a1;
double p = x1 * y2;
double q = x2 * y1;
// Numerator of each remainder, multiplied by denominator of the other.
double na = q * (1 - d1) - p * d1;
double nb = p * (1 - d1) - q * d1;
// Return signum(na - nb)
return((na > nb) - (na < nb));
The simpliest thing I came up with is making normalized copies of the points and splitting the circle around them in half along the x or y axis. Then use the opposite axis as a linear value between the beginning and end of the top or bottom buffer (one buffer will need to be in reverse linear order when putting it in.) Then you can read the first then second buffer linearly and it will be clockwise, or second and first in reverse for counter clockwise.
That might not be a good explanation so I put some code up on GitHub that uses this method to sort points with an epsilion value to size the arrays.
This might not be good for your use case because it's built for performance in graphics effects rendering, but it's fast and simple (O(N) Complexity). If your working with really small changes in points or very large (hundreds of thousands) data sets then this won't work because the memory usage might outweigh the performance benefits.
nice.. here is a varient that returns -Pi , Pi like many arctan2 functions.
edit note: changed my pseudoscode to proper python.. arg order changed for compatibility with pythons math module atan2(). Edit2 bother more code to catch the case dx=0.
def pseudoangle( dy , dx ):
""" returns approximation to math.atan2(dy,dx)*2/pi"""
if dx == 0 :
s = cmp(dy,0)
s = cmp(dx*dy,0) # cmp == "sign" in many other languages.
if s == 0 : return 0 # doesnt hurt performance much.but can omit if 0,0 never happens
p = dy/(dx+s*dy)
if dx < 0: return p-2*s
return p
In this form the max error is only ~0.07 radian for all angles.
(of course leave out the Pi/2 if you don't care about the magnitude.)
Now for the bad news -- on my system using python math.atan2 is about 25% faster
Obviously replacing a simple interpreted code doesnt beat a compiled intrisic.
If angles are not needed by themselves, but only for sorting, then #jjrv approach is the best one. Here is a comparison in Julia
using StableRNGs
using BenchmarkTools
# Definitions
struct V{T}
function pseudoangle(v)
copysign(1. - v.x/(abs(v.x)+abs(v.y)), v.y)
function isangleless(v1, v2)
a1 = abs(v1.x) + abs(v1.y)
a2 = abs(v2.x) + abs(v2.y)
a2*copysign(a1 - v1.x, v1.y) < a1*copysign(a2 - v2.x, v2.y)
# Data
rng = StableRNG(2021)
vectors = map(x -> V(x...), zip(rand(rng, 1000), rand(rng, 1000)))
# Comparison
res1 = sort(vectors, by = x -> pseudoangle(x));
res2 = sort(vectors, lt = (x, y) -> isangleless(x, y));
#assert res1 == res2
#btime sort($vectors, by = x -> pseudoangle(x));
# 110.437 μs (3 allocations: 23.70 KiB)
#btime sort($vectors, lt = (x, y) -> isangleless(x, y));
# 65.703 μs (3 allocations: 23.70 KiB)
So, by avoiding division, time is almost halved without losing result quality. Of course, for more precise calculations, isangleless should be equipped with bigfloat from time to time, but the same can be told about pseudoangle.
Just use a cross-product function. The direction you rotate one segment relative to the other will give either a positive or negative number. No trig functions and no division. Fast and simple. Just Google it.
