How can i do a dynamic SelectOneRadio in ADF with CollectionModel binding? - oracle

im trying to do a SelectOneRadio that was linked with a binding in ADF.
Mi binding have this structure:
Parent named "Group" (ID, Group, Orden).
Child named "Action" (ID, Action, Desc).
I want one radio group for each "Group" with each "Action".
The web don't have error or i cant see it.
And if i can do this, can i get the value of each radio group?
Thanks for all.

I will first check if the value set on af:iterator is returning expected number of values/rows/items. Then I will check if each of those row item has children property, and see if that too is type of List (or related types). If you follow these two instructions, you will know why this isn't working.


Servicenow - Service Catalog Reference Field - Insert different column than the display value

Let me describe my problem:
I have a table for all my IT-Services. I reference to this table more than once, for different purposes. Most of the time I need to reference to the name of the service. That's why I keep the name as displayed value.
One Column of that table is a service_id (custom field) which is for example "Service_004". Now in a catalog request Item the User has to fill in the service_id in a reference field.
But since I have the name as displayed value, and I need it in other forms, I am unable to reference to the service_id.
Using the variable attributes field I managed to let the service be found using the autocomplete function. But in the reference field I still get the servicename. I know that I can change the display value in the dictionary, but this breaks other functions. So what I need is to change the display value just for one reference field.
Also I tried to create a new table called IT-Services2 with reference to my table IT-Services. Then I switched the display to true in the new table for my service_id, but this will even change it in the parent table.
Perhaps an onChange client script utilizing g_form.setLabelOf() ?
Maybe I'm not fully understanding your question...
I ran into this issue before, what you can do is create select box variable and use an on load client script to populate the list with the service_id(s) from the table you are referencing.
I would write a script include to pull the data from the table and call it from the client script via GlideAjax.

Show Order ID in Dynamics CRM Order Look up instead of Order Name

In Dynamics CRM 2016 (on-prem), I've custom child entity Partiesthat have a look of type order. Currently it is working properly and it is showing order name but I want it to show Order ID.
I tried to resolve by creating my own view, adding order id field only and making it default view for the look up but it don't meet my requirements.
This is controlled by the lookup view for Orders. The first three fields in the lookup view are shown when selecting records from the lookup field.
You cannot change the position of (or remove) the Name field from the lookup view. That still leaves you with two additional fields to be shown, one of which could be the Order ID.
I know no supported ways around this (except creating a workflow to copy the Order ID to the Name field and adding a custom name field instead, if you really insist).
Changing what appears on the form after you make a selection in a lookup field is not possible, unfortunately. The primary attribute is always what gets displayed after a user specifies a lookup value (which, for the Order entity, is the Name attribute). As Henrik's answer mentions, people commonly get around this by copying the value they want to see into the primary attribute using a workflow or a plugin.

Validate multiple fields inside p:dataList in JSF

I have to validate a name and group field for uniquness for an item. The user can create several items. When the users clicks on a save button I want to check the name and group for all items. In the backing beans the values of the last item are always not set in the validate method. For the last item the values are not set because I am inside the validation at this time. But I do not know how to get the inputtexts name and group for the last item and call getSubmittedValue() because all is inside a dataList and the ids are generated. Any idea?

Set value in CoreData with three related NSPopUpButton

I hope to express myself with appropriate terms.
I have three entities: customer, country, state. Between country and state, there are two relationships. So I can create a number of countries and select one of these I can create a number of states that belong to it.
For creating the interface of the entity "customer" I put threeNSPopUpButton's:
The first selects the country,
The second shows the states related to the selected country.
The last shows the zip code related to the chosen state.
My problem is that I can not pass data through the chosenNSPopUpButton entity "customer". The NSPopoUpButton works by binding:
Content (bind to:country, arrangedObjects),
Content Values (bind to:country, arrangedObjects, model key:country),
Selected Index (bind to:country, selectionIndex).
What can I do to ensure that the data selected by the three NSPopUpButton's are recorded in the appropriate fields of the entity "customer"?
It would seem that using 3 popups may work with your problem here, as you can return the int for each selected item, and then pass that information on to the next button press.
So, when they press 'country', return back the country id, and put that in your customer entity.
Then, when they press state, pass the country to this popup, and show the states, and pass the state id back, and do the same for city.
This way you don't have lots of managed objects around, as you really don't need the data, you just need the id, and perhaps the name, to show to the user, and these can be passed back in a notification back to your controller.

mvc-3 dropdown binding-razor

I have a table in the database called Person and it has various fields like id(Guid), forename and lastname. I am pulling them from the database using the following code
There is a method called GetAll, Which returns the List items.
In controller:
ClassService p= new ClassService();
ViewData["Id"]= new SelectList(p.GetAll(),"id","Forename");
In View:
It complains that there is acompilation error.What is wrong in there? and if it compiles does it loads into the dropdown box?
Could anybody tell is this correct of doing it or am I missing anything.
Html.DropDownList() takes the name you want the select to be called and then an IEnumerable of SelectListItem(). Remove the .Item second parameter and it should work. The third parameter is the value of the selected item. So I am not sure what passing "none" will do other than not select anything in the dropdown list.
Also I am not sure how you will be handling the binding to a model when you post the form. Dont forget to have a integer called Id_0 as a parameter to the [HttpPost] action menthod.
