Can a TorndaoFx tableview column have a datepicker as the input method? - tornadofx

I've got a tableview with a column that binds to a SimpleObjectProperty (LocalDate) variable:
tableview(Model) {
I would like to make it a date picker to allow easy access for the user, something like the following:
tableview(Model) {
Although I'm not sure what the right syntax is, any help would be appreciated!

If your domain object has an id, you can create a cached cell with a datepicker in it like this:
column("DATE", Model::dateProperty) {
cellFormat {
graphic = cache( {
You can also do this without the use of a cache, but performance won't be great for big datasets.


Is it bad practice to return all results when an argument is left out?

I'm fairly new to the concept of GraphQL and I'm wondering whether it is considered bad practice to return all results in a query when the argument is left out.
If, for example, I run this query:
query {
item(title: "test") {
properties {
It will return all properties, but if I run this query:
query {
item(title: "test") {
properties(group: "test-group") {
It will return all properties in the "test-group".
I tried searching for this question online and on StackOverflow but I couldn't find the answer I need.
I did manage to find the following example on the GraphQL website though, but I'm not sure whether it's exactly the same:
human(id: "1000") {
human(id: "1000") {
height(unit: FOOT)
If anyone could shed some light on this, I'd be very thankful!
It depends on if an item can possibly has many properties that has a chance to cause the server to run out of memory if multiple users retrieves an item 's all properties at the same time. If the chance is very very very small , it is very normal to just returning all properties if user left out the properties field 's argument.
Otherwise , it is not so good to always returning all properties due to the chance to bring down the server because of running out of memory. In this case, you can apply some sensible default to return only the first N-th properties to prevent it from happening.
It is equivalent to the REST API that returning a list of records. If an user does not specify the query parameter for pagination , it will by default return a sensible number of records but not returning all records.

Microsoft Bot: Show options from database instead of enums

In the example bot implementations from Microsoft, they use enums to define options for dialog, as shown in the example below:
public enum LengthOptions { SixInch, FootLong };
public enum BreadOptions { NineGrainWheat, NineGrainHoneyOat, Italian, ItalianHerbsAndCheese, Flatbread };
Can we use a normal list to fetch the values from the database and display it as options?
You can't do this out of the box, but you could subclass FormBuilderBase<T>, overriding various methods to build the Form using whatever datasource you prefer.
You can find the base class and implementation of FormBuilder here:
Basically, there are a mess of virtual methods that you can override to customize how you want to form to behave, but the main one is Build. In the default implementation, it iterates though the enums to create a list of Field, which are basically each step in you form. Instead of that, you can iterate through whatever data you have pulled from your database and create a new Field for each item. It may look something like this:
public override IForm<T> Build(Assembly resourceAssembly = null, string resourceName = null)
var list = GetListOfItemsFromDatabase();
foreach (var item in _list)
// FieldFromItem is an IField and will also need to be created
Field(new FieldFormItem<T>(item));
Confirm(new PromptAttribute(_form.Configuration.Template(TemplateUsage.Confirmation)));
return base.Build(resourceAssembly, resourceName);
I know its late but found myself struggling with the same and found that below would be the right solution for this.In your FormFlow class just add the Terms and Descriptions manually.From your example if we are talking about length options then change the type of LengthOptions to string add following code when you build the form.
return new FormBuilder<SandwichForm>()
.Field(new FieldReflector<SandwichForm>(nameof(LengthOptions))
.SetDefine(async (state, field) =>
// Call database and get options and iterate over the options
.AddDescription("SixInch","Six Inch")
.AddTerms("SixInch", "Six Inch")
.AddDescription("FootLong ","Foot Long")
.AddTerms("FootLong ", "Foot Long")
return true;

Telerik OpenAccess - Search With Non-Persistent Property

I'm using Telerik OpenAccess and SQL Server on a project and I need to be able to search by what someone's age will be on a certain date. The problem that I am running into is that the person's date of birth is stored in one table and the date to compare to is in another table, which prevents me from using a computed column. They are, however, joined together so that I can calculate the age by creating my own non-persistent property in the partial class like so:
public partial class Student
private int? _ageUponArrival;
public virtual int? AgeUponArrival
var dob = DateTime.Parse(this.StudentProfiles.First().Person.YearOfBirth);
var programStart = (DateTime)(this.StudentPrograms.First().ProgramStart);
this._ageUponArrival = programStart.Year - dob.Year;
if (dob > programStart.AddYears(-(int)(this._ageUponArrival)))
catch (Exception e)
this._ageUponArrival = null;
return _ageUponArrival;
set { }
Please ignore how bad the tables are set up, it's something that I inherited and can't change at this point. The problem with this approach is that the property is not available to search on with Linq. I know that I could create a view that would do this for me, but I would much rather not have to maintain a view just for this. Is there any way at all to create a calculated property through Telerik that would be calculated on the db server in such a way as to be searchable?
It appears that this is not possible at this point.

Using DataObjectTypeName in DataObjectSource

The functionality I am trying to use is:
- Create a ObjectDataSource for selection and updating controls on a web page (User Control).
- Use the DataObjectTypeName to have an object created that would send the data to an UpdateMethod.
- Before the values are populated in the DataObjectTypeName’s object, I would like to pre-populate the object so the unused items in the class are not defaulted to zeros and empty strings without me knowing whether the zero or default string was set by the user or by the application.
I cannot find a way to pre-populate the values (this was an issue back in 2006 with framework 2.0). One might ask “Why would anyone need to pre-populate the object?”. The simple answer is: I want to be able to randomly place controls on different User Controls and not have to be concerned with which UpdateMethod needs to handle which fields of an object.
For Example, let’s say I have a class (that reflects a SQL Table) that includes the fields: FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip. I may want to give the user the option to change the FirstName and LastName and not even see the Address, City, State, Zip (or vice-versa). I do not want to create two UpdateMethods where one handled FirstName and LastName and the other method handles the other fields. I am working with a Class of some 40+ columns from multiple tables and I may want some fields on one screen and not another and decide later to change those fields from one screen to another (which breaks my UpdateMethods without me knowing).
I hope I explained my issue well enough.
This is hardly a solution to the problem, but it's my best stab at it.
I have a GridView with its DataSourceID set to an ObjectDataSource.
Whenever a row is updated, I want the property values in the object to be selectively updated - that is - only updated if they appear as columns in the GridView.
I've created the following extension:
public static class GridViewExtensions
public static void EnableLimitUpdateToGridViewColumns(this GridView gridView)
_gridView = gridView;
if (_gridView.DataSourceObject != null)
.Updating += new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler(objectDataSource_Updating);
private static GridView _gridView;
private static void objectDataSource_Updating(object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e)
var newObject = ((object)e.InputParameters[0]);
var oldObjects = ((ObjectDataSource)_gridView.DataSourceObject).Select().Cast<object>();
Type type = oldObjects.First().GetType();
object oldObject = null;
foreach (var obj in oldObjects)
if (type.GetProperty(_gridView.DataKeyNames.First()).GetValue(obj, null).ToString() ==
type.GetProperty(_gridView.DataKeyNames.First()).GetValue(newObject, null).ToString())
oldObject = obj;
if (oldObject == null) return;
var dynamicColumns = _gridView.Columns.OfType<DynamicField>();
foreach (var property in type.GetProperties())
if (dynamicColumns.Where(c => c.DataField == property.Name).Count() == 0)
property.SetValue(newObject, property.GetValue(oldObject, null), null);
And in the Page_Init event of my page, I apply it to the GridView, like so:
protected void Page_Init()
This is working well for me at the moment.
You could probably apply similar logic to other controls, e.g. ListView or DetailsView.
I'm currently scratching my head to think of a way this can be done in a rendering-agnostic manner - i.e. without having to know about the rendering control being used.
I hope this ends up as a normal feature of the GridView or ObjectDataSource control rather than having to hack it.

Mark ItemViewModel as dirty explicitly

I have address editor fragment, after user edit address I save changed model values to a database
fun saveAddressTable(tableViewEditModel: TableViewEditModel<Client>) {
.filter { it.value.isDirty }
.forEach {
//do stuff }
Some adressess have obvious mistakes I can fix programmatically, however model is not marked as dirty after I change it.
For example,
fun autoEditAddressTable(tableViewEditModel: TableViewEditModel<Client>) {
.forEach {
val client = it.value.item
client.localProperty.value = client.local.replace(",{2,}".toRegex(), ",")
Changes reflected in the UI, but model itself is not dirty. I've found markDirty() property method, but it doesn't help much. As model is not marked dirty, it fails filter criteria on save.
center = tableview ( controller.clients ) {
column("Local Address", Client::localProperty)
tableViewEditModel = editModel
Isn't TableViewEditModel expected to trace all model alteration? If client edits Local Address column manually, model becomes dirty.
