how to store an integer value in to sql table - oracle

i created this table and i want to be able to add Integer value of 99 in to Assgn_Id and Ben_Id. so i am very confident with my create table query.
Create table Advisor (
Advisor# Integer,
AdvisorName Varchar2(15),
Assgn_Id Integer,
Ben_Id Integer);
my second query is where i get confused. after i inserted the values into the table it seems like it work fine, but when i describe the table i see Number(38) datatype into both columns instead of Integers(99).
Insert Into Advisor (Assgn_Id, Ben_Id)
Values(99, 99);

Integer, INT, smallint are ansi defined data types - that Oracle has implemented as a number
I like to use integer for my tables because I'm lazy, it's easier to type.
From the docs..
SQL statements that create tables and clusters can also use ANSI data
types and data types from the IBM products SQL/DS and DB2. Oracle
recognizes the ANSI or IBM data type name that differs from the Oracle
Database data type name. It converts the data type to the equivalent
Oracle data type, records the Oracle data type as the name of the
column data type, and stores the column data in the Oracle data type
based on the conversions shown in the tables that follow.


Is there any performance loss when using ANSI data types in Oracle?

If I use any ANSI supported data types like INTEGER, NUMERIC, REAL etc., as a data type for a column, or a variable in PL/SQL, will it have an additional cost for the database?
What are the pros and cons for using the ANSI supported data types in Oracle database? (Database Version: 19c)
ANSI data-types are just aliases for Oracle data types and will be converted to the equivalent Oracle data type.
From the documentation:
ANSI, DB2, and SQL/DS Data Types
SQL statements that create tables and clusters can also use ANSI data types and data types from the IBM products SQL/DS and DB2. Oracle recognizes the ANSI or IBM data type name that differs from the Oracle Database data type name. It converts the data type to the equivalent Oracle data type, records the Oracle data type as the name of the column data type, and stores the column data in the Oracle data type based on the conversions shown in the tables that follow.
ANSI SQL Data Type
Oracle Data Type
NUMERIC[(p,s)]DECIMAL[(p,s)] (Note 1)
What are the pros and cons for using the ANSI supported data types in Oracle database?
There are no performance benefits or penalties as the type will be converted to the equivalent Oracle type. The main benefit would be the portability of code between different RDBMS.

Precision Issue when using OPENQUERY to insert values into Oracle table

I need to insert values with a precision of 5 decimal places into an Oracle interface table via OPENQUERY because the values are originally stored in an SQL database. The data type of the Oracle table column is NUMBER (with no scale/precision specified). Using OPENQUERY to insert a value of 1.4, results in a value of 1.3999999999999999 stored in the Oracle table. I cannot change the data type of the Oracle table to NUMBER(38,5) because it is a standard Oracle table (GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE).
According to Oracle
"If a precision is not specified, the column stores values as given."
Which means that if I insert 1.4, it should be stored in a NUMBER column as is. But it doesn't. So does that mean that when inserting through OPENQUERY to a linked Oracle server, the Oracle Provider for OLE DB does some addition conversion that results in a floating point error?
How do I insert values to a precision of 5 decimal places into an Oracle table NUMBER column that does not have precision or scale specified?
My insert statement does round the values when inserting. But it doesn't solve the issue.
For example:
Since inserting values through OPENQUERY to a linked Oracle server causes some floating point error, I tried using EXEC('') AT LINKEDSERVER and it worked. Because the statement is executed directly on the ORACLE server, there is no longer any issue of the Oracle Provider for OLE DB doing any unexpected conversion.
My overall solution was to first insert values from the SQL table to the Oracle table using OPENQUERY, then use EXEC() to update and round the values in the Oracle table again.

OOP concepts in oracle 11.g

i have a question related to Object Orienting programming in oracle database(11.g),generally i have studyed how to create object types or how to create table from existing object,but i am stoped on one topic,namely,suppose that we have created following type
create or replace type mono.Item_type as object(
item_id integer,
part REF mono.Part_type,
quantity integer);
where Part_type is already existed object type.
i know that i can create table from this object like this:
create table tablename of Item_type,for instance
create table item_list of Item_type
what what would be different,if instead of this,we use
create or replace type mono.Item_List as table of Item_type;
here inspite of this,that we use type keyword,we are creating table again and what is different between create table tablename of Item_type and
create or replace type mono.Item_List as table of Item_type;?
When you use create table tablename of Item_type, you're creating a table in the DB.
This table is a structure that can be used to store user's data .
When you use create or replace type mono.Item_List as table you're defining a new Datatype (similar to array).
This Datatype can be used as a type of a column in a DB table or as a type of a variable in plsql code.

What Oracle data type is easily converted to BIT in MSSQL via SSIS?

I have a Data Flow from an Oracle table to an MSSQL table with one field of data type BIT. The Oracle table is using the characters Y and N at the moment (I'm unsure of the data type and have no way of checking), but the MSSQL table needs to be data type BIT. What type of cast can I use on the Oracle query so that the data is pulled smoothly over?
Use char(1) and then use a derived column transformation like this:
(DT_BOOL)(OracleField == "Y"?1:0)
Give this column a name like OracleFieldAsBool
and then use it instead of the original column in the rest of your data flow.

Export table from Access to Oracle converts number to Varchar how to make it stop doing that?

I have a table in Access 2007 with various number columns, but when i export the table from Access all the number fields are converted to varchar2. I am using an Access odbc for oracle
Use Number for Data Type and for field size use decimal
