How to disable TRACE method in H2O server - h2o

How to disable TRACE method in H2O server?
I start up h2o server via "java -jar h2o.jar" command, however the TRACE http-method is enabled. For security issue, where do I disable TRACE method.
I check the web engine of H2O is jetty, does h2o can set jetty configuration file on start up command?
Sincerely Yours


Java Apm agent with multiple tomcats

How to configure multiple tomcats running on same machine to Apm server ? With single tomcat I m able to start APMUI.
Just to be sure we are on the same page here:
You have multiple instances of Tomcat running on the same machine.
You have configured APM through CATALINA_OPTS as defined in the Elastic APM docs.
I guess the simplest setup would be to have a wrapper script to start each Tomcat instance that exports the right CATALINA_OPTS. You could share global settings like the APM server address, but could customize the app name, namespaces,...

How to enable jmxremote authentication for MobileFirst Platform on Tomcat

I try to configure login/password authentication for jmxremote connection on Tomcat 7 and MFP 7.1
With the properties in file, all works fine. I can see the runtimes in the MFP Operational Console
When I change the properties to true, I don't be able to see the runtime in the MobileFirst Operational Console and I have the following error in the file catalina.out
Exception in thread Initialization thread for Worklight runtime prod" java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for the management service to start up.120 secs.
Thanks means that you activate JMX on Tomcat with client authentication based on a user ID and password, without SSL. In this case other properties are required. See for example

WebSphere remote server debug configuration in IntelliJ Idea

I am trying to debug deployed application which is running in the remote WebSphere server version 7. When I try to configure server, I am getting error presented on the picture below. Please advise me how to configure the debug mode
I have referred following source

Monitoring with JBOSS 7.1 JMX in ZABBIX agent windows

I have a problem when i try connect my zabbix server with JBoss 7.1, the error is:
Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.
I think the fault is in the client configuration, the agent run in windows, some know what command I need to use for change the port in run.conf.
thanks for your time.
The first thing to do is to note that in order to monitor JBoss through JMX you do not need to have Zabbix agent running. Instead, you should run Zabbix Java gateway (see also section on JMX monitoring).
However, as of Zabbix 2.2.5, the gateway only supports JMX service URLs of the following type:
whereas JBoss seems to be monitored using URLs of type
Consequently, JBoss monitoring with Zabbix is currently not possible out of the box, but you can use patches and ideas described in ZBXNEXT-1274.

Deploying Confluence to OpenShift?

I deployed Confluence 5.1 as a WAR to an OpenShift Tomcat 6 Cartridge.
Visiting the instance with my web-browser I get:
Error occurred during template rendering: Velocimacro : Error using VM library : template/includes/macros-deprecated.vm. Contact your administrator for assistance.
With the relevant portion of the server logs saying:
2013-04-14 05:32:03,322 FATAL [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] [atlassian.spring.container.SpringContainerContext] getComponent Spring Application context has not been set
2013-04-14 05:32:03,323 ERROR [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] [confluence.user.listeners.UserSessionExpiryListener] sessionDestroyed Application server does not give us access to expired sessions. Listeners that depend on receiving LogoutEvent will not be reliable. This web server is probably unsupported.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Spring Application context has not been set
Atlassian support tells me to chown the Tomcat directories; but OpenShift doesn't seem to allow this.
How can I successfully install Confluence 5.1 on OpenShift?
You could use a DIY cartridge and deploy tomcat yourself. Using an action hook (for example the deploy hook) you could also adjust permissions if this is still required.
