Converting database to facts in Prolog - prolog

So I have database which looks something like:
DB = [
data([table, keyboard,cup, box,watch]),
data([green,red, yellow,white,blue]),
data([alex, john,sasha, sabrina, ben]),
data([coffee, tea, syrup, vodka, beer]),
data([bookA, bookB, bookC, bookD, bookE])
I would like to save DB as a fact. Then we should create a relation db_to_facts which finds all the facts.
data([true, false]).
DB = [data([true, false]), data([dog, cat])].
What would be the cleanest way possible to achieve it?
I think I got it:
db_to_facts(L) :- findall(data(X),data(X),L).
But if the database is empty, it will fail. How to make it return empty list?

In the beginning of your Prolog program, use the directive, dynamic(data/1).. This tells Prolog you have a dynamic database that can change over time and will still recognize the data(X) query even if there is no data.
Without the directive:
1 ?- data(X).
ERROR: Undefined procedure: data/1 (DWIM could not correct goal)
2 ?-
With the directive:
2 ?- dynamic(data/1).
3 ?- data(X).
And then your findall/3 call will yield [] if there is no data.

For sure, the usage of dynamic(data/1) is the best way. Just to let you know, there is another way to check if data/1 exists. You can use current_predicate/2 in this way:
( current_predicate(data,_) -> findall(data(X),data(X),L) ; L = []).
If you compile it (you cannot use swish online, it gives No permission to call sandboxed ...) you get a warning saying that you should define data/1 but if you run the query anyway you get the empty list:
?- db_to_facts(L).
L = [].
It's not the cleanest way but it works :)


Prolog: Assign value to Variable in Predicate

With the following rules:
test('John', ebola).
test('John', covid).
test('Maria', covid).
How can I create a predicate that would tell me if John or Maria took (both) the Ebola and Covid tests?
I want to do something similar to this (I know it's wrong, just the idea):
tests(Persona, Ebola, Covid) :-
Ebola = test(Persona, ebola),
Covid = test(Persona, covid).
Prolog is relational not functional. test(X, Y) either holds or fails and doesn't return a value like what you thought. Here's what you should have written:
tests(Persona) :-
test(Persona, ebola),
test(Persona, covid).
You can query tests('John') which is true since both test/2 calls succeeds. The query tests('Maria') fails because test('Maria', ebola) fails.
Does it answer your question ?

Compile time testfor 'atoms'

Completely new to prolog. Interesting journey so far in trying to change how I think, so appreciate any help here.
I am trying to assert facts for a pre-defined set of names. For example, assume I have a a set of people [alice, bob, ...] in one file. I would like to assert facts about these folks in other files, but want to make sure that these folks exist and that is checked when the facts are loaded/compiled(?).
For example, assume I don't have 'chuck' in the list and I make an assertion:
user: swipl
?- full_name(chuck, "Charlie Steel").
should result in an error.
What is the best way I can do this?
So, here's the code I came up with:
read_my_file(Filename) :-
open(Filename, read, In),
read_my_file1(In) :-
read(In, Term),
( Term == end_of_file
-> true
; assert_or_abort(Term),
assert_or_abort(Term) :-
( full_name(Person, Name) = Term
-> ( person(Person)
-> assertz(full_name(Person, Name))
; format(user, '~w is not a person I recognize~n', [Person])
; format(user, '~w is not a term I know how to parse~n', [Term])
The trick here is using read/2 to obtain a Prolog term from the stream, and then doing some deterministic tests of it, hence the nested conditional structure inside assert_or_abort/1. Supposing you have an input file that looks like this:
full_name(deborah, 'Deborah Ismyname').
full_name(chuck, 'Charlie Steel').
full_name(this, has, too, many, arguments).
You get this output:
?- read_my_file('foo.txt').
chuck is not a person I recognize
full_name(this,has,too,many,arguments) is not a term I know how to parse
squant is not a term I know how to parse
?- full_name(X,Y).
X = deborah,
Y = 'Deborah Ismyname'.

Prolog (Sicstus) - nonmember and setof issues

Given following facts:
route(TubeLine, ListOfStations).
route(green, [a,b,c,d,e,f]).
route(blue, [g,b,c,h,i,j]).
I am required to find all the pairs of tube Lines that do not have any stations in common, producing the following:
| ?- disjointed_lines(Ls).
Ls = [(yellow,blue),(yellow,green),(yellow,red),(yellow,silver)] ? ;
I came up with the below answer, however it does not only give me incorrect answer, but it also does not apply my X^ condition - i.e. it still prints results per member of Stations lists separately:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
(member(X, Stations1),nonmember(X, Stations2)),
This is the output that the definition produces:
| ?- disjointed_lines(L).
L = [(green,green)] ? ;
L = [(green,blue)] ? ;
L = [(green,silver)] ? ;
I believe that my logic relating to membership is incorrect, however I cannot figure out what is wrong. Can anyone see where am I failing?
I also read Learn Prolog Now chapter 11 on results gathering as suggested here, however it seems that I am still unable to use the ^ operator correctly. Any help would be appreciated!
As suggested by user CapelliC, I changed the code into the following:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
(W,Z),(Stations1, Stations2)^
((route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),notMembers(Stations1,Stations2))),
notMembers([H|T],L):- notMembers(T,L), nonmember(H,L).
The following, however, gives me duplicates of (X,Y) and (Y,X), but the next step will be to remove those in a separate rule. Thank you for the help!
I think you should put route/2 calls inside setof' goal, and express disjointness more clearly, so you can test it separately. About the ^ operator, it requests a variable to be universally quantified in goal scope. Maybe a concise explanation like that found at bagof/3 manual page will help...
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
setof((W,Z), Stations1^Stations2^(
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2)
), Ls).
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2) :-
... % could be easy as intersection(Stations1, Stations2, [])
% or something more efficient: early fail at first shared 'station'
setof/3 is easier to use if you create an auxiliary predicate that expresses the relationship you are interested in:
disjoint_routes(W, Z) :-
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2).
With this, the definition of disjointed_lines/1 becomes shorter and simpler and no longer needs any ^ operators:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
setof((W, Z), disjoint_routes(W, Z), Ls).
The variables you don't want in the result of setof/3 are automatically hidden inside the auxiliary predicate definition.

convert compound to atom in prolog

I want to use atom_chars/2 on the expression of 3+4, but I get
ERROR: atom_chars/2: Type error: 'atom' expected, found '3+4' (a compound).
I'm thinking that if I can add " " on both sides of the compound, it would work, e.g.
atom_chars("3+4", Result).
but I don't know how I can do that, or is there other approaches to do this?
Please give me some advice.
EDIT: What I mean is that the input has to be 3+4, instead of '3+4', so what I want to do is to write a predicate before the atom_chars/2 to convert 3+4 to '3+4'.
For instance: for compound2atom(X,Y),
If you are using SWI-Prolog, there is with_output_to/2 or format/3:
?- with_output_to(atom(A), write(3+4)).
A = '3+4'.
?- with_output_to(chars(C), write(3+4)).
C = ['3', +, '4'].
?- format(atom(A), "~w", [3+4]).
A = '3+4'.
?- format(chars(C), "~w", [3+4]).
C = ['3', +, '4'].
But if you look hard enough you should be able to find some predicate that does that, for example term_to_atom/2.
My personal preference leans towards format/3.

Using "=" in Prolog

I'd like to know why I get an error with my SWI Prolog when I try to do this:
(signal(X) = signal(Y)) :- (terminal(X), terminal(Y), connected(X,Y)).
terminal(X) :- ((signal(X) = 1);(signal(X) = 0)).
I get the following error
Error: No permission to modify static procedure
It doesn't recognize the "=" in the first line, but the second one "compiles". I guess it only accepts the "=" after the :- ? Why?
Will I need to create a predicate like: "equal(x,y) :- (x = y)" for this?
Diedre - there are no 'functions' in Prolog. There are predicates. The usual pattern
name(list of args to be unified) :- body of predicate .
Usually you'd want the thing on the left side of the :- operator to be a predicate
name. when you write
(signal(X) = signal(Y))
= is an operator, so you get
'='(signal(X), signal(Y))
But (we assume, it's not clear what you're doing here) that you don't really want to change equals.
Since '=' is already in the standard library, you can't redefine it (and wouldn't want to)
What you probably want is
equal_signal(X, Y) :- ... bunch of stuff... .
equal_signal(signal(X), signal(Y)) :- ... bunch of stuff ... .
This seems like a conceptual error problem. You need to have a conversation with somebody who understands it. I might humbly suggest you pop onto ##prolog on or
some similar forum and get somebody to explain it.
Because = is a predefined predicate. What you actually write is (the grounding of terms using the Martelli-Montanari algorithm):
=(signal(X),signal(Y)) :- Foo.
You use predicates like functions in Prolog.
You can define something like:
terminal(X) :- signal(X,1);signal(X,0).
where signal/2 is a predicate that contains a key/value pair.
equal_signal(X,Y) :- terminal(X),terminal(Y),connected(X,Y).
