make clean in omnet++ project and version mismatch - omnet++

I keep getting the following error when running the following project:
when clicking on "Proceed" I get:
from which I don't know what should I do.
Here is the full manifest of the running project:
21:35:18 **** Incremental Build of configuration release for project OSPF ****
make MODE=release all
In file included from
In file included from ./Node.h:14:
./traffic_m.h:16:6: error: Version mismatch! Probably this file was generated by an earlier version of nedtool: 'make clean' should help.
# error Version mismatch! Probably this file was generated by an earlier version of nedtool: 'make clean' should help.
1 error generated.
make: *** [Makefile:105: out/clang-release//Node.o] Error 1
21:36:15 Build Finished (took 56s.271ms)
Should I change the version? If so, how to do that? My current omnet++
version is 5.4.1.
How to use make clean to fix up my work?
I don't know what "make clean" is nor I know how should I apply that. Would you help me with this please? It's my semester's final project....

Changing the version of OMNeT++ is not necessary.
make clean is an operation that removes C++ object files, final libraries or executables, and other files created during compilation.
What is important: make clean does not remove any of your source file.
To perform make clean just right click on your projekt in Project Explorer and select Clean local.


ERROR: Current directory is not a meson build directory

I have been trying to install gtk4 on Windows 10, following the instructions from this site:
After setting up the meson build with the command:
C:\src\gtk>meson setup build --prefix C:/gnome
it shows the build directory at the very beginning of the build system
(see picture).
I tried to compile the meson build with the following instruction:
C:\src\gtk>meson compile -C build
However, I get this error note:
ERROR: Current directory is not a meson build directory: C:\src\gtk\build.
Please specify a valid build dir or change the working directory to it.
It is also possible that the build directory was generated with an old
meson version. Please regenerate it in this case.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I ran into a similar issue with pulseaudio.
Here running simply
meson build
creates the correct build directory. It was complaining about lots of missing libraries for developers (libsndfile-dev and so on) but after installing it, I was able to compile with
meson compile -C build
So did you check, that you work with the correct meson version of your tutorial link? Is the build directory correctly build? Does it even exist, are there any warnings left, when conifguring it?

iOS build: command ld failed with a nozero exit code

For a react-native project, I got the following error during Xcode build:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/user172615/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxx/Build/Products/Debug-appletvsimulator/libBVLinearGradient.a'
Command Ld failed with a nonzero exit code
This happened after adding react-native-linear-gradient, and following the instructions in (manual installation for iOS).
As specified in, libBVLinearGradient.a is included in Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries for the target myProject
libBVLinearGradient.a is also included in General -> Frameworks, Libraries and embedded content.
I tried deleting DerivedData, and rebuilding. Didn't help.
Since the error indicates Debug-appletvsimulator, I included libBVLinearGradient.a in Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries for the target myProject-tvOS
When this didn't help, I deleted the myProject-tvOS target. All didn't help.
I am using Xcode 11.3, react-native 0.59.9.
Any idea?
Instead of downloading it, do this instead.
Click on clone existing project
Then copy this link
And paste the link here
Then it will download the project.
If the problem still happens, then create a new project, copy and paste everything.

How to resolve qmake catkin_make conflict

While I was trying to compile qt-quick application that embedded catkin project, I added a custom build step as below image shows.
The problem is that it has compile error as follow:
make: (no rule to make target 'cmake_check_build_system')
I think the Makefile automatically generated is overwritten repeatedly and results compilation error. How should I do? or What am I misunderstanding?
I disabled qmake (as I did to Make(see the image above) and build the project using catkin_make only. Now the problem is basically gone.

Build error when trying to compile

I have downloaded from When I run xcodebuild install I get an error:
fatal error: 'CoreFoundation/CFLogUtilities.h' file not found
#import <CoreFoundation/CFLogUtilities.h>
^ 1 error generated.
The same error occurs when Building within XCode.
I have looked in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ and, sure enough, CFLogUtilities.h is not present. I see that it's available to download from Apple's Open Source Website, but I feel like if it's linked in an app bundled with the OS, it should be installed by default, or at least after installing XCode + Command Line Tools.
Do I have to manually download and bundle the header file in order to build the project, or am I missing something?
I don't know what OS version you are using, but to compile this on 10.9 simply change CFLogUtilities.h to CoreFoundation.h.
you also either need to build the CrashReporterClient.a library and add it to the project, or remove it from the "link with libraries" build setting for the target.
a shell script will fail because iconcompiler is missing, but you can comment out that script line with a # and run just fine. I will leave it as an exercise to you to figure out how best to restore the app icon.

Xcode: How do I change my project folders name, without having building problems?

I would like to change the folder name where my Xcode project is in. But when I do that I can't build my project anymore. It shows me 2 errors that says:
Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 error
file "project name-Prefix.pch" has been modified since the precompiled header was built
Any way to solve this?
Select Product > Clean from the Xcode menu.
Then try and build again by selecting Product > Build.
Your project should build without errors assuming that targets are correct.
Either you have replaced the code to some another machine. Try to commit the explicitly included import in the .PCH file. Compile it once on that specific machine. Now un-comment the those import lines and then compile the code again.
If you are trying to build project from terminal then
execute "$ xcodebuild clean " before execute the build command.
This will resolve the issue.
