Set YARN application name for Hadoop Distcp job - hadoop

NOTE: I don't want to specify a YARN-queue name as in Hadoop: specify yarn queue for distcp
I frequently use hadoop distcp for moving data around HDFS and would like to have a descriptive application name for these jobs.
Presently all copying jobs just appear with the name "distcp" on Resource Manager UI and there's no way to distinguish between different jobs.
Is there a way to improve it?

Like many other MR tools, hadoop distcp also allows you to pass mapred properties using
so when I use
hadoop distcp \ \
-m 10 \
/user/hive/warehouse/billing_db.db/ \
it appears nicely on Resource Manager UI
Hadoop: specify yarn queue for distcp
Sqoop User Guide: Using Generic and Specific Arguments


How to run HDFS Copy commands using Airflow?

May I know how to execute HDFS copy commands on DataProc cluster using airflow.
After the cluster is created using airflow, I have to copy few jar files from Google storage to the HDFS master node folder.
You can execute hdfs commands on dataproc cluster using something like this
gcloud dataproc jobs submit hdfs 'ls /hdfs/path/' --cluster=my-cluster --
The easiest way is [1] via
gcloud dataproc jobs submit pig --execute 'fs -ls /'
or otherwise [2] as a catch-all for other shell commands.
For a single small file
You can copy a single file from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) to HDFS using the hdfs copy command. Note that you need to run this from a node within the cluster:
hdfs dfs -cp gs://<bucket>/<object> <hdfs path>
This works because
hdfs://<master node>
is the default filesystem. You can explicitly specify the scheme and NameNode if desired:
hdfs dfs -cp gs://<bucket>/<object> hdfs://<master node>/<hdfs path>
For a large file or large directory of files
When you use hdfs dfs, data is piped through your local machine. If you have a large dataset to copy, you will likely want to do this in parallel on the cluster using DistCp:
hadoop distcp gs://<bucket>/<directory> <HDFS target directory>
Consider [3] for details.
I am not sure about your use case to do this via airflow because if its onetime setup then i think we can run commands directly on dataproc cluster. But found some links which might be of some help. As i understand we can use BashOperator and can run commands.
Airflow Dataproc operator to run shell scripts

Insufficient number of DataNodes reporting when creating dataproc cluster

I am getting "Insufficient number of DataNodes reporting" error when creating dataproc cluster with gs:// as default FS. Below is the command i am using dataproc cluster.
gcloud dataproc clusters create cluster-538f --image-version 1.2 \
--bucket dataproc_bucket_test --subnet default --zone asia-south1-b \
--master-machine-type n1-standard-1 --master-boot-disk-size 500 \
--num-workers 2 --worker-machine-type n1-standard-1 --worker-boot-disk-size 500 \
--scopes '' --project delcure-firebase \
--properties ''
I checked and confirmed that the bucket i am using is able to create default folder in the bucker.
As Igor suggests, Dataproc does not support GCS as a default FS. I also suggest unsetting this property. Note, that property can be passed to individual jobs and will work just fine.
The error arises when the file system is tried to be accessed (HdfsClientModule). So, I think it is probable that Google Cloud Storage doesn't have a specific feature that is required for Hadoop and the creation fails after some folders were created (first image).
As somebody else mentioned previously, it is better to give up the idea of using GCS as the default fs and leave HDFS work in Dataproc. Nonetheless, you can still take advantage of Cloud Storage to have data persistence, reliability, and performance because remember that data in HDFS is removed when a cluster is shut down.
1.- From a Dataproc node you can access data through the hadoop command to move data in and out, for example:
hadoop fs -ls gs://CONFIGBUCKET/dir/file
hadoop distcp hdfs://OtherNameNode/dir/ gs://CONFIGBUCKET/dir/file
2.- For accessing data from Spark or any Hadoop application just use the gs:// prefix to access your bucket.
Furthermore, if the Dataproc connector is installed on premises it can help to move HDFS data to Cloud Storage and then access it from a Dataproc cluster.

Running Spark Jobs via Oozie

Is it possible to run Spark Jobs e.g. Spark-sql jobs via Oozie?
In the past we have used Oozie with Hadoop. Since we are now using Spark-Sql on top of YARN, looking for a way to use Oozie to schedule jobs.
Yup its possible ... The procedure is also same, that you have to provide Oozia a directory structure having coordinator.xml, workflow.xml and a lib directory containing your Jar files.
But remember Oozie starts the job with java -cp command, not with spark-submit, so if you have to run it with Oozie, Here is a trick.
Run your jar with spark-submit in background.
Look for that process in process list. It will be running under java -cp command but with some additional Jars, that are added by spark-submit. Add those Jars in CLASS_PATH. and that's it. Now you can run your Spark applications through Oozie.
1. nohup spark-submit --class /path/to/App.jar &
2. ps aux | grep '/path/to/App.jar'
EDITED: You can also use latest Oozie, which has Spark Action also.
To run Spark SQL by Oozie you need to use Oozie Spark Action.
You can locate oozie.gz on your distribution. Usually in cloudera you can find this oozie examples directory at below path.
]$ locate oozie.gz
Spark SQL need hive-site.xml file for execution which you need to provide in workflow.xml
< spark-opts>--file /hive-site.xml < /spark-opts>

Spark on yarn concept understanding

I am trying to understand how spark runs on YARN cluster/client. I have the following question in my mind.
Is it necessary that spark is installed on all the nodes in yarn cluster? I think it should because worker nodes in cluster execute a task and should be able to decode the code(spark APIs) in spark application sent to cluster by the driver?
It says in the documentation "Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory which contains the (client side) configuration files for the Hadoop cluster". Why does client node have to install Hadoop when it is sending the job to cluster?
Adding to other answers.
Is it necessary that spark is installed on all the nodes in the yarn
No, If the spark job is scheduling in YARN(either client or cluster mode). Spark installation is needed in many nodes only for standalone mode.
These are the visualizations of spark app deployment modes.
Spark Standalone Cluster
In cluster mode driver will be sitting in one of the Spark Worker node whereas in client mode it will be within the machine which launched the job.
YARN cluster mode
YARN client mode
This table offers a concise list of differences between these modes:
pics source
It says in the documentation "Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory which contains the (client-side)
configuration files for the Hadoop cluster". Why does the client node have
to install Hadoop when it is sending the job to cluster?
Hadoop installation is not mandatory but configurations(not all) are!. We can call them Gateway nodes. It's for two main reasons.
The configuration contained in HADOOP_CONF_DIR directory will be distributed to the YARN cluster so that all containers used by the application use the same configuration.
In YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the
Hadoop configuration(yarn-default.xml). Thus, the --master parameter is yarn.
Update: (2017-01-04)
Spark 2.0+ no longer requires a fat assembly jar for production
deployment. source
We are running spark jobs on YARN (we use HDP 2.2).
We don't have spark installed on the cluster. We only added the Spark assembly jar to the HDFS.
For example to run the Pi example:
./bin/spark-submit \
--verbose \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--master yarn-cluster \
--conf spark.yarn.jar=hdfs://master:8020/spark/spark-assembly-1.3.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar \
--num-executors 2 \
--driver-memory 512m \
--executor-memory 512m \
--executor-cores 4 \
hdfs://master:8020/spark/spark-examples-1.3.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar 100
--conf spark.yarn.jar=hdfs://master:8020/spark/spark-assembly-1.3.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar - This config tell the yarn from were to take the spark assembly. If you don't use it, it will upload the jar from were you run spark-submit.
About your second question: The client node doesn't not need Hadoop installed. It only needs the configuration files. You can copy the directory from your cluster to your client.
1 - Spark if following s slave/master architecture. So on your cluster, you have to install a spark master and N spark slaves. You can run spark in a standalone mode. But using Yarn architecture will give you some benefits.
There is a very good explanation of it here :
2- It is necessary if you want to use Yarn or HDFS for example, but as i said before you can run it in standalone mode.
Let me try to cut glues and make it short for impatient.
6 components: 1. client, 2. driver, 3. executors, 4. application master, 5. workers, and 6. resource manager; 2 deploy modes; and 2 resource (cluster) management.
Here's the relation:
Nothing special, is the one submitting spark app.
Worker, executors
Nothing special, one worker holds one or more executors.
Master, & resource (cluster) manager
(no matter client or cluster mode)
in yarn, resource manager and master sit in two different nodes;
in standalone, resource manager == master, same process in the same node.
in client mode, sits with client
in yarn - cluster mode, sits with master (in this case, client process exits after submission of app)
in standalone - cluster mode, sits with one worker
VoilĂ !

How do I submit more than one job to Hadoop in a step using the Elastic MapReduce API?

Amazon EMR Documentation to add steps to cluster says that a single Elastic MapReduce step can submit several jobs to Hadoop. However, Amazon EMR Documentation for Step configuration suggests that a single step can accommodate just one execution of hadoop-streaming.jar (that is, HadoopJarStep is a HadoopJarStepConfig rather than an array of HadoopJarStepConfigs).
What is the proper syntax for submitting several jobs to Hadoop in a step?
Like Amazon EMR Documentation says, you can create a cluster to run some script on the master instance in a step:
aws emr create-cluster --name "Test cluster" --ami-version 3.11 --use-default-roles
--ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey --instance-type m3.xlarge --instance count 3
--steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR,Name=CustomJAR,ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Jar=s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar,Args=["s3://mybucket/script-path/"] should look something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
hadoop jar my_first_step.jar [mainClass] args... &
hadoop jar my_second_step.jar [mainClass] args... &
This way, multiple jobs are submitted to Hadoop in the same step---but unfortunately, the EMR interface won't be able to track them. To do this, you should use the Hadoop web interfaces as shown here, or simply ssh to the master instance and explore with mapred job.
