Custom Interactive UI Boxes in Google Apps Script - user-interface

I know this question has somewhat been asked before, but I could not find a definitive answer for it.
I am attempting to make an interactive, custom-designed UI menu for a google doc add-on. I would like to be able to code in items such as pull-down menus or checkboxes. Are these possibilities with this discontinuation of the UI Service? And if so, how would I go about coding this? Even a link to a place that might have suggestions would be a help. Thanks!

As you mentioned, the UI Service has been deprecated and replaced by HtmlService. HtmlService let's you build a complete UI with HTML, CSS and client side Javascript, so you can make the UI as simple or complex as you like.
HtmlService intefaces can be rendered in sidebars or in popup dialogs, see
See the HtmlService documentation here,


How to check the css display value (block, inline, etc) for element in Firefox Web Developer tool?

I am quite sure that with the good old Firebug, it was shown in the Layout tab, together with the box-sizing property.
Is it possible to tell in the Web Developer too? There is a Box Model tab which is quite similar to the Layout tab of Firebug, but it does not show this information.
Btw: I thought the built-in Web Developer was built on Firebug, but when reading about it it actually seems that they are two quite separate things.
That feature is currently only available in Firefox Nightly.

Selective Virtualization in WP7 Listbox with VirtualizingStackPanel

I am referring an app like Facebook WP7 app. When we try to scroll a long list of the feed items. Only the heading of an feed item seems to be visible and when the scroll is completed remaining details gets loaded. If it is a normal Listbox where virtualization is enabled complete data disappears and all the controls seem to be recycled. So in facebook app, I thought that the virtualization is happening on selective items. Am I right?
If yes, how to do a selective virtualization? and if I am wrong what is the app exactly doing? Any resource regarding this will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I believe that this is just how their data binding works.
They get an initial list that contains the "headers" and some basic information, which they show. They then make more calls to grab the rest of the info. When that info comes in, it updates in the view model and thru databinding shows up on the list.
I have apps that do that, and they behave similarly to how FB's listbox behaves.
As Willmell pointed out, this msdn link describes what Facebook is doing exactly. The template of the listBoxItem will be switched while scrolling.
Try to look here. This guide helps me to solve a similar problem.

Phonegap basics - designing ui for iphone and android

I'm developing an application both for Iphone and Andriod using Phonegap.
I came up with all kinds of plugins JQuery, JQTouch and more,
What is the recommended way of doing this?
Meaning-designing a generic UI (tabbars, tables, navigation bars etc') for both Iphone,Android that will "feel" native?
If you want your application to look as native as possible I'd try jQuery Mobile.
The documentation is brilliant and all of elements look native to the iPhone. It's also incredibly easy and quick to build up your UI as all of the design and colour scheme has already been done.
I've used this in an Android application that I've made and I've so far received very positive reviews.
You may also want to look out for Kendo UI which is out this month! Again, very similar to what jQuery mobile is about with a few exceptions. It has great support for graphs and data, and promotes native Android look and feel.
Sencha Touch has just released version 2 and it is a good JS toolkit as well.
I feel I have to put my hat in the ring for jQTouch. Although the version downloadable from their site is a bit oldish, if you get it from GitHub it is currently maintained and works well on both iOS and Android.
Also, if you want the fixed headers or footers with scrollable elements in-between, DataZombie's fork of jQTouch includes iScroll which does a great job of this.
I am also in the process of developing a theme for jQTouch that will allow apps on Android to feel quite a bit more "native" than the other js kits as they all seem to have a very iOS-cenrtic navigation style (e.g.: back buttons on toolbars instead of relying on the hardware back button, etc). Even if you don't want to wait for my theme, making your own is pretty easy on jQTouch. I would not call myself a designer and I managed. ;)
Feel free to choose one of the other answers, but keep jQTouch in mind. I tried and tried other JavaScript frameworks and it was the only one that made it possible to look good on both platforms.
jQuery Mobile works awesomely.. and with the theme roller coming soon it will be pretty good.
Kendo Mobile UI - Pre release rip.. I have a working Eclispe project here.. markup is identical to jQuery mobile.. but this is faster, nice native looking apps. Take a look

UI Framework/Toolkit for Web Applications

Are there any UI Toolkits/Frameworks that can be used for a web application like Bootstrap, from Twitter(
I am currently upgrading an old ASP line of business application and I would like to use a common framework to handle grids, alert messages, forms, etc. I am very familiar with jQuery UI, but it is not as complete as I would like it to be. My main concern is I just want a consistent UI for the application that other developers can use that are not too design-savy.
Also, I would like the application to behave consistently throughout the application.
I don't need a framework for the server-side as I am using ASP.NET MVC. By the way, I am using both jQuery and jQuery UI, but I am looking for something that can fill in the missing blanks.
We have tried so many different options, the most robust and flexible solution remains jQuery and jQuery UI. There are tons of people writing widgets for it, and it is compatible with a lot of technology unlike some other frameworks which limit you, precisely because it is simple and light weight.
What exactly is your reservation with jQuery?
The options we have tried are Google Web Toolkit, Ext-JS and Prototype, none as nice and easy as jQuery.
We are using Telerik Extensions for MVC for all the interactions that we have in our web applications and we are very pleased with it. We use their stylesheets to style our form inputs and buttons. The stylesheet are easily editable if you want to change the theme.
btw, it use jQuery underneath.

How start with XUL development?

First of all, I need to say that my English is not good. So I sorry for errors in this post.
Second, I'm a professional programmer for 2 years. Main programming language is (that I find somewhat limited when speaking about User Interfaces).
I love user interfaces, and I really want to be able to create software in Windows environment that has great User interface. After a long time searching for such a thing I discovered a Thunderbird theme that makes exactly what I want! This theme is called "Leopard Mail-Default-Aqua". This is really beautiful.
After some research I discovered that the Thunderbird UI is created using something called XUL, and that XUL is a descriptive language for user interfaces. Now I'm very interested in creating applications using this platform, but have no idea where to start.
After some research I also discovered that Microsoft created WPF to separate GUI from logic, and WPF support themes, but to me it's much more lucrative to learn XUL that is multiplatform, than WPF.
I need some directions on how to start development in XUL, and also very important, how can I use existing themes for Thunderbird in my XUL applications, so them look really great?
From what I've seen, applications developed in XUL uses javascript or C++ to program logic. Is this correct?
Also, as I came from .net programming that is event driven, I'd like to know if XUL development is also event driven, so if I want to respond to a button click for exemple, I can connect a event to a code/function.
Thanks a lot for your help.
The best place to find XUL documentation is at the Mozilla Developer Network Here are some specific suggestion from MDN and other places:
Introduction to XUL
XUL tutorial on the Mozilla Developer Center
XUL Periodic Chart (Open in firefox, provides a demo of various XUL widgets)
XUL Explorer (Provides a simple interface for learning XUL/building a XUL window)
xul #xulrunner on Mozilla's IRC channels (Low traffic but if you have a specific question you may be able to get a response here)
XUL mailing list
And yes, XUL is event-driven, you attach events to buttons and other widgets and Javascript functions respond to the events.
There is XUL documentation at
I think it's Qt you've been looking for, not XUL. There's plenty of tutorials to get you started.
