tmap:: faceted animated map: How to suppress title when custom label given - animation

I have created an animated faceted map using tmap:: tm_facets along with custom panel labels. How do I avoid that the argument that is used to facet is shown as additional title? I only want the custom label in the panel.
Minimum example:
urb_anim = tm_shape(world) + tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(urban_agglomerations) + tm_dots(size = "population_millions") +
tm_facets(along = "year", free.coords = FALSE) +
tm_layout(panel.labels = c("custom label1", "custom label2"))
That gives me the following result:
When I try to reproduce the example for an animated map from here: I also don't get the titles in a panel as in the example but outside the plot in the top left corner.

I found the answer myself:
Using the by instead of the along argument with tm_facets worked for me when setting ncol =1 and nrow = 1 and saving the the created map using tmap_animation. So the code should be:
urb_anim = tm_shape(world) + tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(urban_agglomerations) + tm_dots(size = "population_millions") +
tm_facets(by = "year", free.coords = FALSE, ncol=1, nrow=1) +
tm_layout(panel.labels = c("custom label1", "custom label2"))


Form location/size FMX - Win32

i'm building an FMX app for Win32 (one form only) with C++ Builder. I'd like the program to remember where it's form was located on the users screen and it's size (it is resizeable) for the next time the user runs it.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
UPDATE: Thanks Sam. I did what you said but wrote the position info to an SQLite db instead of text file. The db has a table named "pos" with 5 integer fields. 4 are the positions and 1 is named "item" and is just to facilitate my update query (I'm not sql expert by long shot). Note, the code below needs try/catch improvements and some tests to make sure form coordinates are valid.
This code is in the form OnShow event:
TFDQuery *query2;
query2 = new TFDQuery(NULL);
query2->Connection = Form1->FDConnection1;
query2->SQL->Text = "SELECT * FROM pos";
Form1->Left = query2->FieldByName("left")->AsInteger;
Form1->Top = query2->FieldByName("top")->AsInteger;
Form1->Width = query2->FieldByName("width")->AsInteger;
Form1->Height = query2->FieldByName("height")->AsInteger;
This code is in the form OnClose event:
TFDQuery *queryUPDATE;
queryUPDATE = new TFDQuery(NULL);
queryUPDATE->Connection = Form1->FDConnection1;
queryUPDATE->SQL->Text = "UPDATE pos set left = '" + IntToStr(Form1->Left) + "', top = '" + IntToStr(Form1->Top) + "', width = '" + IntToStr(Form1->Width) + "', heigth = '" + IntToStr(Form1->Height) + "' WHERE item = '1'";
OnClose save the position, with, height, state, ... into an INI file. OnCreate restore all that info

Google Sheets - Multiple dependent drop-down lists

I am trying to create a dependent list as described and answered (with a script) here.
I would like to achieve that if selecting a certain value (e.g. "First") from a cell in column 1, then the drop-down options from the next cell in the same row should offer a range of values from the column in a different sheet with the same heading as the value in the first - left - cell (i.e. the first sheet is called "Selector" - in which there are dropdowns, in the second sheet called "KAT" I have the options for these dropdowns). This should then be possible for every row depending on the value of each first cell of the row.
I have tried to use and adapt the suggested script and have reviewed the sample files in the article but I apparently lack some basic understanding of the script to be able to adapt and implement it properly.
Could anybody kindly help me with making this dynamic dropdown work properly?
Just to clarify my final intention: I would like to have this script working first to be able to use it on multiple files. My final goal, though, is to make self-filling dropdown lists and selectors, so that I could simply fill in the data in the "Selector" sheet and would then be able to select these same values later in the cells below (depending on the name (value) of the first cell in the row = first cell of the column holding validation range). I hope to be able to achieve this by using either Pivot table or any other formula in the "KAT" sheet that would aggregate my data from "Selector" sheet and feed them back as drop-down options ...).
Thank you for your help.
See the example sheet here
Code I used (as above):
function onEdit()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(),
sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(),
name = sheet.getName();
if (name != 'Selector') return;
var range = sheet.getActiveRange(),
col = range.getColumn();
if (col != 1) return;
var val = range.getValue(),
dv = ss.getSheetByName('KAT'),
data = dv.getDataRange().getValues(),
catCol = data[0].indexOf(val),
list = [];
for (var i = 1, len = 100; i < len; i++) // Problem is here, you have too many items in list! Cannot have more 500 items for validation
var listRange = dv.getRange(2,catCol +1,dv.getLastRow() - 1, 1)
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1)
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(listRange) // Use requireValueIn Range instead to fix the problem
This question deals with dynamic dropdown lists. A previous question and answer on StackOverflow (Google Sheets - Dependent drop-down lists) were referenced, and code from that answer was being unsuccessfully re-purposed.
The code in the question was not working for one reason: Line 20
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1)
In the referenced code, the dropdown list begins in Column F (col=6). The dependant dropdowns ranged to the left so the definition of the dependant column was "col-1". In the questioner's scenario, the dropdown list begins in Column A (col=1) and the dependant dropdowns range from left to right. However, this line of code was not changed to take into account the different layout. Rather than "col-1", it should be "col+1".
Other matters
In addition to this, lines 16 and 17 perform a loop to create an array that might be used for the dependant dropdown. However the loop is redundant because the dropdown is actual defined by creating and assigning a range on the "KAT" sheet.
Cell A2 of KAT includes a formula:
This may appear to be useful because it automatically adds any new dropdown value entered in "Selector" to a list of values in KAT. In reality it is unproductive, because the dependant dropdown build by the code works vertically rather than horizontally. So an additional row added to KAT does not, of itself, contribute to building the dependant dropdown.
The following code works to build the dependant drop down list. I have deliberately left a number of "Logger" entries in the code to assist the questioner in understanding how the code works.
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var name = sheet.getName();
if (name != 'Selector') return;
var range = sheet.getActiveRange();
var col = range.getColumn();
var dropdownrow = range.getRow(); // added for debugging and informationm
if (col != 1) return;
var val = range.getValue();
Logger.log("the cursor is in 'Selector' in cell = " + range.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG
Logger.log("That's row " + dropdownrow + ", and column " + col + ". The value selected = " + val); // DEBUG
var dv = ss.getSheetByName('KAT');
var data = dv.getDataRange().getValues();
var catCol = data[0].indexOf(val);
var list = [];
var KAT_data = dv.getDataRange();
var KAT_data_len = KAT_data.getLastRow(); // added to give 'for' loop a sensible range
Logger.log("The data range on KAT is " + KAT_data.getA1Notation() + ", and the last row of data = " + KAT_data_len); //DEBUG
Logger.log("KAT data = '" + data + "'"); // DEBUG
Logger.log("Found the dropdown cell value of '" + val + "' in KAT as item #" + catCol); //DEBUG
for (var i = 1, len = KAT_data_len; i < len; i++) { // Irrelevant because the data validation range is obtained by defining a range on KAT
// Problem is here, the unique command in A2 creates a blank row
// Logger.log("i="+i+", data = "+data[i][catCol]); // DEBUG
var listRange = dv.getRange(2, catCol + 1, dv.getLastRow() - 1, 1);
Logger.log("FWIW, this is the list after the loop= " + list); // DEBUG
Logger.log("The contents for the new data validation range (taken from KAT) is " + listRange.getA1Notation()); // DEBUG
Logger.log("The new validation range gets added to col = " + (col + 1)); // DEBUG
//var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1); // governs the next validation range. Example validation worked right to left, but this sheet works left to right. So must ADD 1, not subtract 1.
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col + 1);
Logger.log("The cell to be assigned the new validation range will be " + cell.getA1Notation()); // DEBUG
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(listRange).build(); // Build validation rule
cell.setDataValidation(rule); // assign validation range to new cell
Is this code worthwhile?
The code, as written and referenced, is limited to creating only one level of dependant dropdowns. To this extent it has very limited value. A different approach to creating dependant dropdowns is justified.
"How do you do dynamic / dependent drop downs in Google Sheets?" on StackOverflow has been a meeting place for discussing and updating techniques for dynamic dependant dropdowns since 2014. The latest update was in February 2018 by Max Makhrov. Thye code described here may be useful for the questioner.

NPOI XWPF how can I place text on a single line that is both left & right justified?

I'm new to using NPOI XWPF and trying to create my first document, so far it's going well. The only issue I have left is trying to place text on the same line that is both left and right justified, I want it to look like:
Area: 1(Left Jstfd) Grade Level/Course: 10th Grade Reading (Right Jstfd)
Below is the code snippet I'm using, it's just pushing all the text together on the left side of the page...blah
XWPFParagraph p2 = doc.CreateParagraph();
p2.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
XWPFRun r3 = p2.CreateRun();
r3.FontFamily = "Times New Roman";
r3.FontSize = 12;
r3.SetText("Area: " + ah.schoolArea);
XWPFRun r4 = p2.CreateRun();
r4.FontFamily = "Times New Roman";
r4.FontSize = 12;
r4.SetText("Grade Level/Course: " + ah.filterParm);
Before trying to accomplish a task in (N)POI, it's always good to realize how said task is accomplished in Microsoft Word itself. You can't simply split a paragraph half-way a line, what you do is
Add a tab stop at the end of the line
Set it to right-aligned.
Type text on the left, hit tab, type text on the right
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem XWPFParagraph exposes tabstop functionality at this point. However, XWPFParagraph is a wrapper around the CT_P class, which maps 1:1 onto the underlying Office XML format. Using reflection, we can access this private field and use it to directly add the tabstop.
Sample code:
var paragraph = document.CreateParagraph();
var memberInfo = typeof(XWPFParagraph).GetField("paragraph", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (memberInfo == null)
throw new Exception("Could not retrieve CT_P from XWPFParagraph");
var internalParagraph = (CT_P) memberInfo.GetValue(paragraph);
CT_PPr pPr = internalParagraph.AddNewPPr();
CT_Tabs tabs = pPr.AddNewTabs();
CT_TabStop tab = tabs.AddNewTab();
tab.pos = "9000";
tab.val = ST_TabJc.right;
var run = paragraph.CreateRun();
run.SetText("Left aligned");
run = paragraph.CreateRun();
run.SetText("Right aligned");

summary in header with grouping option

does anyone have idea how can I have summary on head of my grouping column, there are pivot option but all my project are oriented with grouping option, there is a summary on bottom but this is european notation I need american notation to have summary in head, in the same row where we have expend/collapsing icon, please help me thank you
In the loadComplete use this function (changing "yourGridId to the id you used to name your grid):
$("#yourGridId tr.jqfoot").each(function () {
var summaryrow = $(this);
var level = summaryrow.attr('jqfootlevel');
var groupSelector = 'tr.jqgroup.' + "yourGridId" + 'ghead_' + level + ':first';
var grouprow = summaryrow.prevAll(groupSelector);
grouprow.children('td').attr('colSpan', 1);
var childrenSkipFirst = summaryrow.children(':nth-child(n+' + (2) + ')');
This puts the summary row's cells values in the collapsed row. Notice you could have to change the number 2 in var childrenSkipFirst = summaryrow.children(':nth-child(n+' + (2) + ')'); to another onw if you see the summary cells in collapsed row are not in line with the column header.

Bind line series to the additional Y-axis in radchart telerik

Im having radchart showing the 2 bar series and 2 line series.Bar series is showing according to the left side y axis and line series is not binding according to the right side additional y axis.right axis which line series has to bind but only one of them is binding and other is not showing it binding to the left Y-axis.
Please can anybody provide me any solution is much a appreciated
Try this:
AxisY axisY = new AxisY();
axisY.AxisName = "AxisY1";
axisY.Title = "";
axisY.IsZeroBased = true;
axisY.DefaultLabelFormat = "#VAL{P0}";
AxisY axisY1 = new AxisY();
axisY1.AxisName = "AxisY2";
axisY1.Title = "";
axisY1.IsZeroBased = true;
axisY1.DefaultLabelFormat = "#VAL{P0}";
objSeriesMapping1.SeriesDefinition.AxisName = "AxisY1";
objSeriesMapping2.SeriesDefinition.AxisName = "AxisY2";
