Access permissions for UWP - visual-studio

I have been doing some basic application access and privilege management.
And to fully understand the access permissions of UWP applications, I decided to create one on my own and check.
As given in MSDN, the app was able to access the files mentioned here.
Now, I know that UWPs run in a sandboxed environment and they aren't given full access to all files in the system.
But is there any way for the admin user to grant the application rights to access files in the drive, for instance, the system32 file or a random text file that the user saved in C drive?

Yes, your app can declare the "broadFileSystemAccess" capability and then it can access all files in the system that the user has access to, given the user provides consent to this capability.
See documentation here:


Azure File Share user specific access permissions

I want to implement Azure File share for my network, but I can't find any possibility to set up user specific access permissions. There are some pre-built groups, which are for no use in this scenario, but I found a MS page recommending using Windows ACLs, but how can I proceed with setting user specific permissions, when I want to assign different permissions to different folders/files to different users, who are part of the same Administrator group in AD?
Problem solved! You just need to remove permissions inheritance and remove all inherited security groups/users permissions and add your own users or custom defined groups.

How to get a file after uploading it to Azure Storage

I had uploaded files mostly media files to Azure's File Storage, which I am able to see in Azure's Explorer as well. But when I view the file as anonymous user, I am not able to view the file. Tried to check with Permissions setting as well, but to no avail.
Any help would be welcomed :)
Azure files have Shared Access Signatures (SAS). This is a key that you compute with the storage account key, that gives access to a particular URL. Here is an example (storage account name is obfuscated here):
You have sample code on how to create a SAS with Azure files at, ยง"Generate a shared access signature for a file or file share".
You can also do it interactively with a number of tools. For instance, CloudXPlorer has this feature.

Apple App Sandbox System Access

I have an app that needs access to this file: ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/.GlobalPreferences.BFF8417E-284A-5C97-B9A8-FB91B9DA7642.plist
My app works perfectly fine without the sandbox enabled but when it is enabled it prevents access to this file as I can see in console. How can I let my app have access to this file while sandbox is enabled? Please HELP!
Thanks in advance
In practical terms, you can't. That file contains some sensitive system settings, and is not accessible to sandboxed applications.
You could try adding a temporary exception entitlement to give your application access to that file, but Apple will not approve an application with such an entitlement for store distribution. (Particularly because that file name is only correct for your computer! The UUID in the filename is different for every machine.)

How to create application restricted folder

I need to create a temporary folder that will be accessed from the application only.
It means that even current user and system administrator are not able to open it from the Explorer.
While application is running, there'll be some files put into it. Once it's terminated, folder and all its content are deleted (again programmatically, no manual delete ability).
P.S. I found few posts here but there are no proper solution given yet.
Thanks in advance.
Windows security does not work that way. You cannot restrict access by application, only by user. If you want only your app to have access to a given resource then you have to create a new user account, configure the resource to grant access to only that user, and then run your app using that user, or at least have your app impersonate that user when needed. Files/folders are securable objects, and Windows security is based on user accounts.

Make Files Accessible by Perl Script but Blocked from Web Access - IIS6

I am using perl on a windows 2003 server with IIS6. I have written a script that needs to access confidential files uploaded by the user. The files are stored in a folder in the cgi-bin. However, I do not want the files to be accessible via weblink. So, I have 'read access' for this particular folder disabled in IIS.
The files are not accessible via weblink, but I need for the user to be able to open the documents that he/she uploaded.
The users logins (usernames and passwords) are stored in the cgi-bin in a csv file.
I've searched the database but couldn't find anything exactly matching this situation.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Unless I've misunderstood your question, you're trying to limit user access at the application level, not the service level.
If you want users of your web app to be able to access files that they uploaded then your authorization check needs to be done in the application, as opposed to at the edge (by web server).
So every uploaded file is tagged with it's owner (a database record, or a per-owner directory) and access to files is restricted by a small bit of code that checks the authenticated user against the file owner.
The directory in which the files live is readable and writable by the web server user, as that's the user the perl will run as, but it is not configured into IIS as availble for regular HTTP GET access.
It is neither under the HTML document root, nor under the CGI-BIN directory. It is a completely separate directory.
