Adafruit Huzzah32 ESP32 WebSocket and WebServer on the same port - websocket

I have a Adafruit Huzzah32. I am using wifi as the transport.
I am trying to get the WebServer and WebSocket to work together. Is there any example of this?
I have tried a couple different libraries, but none of them seem to do both server pages and WS socket handling on the same port.
I can set them up separately, but then I have to use 2 different ports and I would like them to be on the same port.

What you're asking for doesn't make any sense.
Port numbers uniquely identify the service using the TCP connection. They determine how the connection's data is handled. You can't have two different things using one port because the port number is what's used to distinguish between them.
What is it that you're actually trying to accomplish by trying to use the same port number?


Im trying to host a SRCDS server behind a CGNAT

I'm trying to host a SRCDS (among other things) for people to join. But after trying to port forward and talking to my ISP it turns out they are using a CGNAT. I am aware of services like NGROK, Hamachi, and other VLAN and VPN type services. But the issue with VLAN is for my server to appear in the browser everybody needs to install hamachi and log into my VLAN. For obvious reasons that are not possible. One note I need to add is I looked at ZeroTier, but I'm not sure how it works or if it works for what I'm trying to do.
Some things I have tried:
ngrok. it doesn't work with srcds since it only forwards TCP and HTTP. srcds need TCP and UDP ports.
I tried looking for VPN services but neither it doesn't work for what I'm trying to do but I could figure it out.
I looked at ZeroTier but haven't tried it yet since I'm not sure it works.
I tried talking to my ISP about port forwarding but once again they are using CGNAT.
Note: paid server hosting is not an option for me due to multiple reasons. One being I need to host multiple things not just SRCDS.
With that being said. How do I make my server public for people to join etc. I have seen it is possible but I can't reproduce them with the same outcome.

Generating requests which appear to be coming from multiple IP's

We are trying to create a simulation script where we need to send TCP packet data to the server in way that it appears to be coming from different IP every time.
Basically we need to emulate multiple devices ( with different IP) which are constantly sending data to the server.
The server creates a new connection only for request coming in from a new IP.
What is the best possible way to achieve it ? Is there a way of using proxy servers or some sort of virtualization to accomplish this ?
What you want to use is IP aliasing. This allows you to create virtual network interfaces. Each virtual interface can have one or more IP addresses assigned to it.
This link shows how to do it in Linux.
This link shows how to do it in Windows.
Next your clients need to specify which of your addresses to use. Use getifaddrs() to enumerate the available addresses. Then use the bind() system call on the socket before you do a connect(). This way you can have multiple clients and each one will use a different source IP address. This post has the details.

Windows Tool or utility to validate remote TCP / UDP ports are accessible over the network?

I am trying to find somw Windows based tools that can help me validate TCP and UDP connection on remote machines.
My Problem (just one use case):
At work, I manage many clustered servers that I run load tests against. In order to get a rich test, I use Jmeter-Plugins which provides a Server agent that opens a TCP socket on port 4444 on a target remote machine:
There are many times when I setup a new load test farm, that either the network, or the server configuration, or the ServerAgent itself can have issues and thus not allowing a Load test client to access that TCP connection.
The issue I have is that I dont know what part of the system is broken.
What I think I need:
I would like to know how I can open a TCP (not HTTP with cUrl), connection to a remote server to validate that the network allows the connection, as well as the Server firewall allows the given TCP connection to be accessed remotely.
What I have looked:
These are some of the tools I have looked at so far:
TCP/IP Builder
Zenmap 6.01 and nmap might do the job I want, but some machines where not accessible to Zenmap when I know 100% that the server was accessible via HTTP, so that was strange.
I have looked at many tools and either they:
Dont allow remote connections
Dont seem to want to connect to a TCP socket
Or I dont understand the tools to accomplish the validation I stated above.
I would greatly appreciate all comment and suggestions to help with this re-occurring problem I face.
Mick, can do what you'd like to do. Firebind is an Internet based server that can listen on any of the 65535 UDP or TCP ports. It uses a java based client to send traffic to and from the server from your machine.

Port for application listening

I have an application that I'm currently testing that listens for requests over the network on port 1025. I chose this port arbitrarily and it is easy to change, my concern is that my application will collide with other system processes listening on that port. My two primary question are as follows:
Are there common system processes that use port 1025 that may conflict with my application?
Assuming the answer to 1) is yes, what is another less commonly used port or range of ports my application can safely utilize?
Any port in the 49152 – 65535 range cannot be registered by any company, and therefore you're more likely to not run into any problems with port conflicts.
A list of registered ports, etc. can be found at this wikipedia link here.
If you don't like Wikipedia, check this link out, from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
That'll do in most cases. If you need to run more than one instance (a listener) of your application on the same IP address, for example, the port collision still occurs. To overcome this case, you may choose to bind your socket to port 0 (= any port) to have system assign the port number for you. Then you can use getsockname() (BSD socket API), or equivalents, to get the actual port number the system has assigned for the socket. Downside of it is obviously that the port number will change every time. There needs to be a way to tell (either manually, programmatically or systematically) its listening port to connectors. In fact, many VoIP/peer-to-peer applications work this way, with a help of 'rendezvous' server.

changing the protocol for client to server

I have to test the value from client to server using different protocols (Tcp , UDP , Sctp).
Please guide how it can be possible. Is there any way in windows to change the protocol or is there anyway to find it by using software like packet tracer .
While the question is not entirely clear, it sounds as though your interested in seeing the information sent between the client and the server when each of those protocols is used.
Windows does not provide a built in utility to view packet data but it can be viewed using a packet analyser such as Wireshark.
In order to see the values sent by each protocol you must run a client for each of the protocols and use it to connect to the server for that protocol. If you don't have a server to connect to, you may need to run one on your local machine.
You can narrow down the data captured to just the protocol you're interested in using a filter in Wireshark If you don't know the protocol being used, you can filter by the port number used for that connection which can be established using the netstat command.
You may need to use netstat -b to show you which programs are using which ports.
If you just have to generate packets using different protocols then the tool like netcat can also help. It supports TCP and UDP and has been ported to windows .
