Pseudocode Sum & Division Algorithm - algorithm

"Given a list L of n numbers, take the sum of absolute values divided by the number of elements in L." How can I do this?
This is what I have so far
Get values for list L and n
while (INDEX ≤ n) do
Read: n;
Set sum = 0;
for i = 1 to n by 1 do
Set sum = sum + i

It is not clear - whether n is known prior L
read n
read n values in L
sum = 0
for i = 1 to n by 1 do //assuming 1-based list indexing
sum = sum + Abs(L[i])
av = sum / n


Formulating dp problem [Codeforces 414 B]

all here is the problem statement from an old contest on codeforces
A sequence of l integers b 1, b 2, ..., b l (1 ≤ b 1 ≤ b 2 ≤ ... ≤ b
l ≤ n) is called good if each number divides (without a remainder) by
the next number in the sequence. More formally for all i
(1 ≤ i ≤ l - 1).
Given n and k find the number of good sequences of length k. As the
answer can be rather large print it modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7).
I have formulated my dp[i][j] as the number of good sequences of length i which ends with the jth number, and the transition table as the following pseudocode
dp[k][n] =
for each factor of n as i do
for j from 1 to k - 1
dp[k][n] += dp[j][i]
But in the editorial it is given as
Lets define dp[i][j] as number of good sequences of length i that ends in j.
Let's denote divisors of j by x1, x2, ..., xl. Then dp[i][j] = sigma dp[i - 1][xr]
But in my understanding, we need two sigmas, one for the divisors and the other for length. Please help me correct my understanding.
My code ->
MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
N, K = map(int, input().split())
dp = [[0 for _ in range(N + 1)] for _ in range(K + 1)]
for k in range(1, K + 1):
for n in range(1, N + 1):
c = 1
for i in range(1, n):
if n % i != 0:
for j in range(1, k):
c += dp[j][i]
dp[k][n] = c
c = 0
for i in range(1, N + 1):
c = (c + dp[K][i]) % MOD
Link to the problem:
So let's define dp[i][j] as the number of good sequences of length exactly i and which ends with a value j as its last element.
Now, dp[i][j] = Sum(dp[i-1][x]) for all x s.t. x is a divisor of i. Note that x can be equal to j itself.
This is true because if there is some sequence of length i-1 which we have already found that ends with some value x, then we can simply add j to its end and form a new sequence which satisfies all the conditions.
I guess your confusion is with the length. The thing is that since our current length is i, we can add j to the end of a sequence only if its length is i-1, we cannot iterate over other lengths.
Hope this is clear.

Algorithm to find maximum of combinations of arrays

I have n finite arrays A[n], and the elements in those arrays are ordered pair (p,r) where 0 < p < 1 and r is a real number.
For instance,A[n][elements][0] = p,A[n][elements][1] = r
Let C = {p[1]*p[2] *...*p[n] * (r[1] + ...+ r[n]): where (p[i],r[i]) are in distinct arrays from A[n]} and I would like to find the maximum/minimum m elements of it.
Is there any algorithm that has order of any combinations of m and n, but not the actual size of the arrays in A[n]?
Example: say n = 2, m = 2, A[1] = {(0.23,91.2),(0.45,-31.7),(0.32,60.5)} and A[2] = {(0.12,150.3),(0.26,13.3),(0.33,200.3),(0.29,-23.4)}.
The 2 maximum is given by 0.32*0.33*(60.5+200.3)=27.54 and 0.45*0.33*(-31.7+200.3)=25.04.
The 2 minimum is given by 0.45*0.28*(-31.7+-23.4)=-7.19 and 0.45*0.26*(-31.7+13.3)=-2.15.

DP solution to find if there is group of numbers which is divisible by M

Let's say we have number N, such that 0 < N <= 10^6 and 2 <= M <= 10^3 and array of N elements a[1], a[2], ... a[N] (0<= a[i] <=10^9)\
Now we have to check if we can choose group of numbers from the array such that their sum will be divisible by M, and output "YES" or "NO".
Here are two examples:
N = 3, M =5 a={1,2,3} answer="YES"
N = 4, M = 6 a={3,1,1,3} answer="YES"
thanks in advance.
C++ solution.
//declare dp array of boolean values of size M
bool dp[M] = {0}; // init with fasle values
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
bool ndp[M] = {0}; // init temporary boolean array
ndp[a[i] % M] = 1; // add a subset with one a[i] element
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
if(dp[j]) { // if we may find a subset of elements with sum = j (modulo M)
ndp[j] = 1; // copy existing values
ndp[(j + a[i]) % M] = 1; // extend the subset with a[i], which will give a sum = j + a[i] (modulo M)
// copy from ndp to dp before proceeding to the next element of a
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++) dp[j] = ndp[j];
//check dp[0] for the answer
The algorithm complexity will be O(N*M) which in your case is O(109)
Edit: Added ndp[a[i] % M] = 1; line in order to make dp[j] ever become nonzero.
There might be another alternative O(M * M * log(M) + N) solution which in your case is O(107) (but with big constant).
Notice that if substitute each a[i] with a[i] % M the problem statement does not change. Lets count the number of a[i] elements that give specific remainder j after division on M. If for some remainder j we found k elements in a then we can generate the following sums of subsets (that may produce unique remainder)
j, 2 * j % M, 3 * j % M ... k * j % M
Example: let M = 6 and for remainder 2 we found 5 elements in a. Then we have the following unique sums of subsets:
2 % 6, 2 * 2 % 6, 3 * 2 % 6, 4 * 2 % 6, 5 * 2 % 6
which is 0, 2, 4
store this information in boolean form {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}
At most we have M such groups that produce M-size bool array of possible remainders.
Next we need to find all possible subsets that may appear if we will take elements of different groups. Lets say we merge two bool remainder arrays a and b if we can introduce new array c that will contain all possible remainder sums of elements from subset of a and b. Naive approach will require us to make two nested loops over a and b giving O(M2) merge time complexity.
We may reduce complexity to O(M * log(M)) using Fast Fourier Transform algo. Each bool array has a polynomial Σ ai*xi where coefficients ai are taken from bool array. If we want to merge two array we may just multiply their polynomials.
Overall complxity is O(M2 * log(M)) as we need to make M such merges.

Count number of subsequences with given k modulo sum

Given an array a of n integers, count how many subsequences (non-consecutive as well) have sum % k = 0:
1 <= k < 100
1 <= n <= 10^6
1 <= a[i] <= 1000
An O(n^2) solution is easily possible, however a faster way O(n log n) or O(n) is needed.
This is the subset sum problem.
A simple solution is this:
s = 0
dp[x] = how many subsequences we can build with sum x
dp[0] = 1, 0 elsewhere
for i = 1 to n:
s += a[i]
for j = s down to a[i]:
dp[j] = dp[j] + dp[j - a[i]]
Then you can simply return the sum of all dp[x] such that x % k == 0. This has a high complexity though: about O(n*S), where S is the sum of all of your elements. The dp array must also have size S, which you probably can't even afford to declare for your constraints.
A better solution is to not iterate over sums larger than or equal to k in the first place. To do this, we will use 2 dp arrays:
dp1, dp2 = arrays of size k
dp1[0] = dp2[0] = 1, 0 elsewhere
for i = 1 to n:
mod_elem = a[i] % k
for j = 0 to k - 1:
dp2[j] = dp2[j] + dp1[(j - mod_elem + k) % k]
copy dp2 into dp1
return dp1[0]
Whose complexity is O(n*k), and is optimal for this problem.
There's an O(n + k^2 lg n)-time algorithm. Compute a histogram c(0), c(1), ..., c(k-1) of the input array mod k (i.e., there are c(r) elements that are r mod k). Then compute
product (1 + x^r)^c(r) mod (1 - x^k)
as follows, where the constant term of the reduced polynomial is the answer.
Rather than evaluate each factor with a fast exponentiation method and then multiply, we turn things inside out. If all c(r) are zero, then the answer is 1. Otherwise, recursively evaluate
P = product (1 + x^r)^(floor(c(r)/2)) mod (1 - x^k).
and then compute
Q = product (1 + x^r)^(c(r) - 2 floor(c(r)/2)) mod (1 - x^k),
in time O(k^2) for the latter computation by exploiting the sparsity of the factors. The result is P^2 Q mod (1 - x^k), computed in time O(k^2) via naive convolution.
Traverse a and count a[i] mod k; there ought to be k such counts.
Recurse and memoize over the distinct partitions of k, 2*k, 3*k...etc. with parts less than or equal to k, adding the products of the appropriate counts.
For example, if k were 10, some of the partitions would be 1+2+7 and 1+2+3+4; but while memoizing, we would only need to calculate once how many pairs mod k in the array produce (1 + 2).
For example, k = 5, a = {1,4,2,3,5,6}:
counts of a[i] mod k: {1,2,1,1,1}
products of distinct partitions of k:
5 => 1
4,1 => 2
3,2 => 1
products of distinct partitions of 2 * k with parts <= k:
5,4,1 => 2
5,3,2 => 1
4,1,3,2 => 2
products of distinct partitions of 3 * k with parts <= k:
5,4,1,3,2 => 2
answer = 11
{1,4} {4,6} {2,3} {5}
{1,4,2,3} {1,4,5} {4,6,2,3} {4,6,5} {2,3,5}
{1,4,2,3,5} {4,6,2,3,5}

Finding Numbers where modulo is k

I have given a Number A where 1<=A<=10^6 and a Number K. I have to find the all the numbers between 1 to A where A%i==k and i is 1<=i<=A. Is there any better solution than looping
Simple Solution
for(int i=1;i<=A;i++)
if(A%i==k) count++;
Is there any better solution than iterating all the numbers between 1 to A
The expression A % i == k is equivalent to A == n * i + k for any integer value of n that gives a value of A within the stated bounds.
This can be rearranged as n * i = A - k, and can be solved by finding all the factors of A - k that are multiples of i (where k < i <= A).
Here are a couple of examples:
A = 100, k = 10
F = factor_list(A-k) = factor_list(90) = [1,2,3,5,6,9,10,15,18,30,45,90]
(discard all factors less than or equal to k)
Result: [15,18,30,45,90]
A = 288, k = 32
F = [2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256]
Result: [64,128,256]
If A - k is prime, then there is either one solution (A-k) or none (if A-k <= k).
