SPFX webpart property pane - spfx

I am trying to append sharepoint lists in dropdown of spfx webpart property pane. but its not getting appended. please help out.
export default class ScrollTickerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IScrollTickerWebPartProps> {
private dropdownOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[];
private listsFetched: boolean;
private fetchLists(url: string) : Promise<any> {
return this.context.spHttpClient.get(url, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1).then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
console.log("WARNING - failed to hit URL " + url + ". Error = " + response.statusText);
return null;
private fetchOptions(): Promise<IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[]> {
var url = "https://abc.sharepoint.com/teams/SharepointPOC" + "/_api/web/lists?$filter=Hidden eq false";
return this.fetchLists(url).then((response) => {
var options: Array<IPropertyPaneDropdownOption> = new Array<IPropertyPaneDropdownOption>();
response.value.map((list: IODataList) => {
console.log("Found list with title = " + list.Title);
options.push( { key: list.Id, text: list.Title });
return options;

Wherever you call fetchOptions, make sure to call this.context.propertyPane.refresh() after the promise resolves. This is needed to force a re-render of the property pane with the new dropdownOptions.
As an example (somewhere other than onPropertyPaneConfigurationStart is fine as well):
protected onPropertyPaneConfigurationStart(): void {
this.fetchOptions().then(options => {
this.dropdownOptions = options;
This is assuming that your PropertyPaneDropdown is setup something like below, where this.dropdownOptions are initially undefined, and you are wanting to asynchronously load them with fetchOptions():
PropertyPaneDropdown('someProperty', {
// ...
options: this.dropdownOptions,
// ...

Web part properties – dynamically populate Dropdown options in SPFX
we populate the dropdown with the SharePoint lists in the current site. We do this with an async REST call to SharePoint
/* need some imports e.g.:
import { IODataList } from '#microsoft/sp-odata-types';
import { SPHttpClient, SPHttpClientConfigurations,
SPHttpClientConfiguration, SPHttpClientResponse, ODataVersion,
ISPHttpClientConfiguration } from '#microsoft/sp-http';
private dropdownOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[];
private listsFetched: boolean;
// these methods are split out to go step-by-step, but you could refactor
and be more direct if you choose..
private fetchLists(url: string) : Promise<any> {
return this.context.spHttpClient.get(url,
SPHttpClient.configurations.v1).then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
console.log("WARNING - failed to hit URL " + url + ". Error = " +
return null;
private fetchOptions(): Promise<IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[]> {
var url = this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + `/_api/web/lists?
$filter=Hidden eq false`;
return this.fetchLists(url).then((response) => {
var options: Array<IPropertyPaneDropdownOption> = new
response.value.map((list: IODataList) => {
console.log("Found list with title = " + list.Title);
options.push( { key: list.Id, text: list.Title });
return options;
Then in the getPropertyPaneConfiguration method, we kick-off the call to fetch the data at the beginning, and then in the control declaration we simply set the options property to our variable holding the array:
protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {
if (!this.listsFetched) {
this.fetchOptions().then((response) => {
this.dropdownOptions = response;
this.listsFetched = true;
// now refresh the property pane, now that the promise has been
return {
pages: [
header: {
description: "Basic settings"
groups: [
groupName: "COB dropdown field (PropertyPaneDropdown)",
groupFields: [
PropertyPaneDropdown('dropdownProperty', {
label: 'This is the label',
options: this.dropdownOptions
Refer this Web part properties – dynamically populate Dropdown

You can use PropertyFieldListPicker control which is really easy to use.
This control generates a list picker field that can be used in the property pane of your SharePoint Framework web parts.
The control can be configured as a single or multi-selection list picker. Please check the below link :

You can use PNP PropertyFieldListPicker,


Shopify 2.0 Dawn - How to hide unavailable variants?

Unavailable variant combinations are different from sold-out because customers don't understand it's the selects which make certain combinations 'not possible'.
Shopify's way of handling this is to display 'Unavailable' in the buy button. But customers think this means sold-out when in reality, they've chosen the wrong combination of variants...
The previous JS workarounds to remove unavailable or 'not possible' variants don't work in Shopify 2.0's new default/flagship theme, Dawn because the JS is different.
As far as I can tell, Dawn's variant JS was recently moved from /asstes/variants.js to line 497 in /assets/global.js.
My CSS is decent but my JS is lame, I'm a designer sorry.
Based on user interaction with the first variant, how do you hide unavailable variants (not sold-out) in Shopify 2.0 Dawn?
How do you make one variant option set a checkbox instead of a radio button or radio?
What's the best way to add custom text as the first option in selects? e.g. 'Choose a size...' or 'Choose a color...' etc. Is it best to hard-code or use JS for this as well?
Here's a pull request which grabs sold-out from the new Dawn JS but I don't understand how to adapt it for 'Unavailable' sorry (which is a different exception from sold-out): https://github.com/Shopify/dawn/pull/105
Here's an example of how to hide unavailable variants in the older Debut theme which doesn’t seem to work in the newer Dawn JS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vspWDu_POYA
Here's a link to the JS gist referenced in that video: https://gist.github.com/jonathanmoore/c0e0e503aa732bf1c05b7a7be4230c61
And finally, here's the new code from Dawn at line 497 in /assets/global.js
class VariantSelects extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.addEventListener('change', this.onVariantChange);
onVariantChange() {
this.toggleAddButton(true, '', false);
if (!this.currentVariant) {
this.toggleAddButton(true, '', true);
} else {
updateOptions() {
this.options = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('select'), (select) => select.value);
updateMasterId() {
this.currentVariant = this.getVariantData().find((variant) => {
return !variant.options.map((option, index) => {
return this.options[index] === option;
updateMedia() {
if (!this.currentVariant || !this.currentVariant?.featured_media) return;
const newMedia = document.querySelector(
if (!newMedia) return;
const parent = newMedia.parentElement;
window.setTimeout(() => { parent.scroll(0, 0) });
updateURL() {
if (!this.currentVariant) return;
window.history.replaceState({ }, '', `${this.dataset.url}?variant=${this.currentVariant.id}`);
updateVariantInput() {
const productForms = document.querySelectorAll(`#product-form-${this.dataset.section}, #product-form-installment`);
productForms.forEach((productForm) => {
const input = productForm.querySelector('input[name="id"]');
input.value = this.currentVariant.id;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }));
updatePickupAvailability() {
const pickUpAvailability = document.querySelector('pickup-availability');
if (!pickUpAvailability) return;
if (this.currentVariant?.available) {
} else {
pickUpAvailability.innerHTML = '';
renderProductInfo() {
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((responseText) => {
const id = `price-${this.dataset.section}`;
const html = new DOMParser().parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html')
const destination = document.getElementById(id);
const source = html.getElementById(id);
if (source && destination) destination.innerHTML = source.innerHTML;
this.toggleAddButton(!this.currentVariant.available, window.variantStrings.soldOut);
toggleAddButton(disable = true, text, modifyClass = true) {
const addButton = document.getElementById(`product-form-${this.dataset.section}`)?.querySelector('[name="add"]');
if (!addButton) return;
if (disable) {
addButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
if (text) addButton.textContent = text;
} else {
addButton.textContent = window.variantStrings.addToCart;
if (!modifyClass) return;
setUnavailable() {
const addButton = document.getElementById(`product-form-${this.dataset.section}`)?.querySelector('[name="add"]');
if (!addButton) return;
addButton.textContent = window.variantStrings.unavailable;
getVariantData() {
this.variantData = this.variantData || JSON.parse(this.querySelector('[type="application/json"]').textContent);
return this.variantData;
customElements.define('variant-selects', VariantSelects);
class VariantRadios extends VariantSelects {
constructor() {
updateOptions() {
const fieldsets = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('fieldset'));
this.options = fieldsets.map((fieldset) => {
return Array.from(fieldset.querySelectorAll('input')).find((radio) => radio.checked).value;
customElements.define('variant-radios', VariantRadios);
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Cheers

Adding custom validation on checkout field country

I need to add a validation on the country field in all place where it can be used.
For registration or address editing it work fine but in checkout I tried several method but nothing worked. I want the validation on the field of the new shipping address form.
I add my validation in an js file countryValidation.js :
Same script for registration or edit address and it work fine
], function($){
'use strict';
return function(validator) {
function(value, element) {
if (value === "FR") {
var zipValue = $('input[name="postcode"]').val();
if (zipValue) {
return !(zipValue.startsWith("97") || zipValue.startsWith("98"));
return true;
$.mage.__("You cannot choose France for DOM-TOM Zip Code")
return validator;
I registered it in requirejs-config.js in my module :
var config = {
config: {
mixins: {
'Magento_Ui/js/lib/validation/validator': {
'Gone_Customer/js/countryValidation': true
For adding validation to checkout method I tried different method
-> Method A : With a plugin
class AddCountryValidation
public function afterProcess(
\Magento\Checkout\Block\Checkout\LayoutProcessor $subject,
array $jsLayout
) {
// Country ID
$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['steps']['children']['shipping-step']['children']['shippingAddress']['children']['shipping-address-fieldset']['children']['country_id']['validation']['validate-country'] = true;
return $jsLayout;
-> Method B : add validation rule in attribute
In customer_eav_attribute in attribute country_id for validate_rules I added {"validate-country": true}
When I validate the form I have no validation error when I should have one.
Can you tell me if I'm missing something please?
Thank you for your response in the meantime I found something that worked.
I had to do a seperate js validation only for checkout :
define(['mage/translate', "jquery"], function($t, $) {
'use strict';
return function(rules) {
rules['validate-country'] = {
handler: function (value) {
if (value === "FR") {
var zipValue = $('input[name="postcode"]').val();
if (zipValue) {
return !(zipValue.startsWith("97") || zipValue.startsWith("98"));
return true;
message: $t('You cannot choose France for DOM-TOM Zip Code')
return rules;
And in my mixin I change Magento_Ui/js/lib/validation/validator for Magento_Ui/js/lib/validation/rules then my plugin method was working !
Please try this
], function($){
'use strict';
return function(validator) {
function(value) {
if (value === "FR") {
var zipValue = $('input[name="postcode"]').val();
if (zipValue) {
return !(zipValue.startsWith("97") || zipValue.startsWith("98"));
return false;
$.mage.__("You cannot choose France for DOM-TOM Zip Code")
return validator;
I have used return false you can modify according to your need.Tested on version 2.2.2

Only reloading resolves without reloading html

How can i force ui router to reload the resolves on my state without reloading the entire ui/controller since
I am using components and since the data is binded from the state resolve,
i would like to change some parameters (pagination for example) without forcing the entire ui to reload but just the resolves
resolve : {
data: ['MailingListService', '$transition$', function (MailingListService, $transition$) {
var params = $transition$.params();
var ml = params.id;
return MailingListService.getUsers(ml, params.start, params.count)
.then(function (result) {
return {
users: result.data,
totalCount: result.totalCount
node: ['lists', '$transition$', function (lists, $transition$) {
return _.find(lists, {id: Number($transition$.params().id)})
I would like to change $transition$.params.{start|count} and have the resolve updated without reloading the html.
What you requested is not possible out of the box. Resolves are only resolved, when the state is entered.
But: one way of refreshing data could be, to check for state parameter changes in $doCheck and bind them to the components by hand.
Solution 1
This could look something like this:
export class MyComponent {
constructor($stateParams, MailingListService) {
this.$stateParams = $stateParams;
this.MailingListService = MailingListService;
this.paramStart = null;
this.paramCount = null;
this.paramId = null;
this.data = {};
$doCheck() {
if(this.paramStart !== this.$stateParams.start ||
this.paramCount !== this.$stateParams.count ||
this.paramId !== this.$stateParams.id) {
this.paramStart = this.$stateParams.start;
this.paramCount = this.$stateParams.count;
this.paramId = this.$stateParams.id;
this.MailingListService.getUsers(this.paramId, this.paramStart, this.paramCount)
.then((result) => {
this.data = {
users: result.data,
totalCount: result.totalCount
Then you have no binding in the parent component anymore, because it "resolves" the data by itself, and you have to bind them to the child components by hand IF you insert them in the template of the parent component like:
<my-child data="$ctrl.data"></my-child>
If you load the children via views, you are obviously not be able to bind the data this way. There is a little trick, but it's kinda hacky.
Solution 2
At first, resolve an empty object:
resolve : {
data: () => {
return {
value: undefined
Now, assign a binding to all your components like:
bindings: {
data: '<'
Following the code example from above, where you resolve the data in $doCheck, the data assignment would look like this:
export class MyComponent {
$doCheck() {
if(this.paramStart !== this.$stateParams.start ||
this.paramCount !== this.$stateParams.count ||
this.paramId !== this.$stateParams.id) {
this.MailingListService.getUsers(this.paramId, this.paramStart, this.paramCount)
.then((result) => {
this.data.value = {
users: result.data,
totalCount: result.totalCount
And last, you check for changes in the child components like:
export class MyChild {
constructor() {
this.dataValue = undefined;
$doCheck() {
if(this.dataValue !== this.data.value) {
this.dataValue = this.data.value;
In your child template, you access the data with:
{{ $ctrl.dataValue | json }}
I hope, I made my self clear with this hack. Remember: this is a bit off the concept of UI-Router, but works.
NOTE: Remember to declare the parameters as dynamic, so changes do not trigger the state to reload:
params: {
start: {
dynamic: true
page: {
dynamic: true
id: {
dynamic: true

ng2: reserve Original value if validation failed

I am trying to force the user to fill in the description when they update an item. It validates, shows error message when validation fails, stops running execution and doesn't update an item.
Please see the series of screenshot below:
However, my item is still updated even if the validation fails. It seems to me that since an object is reference in the memory, it's still updated even if it doesn't run updateTodo() method from the Todoservice.
Is it because I am just hardcoding my items just for the testing? I am very new to Angular and I don't want to implement webAPIs at this point yet.
I tried to use Object.assign({}, copy) in getTodoItem(id: number) to clone and decouple my todoItem from the list but the error message showing that it's not observable.
How can I preserve the values of Objects in the list if the validation fails? In real life application, Since we retrieve the data from the database (or webapi cache) whenever index/list component is navigated, this problem shouldn't occur. Is my assumption right?
import { Itodo } from './todo'
const TodoItems: Itodo[] = [
{ todoId: 11, description: 'Silencer' },
{ todoId: 12, description: 'Centaur Warrunner' },
{ todoId: 13, description: 'Lycanthrope' },
{ todoId: 14, description: 'Sniper' },
{ todoId: 15, description: 'Lone Druid' }
export class TodoService {
getTodoItems(): Observable<Itodo[]> {
return Observable.of(TodoItems);
getTodoItem(id: number): Observable<Itodo> {
return this.getTodoItems()
.map((items: Itodo[]) => items.find(p => p.todoId === id));
//let copy = this.getTodoItems()
// .map((items: Itodo[]) => items.find(p => p.todoId === id));
//return Object.assign({}, copy);
addNewTodo(model: Itodo): number {
return TodoItems.push(model); // return new length of an array
updateTodo(model: Itodo) : number {
let idx = TodoItems.indexOf(TodoItems.filter(f => f.todoId == model.todoId)[0]);
return TodoItems.splice(idx, 1, model).length; // return the count of affected item
todo-edit.component.ts -- EditItem() is the main
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { Itodo } from './todo'
import { TodoService } from './todo.service';
moduleId: module.id,
templateUrl: "todo-edit.component.html"
export class TodoEditComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
todoModel: Itodo;
private sub: Subscription;
Message: string;
MessageType: number;
constructor(private _todoService: TodoService,
private _route: ActivatedRoute,
private _router: Router) {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.sub = this._route.params.subscribe(
params => {
let id = +params['id'];
ngOnDestroy() {
getItem(id: number) {
item => this.todoModel = item,
error => this.Message = <any>error);
EditItem(): void {
this.todoModel.description = this.todoModel.description.trim();
if (!this.todoModel.description) {
this.Message = "Description must not be blank.";
this.MessageType = 2;
console.log('valid: update now.');
let result = this._todoService.updateTodo(this.todoModel);
if (result > 0) {
this.Message = "An Item has been updated";
this.MessageType = 1;
else {
this.Message = "Error occured! Try again.";
this.MessageType = 2;
Working Solution
Object.assign it's the right method to use. I was using it wrongly in the service to clone it. You need to use it in your component, not in the service.
getItem(id: number) {
//Object.assign clone and decouple todoModel from the ArrayList
item => this.todoModel = Object.assign({}, item),
error => this.Message = <any>error);
Validation does not prevent updating items, it just checks actual values for validity. You should create copy of object for editing to be able to rollback changes. You can use Object.assign({}, item) or JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(...)).

Using Inheritance Patterns to Organize Large jQuery Applications - how to extend the plugin?

I found this working example of Inheritance Patterns that separates business logic and framework code. I'm tempted to use it as a boilerplate, but since it is an inheritance Pattern, then how can I extend the business logic (the methods in var Speaker)?
For instance, how can I extend a walk: method into it?
* Object Speaker
* An object representing a person who speaks.
var Speaker = {
init: function(options, elem) {
// Mix in the passed in options with the default options
this.options = $.extend({},this.options,options);
// Save the element reference, both as a jQuery
// reference and a normal reference
this.elem = elem;
this.$elem = $(elem);
// Build the dom initial structure
// return this so we can chain/use the bridge with less code.
return this;
options: {
name: "No name"
_build: function(){
speak: function(msg){
// You have direct access to the associated and cached jQuery element
// Make sure Object.create is available in the browser (for our prototypal inheritance)
// Courtesy of Papa Crockford
// Note this is not entirely equal to native Object.create, but compatible with our use-case
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function (o) {
function F() {} // optionally move this outside the declaration and into a closure if you need more speed.
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
$.plugin = function(name, object) {
$.fn[name] = function(options) {
// optionally, you could test if options was a string
// and use it to call a method name on the plugin instance.
return this.each(function() {
if ( ! $.data(this, name) ) {
$.data(this, name, Object.create(object).init(options, this));
// With the Speaker object, we could essentially do this:
$.plugin('speaker', Speaker);
Any ideas?
How about simply using JavaScript's regular prototype inheritance?
Consider this:
function Speaker(options, elem) {
this.elem = $(elem)[0];
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);
Speaker.prototype = {
defaults: {
name: "No name"
build: function () {
$('<h1>', {text: this.options.name}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
speak: function(message) {
$('<p>', {text: message}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
Now you can do:
var pp = new Speaker({name: "Porky Pig"}, $("<div>").appendTo("body"));
pp.speak("That's all folks!");
Speaker.prototype.walk = function (destination) {
$('<p>', {
text: this.options.name + " walks " + destination + ".",
css: { color: "red" }
return this;
pp.walk("off the stage");
Runnable version:
function Speaker(options, elem) {
this.elem = $(elem)[0];
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);
Speaker.prototype = {
defaults: {
name: "No name"
build: function () {
$('<h1>', {text: this.options.name}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
speak: function(message) {
$('<p>', {text: message}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
var pp = new Speaker({name: "Porky Pig"}, $("<div>").appendTo("body"));
pp.speak("That's all folks!");
Speaker.prototype.walk = function (destination) {
$('<p>', {
text: this.options.name + " walks " + destination + ".",
css: { color: "red" }
return this;
pp.walk("off the stage");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
