Shortest paths problem with two conditions - algorithm

Let's say i have a directed graph G(V,E,w,c) where w is the positive weight of each edge and c is the cost of every edge being either 1 or 0.I need to find an algorithm that for given source vertice u finds the shortest paths from u to every vertice in V that have cost ≤ k(where k≥1).
I tried modifying Bellman ford's algorithm but i can't seem to find the solution.

Let me restate my understanding of the problem.
For all vertices that you can reach with a cost of no more than k, you want the path of minimal weight that gets there from a vertex u.
You need a combination of ideas to get there.
Suppose that a RouteToNode object has the following attributes: cost, weight, node, lastRouteToNode and an autoincrementing id. This is a linked list carrying us back to the original node, letting us reconstruct the route. We compare them by cost, then weight, then id.
We have a hash/dictionary/whatever you want to call it that maps nodes to the lowest weight RouteToNode object reaching that node. Call it bestRoute.
We have a todo list that has RouteToNodes that we have not yet processed which is a priority queue that always returns the minimal RouteToNode. Note that it always returns them from lowest cost to highest.
We start with bestRoute having nothing in it, and a todo queue with only a single RouteToNode, namely:
id: 0,
cost: 0,
weight: 0,
node: u,
lastRouteToNode: null
And now we execute the following pseudocode:
while todo is not empty:
thisRouteToNode = todo.pop()
if thisRouteToNode.node not in bestRoute or
thisRouteToNode.weight < bestRoute[thisRouteToNode.node].weight:
bestRoute[thisRouteToNode.node] = thisRouteToNode
for edge adjacent to thisRouteToNode.node:
construct nextRouteToNode by adding edge
if nextRouteToNode.cost <= k:


Shortest path from one source which goes through N edges

In my economics research I am currently dealing with a specific shortest path problem:
Given a directed deterministic dynamic graph with weights on the edges, I need to find the shortest path from one source S, which goes through N edges. The graph can have cycles, the edge weights could be negative, and the path is allowed to go through a vertex or edge more than once.
Is there an efficient algorithm for this problem?
One possibility would be:
First find the lowest edge-weight in the graph.
And then build a priority queue of all paths from the starting edge (initially an empty path from starting point) where all yet-to-be-handled edges are counted as having the lowest weight.
Main loop:
Remove path with lowest weight from the queue.
If path has N edges you are done
Otherwise add all possible one-edge extensions of that path to priority queue
However, that simple algorithm has a flaw - you might re-visit a vertex multiple times as i:th edge (visiting as 2nd and 4th is ok, but 4th in two different paths is the issue), which is inefficient.
The algorithm can be improved by skipping them in the 3rd step above, since the priority queue guarantees that the first partial path to the vertex had the lowest weight-sum to that vertex, and the rest of the path does not depend on how you reached the vertex (since edges and vertices can be duplicated).
The "exactly N edges" constraint makes this problem much easier to solve than if that constraint didn't exist. Essentially you can solve N = 0 (just the start node), use that to solve N = 1 (all the neighbors of the start node), then N = 2 (neighbors of the solution to N = 1, taking the lowest cost path for nodes that are are connected to multiple nodes), etc.
In pseudocode (using {field: val} to mean "a record with a field named field with value val"):
# returns a map from node to cost, where each key represents
# a node reachable from start_node in exactly n steps, and the
# associated value is the total cost of the cheapest path to
# that node
cheapest_path(n, start_node):
i = 0
horizon = new map()
horizon[start_node] = {cost: 0, path: []}
while i <= n:
next_horizon = new map()
for node, entry in key_value_pairs(horizon):
for neighbor in neighbors(node):
this_neighbor_cost = entry.cost + edge_weight(node, neighbor, i)
this_neighbor_path = entry.path + [neighbor]
if next_horizon[neighbor] does not exist or this_neighbor_cost < next_horizon[neighbor].cost:
next_horizon[neighbor] = {cost: this_neighbor_cost, path: this_neighbor_path}
i = i + 1
horizon = next_horizon
return horizon
We take account of dynamic weights using edge_weight(node, neighbor, i), meaning "the cost of going from node to neighbor at time step i.
This is a degenerate version of a single-source shortest-path algorithm like Dijkstra's Algorithm, but it's much simpler because we know we must walk exactly N steps so we don't need to worry about getting stuck in negative-weight cycles, or longer paths with cheaper weights, or anything like that.

Finding the number of all the shortest paths between two nodes in directed unweighted graph

I need help to finding the number of all the shortest paths between two nodes in an directed unweighted graph.
I am able to find one of the shortest paths using BFS algorithm, but i dont know how to find all the shortest paths.
Any idea of the algorithm / pseudocode I could use?
You can do it by remembering how many paths are leading to each node, and when discovering a new node - summarize that number.
For simplicity, let's assume you have regular BFS algorithm, that whenever you use an edge (u,v), calls visit(u,v,k), where:
u - the source node of the edge
v - the target node of the edge
k - the distance from the original source to u
In addition to this, assume you have a mapping d:(vertex,distance)->#paths.
This is basically a map (or 2D matrix) that it's key is a pair of vertex and an integer - distance, and its value is the number of shortest paths leading from the source, to that vertex, with distance k.
It is easy to see that for each vertex v:
d[v,k] = sum { d[u,k-1] | for all edges (u,v) }
d[source,0] = 0
And now, you can easily find the number of shortest paths of length k leading to each node.
You can see that "number of shortest paths of length k" is redundant, you actually need only one value of k for each vertex. This requires some book-keeping, but saves you some space.
Good luck!
The first idea that come to my mind is the next:
Let's name start vertex as s and end vertex as e.
We can store two arrays: D and Q. D[i] is a length of the shortest path from s to i and Q[i] is a number of shortest paths between s and i.
How can we recalculate these arrays?
First of all, lets set D[s] = 0 and Q[s] = 1. Then we can use well-known bfs:
while queue with vertexes is not empty
get v from queue
set v as visited
for all u, there's an edge from v to u
if u is not visited yet
D[u] = D[v] + 1
Q[u] = Q[v]
push u into the queue
else if D[v] + 1 == D[u]
Q[u] += Q[v]
The answer is Q[e].
Modify your breadth first search to keep going until it starts finding longer paths, rather than stopping and returning just the first one.

Find a path in a complete graph with cost limit and max reward

I'm looking for an algorithm to solve this problem. I have to implement it (so I need a not np solution XD)
I have a complete graph with a cost on each arch and a reward on each vertex. I have only a start point, but it doesn't matter the end point, becouse the problem is to find a path to see as many vertex as possible, in order to have the maximum reward possible, but subject to a maximum cost limit. (for this reason it doesn't matter the end position).
I think to find the optimum solution is a np-hard problem, but also an approximate solution is apprecciated :D
I'm trying study how to solve the problem with branch & bound...
update: complete problem dscription
I have a region in which there are several areas identify by its id and x,y,z position. Each vertex identifies one ot these areas. The maximum number of ares is 200.
From a start point S, I know the cost, specified in seconds and inserted in the arch (so only integer values), to reach each vertex from each other vertex (a complete graph).
When I visit a vertex I get a reward (float valiues).
My objective is to find a paths in a the graph that maximize the reward but I'm subject to a cost constraint on the paths. Indeed I have only limited minutes to complete the path (for example 600 seconds.)
The graph is made as matrix adjacency matrix for the cost and reward (but if is useful I can change the representation).
I can visit vertex more time but with one reward only!
Since you're interested in branch and bound, let's formulate a linear program. Use Floyd–Warshall to adjust the costs minimally downward so that cost(uw) ≤ cost(uv) + cost(vw) for all vertices u, v, w.
Let s be the starting vertex. We have 0-1 variables x(v) that indicate whether vertex v is part of the path and 0-1 variables y(uv) that indicate whether the arc uv is part of the path. We seek to maximize
sum over all vertices v of reward(v) x(v).
The constraints unfortunately are rather complicated. We first relate the x and y variables.
for all vertices v ≠ s, x(v) - sum over all vertices u of y(uv) = 0
Then we bound the cost.
sum over all arcs uv of cost(uv) y(uv) ≤ budget
We have (pre)flow constraints to ensure that the arcs chosen look like a path possibly accompanied by cycles (we'll handle the cycles shortly).
for all vertices v, sum over all vertices u of y(uv)
- sum over all vertices w of y(vw)
≥ -1 if v = s
0 if v ≠ s
To handle the cycles, we add cut covering constraints.
for all subsets of vertices T such that s is not in T,
for all vertices t in T,
x(t) - sum over all vertices u not in T and v in T of y(uv) ≥ 0
Because of the preflow constraints, a cycle necessarily is disconnected from the path structure.
There are exponentially many cut covering constraints, so when solving the LP, we have to generate them on demand. This means finding the minimum cut between s and each other vertex t, then verifying that the capacity of the cut is no greater than x(t). If we find a violation, then we add the constraint and use the dual simplex method to find the new optimum (repeat as necessary).
I'm going to pass on describing the branching machinery – this should be taken care of by your LP solver anyway.
Finding the optimal solution
Here is a recursive approach to solving your problem.
Let's begin with some definitions :
Let A = (Ai)1 ≤ i ≤ N be the areas.
Let wi,j = wj,i the time cost for traveling from Ai to Aj and vice versa.
Let ri the reward for visiting area Ai
Here is the recursive procedure that will output the exact requested solution : (pseudo-code)
List<Area> GetBestPath(int time_limit, Area S, int *rwd) {
int best_reward(0), possible_reward(0), best_fit(0);
List<Area> possible_path[N] = {[]};
if (time_limit < 0) {
return [];
if (!S.visited) {
*rwd += S.reward;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (S.index != i) {
possible_path[i] = GetBestPath(time_limit - W[S.index][i], A[i], &possible_reward);
if (possible_reward > best_reward) {
best_reward = possible_reward;
best_fit = i;
*rwd+= best_reward;
return possible_path[best_fit];
For obvious clarity reasons, I supposed the Ai to be globally reachable, as well as the wi,j.
You start at S. First thing you do ? Collect the reward and mark the node as visited. Then you have to check which way to go is best between the S's N-1 neighbors (lets call them NS,i for 1 ≤ i ≤ N-1).
This is the exact same thing as solving the problem for NS,i with a time limit of :
time_limit - W(S ↔ NS,i)
And since you mark the visited nodes, when arriving at an area, you first check if it is marked. If so you have no reward ... Else you collect and mark it as visited ...
And so forth !
The ending condition is when time_limit (C) becomes negative. This tells us we reached the limit and cannot proceed to further moves : the recursion ends. The final path may contain useless journeys if all the rewards have been collected before the time limit C is reached. You'll have to "prune" the output list.
Complexity ?
Oh this solution is soooooooo awful in terms of complexity !
Each calls leads to N-1 calls ... Until the time limit is reached. The longest possible call sequence is yielded by going back and forth each time on the shortest edge. Let wmin be the weight of this edge.
Then obviously, the overall complexity is bounded by NC/wmin.C/wmin.
This is huuuuuge.
Another approach
Maintain a hash table of all the visited nodes.
On the other side, maintain a Max-priority queue (eg. using a MaxHeap) of the nodes that have not been collected yet. (The top of the heap is the node with the highest reward). The priority value for each node Ai in the queue is set as the couple (ri, E[wi,j])
Pop the heap : Target <- heap.pop().
Compute the shortest path to this node using Dijkstra algorithm.
Check out the path : If the cost of the path is too high, then the node is not reachable, add it to the unreachable nodes list.
Else collect all the uncollected nodes that you find in it and ...
Remove each collected node from the heap.
Set Target as the new starting point.
In either case, proceed to step 1. until the heap is empty.
Note : A hash table is the best suited to keep track of the collected node. This way, we can check a node in a path computed using Dijkstra in O(1).
Likewise, maintaining a hashtable leading to the position of each node in the heap might be useful to optimise the "pruning" of the heap, when collecting the nodes along a path.
A little analysis
This approach is slightly better than the first one in terms of complexity, but may not lead to the optimal result. In fact, it can even perform quite poorly on some graph configurations. For example, if all nodes have a reward r, except one node T that has r+1 and W(N ↔ T) = C for every node N, but the other edges would be all reachable, then this will only make you collect T and miss every other node. In this particular case, the best solution would have been to ignore T and collect everyone else leading to a reward of (N-1).r instead of only r+1.

Shortest Path Algorithm with Fuel Constraint and Variable Refueling

Suppose you have an undirected weighted graph. You want to find the shortest path from the source to the target node while starting with some initial "fuel". The weight of each edge is equal to the amount of "fuel" that you lose going across the edge. At each node, you can have a predetermined amount of fuel added to your fuel count - this value can be 0. A node can be visited more than once, but the fuel will only be added the first time you arrive at the node. **All nodes can have different amounts of fuel to provide.
This problem could be related to a train travelling from town A to town B. Even though the two are directly connected by a simple track, there is a shortage of coal, so the train does not have enough fuel to make the trip. Instead, it must make the much shorter trip from town A to town C which is known to have enough fuel to cover the trip back to A and then onward to B. So, the shortest path would be the distance from A to C plus the distance from C to A plus the distance from A to B. We assume that fuel cost and distance is equivalent.
I have seen an example where the nodes always fill the "tank" up to its maximum capacity, but I haven't seen an algorithm that handles different amounts of refueling at different nodes. What is an efficient algorithm to tackle this problem?
Unfortunately this problem is NP-hard. Given an instance of traveling salesman path from s to t with decision threshold d (Is there an st-path visiting all vertices of length at most d?), make an instance of this problem as follows. Add a new destination vertex connected to t by a very long edge. Give starting fuel d. Set the length of the new edge and the fuel at each vertex other than the destination so that (1) the total fuel at all vertices is equal to the length of the new edge (2) it is not possible to use the new edge without collecting all of the fuel. It is possible to reach the destination if and only if there is a short traveling salesman path.
Accordingly, algorithms for this problem will resemble those for TSP. Preprocess by constructing a complete graph on the source, target, and vertices with nonzero fuel. The length of each edge is equal to the distance.
If there are sufficiently few special vertices, then exponential-time (O(2^n poly(n))) dynamic programming is possible. For each pair consisting of a subset of vertices (in order of nondecreasing size) and a vertex in that subset, determine the cheapest way to visit all of the subset and end at the specified vertex. Do this efficiently by using the precomputed results for the subset minus the vertex and each possible last waypoint. There's an optimization that prunes the subsolutions that are worse than a known solution, which may help if it's not necessary to use very many waypoints.
Otherwise, the play may be integer programming. Here's one formulation, quite probably improvable. Let x(i, e) be a variable that is 1 if directed edge e is taken as the ith step (counting from the zeroth) else 0. Let f(v) be the fuel available at vertex v. Let y(i) be a variable that is the fuel in hand after i steps. Assume that the total number of steps is T.
minimize sum_i sum_{edges e} cost(e) x(i, e)
subject to
for each i, for each vertex v,
sum_{edges e with head v} x(i, e) - sum_{edges e with tail v} x(i + 1, e) =
-1 if i = 0 and v is the source
1 if i + 1 = T and v is the target
0 otherwise
for each vertex v, sum_i sum_{edges e with head v} x(i, e) <= 1
for each vertex v, sum_i sum_{edges e with tail v} x(i, e) <= 1
y(0) <= initial fuel
for each i,
y(i) >= sum_{edges e} cost(e) x(i, e)
for each i, for each vertex v,
y(i + 1) <= y(i) + sum_{edges e} (-cost(e) + f(head of e)) x(i, e)
for each i, y(i) >= 0
for each edge e, x(e) in {0, 1}
There is no efficient algorithm for this problem. If you take an existing graph G of size n you can give each edge a weight of 1, each node a deposit of 5, and then add a new node that you are trying to travel to connected to each node with a weight of 4 * (n -1). Now the existence of a path from the source to the target node in this graph is equivalent to the existence of a Hamiltonian path in G, which is a known np-complete problem. (See for details.)
That said, you can do better than a naive recursive solution for most graphs. First do a breadth first search from the target node so that every node's distance to the target is known. Now you can borrow the main idea of Dijkstra's A* search. Do a search of all paths from the source, using a priority queue to always try to grow a path whose current distance + the minimum to the target is at a minimum. And to reduce work you probably also want to discard all paths that have returned to a node that they have previously visited, except with lower fuel. (This will avoid silly paths that travel around loops back and forth as fuel runs out.)
Assuming the fuel consumption as positive weight and the option to add the fuel as negative weight and additionally treating the initial fuel available as another negative weighted edge, you can use Bellman Ford to solve it as single source shortest path.
As per this answer, elsewhere, undirected graphs can be addressed by replacing each edge with two in both directions. The only constraint I'm not sure about is the part where you can only refuel once. This may be naturally addressed, by the the algorithm, but I'm not sure.

need a graph algorithm similar to DFS

I'm curious if there is a specific graph algorithm that traverses an unweighted acyclic directed graph by choosing a start node and then proceeding via DFS. If a node is encountered that has unsearched predecessors then it should back track the incoming paths until all paths to start have been explored.
I found a wikipedia category for graph algorithms but there is a small sea of algorithms here and I'm not familiar with most of them.
EDIT: example:
given the graph {AB, EB, BC, BD}, traverse as: {A,B,E,B,C,D} or unique order as {A,B,E,C,D}.
Note this algorithm unlike BFS or DFS does not need to begin again at a new start node if all paths of the first start node are exhausted.
In DFS, you usually choose the vertex to be visited after u based on the edges starting at u. You want to choose based first on the edges ending at u. To do this, you could have a transpose graph info, and try to get the vertex from there first.
It would be something like this:
procedure dfs(vertex u)
mark u as visited
for each edge (v, u) //found in transpose graph
if v not visited
for each edge (u, w)
if v not visited
What you are looking for is the topological sort. As far as I'm aware there's no easy way to traverse a graph in its topologically sorted order without any precomputation.
The standard way to get the topsort is to do a standard DFS, and then store the visited nodes in order of their visiting times. Finally, reverse those nodes and voila, you have them in the order you desire.
list topsort
procedure dfs(vertex u)
mark u as visited
for each edge (u, v)
if v not visited
add u to the back of topsort
The list topsort will then contain the vertices in the reverse order that you want. Just reverse the elements of topsort to correct that.
If you're looking for topological sort, you can also do this, given an adjacency list (or a list of edges (u,v) which you can preprocess in O(E) time):
list top_sort( graph in adjacency list )
parent = new list
queue = new queue
for each u in nodes
parent(u) = number of parents
if ( parent(u) is 0 ) // nothing points to node i
queue.enqueue( u )
while ( queue is not empty )
u = queue.pop
add u to visited
for each edge ( u, v )
decrement parent(v) // children all have one less parent
if ( parent(v) is 0 )
queue.enqueue( v )
Given an adjacency list (or a list of edges (u,v)), this is O( V + E ), since each edge is touched twice - once to increment, once to decrement, in O(1) time each. With a normal queue, each vertice will also be processed by the queue at most twice - which can be done also in O(1) with a standard queue.
Note that this differs from the DFS (at least a straight-up implementation) in that it handles forests.
Another interesting note is that if you substitute queue with a priority_queue imposing some sort of structure/ordering, you can actually return the results sorted in some order.
For example, for a canonical class dependency graph (you can only take class X if you took class Y):
101: 100
200: 100 101
202: 201
you would probably get, as a result:
100, 201, 101, 202, 200
but if you change it so that you always want to take lower numbered classes first, you can easily change it to return:
100, 101, 200, 201, 202
