Display voting results directly in reading pane of outlook - outlook

An email dispatcher should have control about emails that are redirected by him. Therefore all emails redirected have custom voting buttons "Accept" and "Decline". User now has to "vote" if email is processed by him, dispatcher should have a easy way to check which emails are accepted/declined.
So I need a solution like:
- attach automatically voting buttons to new email (MailItem.VotingOptions Property)
- User should have a easy way to "reach" voting buttons (e.g show voting buttons directly in reading pane without hover over the information row)
- Dispatcher should see voting results of redirected email directly in reading pane (now you have to open the email an click Status button).
I use Outlook 2016/Exchange 2016 ...
Thanks a lot in advance


Slack API: Is there a way to determine which user clicked on a button in an interactive message?

I am new to Slack's API, so bear with me. I have a slack button that contains a simple webhook link which, when clicked, updates a record somewhere on my site. However, I need to determine which user clicked the button and send this info back to my site in order to fill out an updated_by field with the user's name. The only way I see to do this is to somehow update the post request body with a variable containing the user's name?
You need to handle interaction with the buttton.
The payload received contains the SlackId of the user who clicked the button.

Passing description from browser in elsa

In document workflow, after I reject/approve the document in the mail, I want it to take to the browser where I can add a comment in the comment box and then pass that comment back to the employee through email. How can it be done?
I have tried adding comments in console and pass it through mail.How can it be done in UI designer?
#vahidnaderi is spot-on:
In the workflow from where you send the email containing the approve/reject link(s), have these links point to a custom webpage you create.
This webpage contains 3 fields and a submit button:
A radiolist with an "approve" and "reject" radiobuttons
A "comments" textarea.
A "workflowinstanceid" hidden field that stores the workflow instance ID.
When the form is submitted to your backend application, you trigger a signal ("approve" or "reject") for the appropriate workflow instance ID and provide the comment as input.
Your workflow will resume and the received comment will be available as input to the first activity that comes after the "signal received" activity.
That activity should either be the "send email" activity or a "set variable" activity in case you want access to the received comment later in the workflow.
From the "send email" activity, you can now access the comment you wish to include with the email.
Obviously, you're completely free to do things differently. For example, perhaps you want a separate page for "approve" and another page for "reject".
The key takeaway here is that you provide your own web UI. This web UI then interacts with your application backend (i.e. by submitting a form to a controller), which then interacts with Elsa services to e.g. trigger workflows.

OfficeJS: listen for an email selection

I am looking for a way to add a notification banner when the user selects an email in Outlook.
I've written a basic task pane OfficeJS admin but this requires the user to click an add-on button and keep the taskpane visible.
Is there a way to listen for such an event without requiring user (admin) interaction?
There is no way to get a task pane visible automatically for a selected item.
You can vote for such feature or suggest a new one at http://aka.ms/M365dev-suggestions.
Currently the feature of event based activation of add-ins in read mode is not a part of the product. Please check answer on similar post for more details.

Outlook Addin - Wait for a response

I have an Outlook Addin that creates a contact on a webpage by making an API call to that webpage. When the Addin runs (via the click of a button), the API call is made and the user is taken to that webpage to fill in the contact information. After the user has filled in the information and clicks on submit, I would like to catch that event in Outlook and get the user back to Outlook to carry out further actions. Any possible ways of getting this done? I've been looking online but haven't found any solution as such.
Try to display the web page in a modal dialog in your own form. When the form is closed, you can take whatever action is necessary.
You may find the ItemSend event of the Application class helpful. It is fired whenever an Microsoft Outlook item is sent, either by the user through an Inspector (before the inspector is closed, but after the user clicks the Send button) or when the Send method for an Outlook item, such as MailItem, is used in a program.
Also you may consider repurposing ribbon controls. See Temporarily Repurpose Commands on the Office Fluent Ribbon for more information.

Track button views and clicks as events in google analytics

I am trying to place a button that will be inside email and I want to track button views and clicks (Google Analytics events). Can you tell me if that is possible and how to do that?
You can't technically track a button click from an email, but what you can do is control where the button links to.
If you set the button's URL to point to your servers, you can intercept the link, send a hit to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol, and then redirect the user to where the button was originally pointing.
Alternatively, you could append custom campaign parameters to the end of the URL (utm_medium, utm_source, etc.). This would allow you to know what source the hit came from. Here's some information on custom campaigns:https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033863?hl=en
This is able to track button views by using Measurement protocol, and using UTM tagging to track sessions come from this button (but not actual clicks).
