Connection refused on port 80 on Laravel Valet site - laravel

I've been trying get my Laravel Valet to work again (after working with Vagrant and vue-cli it stopped working). Have resinstalled it many times. Nothing else is running on port :80, and it doesn't help when changing the port to something else.
(But maybe been doing it wrong?)
When I'm running
curl -IL http://example.test/
I get "curl: (7) Failed to connect to example.test port 80: Connection refused"
Any ideas how to proceed?


connection refused rocket chat raspberry

I installed the rocket chat server using the snap package on my rasperry. but when I try to connect to the server (at http: // localhost: 3000) it tells me connection refused. I also tried to configure the firewall using "sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3000/tcp" and "sudo systemctl reload firewalld"strong text but it says to me: firewall.service not found.
can you help me understand how to configure rasperry to accept requests on port 3000?
thank you

cURL error 28: Failed to connect to systemb port 80: Timed out for http://systemb/api/push_products [duplicate]

This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear
I have checked the cURL not working properly
When I run the command curl -I
curl: (7) Failed to connect
Failed to connect on all port
this error only on one domain, all other domain working fine, curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80, and 443
First Check your /etc/hosts file entries, may be the URL which You're requesting, is pointing to your localhost.
If the URL is not listed in your /etc/hosts file, then try to execute following command to understand the flow of Curl Execution for the particular URL:
curl --ipv4 -v "";
After many search, I found that Hosts settings not correct
Then I check nano /etc/hosts
The Domain point to wrong IP in hosts file
I change the wrong IP and its working Fine
This is new error Related to curl: (7) Failed to connect
curl: (7) Failed to connect
The above error message means that your web-server (at least the one specified with curl) is not running at all — no web-server is running on the specified port and the specified (or implied) port. (So, XML doesn't have anything to do with that.)
you can download the key with browser
then open terminal in downloads
then type sudo apt-key add <key_name>.asc
Mine is Red Hat Enterprise(RHEL) Virtual Machine and I was getting something like the following.
Error "curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused"
I stopped the firewall by running the following commands and it started working.
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
If the curl is to the outside world, like:
I have to restart my cntlm service:
systemctl restart cntlm
If it's within my network:
curl inside.server.local
Then a docker network is overlapping something with my CNTLM proxy, and I just remove all docker networks to fix it - you can also just remove the last network you just created, but I'm lazy.
docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)
And then I can work again.

XAMPP receives "Connection refused" when curling other localhosts

I've a Reactjs app (NodeJS) running on localhost:3000 as well as a local blockchain node (Hardhat) running on localhost:8545.
There's no issues with those two communicating with each other, but I also have a XAMPP server running locally on localhost:8080 with a php app that returns some values.
I can reach all these localhosts fine through the browser.
But I need the php to communicate with my blockchain node. But the connection keeps getting refused when Xampp tries to create the connection to the node.
I even tried a basic curl from Xampp's terminal, and Xampp can't reach the other localhosts at all (tried both http://localhost:port and For instance if I just wanted to curl my react app (html) from Xampp's terminal like this...
curl http://localhost:3000/ -v
I get this...
* Trying ::1...
* connect to ::1 port 3000 failed: Connection refused
* Trying
* connect to port 3000 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to localhost port 3000: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 3000: Connection refused
Yes, I can curl things like fine from within Xampp's terminal with no issues. It's just my localhosts. Yes, I have enabled curling in php. Yes, I can curl my react app (html) just fine from a separate terminal window. I'm on MacOS 12.1.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Edit: I did some research, and I believe the issue is that the Xampp virtual machine can't reach my localhost. I've tried resolving this at the host file level to redirect a domain name to, but that doesn't work either. I'm still stuck, but wanted to put an update in case this info is helpful.
Last edit: I gave up.

ftp - connection refused on Mac

If I run ftp localhost on Mac terminal, it shows the following result.
Trying ::1...
ftp: Can't connect to `::1': Connection refused
ftp: Can't connect to `': Connection refused
ftp: Can't connect to `localhost'
I already have apache installed on Mac, and I checked that out by entering localhost on the browser.
How do you diagnose this matter, and what should I take for the next step?
PS some people might ask me about the firewall. I checked that out as well in the system preferences and it's off.

localhost on MacOSX connection refused

I've had my app running on localhost port 80 via nginx on my mac for quite awhile. Recently I did some software updates and was trying to run other apps on different ports and now I can't run my first app on localhost:80.
I've very confused on where to start but think this is a firewall issue based on the following:
Tims-MacBook-Pro-2:html TimPeterson$ telnet localhost 80
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Trying fe80::1...
telnet: connect to address fe80::1: Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
pointing the browser to http://localhost gives this Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost
you may want to run
apachectl configtest
My problem was specific, but might help another user. On Mac OS go to system preferences/sharing and check your computer name/localhost name (click edit to see the localhost name). My computer was reset by Apple in a non-English speaking country. They stuck some of their language in my computer name (great idea!) and it broke the Cisco login to localhost
What worked for me was uncommenting the following line in my /etc/hosts file:
::1 localhost
