How to assign the values to struct while go routines are running? - go

I'm using goroutines in my project and I want to to assign the values to the struct fields but I don't know that how I will assign the values get by using mongodb quires to the struct fields I'm showing my struct and the query too.
type AppLoadNew struct{
StripeTestKey string `json:"stripe_test_key" bson:"stripe_test_key,omitempty"`
Locations []Locations `json:"location" bson:"location,omitempty"`
type Locations struct{
Id int `json:"_id" bson:"_id"`
Location string `json:"location" bson:"location"`
func GoRoutine(){
values := AppLoadNew{}
go func() {
data, err := GetStripeTestKey(bson.M{"is_default": true})
if err == nil {
values.StripeTestKey := data.TestStripePublishKey
go func() {
location, err := GetFormLocation(bson.M{"is_default": true})
if err == nil {
values.Locations := location
fmt.Println(values) // Here it will nothing
// empty
Can you please help me that I will assign all the values to the AppLoadNew struct.

In Go no value is safe for concurrent read and write (from multiple goroutines). You must synchronize access.
Reading and writing variables from multiple goroutines can be protected using sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex, but in your case there is something else involved: you should wait for the 2 launched goroutines to complete. For that, the go-to solution is sync.WaitGroup.
And since the 2 goroutines write 2 different fields of a struct (which act as 2 distinct variables), they don't have to be synchronized to each other (see more on this here: Can I concurrently write different slice elements). Which means using a sync.WaitGroup is sufficient.
This is how you can make it safe and correct:
func GoRoutine() {
values := AppLoadNew{}
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
data, err := GetStripeTestKey(bson.M{"is_default": true})
if err == nil {
values.StripeTestKey = data.StripeTestKey
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
location, err := GetFormLocation(bson.M{"is_default": true})
if err == nil {
values.Locations = location
See a (slightly modified) working example on the Go Playground.
See related / similar questions:
Reading values from a different thread
golang struct concurrent read and write without Lock is also running ok?
How to make a variable thread-safe

You can use sync package with WaitGroup, here is an example:
package main
import (
type Foo struct {
One string
Two string
func main() {
f := Foo{}
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Perform long calculations
<-time.After(time.Second * 1)
f.One = "foo"
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Perform long calculations
<-time.After(time.Second * 2)
f.Two = "bar"
fmt.Printf("Before %+v\n", f)
fmt.Printf("After %+v\n", f)
The output:
Before {One: Two:}
After {One:foo Two:bar}


All Goroutines Are Asleep (The Go Programming Language)

I'm working through The Go Programming Language and learning about goroutines, and came across the following issue. In this example, the following function is meant to take a channel of files and process each of them:
func makeThumbnails5(filenames <-chan string) int64 {
sizes := make(chan int64)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for f := range filenames {
// worker
go func(f string) {
defer wg.Done()
thumb, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f)
if err != nil {
info, _ := os.Stat(thumb)
sizes <- info.Size()
// closer
go func() {
var total int64
for size := range sizes {
total += size
return total
I've tried to use this function the following way:
func main() {
thumbnails := os.Args[1:] /* Get a list of all the images from the CLI */
ch := make(chan string, len(thumbnails))
for _, val := range thumbnails {
ch <- val
However, when I run this program, I get the following error:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
It doesn't appear that the closer goroutine is running. Could someone help me understand what is going wrong here, and what I can do to run this function correctly?
As I commented it deadlocks because the filenames chan is never closed and thus the for f := range filenames loop never completes. However, just closing the input chan means that all goroutines launched in the loop would get stuck at the line sizes <- info.Size() until the loop ends. Not a problem in this case but if the input can be huge it could be (then you'd probably want to limit the number of concurrent workers too). So it makes sense to have the main loop in a goroutine too so that the for size := range sizes loop can start consuming. Following should work:
func makeThumbnails5(filenames <-chan string) int64 {
sizes := make(chan int64)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for f := range filenames {
// worker
go func(f string) {
defer wg.Done()
thumb, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f)
if err != nil {
info, _ := os.Stat(thumb)
sizes <- info.Size()
// closer
go func() {
var total int64
for size := range sizes {
total += size
return total
The implementation of the main has a similar problem that if the input is huge you're essentially load it all into memory (buffered chan) before passing it on to be processed. Perhaps something like following is better
func main() {
ch := make(chan string)
go func(thumbnails []string) {
defer close(ch)
for _, val := range thumbnails {
ch <- val

Are creating go routines asynchrnous?

I'm trying to fetch the content of an API with numerous goroutines.
I'm using a for loop to iterate over different character, but it seems like the forloop reaches its final value, before the requests are sent off.
package main
import (
type people struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
func main(){
names := make(chan string, 25)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var p people
url := fmt.Sprintf("", i)
getJSON(url, &p)
names <- p.Name
name := <-names
func getJSON(url string, target interface{}) error {
r, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Body.Close()
return nil
Also, if somebody could improve my code quality, I'd be very grateful, I'm very new to Golang and don't have anybody to learn from!
You go routines are all using the same variable i. So on the first loop, you launch a goroutine that makes a url from i, and on the next loop i is incremented before that routine has a chance to run.
It's a common mistake in GoLang. The solution is to make a variable for each loop, and pass that one forward. You can either do it with a closure like this (playground).
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
localI := i
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var p people
// Use LocalI here
url := fmt.Sprintf("", localI)
getJSON(url, &p)
names <- p.Name
Or as an argument to the function (playground)
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
localI := i
go func(localI int) {
defer wg.Done()
var p people
// Use LocalI here
url := fmt.Sprintf("", localI)
getJSON(url, &p)
names <- p.Name
// Pass i here. Since I is a primitive, it is passed by value, not reference.
// Meaning a copy is made.
Here is a good writeup on the mistake you made:
And the one above it is good to read too!

Program goes into deadlock using waitgroup

I'm writing a program that reads a list of order numbers in a file called orders.csv and compares it with the other csv files that are present in the folder.
The problem is that it goes into deadlock even using waitgroup and I don't know why.
For some reason stackoverflow says that my post is mostly code, so I have to add this line, because the whole code is necessary if someone wants to help me debug this problem I'm having.
package main
import (
type Files struct {
filenames []string
type Orders struct {
ID []string
var ordersFilename string = "orders.csv"
func main() {
var (
ordersFile *os.File
files Files
orders Orders
err error
mu := new(sync.Mutex)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
if ordersFile, err = os.Open(ordersFilename); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not open file: " + ordersFilename)
orders = getOrderIDs(ordersFile)
files.filenames = getCSVsFromCurrentDir()
var filenamesSize = len(files.filenames)
var ch = make(chan map[string][]string, filenamesSize)
var done = make(chan bool)
for i, filename := range files.filenames {
go func(currentFilename string, ch chan<- map[string][]string, i int, orders Orders, wg *sync.WaitGroup, filenamesSize *int, mu *sync.Mutex, done chan<- bool) {
defer wg.Done()
checkFile(currentFilename, orders, ch)
if i == *filenamesSize {
done <- true
}(filename, ch, i, orders, wg, &filenamesSize, mu, done)
select {
case str := <-ch:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", str)
case <-done:
// getCSVsFromCurrentDir returns a string slice
// with the filenames of csv files inside the
// current directory that are not "orders.csv"
func getCSVsFromCurrentDir() []string {
var filenames []string
err := filepath.Walk(".", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if path != "." && strings.HasSuffix(path, ".csv") && path != ordersFilename {
filenames = append(filenames, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not read file names in current dir")
return filenames
// getOrderIDs returns an Orders struct filled
// with order IDs retrieved from the file
func getOrderIDs(file *os.File) Orders {
var (
orders Orders
err error
fileContent string
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
if fileContent, err = readLine(reader); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not read file: " + ordersFilename)
for err == nil {
orders.ID = append(orders.ID, fileContent)
fileContent, err = readLine(reader)
return orders
func checkFile(filename string, orders Orders, ch chan<- map[string][]string) {
var (
err error
file *os.File
fileContent string
orderFilesMap map[string][]string
counter int
orderFilesMap = make(map[string][]string)
if file, err = os.Open(filename); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not read file: " + filename)
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
if fileContent, err = readLine(reader); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not read file: " + filename)
for err == nil {
if containedInSlice(fileContent, orders.ID) && !containedInSlice(fileContent, orderFilesMap[filename]) {
orderFilesMap[filename] = append(orderFilesMap[filename], fileContent)
// fmt.Println("Found: ", fileContent, " in ", filename)
} else {
// fmt.Printf("Could not find: '%s' in '%s'\n", fileContent, filename)
fileContent, err = readLine(reader)
ch <- orderFilesMap
// containedInSlice returns true or false
// based on whether the string is contained
// in the slice
func containedInSlice(str string, slice []string) bool {
for _, ID := range slice {
if ID == str {
return true
return false
// readLine returns a line from the passed reader
func readLine(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
var (
isPrefix bool = true
err error = nil
line, ln []byte
for isPrefix && err == nil {
line, isPrefix, err = r.ReadLine()
ln = append(ln, line...)
return string(ln), err
The first issue is the wg.Add always must be outside of the goroutine(s) it stands for. If it isn't, the
wg.Wait call might be called before the goutine(s) have actually started running (and called wg.Add) and therefore will "think"
that there is nothing to wait for.
The second issue with the code is that there are multiple ways it waits for the routines to be done. There is
the WaitGroup and there is the done channel. Use only one of them. Which one depends also on how the results of the
goroutines are used. Here we come to the next problem.
The third issue is with gathering the results. Currently the code only prints / uses a single result from the goroutines.
Put a for { ... } loop around the select and use return to break out of the loop if the done channel is closed.
(Note that you don't need to send anything on the done channel, closing it is enough.)
Improved Version 0.0.1
So here the first version (including some other "code cleanup") with a done channel used for closing and the WaitGroup removed:
func main() {
ordersFile, err := os.Open(ordersFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not open file: " + ordersFilename)
orders := getOrderIDs(ordersFile)
files := Files{
filenames: getCSVsFromCurrentDir(),
var (
mu = new(sync.Mutex)
filenamesSize = len(files.filenames)
ch = make(chan map[string][]string, filenamesSize)
done = make(chan bool)
for i, filename := range files.filenames {
go func(currentFilename string, ch chan<- map[string][]string, i int, orders Orders, filenamesSize *int, mu *sync.Mutex, done chan<- bool) {
checkFile(currentFilename, orders, ch)
// TODO: This also accesses filenamesSize, so it also needs to be protected with the mutex:
if i == *filenamesSize {
done <- true
}(filename, ch, i, orders, &filenamesSize, mu, done)
// Note: closing a channel is not really needed, so you can omit this:
defer close(ch)
for {
select {
case str := <-ch:
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", str)
case <-done:
Improved Version 0.0.2
In your case we have some advantage however. We know exactly how many goroutines we started and therefore also how
many results we expect. (Of course if each goroutine returns a result which currently this code does.) That gives
us another option as we can collect the results with another for loop having the same amount of iterations:
func main() {
ordersFile, err := os.Open(ordersFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Could not open file: " + ordersFilename)
orders := getOrderIDs(ordersFile)
files := Files{
filenames: getCSVsFromCurrentDir(),
var (
// Note: a buffered channel helps speed things up. The size does not need to match the size of the items that will
// be passed through the channel. A fixed, small size is perfect here.
ch = make(chan map[string][]string, 5)
for _, filename := range files.filenames {
go func(filename string) {
// orders and channel are not variables of the loop and can be used without copying
checkFile(filename, orders, ch)
for range files.filenames {
str := <-ch
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", str)
A lot simpler, isn't it? Hope that helps!
There is a lot wrong with this code.
You're using the WaitGroup wrong. Add has to be called in the main goroutine, else there is a chance that Wait is called before all Add calls complete.
There's an extraneous Add(1) call right after initializing the WaitGroup that isn't matched by a Done() call, so Wait will never return (assuming the point above is fixed).
You're using both a WaitGroup and a done channel to signal completion. This is redundant at best.
You're reading filenamesSize while not holding the lock (in the if i == *filenamesSize statement). This is a race condition.
The i == *filenamesSize condition makes no sense in the first place. Goroutines execute in an arbitrary order, so you can't be sure that the goroutine with i == 0 is the last one to decrement filenamesSize
This can all be simplified by getting rid of most if the synchronization primitives and simply closing the ch channel when all goroutines are done:
func main() {
ch := make(chan map[string][]string)
var wg WaitGroup
for _, filename := range getCSVsFromCurrentDir() {
filename := filename // capture loop var
go func() {
checkFile(filename, orders, ch)
go func() {
wg.Wait() // after all goroutines are done...
close(ch) // let range loop below exit
for str := range ch {
// ...
not an answer, but some comments that does not fit the comment box.
In this part of the code
func main() {
var (
ordersFile *os.File
files Files
orders Orders
err error
mu := new(sync.Mutex)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
The last statement is a call to wg.Add that appears dangling. By that i mean we can hardly understand what will trigger the required wg.Done counter part. This is a mistake to call for wg.Add without a wg.Done, this is prone to errors to not write them in such way we can not immediately find them in pair.
In that part of the code, it is clearly wrong
go func(currentFilename string, ch chan<- map[string][]string, i int, orders Orders, wg *sync.WaitGroup, filenamesSize *int, mu *sync.Mutex, done chan<- bool) {
defer wg.Done()
Consider that by the time the routine is executed, and that you added 1 to the waitgroup, the parent routine continues to execute. See this example:
The main routine does not wait for the waitgroup because it does not have time to increment.
There is more to say but i find it hard to understand the purpose of your code so i am not sure how to help you further without basically rewrite it.

What's the idiomatic solution to embarassingly parallel tasks in Go?

I'm currently staring at a beefed up version of the following code:
func embarrassing(data []string) []string {
resultChan := make(chan string)
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
for _, item := range data {
go func(item string) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
resultChan <- doWork(item)
go func() {
var results []string
for result := range resultChan {
results = append(results, result)
return results
This is just blowing my mind. All this is doing can be expressed in other languages as
results = parallelMap(data, doWork)
Even if it can't be done quite this easily in Go, isn't there still a better way than the above?
If you need all the results, you don't need the channel (and the extra goroutine to close it) to communicate the results, you can write directly into the results slice:
func cleaner(data []string) []string {
results := make([]string, len(data))
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, item := range data {
go func(i int, item string) {
defer wg.Done()
results[i] = doWork(item)
}(i, item)
return results
This is possible because slice elements act as distinct variables, and thus can be written individually without synchronization. For details, see Can I concurrently write different slice elements. You also get the results in the same order as your input for free.
Anoter variation: if doWork() would not return the result but get the address where the result should be "placed", and additionally the sync.WaitGroup to signal completion, that doWork() function could be executed "directly" as a new goroutine.
We can create a reusable wrapper for doWork():
func doWork2(item string, result *string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
*result = doWork(item)
If you have the processing logic in such format, this is how it can be executed concurrently:
func cleanest(data []string) []string {
results := make([]string, len(data))
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, item := range data {
go doWork2(item, &results[i], wg)
return results
Yet another variation could be to pass a channel to doWork() on which it is supposed to deliver the result. This solution doesn't even require a sync.Waitgroup, as we know how many elements we want to receive from the channel:
func cleanest2(data []string) []string {
ch := make(chan string)
for _, item := range data {
go doWork3(item, ch)
results := make([]string, len(data))
for i := range results {
results[i] = <-ch
return results
func doWork3(item string, res chan<- string) {
res <- "done:" + item
"Weakness" of this last solution is that it may collect the result "out-of-order" (which may or may not be a problem). This approach can be improved to retain order by letting doWork() receive and return the index of the item. For details and examples, see How to collect values from N goroutines executed in a specific order?
You can also use reflection to achieve something similar.
In this example it distribute the handler function over 4 goroutines and returns the results in a new instance of the given source slice type.
package main
import (
func parralelMap(some interface{}, handle interface{}) interface{} {
rSlice := reflect.ValueOf(some)
rFn := reflect.ValueOf(handle)
dChan := make(chan reflect.Value, 4)
rChan := make(chan []reflect.Value, 4)
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
go func() {
defer waitGroup.Done()
for v := range dChan {
rChan <- rFn.Call([]reflect.Value{v})
nSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(rSlice.Type(), rSlice.Len(), rSlice.Cap())
for i := 0; i < rSlice.Len(); i++ {
dChan <- rSlice.Index(i)
go func() {
i := 0
for v := range rChan {
return nSlice.Interface()
func main() {
parralelMap([]string{"what", "ever"}, strings.ToUpper),
Test here

How do I select on os.Stdin and http in Go?

Say I want to accept an animal. The user can either set the type of animal at the What type of animal? prompt on a terminal, or she can go to http://localhost:1234/animal?type=kitten
Whichever she does, the terminal will read What type of animal? kitten (assuming she chose a kitten) and the program will then prompt the user on the terminal (and only the terminal) What is the kitten's name?
My thought was to use channels to go routines, but since both go routines will be stuck in a function call (Scan() for the terminal, ListenAndServe() for http) then I'm not clear how to stop the go routine that is still in a function call once the input is received. The normal method of selecting on channels won't work.
In C I'd just do a select(2) on the two relevant file descriptors (fd 0 and the fd from listen()) but I don't think that's how to do it in Go.
Note: I answered this down below. If you're down voting the question this I'd be curious to know why as I would have found the answer I came up with useful. If you're down voting the answer, I'd really be interested in knowing why. If it's non-idiomatic Go or if it has other issues I'm missing, I'd really like to fix them.
OK, I figured out a solution for what I was trying to do.
This might not be the most Go idiomatic way though. If the channels took a struct with input source and the string I could probably toss the select and the webinput channel.
package main
import (
func getHTTPAnimal(input chan string) *http.Server {
srv := &http.Server{Addr: ":1234"}
http.HandleFunc("/animal", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
animal, ok := r.URL.Query()["type"]
if !ok || len(animal[0]) <= 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "Animal not understood.\n")
io.WriteString(w, "Animal understood.\n")
input <- string(animal[0])
go func() {
if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "http: Server closed" {
fmt.Printf("getHTTPAnimal error with ListenAndServe: %s", err)
return srv
func getTerminalInput(input chan string) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for {
input <- scanner.Text()
func main() {
input := make(chan string)
webinput := make(chan string)
srv := getHTTPAnimal(webinput)
fmt.Print("Enter animal type: ")
go getTerminalInput(input)
var animal string
select {
case ta := <-input:
animal = ta
case webta := <-webinput:
animal = webta
fmt.Printf("%s\n", animal)
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
fmt.Printf("Enter animal name: ")
name := <-input
fmt.Printf("Congrats on getting %s the half-%s\n", name, animal)
You can stop goroutine with close statement.
package main
import "sync"
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
ch := make(chan int)
go func() {
for {
foo, ok := <- ch
if !ok {
ch <- 1
ch <- 2
ch <- 3
There is couple of ways to stop goroutine:
1) by closing the read channel:
msgCh := make(chan string)
go func(){
for msg, ok := range msgCh {
if !ok {
msgCh <- "String"
2) passing some sort of kill switch
msgCh := make(chan string)
killSwitch := make(chan struct{})
go func(){
for {
case msg <- msgCh:
case <-killSwitch:
msgCh <- "String"
With approach NR2 you are avoiding writing to closed chan that would end up as panic. Also close signal is populated as fanout pattern (all places where that chan is used will receive that signal)
