What Windows 10 driver model is appropriate for implementing IP link layer? - windows

I'm looking to write a simple Windows driver to enable running TCP/IP over a proprietary RF module. The module already provides Ethernet-style data packets with source/destination MAC, so I just need to layer IP packets (generated by the regular Microsoft IPv4 subsystem), set the MTU appropriately so they will be the right size, and then call the module's serial API. I'll need to be able to handle transmit statuses and implement an ARP protocol as well. I want the driver to expose a new interface similar to a wifi or ethernet card in Network Connections and use the normal Windows IP stack.
The module is UART and might be connected via FTDI chip, RS-232 converter, or native UART on an IoT Core board, so it will just be talking to a generic serial port. I am fine with only running on Windows 10, but I'm still not sure what to use. Can I use the UWP VPN provider? Do I need to write an NDIS miniport driver, or an interface provider? Also, how will I handle the driver needing complete control over the serial port at all times? I can't write a serial driver as it might be connected via many different types of serial ports.


Developing a Mac OSX Network Driver for a Serial Port AT Command Based Modem

First allow me to say that I don't have any experience developing drivers for OSX, nor drivers for Windows. So, there are a lot of things that I don't understand about how drivers work; I'm sure it'll be evident in my question.
I have a modem that is able to open and close TCP/UDP sockets using AT commands. I would like to create some kind of program (kernel extension? driver?) that implements a network driver, converting the network interface calls into AT command serial messages.
That's the basic jist of it. I'm essentially asking if anybody can point me in the right direction / give me a high level overview of how they would approach it and what Apple guides to focus on.
The XNU networking stack -- like most network stacks -- expects network devices to send and receive IP packets directly. It isn't tooled to work with network devices that handle part of the network stack (like TCP or UDP) internally -- it won't be possible to implement a network driver which uses this device.
You might have more luck exposing this device as a SOCKS proxy. You will need to write a userspace daemon which listens on a TCP port on localhost (on the computer) and relays traffic to the serial device; once that's done, you can set the computer to use that device as a SOCKS proxy in the Networking control panel.
(As an aside: most devices that implement this type of interface have a very low limit on the number of open sockets -- often fewer than 10. They're unlikely to be able to handle the network load generated by a desktop OS.)

How to know a filter device driver is hooked to a com port

I have been trying to determine if a USB serial port (COM) port is monitored by a system bus driver without success. Basically I have an application that monitors a com port via a filter device driver. I was able to do this after reading this article from the Dr Dobb's magazine. Now what am trying to achieve in a seperate app is to be able to determine if there is an app hooked to a particular com port using a filter device driver. Can anyone help or guide me

How can I access a DDC/CI Display Dependent Device from a Windows application?

I am modifying a monitor controller for a prototype. It would be convenient to send commands to the prototype using DDC/CI. In Windows, I can't find an obvious way to send a DDC/CI command to a "display dependent device".
The Monitor Configuration API can send virtual control panel commands, but it does not give access to display dependent devices (which would have an I2C address other than 0x6e).
Nicomsoft's WinI2C/DDC product seems to give access to a display dependent device, but it is end-of-life. I would prefer not to build a dependency on an end-of-life product.
NVIDIA's NVAPI has an I2C API, but I would like a solution that also works with Intel and AMD graphics adaptors.
A solution exists for windows which respect XDDM driver display model. Windows 8 and 10 use WDDM.
In XDDM there is a windows O.S. supplied video port driver, and the hardware vendor supplies a miniport driver. When the miniport driver call's the video port driver's edid helper api (VideoPortDDCMonitorHelper), the miniport must supply 4 i2c function pointers as arguments.
In order to utilize these interfaces however you must be acting as the video port driver. So you have to write a video port lower filter driver which just passes along all the interfaces on from the windows supplied video port driver to the miniport driver. Hook the api's and export them to a usermode driver or ioctl which an application can call.
It may be possible to simply mount an instance of the miniport driver and some how get it to call VideoPortDDCMonitorHelper. But with out the help of the actual video port driver it would be difficult to get guidance on how to do that. Also you would have 2 instances of the driver running which may be against the rules for windows.
It does not appear this solution works for windows 8 and 10 because they use a different display driver model which doesn't appear to expose low level control of i2c. It is internal to the miniport driver.

how to convert RS232 communication to TCP/IP communication

I have a created hardware communicating application using RS232 protocol in MFC. But as there is problem regarding voltage signal strength, i would like to shift from RS232 to TCP/IP.
Can anyone help me on this topic...?
The solution is to extend the microcontroller board with a serial device server.
Known brands are Lantronix or Moxa, but there are many other options and manufacturers. For an "embedded" solution that is integrated on your board, the "Lantronix XPort" is a typical product.
(I'm not affiliated with the Lantronix company.)
The Serial Device Server will connect to your RS232 on one end, and on its TCP/Ethernet side it offers usually a TCP server. It is usually configurable via network, through a built-in web interface, much like an Internet router.
Your PC application then needs to be changed as follows: Instead of opening a Windows COM port, you need to make a TCP client connection to that server, on a preconfigured TCP port. (Lantronix has 10001 as the default TCP port for this.)
But there is also special Windows driver software that lets you talk to your Serial Device Server / your microcontroller through a "virtual COM port". This is sometimes the best solution for legacy PC applications, where you cannot change the original code and have to use a Windows COM port. For a MFC application this might be a good choice.

How to real time convert wireless packet(802.11) to Ethernet packet(802.3) in windows?

How to real time convert wireless packet(802.11) to Ethernet packet(802.3) in windows?
I'm receive wireless packet with Wireless Lan.
I want forward this packet to Ethernet.
Can i do this work?
You're trying to do network bridging. Windows has this support built in starting with XP. This will make your computer into a very expensive two port Ethernet switch (where the wireless link is a port).
If you want to do some more fancy filtering, I suggest using a TUN/TAP driver or pcap/WinPCAP, which will allow you to receive raw frames.
