Pivot table Syntax SPSS - syntax

can someone help me with any information on Pivot table Syntax in SPSS? I have to change the appearance of my table using Syntax. Basically, in the forecasted table as given by SPSS, it Shows Statistics and Date in Rows and Model in columns. I want Model and Date in rows and Statistics in column.

The only way this can be done that I know of is by using the OUTPUT MODIFY command. You will find details about it here.


Using DAX to get a table from nested table

In powerBI, I using the python script and generate one table. The generated table is a nested table. Each row value is actually a table. and so now I want to use DAX to copy one specific row value(which is a table), just the "dataset_filtered" table shown as below.
what's the DAX code for this ? or any good suggestions ?
The nested table
This is M rather than DAX.
Click the drop down arrow in the name column to filter the row you want.
Click the expand arrows in the Value column to expand the table.

Oracle APEX automatic column add/remove in region

I have made a view that changes it's columns frequently with dynamic SQL. I use a pivot to make rows into columns. I display the view in an interactive grid. The SQL query that is executed:
select * from <DB>.<VIEWNAME>.
On refresh it updates the ROWS in the grid, but not the COLUMNS. The select * does not take column changes into account, BUT if I alter the SQL query by adding a space ( or any other thing in the query) and then saving the page in the page designer, the columns sync up to the view.
Does someone know a good solution to my problem? Where can I find the procedure that executes this refresh? If I know where it is I can possiby use it after the insertion of a column (or delete / update). Any tips? Warning, I am a total novice in oracle apex and sql developer.
Thanks in advance!
This is the wrong way to go about this. In Apex, and in Oracle in general, columns are determined when the query is parsed. If you change the underlying structure, your query has to be reparsed and only then do the columns change.
Think about it. If the first column in your result set was a DATE and you had your Apex column attributes set up to format and display that data, then your query changed to a NUMBER, its not clear what would happen.
What you probably want to do is create your region based on a function that returns a sql query as a VARCHAR2. (I think you can do this in 18.x; I'm still mostly using 5.2.) Your function gets parsed when the region is displayed. You can even use another function to return a colon-separated list of column headers if the names are dynamic.

How to Compare Oracle Table with Hive Table using shell script

I'm not understanding on how to compare Oracle table and a Hive table using shell script.
In this I need to compare all the column details like column name, datatype and size. If there is/are any unmatched columns then those need to printed.
Can any one please help me on this.

Formatting a column using Expression Transformation in Informatica Powercenter

I have a Column (SALARY) in Source Table from Relational DB,
for example 15000 is a record in SALARY column
and I want to format it as $15,000.00 into the Target table which is a Relational DB
using Expression Transformation.
This can be done using below steps:
Pull the required column from source to Expression transformation.
Create a derived column as the concatenation of $ and the input column by making use of the equation CONCAT('$',Source_Column)
Load this new column to the target, instead of the column from the source.
I hope this is just to learn the functionality. In real life scenarios, this is a bad practice. We need not keep these symbols and all in tables. This can be directly handled at reporting level.
may be the scenario where salary column has salary of different types say 'dollor','euro','pounds', etc in same table.
still i agree with Thomas Cherian that is not good practice to store the symbol with data itself.
if this is the scenario you can do 2 things.
--1.) add another column in table and store the value of type there or add another column which stores the conversion rate also.
--2.) convert all the values in once currency and store it without symbol.

Spilt data table into multiple data table on basis of dates in column

I have some specific issue with data table that i have to split it dynamically on the basis of dates which are in data table column.
for example:
enter link description here
Now according to dates I should get 3 data tables having name respectively.
I could not Linq so how can resolve this problem????
you can sort the table according to the date column and then go over the rows data and create new table for every new date
