Find the pattern (YYYY-MM-DD) and replace it with the same value concatenating with apostrophes - bash

I have this kind of data:
And looking for solution which will replace each date in the file with the old value but adding apostrophes. Basically expected result from the example will be:
I have found the way how to find the pattern which match my date, but still can't get with what I can then replace it.
sed 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/????/' a.txt > b.txt

Catch the date in a group by surrounding the pattern with parentheses (). Then you can use this catched group with \1 (second group would be \2 etc.).
sed "s/\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\)/'\1'/g"
Note the g at the end, which ensures that all matches are replaced (if there are more than one in one line).
If you add -r switch to sed, the awkward backslashes before () can be omitted:
sed -r "s/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9])/'\1'/g"
This can be further simplified using quantifiers:
sed -r "s/([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})/'\1'/g"
Or even:
sed -r "s/([0-9]{4}-([0-9]{2}){2})/'\1'/g"
As mentioned in the comments: Also, in this particular case, you may use & instead of \1, which matches the whole looked-up expression, and omit the ():
sed -r "s/[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}/'&'/g"

You need to use a capture group, as well as replace all matching occurrences with the g flag.
sed 's/\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\)/'"'"'\1'"'"'/g' a.txt > b.txt
The replacement text is a bit confusing because a single-quoted string in shell cannot contain a single quote, so you have to close the single-quoted string, then use a double-quoted single-quote. Using $'...'-style quoting in bash simplies it a bit, at the cost of needing to escape the backslashes.
sed $'s/\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\\)/\'\1\'/g' a.txt > b.txt
Or, you can simply double-quote the script, since there's nothing currently in it that is subject to expansion:
sed "s/\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\)/'\1'/g" a.txt > b.txt
There is also the special & replacement text, which expands to whatever the regular expressions matches, so you can avoid an explicit capture group:
sed "s/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/'&'/g" a.txt > b.txt

With GNU sed:
sed -E 's/([0-9]{2,4}-?){3}/'\''&'\''/g' file
Depending on your file content, the dates may also be described as 1 or 2 followed by a combination of nine dashes or digits:
sed -E 's/[12][-0-9]{9}/'\''&'\''/g" file

Here is one in awk:
$ awk -v q="'" '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," } # set selimiters
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) # loop all fields
if($i~/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/) # if field has a date looking string
$i=q $i q # quote it
}1' file

Could you please try following.(REGEX mentioned inside match could be written as [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} too but since my awk is of old version so couldn't test it, you could try it once)
awk -v s1="'" '
val=val substr($0,1,RSTART-1) s1 substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) s1
print val
}' Input_file
Output will be as follows.

With Perl, it is simple
perl -pe ' s/(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d)/\x27$1\x27/g '
with inputs - \x27 is used for single quotes
$ cat liubo.txt
$ perl -pe ' s/(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d)/\x27$1\x27/g ' liubo.txt
If you want to use single quotes, then escape $ and wrap the command in double quotes
$ perl -pe " s/(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d)/\'\$1\'/g " liubo.txt


sed or awk, removing curly brackets but only if there are no commas inside brackets

i have this string:
ex00/{ft_strdup.c} ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/{ft_split.c}
need to remove with sed the curly brackets if there is no comma inside brackets, so desired output:
ex00/ft_strdup.c ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/ft_split.c
Using any sed:
$ sed 's/{\([^,}]*\)}/\1/g' file
ex00/ft_strdup.c ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/ft_split.c
Note that the above will work no matter which characters except ,, {, }, or \n exist in your file names, e.g. these are all valid file names:
$ cat file
ex00/{ft_strdup1.c} ex05/{ft-split.c} ex05/{ft=s&pl#it.c}
$ sed 's/{\([^,}]*\)}/\1/g' file
ex00/ft_strdup1.c ex05/ft-split.c ex05/ft=s&pl#it.c
If your file names can contain any of the characters I mentioned above as excluded then ask a new question including those in your sample input/output.
With your shown samples please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk.
awk -v RS='{[^}]*}' '
if(!sub(/,/,"&",RT)){ gsub(/^{|}$/,"",RT) }
{ ORS=RT }
END{ print "" }
' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed -E 's/\{([[:alpha:]_.]+)}/\1/g' input_file
touch ex00/ft_strdup.c ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/ft_split.c

How to ignore case when using awk or sed [duplicate]

sed -i '/first/i This line to be added'
In this case,how to ignore case while searching for pattern =first
You can use the following:
sed 's/[Ff][Ii][Rr][Ss][Tt]/last/g' file
Otherwise, you have the /I and n/i flags:
sed 's/first/last/Ig' file
From man sed:
The I modifier to regular-expression matching is a GNU extension which
makes sed match regexp in a case-insensitive manner.
$ cat file
$ sed 's/[Ff][Ii][Rr][Ss][Tt]/last/g' file
$ sed 's/first/last/Ig' file
GNU sed
sed '/first/Ii This line to be added' file
You can try
sed 's/first/somethingelse/gI'
if you want to save some typing, try awk. I don't think sed has that option
awk -v IGNORECASE="1" '/first/{your logic}' file
For versions of awk that don't understand the IGNORECASE special variable, you can use something like this:
awk 'toupper($0) ~ /PATTERN/ { print "string to insert" } 1' file
Convert each line to uppercase before testing whether it matches the pattern and if it does, print the string. 1 is the shortest true condition, so awk does the default thing: { print }.
To use a variable, you could go with this:
awk -v var="$foo" 'BEGIN { pattern = toupper(foo) } toupper($0) ~ pattern { print "string to insert" } 1' file
This passes the shell variable $foo and transforms it to uppercase before the file is processed.
Slightly shorter with bash would be to use -v pattern="${foo^^}" and skip the BEGIN block.
Use the following, \b for word boundary
sed 's/\bfirst\b/This line to be added/Ig' file

awk: copy from A to B and output..?

my file is bookmarks, backup-6.session
inside file is long long letters, i need copy all url (many) see here example inside
result to output text.txt
there are start before than A "originalURI":" to end "
comand to be: AWK, SED.. (i dont know what is best command for me)
thank you
With GNU awk for multi-char RS and RT:
$ awk -v RS='"originalURI":"[^"]+' 'sub(/.*"/,"",RT){print RT}' file
You could also use grep, for example:
grep -oh "https://www\.youtube\.com/watch?v=[A-Za-z0-9]*" backup-6.session > text.txt
That is if the axxxxxxxxsxsx part contains only letters from A-Z, a-z or digits 0-9, and is not followed by any of those.
Notice the flags for grep:
-o, --only-matching
Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line,
with each such part on a separate output line.
-h, --no-filename
Suppress the prefixing of file names on output. This is the default
when there is only one file (or only standard input) to search.
The awk solution would be as follows:
awk -F, '{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ( $i ~ "originalURI") { spit($i,add,":");print gensub("\"","","g",add[2])":"gensub("\"","","g",add[3])} } }' filename
We loop through each field separated by "," and then pattern match against "originalURI" Then we split this string using ":" and the function split and remove the quotation marks with the function gensub.
The sed solution would be as follows:
sed -rn 's/^.*originalURI":"(.*)","docIdentifier.*$/\1/p' filename
Run sed with extended regular expression (-r) and suppress the output (-n) Substitute the string with the regular expression enclosed in brackets (/1) printing the result.

Replacing/removing excess white space between columns in a file

I am trying to parse a file with similar contents:
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
I want the out file to be tab delimited:
I am a string\t12831928
I am another string\t41327318
A set of strings\t39842938
Another string\t3242342
I have tried the following:
sed 's/\s+/\t/g' filename > outfile
I have also tried cut, and awk.
Just use awk:
$ awk -F' +' -v OFS='\t' '{sub(/ +$/,""); $1=$1}1' file
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
-F' +' # tell awk that input fields (FS) are separated by 2 or more blanks
-v OFS='\t' # tell awk that output fields are separated by tabs
'{sub(/ +$/,""); # remove all trailing blank spaces from the current record (line)
$1=$1} # recompile the current record (line) replacing FSs by OFSs
1' # idiomatic: any true condition invokes the default action of "print"
I highly recommend the book Effective Awk Programming, 4th Edition, by Arnold Robbins.
The difficulty comes in the varying number of words per-line. While you can handle this with awk, a simple script reading each word in a line into an array and then tab-delimiting the last word in each line will work as well:
while read -r line || test -n "$line"; do
arr=( $(echo "$line") )
for ((i = 0; i < nword - 1; i++)); do
test "$i" -eq '0' && word="${arr[i]}" || word=" ${arr[i]}"
printf "%s" "$word"
printf "\t%s\n" "${arr[i]}"
done < "$fn"
Example Use/Output
(using your input file)
$ bash < dat/tabfile.txt
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
Each number is tab-delimited from the rest of the string. Look it over and let me know if you have any questions.
sed -E 's/[ ][ ]+/\\t/g' filename > outfile
NOTE: the [ ] is openBracket Space closeBracket
-E for extended regular expression support.
The double brackets [ ][ ]+ is to only substitute tabs for more than 1 consecutive space.
Tested on MacOS and Ubuntu versions of sed.
Your input has spaces at the end of each line, which makes things a little more difficult than without. This sed command would replace the spaces before that last column with a tab:
$ sed 's/[[:blank:]]*\([^[:blank:]]*[[:blank:]]*\)$/\t\1/' infile | cat -A
I am a string^I12831928 $
I am another string^I41327318 $
A set of strings^I39842938 $
Another string^I3242342 $
This matches – anchored at the end of the line – blanks, non-blanks and again blanks, zero or more of each. The last column and the optional blanks after it are captured.
The blanks before the last column are then replaced by a single tab, and the rest stays the same – see output piped to cat -A to show explicit line endings and ^I for tab characters.
If there are no blanks at the end of each line, this simplifies to
sed 's/[[:blank:]]*\([^[:blank:]]*\)$/\t\1/' infile
Notice that some seds, notably BSD sed as found in MacOS, can't use \t for tab in a substitution. In that case, you have to use either '$'\t'' or '"$(printf '\t')"' instead.
another approach, with gnu sed and rev
$ rev file | sed -r 's/ +/\t/1' | rev
You have trailing spaces on each line. So you can do two sed expressions in one go like so:
$ sed -E -e 's/ +$//' -e $'s/ +/\t/' /tmp/file
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
Note the $'s/ +/\t/': This tells bash to replace \t with an actual tab character prior to invoking sed.
To show that these deletions and \t insertions are in the right place you can do:
$ sed -E -e 's/ +$/X/' -e $'s/ +/Y/' /tmp/file
I am a stringY12831928X
I am another stringY41327318X
A set of stringsY39842938X
Another stringY3242342X
Simple and without invisible semantic characters in the code:
perl -lpe 's/\s+$//; s/\s\s+/\t/' filename
-l: remove LF during processing (in this case)
-p: loop over records (like awk) and print
-e: code follows
remove trailing whitespace
change two or more whitespace to tab
Tested on OP data. The trailing spaces are removed for consistency.

Escape multiple dots in variable

Suppose i have a variable $email whose value is want to add a \ before every dot except the last dot and store it in a new variable $email_soa.
$email_soa should be stack\ in this case.
sed -E 's/\./\\\./g;s/(.*)\\\./\1\./'
should do it.
$ var=""
$ echo $var | sed -E 's/\./\\\./g;s/(.*)\\\./\1./'
$ var=""
$ echo $var | sed -E 's/\./\\\./g;s/(.*)\\\./\1./'
The \\ makes a literal backslash and \. makes a literal dot
You can use gawk:
gawk -F'.' '{OFS="\\.";a=$NF;NF--;print $0"."a}' <<< "$var"
-F'.' splits the string by dots
OFS="\\." sets the output field separator to \.
a=$NF saves the portion after the last dot in a variable 'a'. NF is the number of fields.
NF-- decrements the field count which would effectively remove the last field. This also tells awk to reassemble the record using the OFS This feature does at least work with GNU's gawk.
print $0"."a prints the reassmbled record along with a dot and the value of a
You could use perl to do this:
perl -pe 's/\.(?=.*\.)/\\./g' <<<''
Add a slash before any dots that have a dot somewhere after them in the string.
How about this:
