ssh to remote server gives incorrect hostname - bash

Below piece of code is part of my build script & I'm running it from Jenkins as a parameterized build option(node).
It is able to connect to server_b and does the tasks as expected, but the only command not working is the "hostname -f".
It still gives the server_a's hostname value instead of server_b's hostname value.
I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing incorrectly,thanks.
ssh -tt << EOF
echo "$(hostname -f)" ## tried echo `hostname -f` as well
cd $folder
echo -e "FOLDER: $folder"
<other commands that works fine>

Try escaping the $ that you want interpreted on the remote machine, eg :
echo \$(hostname -f)


how to run bash script interactively from url? [duplicate]

I have a simple Bash script that takes in inputs and prints a few lines out with that inputs
read -p "Enter SSC IP: $ip " ip && ip=${ip:-}
printf "\n"
#check IP validation
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "SSC IP: $ip"
printf "\n"
echo "Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex."
I tried to upload them into my server, then try to run it via curl
I am not sure why the input prompt never kick in when I use cURL/wget.
Am I missing anything?
With the curl ... | bash form, bash's stdin is reading the script, so stdin is not available for the read command.
Try using a Process Substitution to invoke the remote script like a local file:
bash <( curl -s ... )
Your issue can be simply be reproduced by run the script like below
$ cat | bash
Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex.
This is because the bash you launch with a pipe is not getting a TTY, when you do a read -p it is read from stdin which is content of the in this case. So the issue is not with curl. The issue is not reading from the tty
So the fix is to make sure you ready it from tty
read < /dev/tty -p "Enter SSC IP: $ip " ip && ip=${ip:-}
printf "\n"
#check IP validation
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "SSC IP: $ip"
printf "\n"
echo "Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex."
Once you do that even curl will start working
vagrant#vagrant:/var/www/html$ curl -s localhost/ | bash
Enter SSC IP:
I personally prefer source <(curl -s localhost/ option. While it is similar to bash ..., the one significant difference is how processes handled.
bash will result in a new process being spun up, and that process will evoke commands from the script.
source on the other hand will use current process to evoke commands from the script.
In some cases that can play a key role. I admit that is not very often though.
To demonstrate do the following:
### Open Two Terminals
# In the first terminal run:
echo "sleep 5" > ./
bash ./
# Switch to the second terminal and run:
ps -efjh
## Repeat the same with _source_ command
# In the first terminal run:
source ./
# Switch to the second terminal and run:
ps -efjh
Results should look similar to this:
Before execution:
Running bash (main + two subprocesses):
Running source (main + one subprocess):
Difference in use variable usage by bash and source:
source command will use your current environment. Meaning that upon execution all changes and variable declarations, made by the script, will be available in your prompt.
bash on the other hand will be running in as a different process; therefore, all variables will be discarded when process exits.
I think everyone will agree that there are benefits and drawbacks to each method. You just have to decide which one is better for your use case.
## Test for variables declared by the script:
echo "test_var3='Some Other Value'" > ./
bash ./
echo $test_var3
source ./
echo $test_var3
## Test for usability of current environment variables:
test_var="Some Value" # Setting a variable
echo "echo $test_var" > # Creating a test script
chmod +x ./ # Adding execute permission
## Executing:
bash ./
source ./
## All of the above results should print the variable.
I hope this helps.

Remote SSH - executing cat and reading input

I've got the following script snippit I've written and am using:
ssh -t root#$host bash -c "'
echo \"Connected to server $host\"
echo \"Paste in data and hit Ctrl + D\"
echo \"Success!\"
echo $data
It works fine without the cat line and executes in order.
With the cat line, it hangs for input before any of the echos and then when you Ctrl + D it executes the rest.
How can I get this to run back in the intended order?
For clarity, I'm simply attempting to get data from the local console after making the SSH connection. If I was to use a read, this works fine and prompts. But if I use "$(cat)" (which works fine locally) I have issues.
I'm attempting to take multiple lines of text in after the SSH connection. I'm using $(cat) to do this as per link, which works fine locally but doesn't appear to work in remote commands via SSH.
The reason the cat happens at the start is because you are using double quotes. The $(cat) is evaluated and executed locally before the ssh command runs. To prevent that, use single quotes instead. (I took the liberty to simplify a bit more at the same time.)
ssh -t root#$host "echo 'Connected to server $host'"';
echo "Paste in data and hit Ctrl + D"
echo "Success!"
echo "$data"'
(The first echo is in double quotes in order to allow $host to be expanded locally; then we switch to single quotes to protect the rest of the command line from local expansion.)
1- Using variables in ssh connection would be something like this:
while read pass port user ip fileinput fileoutput filetemp; do
sshpass -p$pass ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p $port $user#$ip fileinput=$fileinput fileoutput=$fileoutput filetemp=$filetemp 'bash -s'<<ENDSSH1
python /path/to/ $fileinput $fileoutput $filetemp
done <<____HERE1
So you can change this script in the way you want.
2- Can't you change your script to this way?
ssh -t root#$host bash -c "'
echo \"Connected to server $host\"
echo \"Paste in data and hit Ctrl + D\"
data=`cat <input-file>`
echo \"Success!\"
echo $data
3- If you want to run some commands on remote machine try this one:
<put your commands here>
while read pass ip; do
sshpass -p$pass ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p <port> root#$ip "$Script"
done <<HERE
pass1 ip1
pass2 ip2
pass3 ip3
. .
. .
. .

Checking SSH failure in a script

Hi what is the best way to check to see if SSH fails for whatever reason?
Can I use a IF statement ( if it fails then do something)
I'm using the ssh command in a loop and passing my hosts names form a flat file.
so I do something like:
for i in `cat /tmp/hosts` ; do ssh $i 'hostname;sudo ethtool eth1'; done
I get sometime this error or I just cannot connect
ssh: host1 Temporary failure in name resolution
I want to skip the hosts that I cannot connect to is SSH fails. What is the best way to do this? Is there a runtime error I can trap to bypass the hosts that I cannot ssh into for whatever reason, perhaps ssh is not allowed or I do not have the right password ?
Thanking you in advance
To check if there was a problem connecting and/or running the remote command:
if ! ssh host command
echo "SSH connection or remote command failed"
To check if there was a problem connecting, regardless of success of the remote command (unless it happens to return status 255, which is rare):
if ssh host command; [ $? -eq 255 ]
echo "SSH connection failed"
Applied to your example, this would be:
for i in `cat /tmp/hosts` ;
if ! ssh $i 'hostname;sudo ethtool eth1';
echo "Connection or remote command on $i failed";
You can check the return value that ssh gives you as originally shown here:
How to create a bash script to check the SSH connection?
$ ssh -q user#downhost exit
$ echo $?
$ ssh -q user#uphost exit
$ echo $?
EDIT - I cheated and used nc
Something like this:
ssh_port_is_open() { nc -z ${1:?hostname} 22 > /dev/null; }
for host in `cat /tmp/hosts` ; do
if ssh_port_is_open $host; then
ssh -o "BatchMode=yes" $i 'hostname; sudo ethtool eth1';
echo " $i Down"

is it possible to use variables in remote ssh command?

I'd like to execute several commands in sequence on a remote machine, and some of the later commands depend on earlier ones. In the simplest possible example I get this:
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2;"
this is my_server
abc=2: Command not found.
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2; echo abc is $abc"
abc: undefined variable
For a bit of background info, what I actually want to do is piece together a path and launch a java application:
ssh my_server 'nohup sh -c "( ( echo this is my_server; jabref_exe=`which jabref`; jabref_dir=`dirname $jabref_exe`; java -jar $jabref_dir/../jabref.jar` $1 &/dev/null ) & )"' &
jabref_dir: Undefined variable.
That way, whenever jabref gets updated to a new version on the server, I won't have to manually update the path to the jar file. The jabref executable doesn't take arguments, but launching it with java -jar does, which is why I have to juggle the path a bit.
At the moment I have the list of commands in a separate script file and call
ssh my_server 'nohup sh -c "( ( &/dev/null ) & )"' &
which works, but since the ssh call is already inside one script file it would be nice to have everything together.
In this example
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2;"
abc is set on the remote side, so it should be clear why it is not set on your local machine.
In the next example,
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2; echo abc is $abc"
your local shell tries to expand $abc in the argument before it is ever sent to the remote host. A slight modification would work as you expected:
ssh my_server 'echo this is my_server; abc=2; echo abc is $abc'
The single quotes prevent your local shell from trying to expand $abc, and so the literal text makes it to the remote host.
To finally address your real question, try this:
jabref_dir=$( ssh my_server 'jabref_exe=$(which jabref); jabref_dir=$(dirname $jabref_exe);
java -jar $jabref_dir/../jabref.jar > /dev/null; echo $jabref_dir' )
This will run the quoted string as a command on your remote server, and output exactly one string: $jabref_dir. That string is captured and stored in a variable on your local host.
With some inspiration from chepner, I now have a solution that works, but only when called from a bash shell or bash script. It doesn't work from tcsh.
ssh my_server "bash -c 'echo this is \$HOSTNAME; abc=2; echo abc is \$abc;'"
Based on this, the code below is a local script which runs jabref on a remote server (although with X-forwarding by default and passwordless authentication the user can't tell it's remote):
if [ -f "$1" ]
fname_start=$(echo ${1:0:4})
if [ "$fname_start" = "/tmp" ]
scp $1 my_server:$1
ssh my_server "bash -c 'source load_module jdk; source load_module jabref; java_exe=\$(which java); jabref_exe=\$(which jabref); jabref_dir=\$(echo \${jabref_exe%/bin/jabref});eval \$(java -jar \$jabref_dir/jabref.jar $1)'" &
echo input argument must be a file in /tmp.
echo this function requires 1 argument
and this is the 1-line script load_module, since modulecmd sets environment variables and I couldn't figure out how to do that without sourcing a script.
eval `/path/to/modulecmd bash load $1`;
I also looked at heredocs, inspired by How to use SSH to run a shell script on a remote machine? and The nice part is that it works even from tcsh. I got this working from the command line, but not inside a script. That's probably easy enough to fix, but I've got a solution now so I'm happy :-)
ssh my_server 'bash -s' << EOF
echo this is \$HOSTNAME; abc=2; echo abc is \$abc;

using ssh with stat command bash [duplicate]

I'd like to execute several commands in sequence on a remote machine, and some of the later commands depend on earlier ones. In the simplest possible example I get this:
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2;"
this is my_server
abc=2: Command not found.
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2; echo abc is $abc"
abc: undefined variable
For a bit of background info, what I actually want to do is piece together a path and launch a java application:
ssh my_server 'nohup sh -c "( ( echo this is my_server; jabref_exe=`which jabref`; jabref_dir=`dirname $jabref_exe`; java -jar $jabref_dir/../jabref.jar` $1 &/dev/null ) & )"' &
jabref_dir: Undefined variable.
That way, whenever jabref gets updated to a new version on the server, I won't have to manually update the path to the jar file. The jabref executable doesn't take arguments, but launching it with java -jar does, which is why I have to juggle the path a bit.
At the moment I have the list of commands in a separate script file and call
ssh my_server 'nohup sh -c "( ( &/dev/null ) & )"' &
which works, but since the ssh call is already inside one script file it would be nice to have everything together.
In this example
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2;"
abc is set on the remote side, so it should be clear why it is not set on your local machine.
In the next example,
ssh my_server "echo this is my_server; abc=2; echo abc is $abc"
your local shell tries to expand $abc in the argument before it is ever sent to the remote host. A slight modification would work as you expected:
ssh my_server 'echo this is my_server; abc=2; echo abc is $abc'
The single quotes prevent your local shell from trying to expand $abc, and so the literal text makes it to the remote host.
To finally address your real question, try this:
jabref_dir=$( ssh my_server 'jabref_exe=$(which jabref); jabref_dir=$(dirname $jabref_exe);
java -jar $jabref_dir/../jabref.jar > /dev/null; echo $jabref_dir' )
This will run the quoted string as a command on your remote server, and output exactly one string: $jabref_dir. That string is captured and stored in a variable on your local host.
With some inspiration from chepner, I now have a solution that works, but only when called from a bash shell or bash script. It doesn't work from tcsh.
ssh my_server "bash -c 'echo this is \$HOSTNAME; abc=2; echo abc is \$abc;'"
Based on this, the code below is a local script which runs jabref on a remote server (although with X-forwarding by default and passwordless authentication the user can't tell it's remote):
if [ -f "$1" ]
fname_start=$(echo ${1:0:4})
if [ "$fname_start" = "/tmp" ]
scp $1 my_server:$1
ssh my_server "bash -c 'source load_module jdk; source load_module jabref; java_exe=\$(which java); jabref_exe=\$(which jabref); jabref_dir=\$(echo \${jabref_exe%/bin/jabref});eval \$(java -jar \$jabref_dir/jabref.jar $1)'" &
echo input argument must be a file in /tmp.
echo this function requires 1 argument
and this is the 1-line script load_module, since modulecmd sets environment variables and I couldn't figure out how to do that without sourcing a script.
eval `/path/to/modulecmd bash load $1`;
I also looked at heredocs, inspired by How to use SSH to run a shell script on a remote machine? and The nice part is that it works even from tcsh. I got this working from the command line, but not inside a script. That's probably easy enough to fix, but I've got a solution now so I'm happy :-)
ssh my_server 'bash -s' << EOF
echo this is \$HOSTNAME; abc=2; echo abc is \$abc;
